Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Looking at our economy today, it seems he is doing what he does best.
Yeah fn it up not giving a chance for companies to plan ahead the ah doesn't know what he's doing tomorrow Business in case you didn't know can't run that way Now this mexican tariff if it goes thru will screw millions in the states It's like I've said ,the moron will fight to the last drop of YOUR blood

Right, because Hussein always gave companies chances to plan ahead.

Trump has been talking about the possibilities of tariffs for well over a year now. What company missed out on that news?
Nobody could believe he could f up everything so badly Talk to farmers See how they're doing home builders ,the auto business ,replacement parts vegtables

As a leftist, I guess you believe that when additional costs strike the manufacturer, they just dig deeper in their pockets.

It doesn't work that way and never has. When your auto mechanic, farmer, or remodeler are hit with higher costs to do the job, they pass those costs onto their customers. It's the same kind of crap we are putting up with in the transportation industry. We are shackled with all these environmental costs now. Sure, we pay them up front, but we have to increase our delivery rates. In turn, our customers manufacture goods you and I buy in the store every single time we shop. We consumers pay for those costs.

Just ask your dentist or veterinarian about what Commie Care did to their businesses. The tax on every medical item was levied, and they had to increase their prices for your filling or to get your dog better to recoup those losses.
I'm glad to hear that you understand that the cost of the Trump tariffs will not be borne by the Chinese or the Mexicans but American business and their customers. Businesses will pass along the costs to customers if the market will bear it. Sometimes it will and sometimes it won't.

I have a friend who works in an electronic assembly plant. Practically all the company's parts and assemblies come from China. Two weeks ago their import representative in China contacted all their suppliers. Not one was willing to adjust their price to cover any portion of the tariffs the company has to pay it. The result is the company is going to eat almost 90% of the cost, over a million dollar of Trump tariffs over the next 3 months with prices increase picking up the remainder. The assembly plant will be closed as of the 1st of the year with assembly being transferred to Indonesia. Care to explain how this helps America?

I think you need more honest friends.

The plant will simply pass those costs to their consumers. If not, (and hopefully) they will consider buying their parts from a US company that would help America.

However if that did happen, then other companies would be doing the same. But as a businessman, I think Trump is well aware of that possibility. In which case, it's likely Trump would increase tariffs on those imported goods from Indonesia as well.
And that is exactly why he is leaving it to congress. The bar for impeachment and removal from office is lower than of conviction in a criminal court. The founding fathers had this crazy idea that elected officials should be held to higher standards than the public.
Except when you want to impeach the President for a crime, the burden of proof for the elements of that crime are the same - each of the elements must be proven, else the crime does not exist and no honest (ie, not a partisan bigot) person will vote to impeach or remove.

If you are a partisan bigot and want to impeach him because you hate him for beating Hillary, -that's- another story.
Hillary is old business I want him out of there because he's a stinking disgrace as Americas leader A vile lying bully without a plan Let him go back to what he does best cheating on his wife and ripping people off

He could probably help you with your punctuation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A punctuation mod. LOL, You might, but the moron in the WH couldn't

What? There's a holdover from the Obama administration still hanging around?
My god, man. You are presumably a grown man. How do you not know this and find it yourself.

Fuck off, I'm not obligated to substantiate his claims.

Fuck off, I'm not obligated to substantiate his claims.

Or educate yourself for that matter. It's not a claim. Only a dummy would think so. It's common knowledge that is easily found.

I'm so tired of you dopes arguing from ignorance and demanding to be educated by others.

It's also common knowledge that Mueller found no actionable collusion/conspiracy and the AG and AAG found no actionable obstruction, yet you commies keep crying about both. Causing commie butt hurt is not an impeachable offense.

Because it doesnt have to be criminal conspiracy to be very bad behavior unbecoming of the president's team, and because the AG lied his ass off.

See post #478.

That doesn't mean he could prove it in a court of law either.

And that is exactly why Mueller is leaving it to congress. The bar for impeachment and removal from office is lower than conviction in a criminal court because many of the possible charges fall under the category of bad conduct. The founding fathers had this crazy idea that elected officials should be held to higher standards than the public.

Bad conduct is not the Constitutional standard for impeachment, it's nothing but a subjective term you folks have invented.

