Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono from Hawaii just told Wolf Blitzer that the Trump White House is a "moral dead zone". Damn, that says it all.
/——/ Maxie is just promoting Biden’s campaign slogan Make America Moral Again - but abortions and ghey marriage will continue.
U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono from Hawaii just told Wolf Blitzer that the Trump White House is a "moral dead zone". Damn, that says it all.
/——/ Maxie is just promoting Biden’s campaign slogan Make America Moral Again - but abortions and ghey marriage will continue.

Abortions are legal. Gay marriages are legal. So, what's your problem?
Barr should be disbarred and impeached.

For what?
For lying and not representing the people Instead representing a president as if he was his lawyer

If Barr were Trump's attorney, he would have examined every piece of evidence and challenged it where appropriate. Barr took Mueller's word as good and accepted the Mueller report as is. Sen Harris unknowingly made this point during her questioning complaining that Barr had not examined the underlying evidence. Why should he if he accepts Mueller's report as an accurate representation?

Accepting the Mueller report "As Is" without any objections or examination of Mueller's evidence is an act consistent with representing Trump?
U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono from Hawaii just told Wolf Blitzer that the Trump White House is a "moral dead zone". Damn, that says it all.
/——/ Maxie is just promoting Biden’s campaign slogan Make America Moral Again - but abortions and ghey marriage will continue.

Abortions are legal. Gay marriages are legal. So, what's your problem?
/——/ They are legal but immoral: Make America Moral Again: Joe Biden Offers response to Trump’s MAGA motto—“End this god-awful deliberate division”
James Comey To William Barr: Trump ‘Has Eaten Your Soul’

Comey is an obnoxious asshole - but he's right about that.

Trump is so corrupt, he soils and disfigures everything in his orbit. Quite naturally, this monument to corruption whined for years he wanted an AG who would act as his Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn, of course, was a corrupt sleazebag in his own right. Upon hearing there was an opening because Sessions got the boot in Trump's signature humiliating way (not that Sessions deserved any less), Barr jumped up and down for weeks, even offered a proof of his willingness to bend the law on obstruction of justice to demonstrate his sleazy subservience, yelling, "Here, I, choose me, that's exactly the job I desperately want! Make me your Roy Cohn, I'll be everything you want!"

And Comey, the sanctimonious, pompous asshole, actually thinks there's a "soul" to eat.
James Comey To William Barr: Trump ‘Has Eaten Your Soul’

Comey is an obnoxious asshole - but he's right about that.

Trump is so corrupt, he soils and disfigures everything in his orbit. Quite naturally, this monument to corruption whined for years he wanted an AG who would act as his Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn, of course, was a corrupt sleazebag in his own right. Upon hearing there was an opening because Sessions got the boot in Trump's signature humiliating way (not that Sessions deserved any less), Barr jumped up and down for weeks, even offered a proof of his willingness to bend the law on obstruction of justice to demonstrate his sleazy subservience, yelling, "Here, I, choose me, that's exactly the job I desperately want! Make me your Roy Cohn, I'll be everything you want!"

And Comey, the sanctimonious, pompous asshole, actually thinks there's a "soul" to eat.

I wonder if Comey, Page, Strozk and that crew still have secret meetings and plans? Do they meet in a treehouse somewhere? Secret handshakes? Perhaps by Ham radio?
James Comey To William Barr: Trump ‘Has Eaten Your Soul’

Comey is an obnoxious asshole - but he's right about that.

Trump is so corrupt, he soils and disfigures everything in his orbit. Quite naturally, this monument to corruption whined for years he wanted an AG who would act as his Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn, of course, was a corrupt sleazebag in his own right. Upon hearing there was an opening because Sessions got the boot in Trump's signature humiliating way (not that Sessions deserved any less), Barr jumped up and down for weeks, even offered a proof of his willingness to bend the law on obstruction of justice to demonstrate his sleazy subservience, yelling, "Here, I, choose me, that's exactly the job I desperately want! Make me your Roy Cohn, I'll be everything you want!"

