Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

He isn't required to just because 30+ months after Shrillary's EPIC defeat, your butt still hurts.
And you are hoping he doesn't and will twist yourself into pasty white little pretzels arguing why he should not.. Because, of course, there is nothing there for trump to worry about.

And that, kids, is why you shouldn't smoke crack.
Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Spot on...
Of course, he neither said nor inferred that but never, ever let truth get in the way of your mendacious hysteria, Snowflake. :D
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller

I wonder what he means? I wonder why he said that? Let's bring on a panel of 12 experts to figure this out.
It’s his way of saying the bullshit witch hunt could go nowhere anyway and he knew that from the beginning.
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The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.

Hes obviously guilty. Let's get these proceedings started.
If he's obviously guilty - as so many bitter, brain-dead 'tards have claimed the last 2.5 years - why bother with impeachment? Why not just take him out back and shoot him?
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If Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence should also be impeached and removed from office - because both are illegitimate. Pence should never be allowed to ascend to the presidency to pardon Trump.
Trump will be impeached but won't be removed by the Senate and only brain-dead leftards would have us violate due process because their butts hurt. The good news is you are not alone ... there are lots of stupid people that think as you do. The bad news is your religion - leftardism - is dying in the US and it's you who is killing it.
Thank you. :beer:
The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.

Hes obviously guilty. Let's get these proceedings started.
If he's obviously guilty - as so many bitter, brain-dead 'tards have claimed the last 2.5 years - why bother with impeachment? Why not just take him out back and shoot him?

Because we are a nation of laws, not raving idiots like you.
Ah ... but the presumption of innocence must be ignored if one's name is Trump? :lol:
The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.

Hes obviously guilty. Let's get these proceedings started.
If he's obviously guilty - as so many bitter, brain-dead 'tards have claimed the last 2.5 years - why bother with impeachment? Why not just take him out back and shoot him?

Because we are a nation of laws, not raving idiots like you.
Ah ... but the presumption of innocence must be ignored if one's name is Trump? :lol:

You don't even understand the concept of "presumption of innocence" do you? Last I checked I don't see anyone saying Trump should be thrown out of office without a trial.
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

DOJ policy is to not indict a sitting president. Mueller called it unconstitutional. While in reality its only an opinion written up by the solicitor general and never been tested it is DOJ policy. Clearly and Mueller said as much, the remedy is impeachment.
Mueller did not have to indict the POTUS but he had the authority to recommend indictment in his report to his boss. He did not because - as he stated in his findings - that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."
No prosecutor can either indict or recommend indictment under those circumstances.
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

DOJ policy is to not indict a sitting president. Mueller called it unconstitutional. While in reality its only an opinion written up by the solicitor general and never been tested it is DOJ policy. Clearly and Mueller said as much, the remedy is impeachment.
Mueller did not have to indict the POTUS but he had the authority to recommend indictment in his report to his boss. He did not because - as he stated in his findings - that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."
No prosecutor can either indict or recommend indictment under those circumstances.

How come you are unable to complete Mueller's quote? You're taking it out of context. Mueller stated he could not exonerate the President and he would have done so if he could. Mueller also did not come to any conclusions about whether a crime has been committed because he stated that you cannot indict a sitting president and there is another means of holding the president accountable outside of the criminal justice system.

Special counsel Robert Mueller: 'If we had had confidence that' President Trump 'clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

Mueller noted that there was another avenue for dealing with a sitting president who broke the law. He said that the internal Justice Department opinion barring the prosecution of a president also “says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.”

That “process,” which Mueller did not name, is impeachment.

Mueller called indicting a sitting president "unconstitutional", clearly he is not going to recommend something he feels goes against the Constitution.

I hope you're a little more honest (or smarter) in real life than you are here, cuz u dum.
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

No, he didn't. DOJ policy prohibits indicting a sitting president. That means Barr couldn't indict Trump, either.
Once more for the brain-dead leftards amongs us: Mueller's report was an internal DOJ document. He could have stated that the earth is flat. He could have stated that Trump is a poopy-head. He chose to include that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." I can't think of a more unambiguous way of telling you hate-filled butt-hurts that your Collusion Delusions are just a symptom of advanced TDS insanity but ... well ... there it is.
... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime...
"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Mueller
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss. He didn't.

No, he didn't. DOJ policy prohibits indicting a sitting president. That means Barr couldn't indict Trump, either.
Once more for the brain-dead leftards amongs us: Mueller's report was an internal DOJ document. He could have stated that the earth is flat. He could have stated that Trump is a poopy-head. He chose to include that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." I can't think of a more unambiguous way of telling you hate-filled butt-hurts that your Collusion Delusions are just a symptom of advanced TDS insanity but ... well ... there it is.

Because you aren't quoting him completely and even the part you are you don't have an understanding of what he is saying.
When Ken Starr released his report on Bill Clinton, he used the word "GUILTY" 11 times.

Robert Mueller NEVER used that word.
Meanwhile our Democrat Socialists will continue their slide into irrelevance.
Yeah, you like to soothe yourself out loud. But the data will always trump your neuroses and fetishes. 45% want free public college. 55% want single payer healthcare. Even more want paid medical and family leave. About 18% want abortion to be illegal. These numbers are hardly "irrelevant". You are just a cackling little attack poodle. No , go on, declare victory. You always do, even when the things you say are provably stupid..
People are all for "free" stuff until they find out how much it will cost them but please, please have the Democrat Socialist Party run on "free" stuff. I dare ya. :lol:
Mueller had the opportunity to recommend Trump criminality to his boss.
he did not. That is literally what Mueller said in his report and his speech. It was not an option they considered, from day one. That is a recommendation for Congress. Good grief, it's like you are huffing paint, bro...
Incorrect. Mueller said he could not indict. At no time did he say he could not recommend indictment nor did he explain why he stated in NO UNCERTAIN Terms that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute any American for crimes they do not commit. Agreed?
If he couldn't do anything they why investigate to begin with? But he told Barr three times, in front of witnesses the DOJ policy had nothing to do with his non-decision. Of course facts seem to elude you commies.


Yet the man has recently stated

Robert Mueller, in first public remarks, says charging Trump was 'not an option we because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president

wow someone is lying

Actually those specific words never passed his lips, it was all insinuation and innuendo. He essentially placed the burden on Trump to prove himself innocent. How do you prove a negative?

How do you prove a negative ?

well if the negative is wrong then it is easy to overcome

ie - the Sun revolves around the Earth now we know that it is the opposite

ie - if I owe 20 bucks and I earn 30 bucks now it is all good in a positive way

The only way is using the justice system in place.

Now people will always have their opinions

but once the system has played out and a decision of guilt or innocent was made, the only things that matter is the outcome

We will all have opinions on the positive outcome or negative outcome

Trump was doing the happy dance when no collusion was established so he clearly overcame the negative in that situation.

So we are still on the obstruction portion and a conclusion must be reached and as hard as he tries to do that happy dance, there are those who say

whoa, save that dance till the end

So when did you stop beating your wife?

The same time you gave up horses

So around 1974, eh?

The thread title is fake as it makes it look like Mueller said that. He didn’t .

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