Mueller Was Given A Waiver For His Conflicts Of Interest


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
More than 2 years after Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to Investigate Trump Russian Interference / collusion and after about 5 months after his investigation ended the DOJ has revealed that Mueller was given an 'Ethics Waiver', waiving Mueller's conflicts of interests that should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.

Let's name them all, shall we?

1. As FBI Director, Mueller reached out to and worked with a Russian Oligarch, who was involved in the Trump investigation, in an attempt to get the Russian to fund an operation to recover an FBI agent.
- Not only had he himself 'colluded with / collaborated with Russians in the past, the exact same Russian from Mueller's past was involved in the Trump investigation.

2. As Director of the FBI, in 2014 it was revealed that Mueller had hidden evidence of Russian crimes (to include extortion, intimidation, blackmail, and intimidation) associated with their attempt to acquire US Uranium.

3. Mueller had been the Director of the FBI. He had been raised up in and groomed from within the agency to take over, just like Comey, and just like Wray. The examples of loyalties to the Agency 1st have been obvious with all 3 of them.
-- When Mueller was FBI Director there had been quite a few FISA Court Abuses, for which he had been called before a secret FISA Court hearing to explain. NOT ONE FBI member was ever held accountable for those FISA Court abuses...

4. James Comey was his protege'

5. Comey, Rosenstein, Weissmann - they were all 'buds' - they had been for years.

There are more conflicts of interest, some listed while others remain hidden - quite a bit of the report is still redacted, continuing to hide all of their secrets.

Aside from Mueller himself, his entire team was almost 1 huge conflict of interest.. Almost unbelievably, Mueller claimed to have no clue that members of his own Special Counsel Staff include Hillary Lawyers and big Hillary and Democrat donors.

Finally, Mueller's appearance under oath before Congress CLEARLY demonstrated Mueller was an old, clueless, disoriented figurehead and that it was actually Weismann who was running Obama's coup attempt. Weismann, of course, was loyal to Hillary - he was at her HQ on election night to celebrate with her after she won...that did not happen. The Waiver, however, even talks about Mueller's reputation and influence his name / his being Special Counsel would contribute.

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

More than 2 years after Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to Investigate Trump Russian Interference / collusion and after about 5 months after his investigation ended the DOJ has revealed that Mueller was given an 'Ethics Waiver', waiving Mueller's conflicts of interests that should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.

Let's name them all, shall we?

1. As FBI Director, Mueller reached out to and worked with a Russian Oligarch, who was involved in the Trump investigation, in an attempt to get the Russian to fund an operation to recover an FBI agent.
- Not only had he himself 'colluded with / collaborated with Russians in the past, the exact same Russian from Mueller's past was involved in the Trump investigation.

2. As Director of the FBI, in 2014 it was revealed that Mueller had hidden evidence of Russian crimes (to include extortion, intimidation, blackmail, and intimidation) associated with their attempt to acquire US Uranium.

3. Mueller had been the Director of the FBI. He had been raised up in and groomed from within the agency to take over, just like Comey, and just like Wray. The examples of loyalties to the Agency 1st have been obvious with all 3 of them.
-- When Mueller was FBI Director there had been quite a few FISA Court Abuses, for which he had been called before a secret FISA Court hearing to explain. NOT ONE FBI member was ever held accountable for those FISA Court abuses...

4. James Comey was his protege'

5. Comey, Rosenstein, Weissmann - they were all 'buds' - they had been for years.

There are more conflicts of interest, some listed while others remain hidden - quite a bit of the report is still redacted, continuing to hide all of their secrets.

Aside from Mueller himself, his entire team was almost 1 huge conflict of interest.. Almost unbelievably, Mueller claimed to have no clue that members of his own Special Counsel Staff include Hillary Lawyers and big Hillary and Democrat donors.

Finally, Mueller's appearance under oath before Congress CLEARLY demonstrated Mueller was an old, clueless, disoriented figurehead and that it was actually Weismann who was running Obama's coup attempt. Weismann, of course, was loyal to Hillary - he was at her HQ on election night to celebrate with her after she won...that did not happen. The Waiver, however, even talks about Mueller's reputation and influence his name / his being Special Counsel would contribute.

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver
Your link:

"The head of DOJ’s ethics office, Cynthia Shaw, suggested such doubts were unlikely. That arguably turned out to be an poor prediction because President Donald Trump, some of his attorneys, and many of his allies made sustained efforts to paint Mueller as a hack carrying out a vendetta against Trump on behalf of Democrats."

Why would a life-long Republican fixer who covered up BCCI and Iran Contra crimes for Bush I and 911 malfeasance for Bush II be inclined to support Hillary in 2016?