Bad conduit falls under the category of high crimes and misdemeanors. In the 18th century the term was used to cover a wide range of wrongdoings, some of which include violations of law but also, a host of other things such as violation of oath of office, failure to pay taxes, drunkenness, failure to supervisor subordinates, etc..


High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation

So what you're saying is the threshold for impeachment is vague and subjectives, just being a butt hurt commie is enough. Got it. I doubt the American people will buy that, but go for it.

Looking at our economy today, it seems he is doing what he does best.
Yeah fn it up not giving a chance for companies to plan ahead the ah doesn't know what he's doing tomorrow Business in case you didn't know can't run that way Now this mexican tariff if it goes thru will screw millions in the states It's like I've said ,the moron will fight to the last drop of YOUR blood

Right, because Hussein always gave companies chances to plan ahead.

Trump has been talking about the possibilities of tariffs for well over a year now. What company missed out on that news?
Nobody could believe he could f up everything so badly Talk to farmers See how they're doing home builders ,the auto business ,replacement parts vegtables

As a leftist, I guess you believe that when additional costs strike the manufacturer, they just dig deeper in their pockets.

It doesn't work that way and never has. When your auto mechanic, farmer, or remodeler are hit with higher costs to do the job, they pass those costs onto their customers. It's the same kind of crap we are putting up with in the transportation industry. We are shackled with all these environmental costs now. Sure, we pay them up front, but we have to increase our delivery rates. In turn, our customers manufacture goods you and I buy in the store every single time we shop. We consumers pay for those costs.

Just ask your dentist or veterinarian about what Commie Care did to their businesses. The tax on every medical item was levied, and they had to increase their prices for your filling or to get your dog better to recoup those losses.
I'm just saying tariffs are like additional taxes People will pay more or go without Their choice

Americans already pay about 5.1 trillion a year in total taxes and fees, a few billion more won't even move the needle.

My god, man. You are presumably a grown man. How do you not know this and find it yourself.

Fuck off, I'm not obligated to substantiate his claims.

Fuck off, I'm not obligated to substantiate his claims.

Or educate yourself for that matter. It's not a claim. Only a dummy would think so. It's common knowledge that is easily found.

I'm so tired of you dopes arguing from ignorance and demanding to be educated by others.

It's also common knowledge that Mueller found no actionable collusion/conspiracy and the AG and AAG found no actionable obstruction, yet you commies keep crying about both. Causing commie butt hurt is not an impeachable offense.

Because it doesnt have to be criminal conspiracy to be very bad behavior unbecoming of the president's team, and because the AG lied his ass off.

See post #478.


See adult educational opportunities in your area.
Where does the burden of proof lie?
With the accuser
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Where does the burden of proof lie?
With the accuser
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

Barr gave Mueller complete authority to do whatever he thought he could prove, he did nothing, he could prove nothing, even after two years and 30 million dollars of our money, nothing.

his stupid speech last week was to do nothing but keep the witch hunt alive, and the idiotic dems took it hook line and sinker.

tell us, dude. if Mueller's charge was to investigate russian influence, why did he ignore the russian created dossier paid for by hillary? why did he ignore uranium one deal? why did he ignore the 145 million in russian money paid to the clinton foundation?
With the accuser
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.

Eddie boi thinks the truth is funny, Eddie boi is an idiot.
With the accuser
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

And we did get him. What your claim here is because the jury found OJ not guilty, he is not a murderer.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

And we did get him. What your claim here is because the jury found OJ not guilty, he is not a murderer.
And because you can't indict a sitting president Trump is innocent?? No way. He's a marked man for the rest of his life
based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

And we did get him. What your claim here is because the jury found OJ not guilty, he is not a murderer.
And because you can't indict a sitting president Trump is innocent?? No way. He's a marked man for the rest of his life

You mean like Bill Clinton with 11 so-called obstruction charges?

When the Democrats can no longer stretch this out and even the media becomes disinterested, everybody will forget about it and go to the next event in political news. Hopefully it will be something that proves 25 years of Bill and Hillary hunting did not happen in vain.

