Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Manafort was a volunteer
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are volunteers.
And let me remind you, since Trump donates his salary, Donald Trump is a volunteer.
Ah, no.

To trivialize somebody as being a volunteer, doesn't bode well when the Trump campaign and administration has volunteers at the very highest levels from the west wing to the oval office.

Just a volunteer. pffffftttttt
Manafort was a volunteer
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are volunteers.
And let me remind you, since Trump donates his salary, Donald Trump is a volunteer.

They're not taking salary because they're violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution and profiting off their positions. So they can very easily say "I'm not taking a salary" as their businesses profit at the expense of taxpayers.
Snowflakes are posting a lot of THIS :blahblah: and none of this :thup:.

So until any of them can present any real evidence against Trump, which they don't have, I'm just going to give them this



There's real evidence against Trump jr, Manafort, Kushner, Flynn, and of course the conviction of Papadapoulos.

Add to that all the people who didn't know Mueller was indicting.
Sorry, but no. You have no evidence of Trump collusion. Get back to me when you have some.
They're not taking salary because they're violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution and profiting off their positions. So they can very easily say "I'm not taking a salary" as their businesses profit at the expense of taxpayers.

Actually Trump is the one subject to the emoluments clause, not Ivanka and Jarred. They aren't taking a salary because of the law against nepotism. The punishment for hiring a relative is taking away their salary.
Actually Trump is the one subject to the emoluments clause, not Ivanka and Jarred. They aren't taking a salary because of the law against nepotism. The punishment for hiring a relative is taking away their salary.

I stand corrected...but yeah, Ivanka and Jared and Uday and Qusay are not taking a salary because they're using their father's position to profit at our expense.
Sorry, but no. You have no evidence of Trump collusion. Get back to me when you have some.

You said the same about the entire Trump administration just a week ago.

Reminds me of what Tommy Jones told Will Smith in Men in Black.

" fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
That's an excellent analysis, thanks. I suspect that Papa George (writing Papadopoulos takes too much time so that's how i shall refer to him henceforth) was probably wired during his last few months with the campaign.

He (and Mueller's team) did an amazing job keeping it on the down-low. Gonna be some great material forthcoming with phone calls and such! :)
nothing burger bubba. big fat fking nothing burger. a waste of good food.

Spoken like a good Russian troll. You guys are really out in full force today trying to deflect to Clinton and the Democrats. It’s not working.
it's at least factual instead of the stupid talk about russia when russia wasn't ever there. ask Mueller. or read the twelve counts.

This is just the beginning. And you need to read the plea deal with Papadopoulos not the indictments against Manaforte and Gates. This is just Mueller’s opening shot. The best is yet to come.

Trump and his WH staff are shitting themselves today, as are you and the rest of the troll farm workers. I see how hard you’re working to deflect from Trump’s ties to Putin. It’s not working and it’s not going to work.

Treason is a serious offence. And that’s what this is.
funny when you got nothing eh?

I wouldn’t call a “Guilty” plea from a Trump’s foreign affairs advisor, who admits to colluding with Russia, “nothing”.

Just Trump’s efforts at ending the investigation (firing Comey), and his continuing attempts to deflect to the Clinton campaign are proof that the Liar in Chief is guilty as hell.

Republicans know it too. That’s why they voted almost unanimously to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval.
nothing burger bubba. big fat fking nothing burger. a waste of good food.

Spoken like a good Russian troll. You guys are really out in full force today trying to deflect to Clinton and the Democrats. It’s not working.
it's at least factual instead of the stupid talk about russia when russia wasn't ever there. ask Mueller. or read the twelve counts.

This is just the beginning. And you need to read the plea deal with Papadopoulos not the indictments against Manaforte and Gates. This is just Mueller’s opening shot. The best is yet to come.

Trump and his WH staff are shitting themselves today, as are you and the rest of the troll farm workers. I see how hard you’re working to deflect from Trump’s ties to Putin. It’s not working and it’s not going to work.

Treason is a serious offence. And that’s what this is.
funny when you got nothing eh?

I wouldn’t call a “Guilty” plea from a Trump’s foreign affairs advisor, who admits to colluding with Russia, “nothing”.

Just Trump’s efforts at ending the investigation (firing Comey), and his continuing attempts to deflect to the Clinton campaign are proof that the Liar in Chief is guilty as hell.

Republicans know it too. That’s why they voted almost unanimously to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval.
he lied. that is what he is guilty of. hly fk. you need to know what the facts are.

made up land. hahahahahahaahaha
Great, so you just admitted Manafort was nothing but 'leverage' and did not actually find anything - no evidence - againstTrump. Thank you for that.