More than 2 years after Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to Investigate Trump Russian Interference / collusion and after about 5 months after his investigation ended the DOJ has revealed that Mueller was given an 'Ethics Waiver', waiving Mueller's conflicts of interests that should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.

Let's name them all, shall we?

1. As FBI Director, Mueller reached out to and worked with a Russian Oligarch, who was involved in the Trump investigation, in an attempt to get the Russian to fund an operation to recover an FBI agent.
- Not only had he himself 'colluded with / collaborated with Russians in the past, the exact same Russian from Mueller's past was involved in the Trump investigation.

2. As Director of the FBI, in 2014 it was revealed that Mueller had hidden evidence of Russian crimes (to include extortion, intimidation, blackmail, and intimidation) associated with their attempt to acquire US Uranium.

3. Mueller had been the Director of the FBI. He had been raised up in and groomed from within the agency to take over, just like Comey, and just like Wray. The examples of loyalties to the Agency 1st have been obvious with all 3 of them.
-- When Mueller was FBI Director there had been quite a few FISA Court Abuses, for which he had been called before a secret FISA Court hearing to explain. NOT ONE FBI member was ever held accountable for those FISA Court abuses...

4. James Comey was his protege'

5. Comey, Rosenstein, Weissmann - they were all 'buds' - they had been for years.

There are more conflicts of interest, some listed while others remain hidden - quite a bit of the report is still redacted, continuing to hide all of their secrets.

Aside from Mueller himself, his entire team was almost 1 huge conflict of interest.. Almost unbelievably, Mueller claimed to have no clue that members of his own Special Counsel Staff include Hillary Lawyers and big Hillary and Democrat donors.

Finally, Mueller's appearance under oath before Congress CLEARLY demonstrated Mueller was an old, clueless, disoriented figurehead and that it was actually Weismann who was running Obama's coup attempt. Weismann, of course, was loyal to Hillary - he was at her HQ on election night to celebrate with her after she won...that did not happen. The Waiver, however, even talks about Mueller's reputation and influence his name / his being Special Counsel would contribute.

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver
Your link:

"The head of DOJ’s ethics office, Cynthia Shaw, suggested such doubts were unlikely. That arguably turned out to be an poor prediction because President Donald Trump, some of his attorneys, and many of his allies made sustained efforts to paint Mueller as a hack carrying out a vendetta against Trump on behalf of Democrats."

Why would a life-long Republican fixer who covered up BCCI and Iran Contra crimes for Bush I and 911 malfeasance for Bush II be inclined to support Hillary in 2016?
Despite Mueller being exposed as a feeble, confused old man used as a figurehead (unless that was one helluva an act) the conflicts of interest that still existed were enough to have - should have - prevented him from ever being named the Special Counsel. The DOJ also thought so, which is why Mueller was given a Waiver for those conflicts of interest, one that still remains heavily redacted.
More than 2 years after Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to Investigate Trump Russian Interference / collusion and after about 5 months after his investigation ended the DOJ has revealed that Mueller was given an 'Ethics Waiver', waiving Mueller's conflicts of interests that should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.

Let's name them all, shall we?

1. As FBI Director, Mueller reached out to and worked with a Russian Oligarch, who was involved in the Trump investigation, in an attempt to get the Russian to fund an operation to recover an FBI agent.
- Not only had he himself 'colluded with / collaborated with Russians in the past, the exact same Russian from Mueller's past was involved in the Trump investigation.

2. As Director of the FBI, in 2014 it was revealed that Mueller had hidden evidence of Russian crimes (to include extortion, intimidation, blackmail, and intimidation) associated with their attempt to acquire US Uranium.

3. Mueller had been the Director of the FBI. He had been raised up in and groomed from within the agency to take over, just like Comey, and just like Wray. The examples of loyalties to the Agency 1st have been obvious with all 3 of them.
-- When Mueller was FBI Director there had been quite a few FISA Court Abuses, for which he had been called before a secret FISA Court hearing to explain. NOT ONE FBI member was ever held accountable for those FISA Court abuses...

4. James Comey was his protege'

5. Comey, Rosenstein, Weissmann - they were all 'buds' - they had been for years.

There are more conflicts of interest, some listed while others remain hidden - quite a bit of the report is still redacted, continuing to hide all of their secrets.

Aside from Mueller himself, his entire team was almost 1 huge conflict of interest.. Almost unbelievably, Mueller claimed to have no clue that members of his own Special Counsel Staff include Hillary Lawyers and big Hillary and Democrat donors.

