Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Intelligent people don’t believe that the Russians just gave the “Clinton Charity” $145 million out of pure benevolence.
But, the Crazy Clinton Cult believes it.
Because, countries never give money to help the poor people of other countries.

Neither Bill or Hillary had any authority. AS Secretary of State, she had nothing to do with that committee as it was one of a career State Department people that sat on that committee. Clintons get nothing from their Foundation.
the Clinton Cult is scary
So explain why Russia supposedly bribed Clinton to get one of 9 approvals needed? Were they stupid? Did Clinton attend that meeting?

That 145 million did not all come from the Russdans.

You assholes are sofa king stupid that you see $1435 million & lie about where it came from.

That 145 million was supposedly donations from investors in Uranium One.

The bulk of that money came from the guy who sold all interest in that Uranium in 2007.

2007 you stupid shit.

More proof, Trumpettes are the dumbest people on the fucking planet.
You are saying they are owned by Hillary? ... the lady they put through 7 pointless Benghazi probes? really??
Yes, pointing out that Hillary and Obama abandoned and allowed 4 Americans at the hands of the terrorists they helped when they dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved War by the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, needlessly allowed to die due to their incompetence and piss-poor decision-making...right before they lied their asses off and vowed to prosecute an American citizen for exercising his right to Free Speech in their initial attempted cover-up of the attack being a terrorist attack... yup, pointing out all of that ,which came to light during the hearings, was 'pointless' to snowflake.

To them, as Hillary bellowed before Congress, 'What difference does it make?'

so you are stupid. nice. I agree.What's killing trump at the moment? elaborate cause I think you just misspoke.

Well, she's not stupid because she didn't buy into your propaganda. But Conservatives are really stupid, so they're susceptible to it. That's why Russia spent a few hundred thousand dollars on ads in MI and WI in the days before the vote.

It's estimated that 125 million Americans were exposed to Russian propaganda. If it managed to sway just 3% of the voters in MI, WI, and PA, it was enough to tip the election. you not know what propaganda is?
Yes, it is what Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC bought from a foreign agent through Fusion GPS for approx. $9 MILLION and illegally used against Trump during the election....
Dude, really, take a breather. You aren't helping Trump.
This thread isn't about helping Trump. It is about pointing out the existing evidence that exposes the REAL Collusion and crimes committed by the Podestas, the Clintons, and even Mueller himself. An added benefit is exposing you as a troll attempting to hijack the htread with your continued unsubstantiated lies about non-existent Trump Collusion.

Take a breather? STFU - stop trying to hijack the thread with your lies. Put up or shut up. Considering Mueller has proven he has nothing - no evidence - after 1 year of multiple investigations, dozens of meetings, hundreds of man-hours, thousands of pages of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted - NOTHING.

The only evidence of criminal activity and collusion that exists is evidence against 'Fat Tony', John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Eric holder, James Comey, Barak Oama, and Mueller himself.

Unless you provide any evidence to support your lies, consider yourself 'ignored'.
It is all about you protecting your orange buddy. Otherwise you would not be bringing up an old, already debunked story that only you feeble minded Trumpettes believe.

There is no evidence of criminal activity with the Clintons.

Ignore yourself, Dumbass. you not know what propaganda is?
Yes, it is what Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC bought from a foreign agent through Fusion GPS for approx. $9 MILLION and illegally used against Trump during the election....
They hired a company who sent an investigator to Russia to learn what Trump was doing there. They found out some shit & reported it.

Manafort's indictment is for TAX FRAUD extending back to 2006 - NOTHING to do with Trump or your Russian Collusion LIE.

Right, but that's the thing about this probe...Mueller can use this as leverage to get him to talk about Russia. And if he talks about Russia, he's inevitably going to talk about Trump if he wants to avoid perjury charges.

The one who lead guilty is an unpaid volunteer who happened to wear a wire for Mueller and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. He is an obvious 'plant'. IMO, he has not even been indicted with an intent to charge with a crime. IMO the announcement that he is working with Mueller is a lie intended to 'make others nervous' and come forward to give Muller (and you) what he (you) does not have - EVIDENCE. It's a piss-poor ploy that won't work because the entire Trump collusion story is a lie.

Unpaid volunteer? Since when do unpaid volunteers end up in National Security meetings, three seats removed from Trump? Also, Trump said Papadopolous was a "great guy" was Trump just a bad judge of character then? If he was that bad a judge of character then, what makes you think his judgement is any better now?
They hired a company who sent an investigator to Russia to learn what Trump was doing there. They found out some shit & reported it.
Actually they were provided a load of Russian-generated Propaganda...but nice try. Fusin GPS has a documented history with the did 'Fat Tony P', his brother john, and bill and Hillary. :p
Manafort's indictment is for TAX FRAUD extending back to 2006 - NOTHING to do with Trump or your Russian Collusion LIE.

Right, but that's the thing about this probe...Mueller can use this as leverage to get him to talk about Russia. And if he talks about Russia, he's inevitably going to talk about Trump if he wants to avoid perjury charges.

The one who lead guilty is an unpaid volunteer who happened to wear a wire for Mueller and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. He is an obvious 'plant'. IMO, he has not even been indicted with an intent to charge with a crime. IMO the announcement that he is working with Mueller is a lie intended to 'make others nervous' and come forward to give Muller (and you) what he (you) does not have - EVIDENCE. It's a piss-poor ploy that won't work because the entire Trump collusion story is a lie.

