Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!

Again, I guess you forget what country you live in right? No body is asking Muller to prove Trump innocent, rather he was hired for the last two years to investigate and prove guilt. Until then Trump is innocent until proven so.
Muller is doing his job for the DNC the best he can, to leave it open ended as much as possible.... we all understand that. Destroy Trump anyway possible, got to cash in that insurance policy right?
Giving a public tweet or getting mad and telling someone to fire someone isnt obstruction. There was not anything withheld from Mueller if there was, we sure need him to give us some specifics but he's not able to do that.
Yarddog, you are 100% correct, but the Democrats are now going to push their little impeachment party past the November election, screaming about what a terrorist President Trump is in their manipulation of the facts that have proven him innocent. We have a rogue Congress bent on perpetrating itself ad nauseum for the rest of our lives. We are further hamstringed by our honesty of playing by the rules. Democrats are hiding behind the word, "Socialism," when the description of their proposals are Communism in its most vicious form. First, they have to get rid of citizen's guns, hamstring American males with false scenario feminazism as was seen in the Kavanaugh hearings, destruction of the American military through the back door, elimination of health by placing themselves in charge of who gets care and who does not, destruction of the borders to bring in people who they will brainwash into thinking all members of the Republican Party are bad people, and of course, feathering their own nests with all the benefits taken through taxes paid by everyone who works, while they create a class of people who receive more benefits than the workers who paved their way with higher taxes than they could fight against.

Yeah, Ive never seen anything like these Democrats in charge. It's like the damn game of thrones or something. Apparently to them sending a tweet or speaking your mind equals High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Yeah, but god forbid a Walmart greeter says "Happy Holidays".

Tweets from the President are considered official communications and while any president can and will speak their minds, their words have weight like they should be. So if the President is being interviewed on a national news show and tells us the real reason Comey was fired, it should be believed.
My statement said nothing about and had nothing to do with current DOJ OLC theory, Leftard, but rather on the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." It even applies to the POTUS.

Mueller had the authority to recommend indicting the POTUS in his report to the AG but chose instead to say "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Our justice system does not indict or prosecute nor should congress persecute any American who after an exhaustive 2 yr $35 million witch-hunt is found to not have committed a crime.

your bull shit drivel ONLY re-enforces the FACT that you FAILED to read the SC Mueller report.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Maybe you need an adult in your life to explain what this means: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
your bull shit drivel ONLY re-enforces the FACT that you FAILED to read the SC Mueller report.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Maybe you need an adult in your life to explain what this means: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

Yes, because Mueller left it up to Congress. He did say he would exonerate Trump if he could, he couldn't. I've never seen a more appropriate reason to have impeachment proceedings.
As stated time and time and time again. Mueller was never going to indict the president, he was prohibited per DOJ policy of doing just that.

If he couldn't do anything they why investigate to begin with? But he told Barr three times, in front of witnesses the DOJ policy had nothing to do with his non-decision. Of course facts seem to elude you commies.


Yet the man has recently stated

Robert Mueller, in first public remarks, says charging Trump was 'not an option we because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president

wow someone is lying

Actually those specific words never passed his lips, it was all insinuation and innuendo. He essentially placed the burden on Trump to prove himself innocent. How do you prove a negative?

How do you prove a negative ?

well if the negative is wrong then it is easy to overcome

ie - the Sun revolves around the Earth now we know that it is the opposite

ie - if I owe 20 bucks and I earn 30 bucks now it is all good in a positive way

The only way is using the justice system in place.

Now people will always have their opinions

but once the system has played out and a decision of guilt or innocent was made, the only things that matter is the outcome

We will all have opinions on the positive outcome or negative outcome

Trump was doing the happy dance when no collusion was established so he clearly overcame the negative in that situation.

So we are still on the obstruction portion and a conclusion must be reached and as hard as he tries to do that happy dance, there are those who say

whoa, save that dance till the end

So when did you stop beating your wife?

And prove that you never did.
My statement said nothing about and had nothing to do with current DOJ OLC theory, Leftard, but rather on the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." It even applies to the POTUS.