Finally, Mueller's appearance under oath before Congress CLEARLY demonstrated Mueller was an old, clueless, disoriented figurehead and that it was actually Weismann who was running Obama's coup attempt. Weismann, of course, was loyal to Hillary - he was at her HQ on election night to celebrate with her after she won...that did not happen. The Waiver, however, even talks about Mueller's reputation and influence his name / his being Special Counsel would contribute.

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

Trump can apply for those once we get his tax returns
More than 2 years after Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to Investigate Trump Russian Interference / collusion and after about 5 months after his investigation ended the DOJ has revealed that Mueller was given an 'Ethics Waiver', waiving Mueller's conflicts of interests that should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.

Let's name them all, shall we?

1. As FBI Director, Mueller reached out to and worked with a Russian Oligarch, who was involved in the Trump investigation, in an attempt to get the Russian to fund an operation to recover an FBI agent.
- Not only had he himself 'colluded with / collaborated with Russians in the past, the exact same Russian from Mueller's past was involved in the Trump investigation.

2. As Director of the FBI, in 2014 it was revealed that Mueller had hidden evidence of Russian crimes (to include extortion, intimidation, blackmail, and intimidation) associated with their attempt to acquire US Uranium.

3. Mueller had been the Director of the FBI. He had been raised up in and groomed from within the agency to take over, just like Comey, and just like Wray. The examples of loyalties to the Agency 1st have been obvious with all 3 of them.
-- When Mueller was FBI Director there had been quite a few FISA Court Abuses, for which he had been called before a secret FISA Court hearing to explain. NOT ONE FBI member was ever held accountable for those FISA Court abuses...

4. James Comey was his protege'

5. Comey, Rosenstein, Weissmann - they were all 'buds' - they had been for years.

There are more conflicts of interest, some listed while others remain hidden - quite a bit of the report is still redacted, continuing to hide all of their secrets.

Aside from Mueller himself, his entire team was almost 1 huge conflict of interest.. Almost unbelievably, Mueller claimed to have no clue that members of his own Special Counsel Staff include Hillary Lawyers and big Hillary and Democrat donors.

Finally, Mueller's appearance under oath before Congress CLEARLY demonstrated Mueller was an old, clueless, disoriented figurehead and that it was actually Weismann who was running Obama's coup attempt. Weismann, of course, was loyal to Hillary - he was at her HQ on election night to celebrate with her after she won...that did not happen. The Waiver, however, even talks about Mueller's reputation and influence his name / his being Special Counsel would contribute.

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

No matter if one goes line-by-line in an attempt to defend / deny Mueller's Conflict of Interests, the fact is that Obama's DOJ / his conspirators recognized there were Conflicts of Interest and that a Waiver was needed for them, which is what this document is.

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver
Your link:

"The head of DOJ’s ethics office, Cynthia Shaw, suggested such doubts were unlikely. That arguably turned out to be an poor prediction because President Donald Trump, some of his attorneys, and many of his allies made sustained efforts to paint Mueller as a hack carrying out a vendetta against Trump on behalf of Democrats."

Why would a life-long Republican fixer who covered up BCCI and Iran Contra crimes for Bush I and 911 malfeasance for Bush II be inclined to support Hillary in 2016?
Despite Mueller being exposed as a feeble, confused old man used as a figurehead (unless that was one helluva an act) the conflicts of interest that still existed were enough to have - should have - prevented him from ever being named the Special Counsel. The DOJ also thought so, which is why Mueller was given a Waiver for those conflicts of interest, one that still remains heavily redacted.
the conflicts of interest that still existed were enough to have - should have - prevented him from ever being named the Special Counsel. The DOJ also thought so, which is why Mueller was given a Waiver for those conflicts of interest, one that still remains heavily redacted.
Three of Trump's closest advisers thought otherwise:

DOJ releases part of Mueller’s conflict of interest waiver

"The law firm connection was just one of several purported Mueller conflicts Trump complained about to aides and advisers in the spring of 2017, according to Mueller’s final report.

"The report said Trump raised such complaints with then-senior adviser Steve Bannon, then-White House counsel Don McGahn and then-chief of staff Reince Priebus.

"All three men told Mueller’s team that they pushed back on or resisted requests to act on the alleged conflicts. Bannon called the claims 'ridiculous,' while McGahn viewed them as 'silly' and 'not real.'

"The issue of the alleged conflicts triggered a major falling-out between Trump and McGahn, as well as a dispute over whether Trump instructed McGahn to have Mueller fired on that basis."

It seems more likely the life-long Republican betrayed his appointment by refusing to cross the "red line" involving Trump's personal and business financial documents.

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