Unpaid volunteer? Since when do unpaid volunteers end up in National Security meetings, three seats removed from Trump? Also, Trump said Papadopolous was a "great guy" was Trump just a bad judge of character then? If he was that bad a judge of character then, what makes you think his judgement is any better now?
Great, so you just admitted Manafort was nothing but 'leverage' and did not actually find anything - no evidence - againstTrump. Thank you for that.

Papa - again, wore a wire and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. The man wreaks of 'Mueller plant'. If Mueller is willing to indict Manafort just for 'leverage' he is willing to use Papa as a plant and lie about his 'cooperating'.

Nice try, but NO. NO EVIDENCE against Trump still.
what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia? the greek dude never worked for the campaign, so I'm lost on his relevance. so where is russia?

So he's not the guy here, three seats removed from Trump and one removed from Sessions? What kind of unpaid volunteer gets that kind of access?

It is all about you protecting your orange buddy. .
No, you butt-hurt, hate-driven, lying snowflake. It is all about FACTS and EVIDENCE. You and your snowflakes continue to prove post after post that you, Democrats, and Mueller have NO EVIDENCE against Trump. NONE!

You also prove you continue to ignore the very real existing evidence against the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

Instead of raving and ranting like a mouth-breathing snowflake, come back when you have undeniable evidence against there is against Hillary.

Have a nice day.
what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia? the greek dude never worked for the campaign, so I'm lost on his relevance. so where is russia?

So he's not the guy here, three seats removed from Trump and one removed from Sessions? What kind of unpaid volunteer gets that kind of access?

The kind of Mueller 'plant' that wears a wire and shops for book deals 3 weeks
Feeling the pressure of now being under Mueller's Special Council's scrutiny, 'Fat Tony P' and his lawyer just threatened Tucker Carlson and Fox News, attempting to silence their reporting on his Connections to the Russian KGB Bank, The Russian Spy Agency, and reported connections to the Ukraine and it's attempts to help Hillary get 'dirt' on Trump.

'Fat Tony P' is starting to squirm....Imagine how he would be freaking out if he was really under real scrutiny by a real objective Special Council.... :p

Tony Podesta Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Tucker [VIDEO]

Daily Caller? :D

Great, so you just admitted Manafort was nothing but 'leverage' and did not actually find anything - no evidence - againstTrump. Thank you for that.

Well, "Conspiracy Against the United States" isn't a nothing charge. It's pretty severe. Mueller wouldn't have levied that charge if he didn't think there was enough evidence to convict. Apparently, there was enough to scare Papadopolous into reaching a plea deal. The cockroaches are beginning to scatter! But Mueller's got a pretty big shoe...

Papa - again, wore a wire and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. The man wreaks of 'Mueller plant'. If Mueller is willing to indict Manafort just for 'leverage' he is willing to use Papa as a plant and lie about his 'cooperating'.

So Robert Mueller orchestrated Papdopolous being a part of Trump's campaign in 2016!? Now that's a conspiracy theory. How did Mueller convince Team Trump to take this guy on board, to have him sit in National Security meetings, and have him go to Russia "so as not to send any signals"?
It is all about you protecting your orange buddy. .
No, you butt-hurt, hate-driven, lying snowflake. It is all about FACTS and EVIDENCE. You and your snowflakes continue to prove post after post that you, Democrats, and Mueller have NO EVIDENCE against Trump. NONE!

You also prove you continue to ignore the very real existing evidence against the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

Instead of raving and ranting like a mouth-breathing snowflake, come back when you have undeniable evidence against there is against Hillary.

Have a nice day.
You don't know what evidence they have,

I do know this:
Trump lied about his campaign's contacts with the Russians along with
Manafort lied
Flynn led
Sessions lied
Jr lied.
Kushner lied

All about Russian contacts.

Those are facts.

Why did they lie

As for your fake conspiracy theory with the Clintions, all old news. All debunked.
OMG OMG the Russians stole US uranium from the Canadians. Now that is some funny chit.
It is all about you protecting your orange buddy. Otherwise you would not be bringing up an old, already debunked story that only you feeble minded Trumpettes believe.
There is no evidence of criminal activity with the Clintons.
Ignore yourself, Dumbass.

And there's no evidence of the "Orange Buddy" criminal activity.

So, rather than calling people names, THINK.

If no conclusive evidence ever makes it public......and NOONE ever goes to jail....yet all these accusations and investigations are ALWAYS going on......

Maybe it's time to realize the whole thing just might be nothing but a GRAND CHARADE. Good cop vs bad cop on a monumental scale. And while you're "thinking"......just who could benefit from these "charades" and who pays for them?

When you can answer those simple'll know who the dumbasses are.

(HINT: All of us peon taxpayers....that means you and I...whether you worship Hillary, Obama or Trump)
The kind of Mueller 'plant' that wears a wire and shops for book deals 3 weeks

So you're saying that in early 2016, Robert Mueller somehow convinced the Trump campaign to take this guy on, then convinced the Trump campaign to make him a foreign policy adviser, then convinced the Trump campaign to have him attend National Security meetings, then convinced the Trump campaign to let him have contact with Russia for their benefit, then convinced Papadopolous to secretly record everything so he could then use it against Trump almost 2 years later?

That's fucking nuts and clearly that bullshit is a product of Russian Active Measures on your part.

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