Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

If Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence should also be impeached and removed from office - because both are illegitimate. Pence should never be allowed to ascend to the presidency to pardon Trump.

The commies may impeach, the senate will never remove.

The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.

Hes obviously guilty. Let's get these proceedings started.
If he's obviously guilty - as so many bitter, brain-dead 'tards have claimed the last 2.5 years - why bother with impeachment? Why not just take him out back and shoot him?

Because we are a nation of laws, not raving idiots like you.
Ah ... but the presumption of innocence must be ignored if one's name is Trump? :lol:

You don't even understand the concept of "presumption of innocence" do you? Last I checked I don't see anyone saying Trump should be thrown out of office without a trial.
Allow me to quote the raging MORON who said, "Hes obviously guilty."

How does the MORON know that without a trial and if one is so dimwitted as to believe Trump is "obviously guilty," what is the point of a trial which, as you likely don't know, would be in the US Senate and require 67 votes to convict?

Good luck with that. :lol:
The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.

Hes obviously guilty. Let's get these proceedings started.
If he's obviously guilty - as so many bitter, brain-dead 'tards have claimed the last 2.5 years - why bother with impeachment? Why not just take him out back and shoot him?

Because we are a nation of laws, not raving idiots like you.

Can't tell it by looking at the house leadership.

... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

No, he didn't. DOJ policy prohibits indicting a sitting president. That means Barr couldn't indict Trump, either.
Once more for the brain-dead leftards amongs us: Mueller's report was an internal DOJ document. He could have stated that the earth is flat. He could have stated that Trump is a poopy-head. He chose to include that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." I can't think of a more unambiguous way of telling you hate-filled butt-hurts that your Collusion Delusions are just a symptom of advanced TDS insanity but ... well ... there it is.

Because you aren't quoting him completely and even the part you are you don't have an understanding of what he is saying.
Excellent!! So exactly what is it you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." means?

I've been trying for weeks tro get one of you bitter 'tards to focus on that. This should be good.

Just so you know, the failure of any US prosecutor to find criminality - even if they cannot or chose not to indict - is the end. Case closed.
Don't play STUPID, Caddo.

Mueller tried to dance around the truth but could not defeat it. Pretending you know better may make you feel smarter but like Trump's guilt, it's just an illusion.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Go on ... undo that. :lmao:

"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The report goes on to document 10 times the president obstructed justice.

Hey, Trump said he was exonerated, I guess he is a liar.
No, it goes on to document numerous times angry, bitter leftards would think the President obstructed justice. In fact, the Muel Team was unambiguous about its inability to find Trump guilty of a crime.

I said this earlier. You guys need to make up your minds as to whether Mueller exonerated Trump or lied in the report. You have the attention span of...well, Donald Trump.
Maybe you need an adult in your life to explain what this means: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

Yes, because Mueller left it up to Congress. He did say he would exonerate Trump if he could, he couldn't. I've never seen a more appropriate reason to have impeachment proceedings.

What Mueller said is that a possibility of a crime exists, not that a crime was committed. And it's up to the AG to determine if there was such a crime. Yes, Congress can weigh in and impeach Trump, but that's up to them, and if so, will have future ramifications they won't like.
Meanwhile our Democrat Socialists will continue their slide into irrelevance.
Yeah, you like to soothe yourself out loud. But the data will always trump your neuroses and fetishes. 45% want free public college. 55% want single payer healthcare. Even more want paid medical and family leave. About 18% want abortion to be illegal. These numbers are hardly "irrelevant". You are just a cackling little attack poodle. No , go on, declare victory. You always do, even when the things you say are provably stupid..

What if Democrats proposed the government buy everybody a new car every four years? What do you think the approval by the public would be about that?
Democrats keep doubling down on their get Trump fantasy. .. :cuckoo:


Yup along with their stupidity to keep pursuing a done deal. They sure do love the dead horse.

Hope they spend all of 2019 with investigations and hearings. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

God Dems.
Conversely, if there is no confidence to charge a crime, tough titty...
Correction... there is insufficient confidence that a sitting President can be indicted... not 'no confidence' that crime(s) were committed...

Big difference... huge difference...

...The burden of proof is on you.
True... ergo, Congressional subpoena A or B or C...
Conversely, if there is no confidence to charge a crime, tough titty...
Correction... there is insufficient confidence that a sitting President can be indicted... not 'no confidence' that crime(s) were committed...

Big difference... huge difference...

...The burden of proof is on you.
True... ergo, Congressional subpoena A or B or C...

Sorry, no do-overs. The thing is done.

Carry on as you will. That's a different matter altogether.
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller

I wonder what he means? I wonder why he said that? Let's bring on a panel of 12 experts to figure this out.
It’s his way of saying the bullshit witch hunt could go nowhere anyway and he knew that from the beginning.
No, that's delusional.
Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Don't bother me again? says Mueller ???

What about Uranium 1 ?

What about that? you traitor Mueller????????? huh?

You will have to be bothered again, you snake!


What does that have to do with Mueller? :cuckoo:
What ten instances were those, specifically?
10 instances where they can’t find that Trump did anything but he is “covering up” by failing to prove that he did not

You're proud to be ignorant. Nice. :thup:
I am proud to be ignorant if the emotional forces which drive me to act like a brat in a sandbox like you.

Brat? Oh.... You mean you are agitated due to your inability to keep up.

Try reading the report. Maybe you won't need to ask so many dopey questions.
The reading of the report for interpretation by you or me is irrelevant What is relevant is that the researcher and author of the report did not make charges. Was not his task to exhonerate. When your boy Muller chickened out, his boss picked up Muellers slack and you lib loons don’t get to castigate Barr over Muellers failings

Still behind I see. There is only one interpretation. Your "interpretation" comes from ignorance. Read the report.

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