Well, "Conspiracy Against the United States" isn't a nothing charge. It's pretty severe. Mueller wouldn't have levied that charge if he didn't think there was enough evidence to convict. Apparently, there was enough to scare Papadopolous into reaching a plea deal. The cockroaches are beginning to scatter! But Mueller's got a pretty big shoe...

Papa - again, wore a wire and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. The man wreaks of 'Mueller plant'. If Mueller is willing to indict Manafort just for 'leverage' he is willing to use Papa as a plant and lie about his 'cooperating'.
the greek was a volunteer. ooops.
So Robert Mueller orchestrated Papdopolous being a part of Trump's campaign in 2016!? Now that's a conspiracy theory. How did Mueller convince Team Trump to take this guy on board, to have him sit in National Security meetings, and have him go to Russia "so as not to send any signals"?
Spoken like a good Russian troll. You guys are really out in full force today trying to deflect to Clinton and the Democrats. It’s not working.
it's at least factual instead of the stupid talk about russia when russia wasn't ever there. ask Mueller. or read the twelve counts.

This is just the beginning. And you need to read the plea deal with Papadopoulos not the indictments against Manaforte and Gates. This is just Mueller’s opening shot. The best is yet to come.

Trump and his WH staff are shitting themselves today, as are you and the rest of the troll farm workers. I see how hard you’re working to deflect from Trump’s ties to Putin. It’s not working and it’s not going to work.

Treason is a serious offence. And that’s what this is.
funny when you got nothing eh?

I wouldn’t call a “Guilty” plea from a Trump’s foreign affairs advisor, who admits to colluding with Russia, “nothing”.

Just Trump’s efforts at ending the investigation (firing Comey), and his continuing attempts to deflect to the Clinton campaign are proof that the Liar in Chief is guilty as hell.

Republicans know it too. That’s why they voted almost unanimously to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval.
he lied. that is what he is guilty of. hly fk. you need to know what the facts are.

made up land. hahahahahahaahaha

It’s not just that he lied. It’s what he lied about.

It’s been pretty easy to see that Trump has been lying all along. Why would you worry about an investigation as much as Trump fretted over the “Russia thing” if there was nothing to hide? Why would you continually lie about meetings with Russians, or contacts with Russians, unless you were hiding something? The answer is, you wouldn’t unless there was something for investigators to find.

Throughout 17 investigations into every aspect of their political lives, the Clintons have acted as if there’s nothing to find and just carried on. And in fact, nothing was ever found, except the blow job.

So keep saying there’s nothing there because Trump’s hysteria and twitter frenzies over the whole “Russia thing”, says otherwise.
So keep saying there’s nothing there because Trump’s hysteria and twitter frenzies over the whole “Russia thing”, says otherwise.

Yestrerday we thought there was no proof of collusion by the Trump campaign. Today we have the Papadopoulos guilty plea and conviction.

Imagine what we'll find out from Mueller tomorrow?
it's at least factual instead of the stupid talk about russia when russia wasn't ever there. ask Mueller. or read the twelve counts.

This is just the beginning. And you need to read the plea deal with Papadopoulos not the indictments against Manaforte and Gates. This is just Mueller’s opening shot. The best is yet to come.

Trump and his WH staff are shitting themselves today, as are you and the rest of the troll farm workers. I see how hard you’re working to deflect from Trump’s ties to Putin. It’s not working and it’s not going to work.

Treason is a serious offence. And that’s what this is.
funny when you got nothing eh?

I wouldn’t call a “Guilty” plea from a Trump’s foreign affairs advisor, who admits to colluding with Russia, “nothing”.

Just Trump’s efforts at ending the investigation (firing Comey), and his continuing attempts to deflect to the Clinton campaign are proof that the Liar in Chief is guilty as hell.

Republicans know it too. That’s why they voted almost unanimously to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval.
he lied. that is what he is guilty of. hly fk. you need to know what the facts are.

made up land. hahahahahahaahaha

It’s not just that he lied. It’s what he lied about.

It’s been pretty easy to see that Trump has been lying all along. Why would you worry about an investigation as much as Trump fretted over the “Russia thing” if there was nothing to hide? Why would you continually lie about meetings with Russians, or contacts with Russians, unless you were hiding something? The answer is, you wouldn’t unless there was something for investigators to find.

Throughout 17 investigations into every aspect of their political lives, the Clintons have acted as if there’s nothing to find and just carried on. And in fact, nothing was ever found, except the blow job.

So keep saying there’s nothing there because Trump’s hysteria and twitter frenzies over the whole “Russia thing”, says otherwise.
wrong. he lied to a federal agent. Period. just cause you want it to be something else doesn't make it so. so sorrry Chalie

See Originals last post #258
he lied to a federal agent. Period.

5 year felony with a $10,000 fine.

Irving Lewis "scooter" Libby did it.
Martha Stewart did it.

And when you do it, you go to jail (short of getting a pardon or commutation)

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