Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

Sorry but all this whining over the Mueller letter to Barr is BS. Mueller knew or had to have known there was no case on the TRUMP campaign and Russia for at lest over a year yet he dragged the investigation on for over 2 years, and now Mueller is whining over Barr taking 3 weeks to release his report...GMAB.
Maybe Mueller was concerned that he didn't get enough credit for his two year effort but the fact remains that he didn't disagree with the overall findings that exonerated the President.
Mueller says that barrs conclusion of no obstruction was BULLSHIT
Where did he say that?

WASHINGTON — After a morning of dodging attacks, U.S. Attorney General William Barr caught one on the chin from Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, a Democrat who is known to aggressively question witnesses.

Barr was on Capitol Hill to testify about his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The morning consisted, in part, of Barr defending his handling of the report, which became public earlier this month.

Several Democrats challenged Barr, but none did so with the vigor of Hirono, who appeared to visibly rattle the veteran attorney. She did so not by asking questions but my making assertions about his behavior.

“You lied to Congress,” she said, referencing Barr’s testimony before the House Appropriations Committee on April 9, when Rep. Charlie Crist, R-Fla., asked Barr if he knew that members of Mueller’s team were “frustrated” by Barr’s four-page summary of the special counsel’s report. Barr’s summary was broadly favorable to Trump. It has since emerged that Mueller himself had written a letter to Barr, expressing concerns with the summary and how it was being described in media reports.

“He didn't know if Mueller supported his conclusions,” Hirono said to Barr of Crist’s questioning during the April 9 hearing, “but you knew you lied. And now, we know.”

The exchange between Barr and Hirono grew so acrimonious that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., stepped in to defend the attorney general.

“You slandered this man to top to bottom,” Graham said angrily to Hirono.

Hirono, like many of Trump’s critics on the left, depicted Barr as an unquestioning helpmate of the president. “Now the American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrificed their once decent reputation,” said Hirono, referencing Trump’s personal lawyer and senior White House adviser.

“You’ve chosen to be the president’s lawyer and side with him over the interests of the American people,” Hirono told the attorney general. Barr replaced Jeff Sessions, who the president criticized for insufficient loyalty, despite having been Trump’s first endorser in the Senate.

Hirono also asked Barr if it was “OK” for Trump to instruct his White House counsel, Don McGahn, to lie to Mueller. That finding, which is in the Mueller report, has been seen by many to be a clear instances of obstruction of justice.

“I am willing to discuss what is criminal,” Barr answered, professing not to know what Hirono was talking about. He had said, earlier in his testimony, that asking someone to lie, so long as it’s not to obstruct justice, did not constitute a criminal offense.

“Give us some credit for knowing what the hell is going on around here,” Hirono said sharply.

Things began to devolve quickly after that, leading Graham to scold Hirono. Graham’s diatribe against his Democratic colleagues on the committee recalled the hearing over the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
/——/ Mueller was complaining about the media coverage of his report, not the Barr summary.
Say WHAT!?!?!

/----/ Always glad to school you libtards:
Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.

When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe
Go Mueller!

If that's what you hope is going to happen, you will be disappointed. Mueller is motivated by nothing other than protecting the Constitution and the institutions it creates and sustains, I strongly believe. That includes the office of the president, and also the DoJ, even while he might despise the current office holders. So, he might explain his report in public testimony, but he will not be an attack dog. No way, no how.

He doesn't have to be an attack dog. Him stating the facts will suffice.

Not based on the rabid things I hear from the haters. If he falls to give them Trump's head on a platter, they'll insist he's lying.

The rabid haters are you Trump people. That's why you're still demanding investigations about nothing. The facts puts Trumps head on a platter and what you guys refuse to believe, as with everything else, is that your version of things are not how things actually are.