If you are looking for a fire, you simply go where the smoke is.
With the accuser
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

Barr gave Mueller complete authority to do whatever he thought he could prove, he did nothing, he could prove nothing, even after two years and 30 million dollars of our money, nothing.

his stupid speech last week was to do nothing but keep the witch hunt alive, and the idiotic dems took it hook line and sinker.

tell us, dude. if Mueller's charge was to investigate russian influence, why did he ignore the russian created dossier paid for by hillary? why did he ignore uranium one deal? why did he ignore the 145 million in russian money paid to the clinton foundation?
Because that's all Russian BS ,,,10 cases of possible obstruction is not..... let's see your scum ignore subpoenas in an impeachment trial. Oh I know because of your kiss ass traitors and hypocrites in the senate it doesn't stand a chance but much will be revealed about your republican crook in the WH
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

And we did get him. What your claim here is because the jury found OJ not guilty, he is not a murderer.
And because you can't indict a sitting president Trump is innocent?? No way. He's a marked man for the rest of his life

You mean like Bill Clinton with 11 so-called obstruction charges?

When the Democrats can no longer stretch this out and even the media becomes disinterested, everybody will forget about it and go to the next event in political news. Hopefully it will be something that proves 25 years of Bill and Hillary hunting did not happen in vain.

If you are looking for a fire, you simply go where the smoke is.
Keep looking for imaginary fires Can we call that a witch hunt?
Wait until Jim Jordan et al get to publicly question Mueller under oath.
Let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

And we did get him. What your claim here is because the jury found OJ not guilty, he is not a murderer.
And because you can't indict a sitting president Trump is innocent?? No way. He's a marked man for the rest of his life

You mean like Bill Clinton with 11 so-called obstruction charges?

When the Democrats can no longer stretch this out and even the media becomes disinterested, everybody will forget about it and go to the next event in political news. Hopefully it will be something that proves 25 years of Bill and Hillary hunting did not happen in vain.

If you are looking for a fire, you simply go where the smoke is.
Keep looking for imaginary fires Can we call that a witch hunt?

You could if there was no reason to start an investigation in the first place. But as we know, Hillary committed several crimes others in the cabal refused to charge her with. Looking into why those crimes were left unanswered is hardly a witch hunt.
let's see your scum ignore subpoenas in an impeachment trial. Oh I know because of your kiss ass traitors and hypocrites in the senate it doesn't stand a chance

Don't you just hate those ass kissers and traitors? Speaking of which, I went back to see the Senate vote on Bill Clintons impeachment. I can't seem to find one Democrat that found him guilty in spite of proof positive DNA evidence and video of Bill stating (in front of a judge) that he never had sex with Lewinsky.

So maybe you can help, because I'm such a partisan, all I can see were Democrats voting not-guilty, and a few Republicans joining them. So please go through the list (of perjury and OBSTRUCTION) and let me know where I went wrong.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.'

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so. But he did not. He did not say so. In fact, he specifically said he could find no evidence that Trump or any of his senior people colluded with Russians to affect the election.

You can't make the one statement without clearly requiring the other statement. The logical corollary to Mueller's statement is that if he had found clear evidence of collusion, he would have said so.
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

Barr gave Mueller complete authority to do whatever he thought he could prove, he did nothing, he could prove nothing, even after two years and 30 million dollars of our money, nothing.

his stupid speech last week was to do nothing but keep the witch hunt alive, and the idiotic dems took it hook line and sinker.

tell us, dude. if Mueller's charge was to investigate russian influence, why did he ignore the russian created dossier paid for by hillary? why did he ignore uranium one deal? why did he ignore the 145 million in russian money paid to the clinton foundation?
Because that's all Russian BS ,,,10 cases of possible obstruction is not..... let's see your scum ignore subpoenas in an impeachment trial. Oh I know because of your kiss ass traitors and hypocrites in the senate it doesn't stand a chance but much will be revealed about your republican crook in the WH
Except every one of those incidents are now tainted / questionable because newly released documents show Mueller once again hid evidence in an attempt to create a false narrative / false perception if guilt.

These documents show Mueller left out key evidence - transcripts of the full phone call between Trump's lawyer and Flynn's - which makes it clear they were NOT attempting to obstruct justice, as Mueller attempted to make it appear.

Some things never change...and some people never do. Mueller just got busted AGAIN hiding evidence...

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