Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
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I seriously doubt that Mueller will call in any pedophile Podesta for questioning much less have the FBI conduct a predawn raid
Then you have John Podesta, co-founder of the Podesta Group.

His brother is a busy man - 'Fat Tony' runs the Podesta Group, is working for the KGB Bank that is going after Uranium One, and he is working for the Russian Spy Agency.

In the mean time, John has the ear of and is sitting at the right hand of the next projected President of the United States...and the Secretary of State who sits on the committee that determines if the sale of Uranium One goes through or not.

During this time John Is getting 'paid' extremely well by receiving thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stocks...
- WHY? Because the KGB Bank 'owns' 'Fat Tony', because he is Hillary's campaign manager and can help 'guide' Hillary in the right direction, convincing her to use her influence in the Uranium One deal?!

1/3rd of John's company is also controlled by prominent Russian businessmen who have a direct linkt to the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin himself.
- Yeah, I bet Uranium One never came up at any board meetings or working lunches. :p
Then you have Bill and Hillary Clinton...

Hillary is Secretary of State and reportedly using the State Department as her 2nd Clinton Foundation office, using aids and her position to 'grant' favors, meetings, and influence...for a price, as shown by released e-mails.
-- John knows this...which means 'Fat Tony' knows this...which means the KGB Bank and Russians know this.

In a completely un-related story... :p

THE Leader for the Russian Team responsible for acquiring 20% of the US supply of Uranium - out of the goodness of his heart and sudden desire to give over $100 million to a charity that spends 90% of its donations on 'administration fees', makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation ... 'no strings attached'.


... Bill is asked to do some paid speaking gigs. It just so happens - coincidentally - that the company that hires him is run by Vladimir Putin's old KGB Buddies.... Bill's speaking pay suddenly rises to half a million dollars a per speech, also Coincidentally, the people writing those checks to Bill are none other than the KGB Bank - the group going after Uranium One, who 'owns' 'Fat Tony' and the Podesta group whose co-founder happens to be his wife's campaign manager.

Again...nothing to see here....
Then you also have a Russian Spy who comes to the US, infiltrates a lobbying group and 'gets near' Hillary Clinton... when it is discovered, the spy is not arrested. Non, no, no, no, no - she is whisked out of the country quickly before the news breaks / is widely reported....

It would be funny if the lobbying firm the spy 'infiltrated' was the Podesta Group, wouldn't it? :p
Something tells me they didn’t have to be infiltrated...
Then you also have a Russian Spy who comes to the US, infiltrates a lobbying group and 'gets near' Hillary Clinton... when it is discovered, the spy is not arrested. Non, no, no, no, no - she is whisked out of the country quickly before the news breaks / is widely reported....

It would be funny if the lobbying firm the spy 'infiltrated' was the Podesta Group, wouldn't it? :p
Then you have Bill and Hillary Clinton...

Hillary is Secretary of State and reportedly using the State Department as her 2nd Clinton Foundation office, using aids and her position to 'grant' favors, meetings, and influence...for a price, as shown by released e-mails.
-- John knows this...which means 'Fat Tony' knows this...which means the KGB Bank and Russians know this.

In a completely un-related story... :p

THE Leader for the Russian Team responsible for acquiring 20% of the US supply of Uranium - out of the goodness of his heart and sudden desire to give over $100 million to a charity that spends 90% of its donations on 'administration fees', makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation ... 'no strings attached'.


... Bill is asked to do some paid speaking gigs. It just so happens - coincidentally - that the company that hires him is run by Vladimir Putin's old KGB Buddies.... Bill's speaking pay suddenly rises to half a million dollars a per speech, also Coincidentally, the people writing those checks to Bill are none other than the KGB Bank - the group going after Uranium One, who 'owns' 'Fat Tony' and the Podesta group whose co-founder happens to be his wife's campaign manager.

Again...nothing to see here....
ANd the Indictment only lists those companies owned by Podesta as Company A and Company B... For which Gates, Manafort and Popadkis worked for.. Funny how that is being hidden from public view until you actually dig into the indictment and find it in the supporting documentation..
Podesta resigned yesterday...
Yes, learning Mueller was looking at his 'intimate' connections to the KGB Bank, Russian Spy Agency, the Kremlin, and Vladimir Putin, 'Fat Tony' resigned....

Now if you have nothing to hide and there is nothing to worry about, who resigns? Hmmm...
Then you have FBI Director (at that time) Mueller whose FBI discovered and was all over the Russian Scandal, which consisted of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and buying politicians (like Hillary) and government officials.

Last week evidence was released that Mueller had a ton of evidence against the 2009. He, his boss - then US AG Holder, and President Obama were aware of the Russians' illegal activity in trying to corner the uranium market and get their hands on Uranium One. The evidence against them was more than enough to stop the Uranium One sale....