I have demanded investigations of nothing. I have, however, chortled mightily at the ongoing anti Trump hate and blather coming from the usual suspects. They are truly unhinged, and I fully expect them to turn on Mueller in an instant is he fails in the quest they demand of him.
Trump the launderer
Executive Summary
“Every other country goes into these places and they do what they have to do… It’s a horrible law and [the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act] should be changed.”

Donald Trump

In the early 2000s, a series of bankruptcies meant Donald J. Trump was shunned by most lenders. Struggling for credit, he started selling his name to high-end real estate projects. This report examines in detail the criminal connections that propelled one such project – the Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama – and how this case bears some of the same disturbing hallmarks as other Trump developments.

Since he became President of the United States, numerous investigations and articles have probed Trump’s business dealings and his alleged links to criminals and other shadowy characters. It is understood that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation under the Department of Justice will also examine his real estate business. This is important because it seems likely that, following his various bankruptcies, at least a part of Trump’s business empire has been built on untraceable funds, some apparently linked to Russian criminal networks.

Trump may not have deliberately set out to facilitate criminal activity in his business dealings. But, as this Global Witness investigation shows, licensing his brand to the luxurious Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama aligned Trump’s financial interests with those of crooks looking to launder ill-gotten gains. Trump seems to have done little to nothing to prevent this. What is clear is that proceeds from Colombian cartels’ narcotics trafficking were laundered through the Trump Ocean Club and that Donald Trump was one of the beneficiaries.

One key player in the laundering of drug money at the Trump Ocean Club was notorious fraudster David Eduardo Helmut Murcia GuzmĂĄn, whom a U.S. court subsequently sentenced to nine years for laundering millions of dollars' worth of illicit funds, including narcotics proceeds, through companies and real estate.

Another was Murcia Guzmán’s business associate, Alexandre Henrique Ventura Nogueira, who brokered nearly a third of the 666 pre-construction unit sales at the Trump Ocean Club and claims to have sold 350-400 units overall. Ventura Nogueira’s sales brokerage was critical to ensuring the project’s lift-off and Trump’s ability to earn tens of millions of dollars.

The warning signs were there from the outset. The Trump Ocean Club, one of Trump’s most lucrative licensing deals to date, was announced in 2006 and launched in 2011, a period when Panama was known as one of the best places in the world to launder money. Whole neighborhoods in Panama City were taken over by organized crime groups, and luxury developments were built with the purpose of serving as money laundering vehicles.

Moreover, investing in luxury properties is a tried and trusted way for criminals to move tainted cash into the legitimate financial system, where they can spend it freely. Once scrubbed clean in this way, vast profits from criminal activities like trafficking people and drugs, organized crime, and terrorism can find their way into the U.S. and elsewhere. In most countries, regulation is notoriously lax in the real estate sector. Cash payments are subject to hardly any scrutiny, giving opportunistic and unprincipled developers free rein to accept dirty money.

In the case of the Trump Ocean Club, accepting easy – and possibly dirty – money early on would have been in Trump’s interest; a certain volume of pre-construction sales was necessary to secure financing for the project, which stood to net him $75.4 million by the end of 2010. Trump received a percentage of the financing he helped secure, and a cut on the sale of every unit at the development.

He and his family have made millions of dollars more from management fees and likely continue to profit from the Trump Ocean Club. Eager for the project’s success, Trump and his children have participated directly in marketing, management, and even project design. According to broker Ventura Nogueira, Trump’s daughter Ivanka attended at least 10 meetings with him and project developer Roger Khafif.

A large number of those involved with the Trump Ocean Club in its early phase were Russian and Eastern European citizens or diaspora members. In an interview with NBC and Reuters, Ventura Nogueira said that 50 percent of his buyers were Russian, and that some had “questionable backgrounds.” He added that he found out later that some were part of the Russian Mafia.

Since the Russian government’s alleged interference in the 2016 election, a lot has been made of Trump’s heavy reliance on funds from Russia for his licensing deals. Trump relying on funds from Russia is not in itself a problem – some of these funds are no doubt from legitimate sources. What is deeply problematic, however, is the fact that some of this money appears to have come from criminal networks.