And Comey, the sanctimonious, pompous asshole, actually thinks there's a "soul" to eat.

I wonder if Comey, Page, Strozk and that crew still have secret meetings and plans? Do they meet in a treehouse somewhere? Secret handshakes? Perhaps by Ham radio?

Funny. Is that really what you "wonder" about? They were all fired long ago.
That would be because the memo summarizes the evidence according to thr law and not muellers feelings about it
Barr Won’t Say If Trump Asked Him To Investigate His Political Opponents

Seems like a simple yes or no answer. Why wouldn't he answer?
He was asked if anyone in the White House asked or "suggested" that investigations begin on anyone.

Barr was trying to parse out the word "suggest"

Are ya fucking kidding?

I am sure he is preparing to charge several of the criminals right now. The Dems know it is coming, so they are trying to politicize Barr. Based on the Dems outlandish behavior, I am guessing several Grand Juries are investigating the attempted coup right now.
Maybe Mueller was concerned that he didn't get enough credit for his two year effort but the fact remains that he didn't disagree with the overall findings that exonerated the President.
Mueller says that barrs conclusion of no obstruction was BULLSHIT
Where did he say that?

WASHINGTON — After a morning of dodging attacks, U.S. Attorney General William Barr caught one on the chin from Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, a Democrat who is known to aggressively question witnesses.

Barr was on Capitol Hill to testify about his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The morning consisted, in part, of Barr defending his handling of the report, which became public earlier this month.

Several Democrats challenged Barr, but none did so with the vigor of Hirono, who appeared to visibly rattle the veteran attorney. She did so not by asking questions but my making assertions about his behavior.

“You lied to Congress,” she said, referencing Barr’s testimony before the House Appropriations Committee on April 9, when Rep. Charlie Crist, R-Fla., asked Barr if he knew that members of Mueller’s team were “frustrated” by Barr’s four-page summary of the special counsel’s report. Barr’s summary was broadly favorable to Trump. It has since emerged that Mueller himself had written a letter to Barr, expressing concerns with the summary and how it was being described in media reports.

“He didn't know if Mueller supported his conclusions,” Hirono said to Barr of Crist’s questioning during the April 9 hearing, “but you knew you lied. And now, we know.”

The exchange between Barr and Hirono grew so acrimonious that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., stepped in to defend the attorney general.

“You slandered this man to top to bottom,” Graham said angrily to Hirono.

Hirono, like many of Trump’s critics on the left, depicted Barr as an unquestioning helpmate of the president. “Now the American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrificed their once decent reputation,” said Hirono, referencing Trump’s personal lawyer and senior White House adviser.

“You’ve chosen to be the president’s lawyer and side with him over the interests of the American people,” Hirono told the attorney general. Barr replaced Jeff Sessions, who the president criticized for insufficient loyalty, despite having been Trump’s first endorser in the Senate.

Hirono also asked Barr if it was “OK” for Trump to instruct his White House counsel, Don McGahn, to lie to Mueller. That finding, which is in the Mueller report, has been seen by many to be a clear instances of obstruction of justice.

“I am willing to discuss what is criminal,” Barr answered, professing not to know what Hirono was talking about. He had said, earlier in his testimony, that asking someone to lie, so long as it’s not to obstruct justice, did not constitute a criminal offense.

“Give us some credit for knowing what the hell is going on around here,” Hirono said sharply.

Things began to devolve quickly after that, leading Graham to scold Hirono. Graham’s diatribe against his Democratic colleagues on the committee recalled the hearing over the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
I think Mueller needs to testify and clarify what he means by "there is public confusion..." I would like to know what confusion he is talking about. He doesnt actually expound on that, so further explanation is needed.
The good news is that Mueller's going to be brought to Congress next week.

I can't wait to hear it from the horses mouth.


I don't think you're going to get satisfaction from that either. He's already released the report. Do you think he's going to say anything different?
No, but he can finally put to rest the question of, did he not recommend indictment because of doj policy, or because he couldn't find anything worthy of indictment. That will tell a lot.

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