..except FBI Director Mueller, US AG Holder, nor President Obama said anything or did anything about it. None of them brought the evidence of criminal activity by the Russians up to the committee responsible for approving or denying the Uranium One deal. HOLDER sat on that Committee and never brought it up. Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence and allowed the sale of Uranium One to go through.
-- Of course, Hillary never though to mention to the committee that the Russian Team Lead had given her millions of dollars before the vote.

Mueller, Holder, and Obama kept the information hidden until AFTER the Uranium One deal went through, as last week's evidence showed.

...and now Mueller has been hand-picked to be the Special Counsel investigating crimes linked to the Russians ... when it should be HIM who is being investigated for crimes related to Russia.

...but, again according to libs / snowflakes, nothing to see here...just a bunch of strange coincidences....
Oh, Let's not forget the 'coulda-been Next 1st Lady' Bill Clinton...

E-mails show that Slick Willy was asking to meet with Russian Nuclear Industry officials before the Uranium One deal went down.

After being unable to get a meeting with them - in what I am sure is an un-related coincidence :p - Bill met directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- Again, I am sure this is nothing. He probably happened to be 'flying around in the neighborhood', heard Putin was nearby, had his pilot change plans in the 'spur of the moment', and landed next to Putin's plane because he wanted to talk to Vlad about his Grandkids!


Bill Clinton met Vladimir Putin instead of top Russian nuclear official
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
Like I said, read the indictment and look at the list of companies and financial institutions Mueller is reviewing financial transactions, they are all associated with Fusion GPS or The Uranium One Deal.
The whole purpose of Mueller's appointment is to interfere with The Trump Administration and try to inflict some damage on it, and try to tie their hands until the 2018 mid terms.

As you can see by his phony indictment, there is ZERO in there about The President, or Russia, or Collusion. He can't even get close to it, and The Crimes he actually could prosecute, he is pretending like they never happened because some of them involve him & James Comey.

Uranium One & Fusion GPS
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
They actually hid the fact they were working as Foreign Lobbyists. They also violated numerous laws when they accepted stock options in Russian Companies. They didn't disclose anything. They tried to file amendments after the fact, and Mueller, and Comey allowed it, but that does not excuse Podesta from his culpability in failing to disclose his ties to Russia and his involvement in the Uranium One Bribery scandal.

And lastly, no one really cares about Manafort because he had a cup of coffee with The Trump Campaign and The Campaign dismissed him. Manafort is a Democrat who has worked for The Podestas and Hillary Clinton numerous times. He helped organize the delegates for the election, and that was it, he was gone....

And the events Mueller is reviewing are as old as 10 years prior to The Trump campaign and done on the behalf of Tony Podesta.
Like I said, read the indictment and look at the list of companies and financial institutions Mueller is reviewing financial transactions, they are all associated with Fusion GPS or The Uranium One Deal.
Gee, and who is 'intimately' connected to the Uranium One deal (that the KGB Bank was financing for the Russians)?

Trump? Ummm, NO. That would be 'Fat Tony' Podesta, John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Holder, and Obama...

Gee, and who was it connected to the fake dossier containing Russian-generated Propaganda being sold by a foreign agent through the Russia-connected firm that just pleaded the 5th before Congress, who illegally sued that information in a US election?

Trump? Ummm, No. That would be Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Barak Obama, and the DNC led by Pakistani Spy Ring Leader Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
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Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
Actually you are wrong. 'Fat Tony' failed to register as a foreign agent...which means 'Fat Tony' broke the law.

I guess if I were him I would not want to draw attention to the fact that I was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency, either, especially being connected to Hillary Clinton by his brother being her campaign manager., either.

As far as Manafort and Gates go, neither one was working for the KGB Bank like 'Fat Tony', John Podesta, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton were. They were not working for the Russian Spy agency like 'Fat Tony' was.

Mueller's indictment of them did not even have anything to do with the Trump Collusion lie. Their charges were regarding Tax Fraud dating back to 2006. Mueller's indictment of these 2 are his 'Scooter Libby', a desperate attempt to justify his witch hunt and a desperate attempt to get someone to give him what he does not have - evidence against Trump.
Manafort, "OK Mueller, I'll talk. Let me tell you what I know about Hillary, Obama and the pedo-Podestas"
All of THAT is what this entire Mueller charade and Trump Witch Hunt boils down to.

Libs and snowflakes keep saying they care about Russian intervention in the US, about criminal Russian activity in this country, and about Americans colluding with foreigners / Russians ... while they completely and insanely ignore the existing evidence of evidence against Democrats, continuing to attack Trump and chase the non-existent 'Trump Collusion' evidence to support their lies / false claims.

Doing so proves they could care less about Russians, protecting America, etc - they are still driven by butt-hurt and HATRED over Hillary's loss. That's what this is all about.

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