Mueller had the authority to recommend indicting the POTUS in his report to the AG but chose instead to say "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Our justice system does not indict or prosecute nor should congress persecute any American who after an exhaustive 2 yr $35 million witch-hunt is found to not have committed a crime.

your bull shit drivel ONLY re-enforces the FACT that you FAILED to read the SC Mueller report.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Who cares? It has been proven to be a falsely conceived bogus investigation.
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence should also be impeached and removed from office - because both are illegitimate. Pence should never be allowed to ascend to the presidency to pardon Trump.
No, Pence is in no danger. He will stand by his man and eye the 2024 election. Trump will hand Pence the trumpmerica base for his loyalty. Pence wants one thing: the Presidency.
Meanwhile our Democrat Socialists will continue their slide into irrelevance. Very sad. :D
your bull shit drivel ONLY re-enforces the FACT that you FAILED to read the SC Mueller report.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Who cares? It has been proven to be a falsely conceived bogus investigation.

Credible proof? Evidence?
your bull shit drivel ONLY re-enforces the FACT that you FAILED to read the SC Mueller report.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Who cares? It has been proven to be a falsely conceived bogus investigation.

No it hasn't. You're just convinced of some lame ass conspiracy. You're probably more likely to believe in pedophile rings in pizza joints created by some douche who calls himself Q than you are the truth.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!



You know why. They dont want impeachment, they want to try and cast enough doubt to sway voters.

This will likely continue well into next year. I'm with you, however. If they have the smoking gun, then seek justice and impeach him.

I dont suspect this is about justice though. This is likely purely partisan.

I'm curious though, let's say they actually managed to get trump removed. How long do you think it would take before rumors started to surface about pence? I say about a week. As soon as Pence took office, there would likely be stories mysteriously found about him and the media would be running then non stop.
But Mueller has confidence that he wasn’t going to charge him and didn’t. He’s not a jury nor judge so he doesn’t declare innocence. That’s what his opening “If” is all about.
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

No, he didn't. DOJ policy prohibits indicting a sitting president. That means Barr couldn't indict Trump, either.
Meanwhile our Democrat Socialists will continue their slide into irrelevance.
Yeah, you like to soothe yourself out loud. But the data will always trump your neuroses and fetishes. 45% want free public college. 55% want single payer healthcare. Even more want paid medical and family leave. About 18% want abortion to be illegal. These numbers are hardly "irrelevant". You are just a cackling little attack poodle. No , go on, declare victory. You always do, even when the things you say are provably stupid..
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Maybe you need an adult in your life to explain what this means: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

Yes, because Mueller left it up to Congress. He did say he would exonerate Trump if he could, he couldn't. I've never seen a more appropriate reason to have impeachment proceedings.
And you continue to post that lie. The Mueller Report was an internal DOJ document. Congress had only the expectation of Barr's summary. Mueller's task was to uncover crimes, not lack of same. 2 years and $35 million later he didn't find criminality.
Last edited:
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!



You know why. They dont want impeachment, they want to try and cast enough doubt to sway voters.

This will likely continue well into next year. I'm with you, however. If they have the smoking gun, then seek justice and impeach him.

I dont suspect this is about justice though. This is likely purely partisan.

I'm curious though, let's say they actually managed to get trump removed. How long do you think it would take before rumors started to surface about pence? I say about a week. As soon as Pence took office, there would likely be stories mysteriously found about him and the media would be running then non stop.
They never want a solution, They are a perpetual grievance industry. They will just fly swarm Trump all the way through the Presidency.
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss.
he did not. That is literally what Mueller said in his report and his speech. It was not an option they considered, from day one. That is a recommendation for Congress. Good grief, it's like you are huffing paint, bro...
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

DOJ policy is to not indict a sitting president. Mueller called it unconstitutional. While in reality its only an opinion written up by the solicitor general and never been tested it is DOJ policy. Clearly and Mueller said as much, the remedy is impeachment.
When will Barr release the COMPLETE unredacted Mueller report - including the hundreds or thousands of pages of supporting evidence?
He isn't required to just because 30+ months after Shrillary's EPIC defeat, your butt still hurts.

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