Donald Trump has incessantly promoted himself as a successful and viable businessman, and this was critical to his success in the 2016 presidential election. But this report presents evidence that this façade was built, at least in part, on ventures used to launder cash generated by criminal activities. Trump’s unscrupulous business dealings and blindness to potential illegality raise serious questions about his suitability to govern the most powerful country in the world.

The dubious dealings of Trump the businessman also raise questions about the commitment of Trump the President to tackling crime and corruption. Trump got elected by repeatedly pledging to “drain the swamp”, but in the nine months since his inauguration he has actually taken steps that could worsen corruption in the U.S. and internationally. Indeed, one of his administration’s few legislative successes to date has been to overturn the implementing regulation of a ground-breaking anti-corruption law.
The good news is that Mueller's going to be brought to Congress next week.

I can't wait to hear it from the horses mouth.


I don't think you're going to get satisfaction from that either. He's already released the report. Do you think he's going to say anything different?
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Mueller does not want to be responsible for himself. He could and should have been concise and explicitly clear but instead some rambling thesis where others have to decipher him and now he’s girly bitching about it when he deliberately set it up this way.
oh, in the report Muller was very clear....

He even spelled out the law, and the 3 criteria needed acts by the perpetrator in order for Obstruction to be a crime, then in his 10 examples of Trump's alleged Obstruction of Justice breaking, he went over the facts and each of those criteria needed in each of the 10 instances of Trump's alleged obstruction.
The good news is that Mueller's going to be brought to Congress next week.

I can't wait to hear it from the horses mouth.

what is it you think he can do from that position?
The good news is that Mueller's going to be brought to Congress next week.

I can't wait to hear it from the horses mouth.


I don't think you're going to get satisfaction from that either. He's already released the report. Do you think he's going to say anything different?
WASHINGTON — After a morning of dodging attacks, U.S. Attorney General William Barr caught one on the chin from Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, a Democrat who is known to aggressively question witnesses.

Barr was on Capitol Hill to testify about his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The morning consisted, in part, of Barr defending his handling of the report, which became public earlier this month.

Several Democrats challenged Barr, but none did so with the vigor of Hirono, who appeared to visibly rattle the veteran attorney. She did so not by asking questions but my making assertions about his behavior.

“You lied to Congress,” she said, referencing Barr’s testimony before the House Appropriations Committee on April 9, when Rep. Charlie Crist, R-Fla., asked Barr if he knew that members of Mueller’s team were “frustrated” by Barr’s four-page summary of the special counsel’s report. Barr’s summary was broadly favorable to Trump. It has since emerged that Mueller himself had written a letter to Barr, expressing concerns with the summary and how it was being described in media reports.

“He didn't know if Mueller supported his conclusions,” Hirono said to Barr of Crist’s questioning during the April 9 hearing, “but you knew you lied. And now, we know.”

The exchange between Barr and Hirono grew so acrimonious that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., stepped in to defend the attorney general.

“You slandered this man to top to bottom,” Graham said angrily to Hirono. Graham another scump kiss ass
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.
Yes and your posts fail to teach you that you might as well go pound sand and that you are a ingoramous
Barr announced that he will NOT appear before the House tomorrow - per CNN. However, the House intends to go ahead with the hearing at 9:00 am on Thursday morning as scheduled.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.
Yes and your posts fail to teach you that you might as well go pound sand and that you are a ingoramous
an ignoramous is one who has his head up trumps dirty ass An imbecile who can't tell trump is nothing but a low life scumbag Now you go pound sand or whatever else is available
U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono from Hawaii just told Wolf Blitzer that the Trump White House is a "moral dead zone". Damn, that says it all.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.

Your screwed, spin it anyway you and the media want, it is OVER!

When your peeps get indicted, your thread will be a memory, as you try and defend YOUR PERPS!

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