Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
How is it possible that you can write but can't read?

Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
How is it possible that you can write but can't read?

what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia? the greek dude never worked for the campaign, so I'm lost on his relevance. so where is russia?
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.

That's an excellent analysis, thanks. I suspect that Papa George (writing Papadopoulos takes too much time so that's how i shall refer to him henceforth) was probably wired during his last few months with the campaign.

He (and Mueller's team) did an amazing job keeping it on the down-low. Gonna be some great material forthcoming with phone calls and such! :)
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
How is it possible that you can write but can't read?

what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia?

Here's an idea. READ THE LINK!

Also, see here: Bombshell: Collusion Between Defendant Papadopoulos And Russia

the greek dude never worked for the campaign

He most certainly did, you deluded idiot!
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
How is it possible that you can write but can't read?

what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia? the greek dude never worked for the campaign, so I'm lost on his relevance. so where is russia?

The Professor is calling him a liar, so this is the result of imo, brutal, unethical and unconstitutional tactics being used by Mueller's team to force their stooge to manufacture evidence.

fer Christ sake, they busted the guy for giving them the wrong date on an event he documented, disclosed and admitted to.

'A Laughingstock': Professor Rejects Claims by Ex-Trump Aide Arrested in Mueller Probe

The professor spoke of the Kremlin possessing "dirt" on Hillary Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails."

Rosen reported that Papadopolous tried to broker a meeting between Russian officials and Trump, but a top campaign official, believed to be Paul Manafort, rejected the idea.

The Telegraph has identified the professor as Joseph Mifsud, honorary director of the London Academy of Diplomacy, an affiliate of University of Stirling in Scotland.

Mifsud characterized the claims against him as "incredible," and called it a "laughingstock" that he attempted to introduce Papadopolous to a female relative of Vladimir Putin.

The unsealed documents indicate that Papadopolous has been cooperating with Mueller's investigators since being arrested in July at Dulles Airport in D.C.

Trump distances himself from indictments, says Papadopoulos has 'proven to be a liar'

"To be honest...I thought they were talking about [advance man] George Gigicos...not because he could've possibly been involved with Russia, but because he's the only guy with a Greek name that anyone knew on the campaign," the official said.

Papadopoulos was charged with lying to the FBI about his contacts with a UK professor with alleged ties to the Kremlin, according to court documents. Papandopoulos reportedly tried to enlist the professor's help in connecting Trump's campaign to Russian officials who had dirt on the Clinton campaign.

But the professor cited in the official documents, Joseph Mifsud, the honorary director of the London Academy of Diplomacy, told The Telegraph he didn't tell Papadopoulos about any "dirt" the Russians may have had on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Mifsud also said it was a "laughing stock" that he would have introduced Papadopoulos to a "female Russian national" purported to be a relative of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One former Trump campaign official told Axios' Jonathan Swan he was confused when the news of Papadopoulos' story broke on Monday.

"To be honest...I thought they were talking about [advance man] George Gigicos...not because he could've possibly been involved with Russia, but because he's the only guy with a Greek name that anyone knew on the campaign," the official said.
He most certainly did, you deluded idiot!

Wasn't the timing on the entire deal amazing? Papadapa told of thousands of hacked emails.

Then the very DAY after the Access Hollywood Grab 'em by the Pussy tape was released, the hacked emails started dripping via Swedish Rapist and Russian Stooge Assange.


Pure coincidence - no collusion! :rolleyes:
bobbing for apples when none are in the barrel. LOL

Now hold on a second, said before that there wasn't any Russian activity or trolling on Facebook, then you cut and paste a small segment from one of my links while ignoring the rest. That's a Russian Active Measure. You're not very good at your job if I'm able to just call you out this easily.
Feeling the pressure of now being under Mueller's Special Council's scrutiny, 'Fat Tony P' and his lawyer just threatened Tucker Carlson and Fox News, attempting to silence their reporting on his Connections to the Russian KGB Bank, The Russian Spy Agency, and reported connections to the Ukraine and it's attempts to help Hillary get 'dirt' on Trump.

'Fat Tony P' is starting to squirm....Imagine how he would be freaking out if he was really under real scrutiny by a real objective Special Council.... :p

Tony Podesta Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Tucker [VIDEO]
Annnnnnd it proves that Russians were impersonating Americans by the thousands in order to convince Conservatives to vote for the Russian puppet.
Stop lying snowflake - they targeted LIBERALS / snowflakes. It has been proven the Russians even funded liberal groups like the Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to incite racial violence / unrest.

In attempt to sow fear, Russian trolls paid for self-defense classes for African Americans

The Russian Troll Farm That Weaponized Facebook Had American Boots on the Ground

"The BlackMattersUS Facebook page reached out to him directly. “I thought it was a knockoff of Black Lives Matter,” he said, adding that it “looked legit.” James ended up organizing two rallies for BlackMattersUS; the second took place in October 2016 as part of a set of national protests coordinated with groups like the A.C.L.U. and the N.A.A.C.P. James had no idea he’d been duped by a Russian troll farm until he was contacted by reporters."
It IS illegal not to register.
How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

Retroactively they file, after Trump becomes president, for the years 2012-2014. Very convenient, very odd, they were not held accountable, as well.

FARA - Enforcement
An agent must register within ten days of agreeing to become an agent and before performing any activities for the foreign principal. No person shall act as an agent of a foreign principal unless he/she has filed with the Attorney General a true and complete registration statement and supplements. Unless he/she is exempt from registration under the provisions of this Act.

Registration under the Act is accomplished by the filing of an initial statement together with the required exhibits and the filing of a supplemental statement at intervals of 6 months for the duration of the principal-agent relationship requiring registration. No document required to be filed under the Act shall be deemed to have been filed unless it is accompanied by the applicable fee.

An agent must file with the Department of Justice any informational materials distributed on the behalf of the foreign principal to two or more persons in the United States within 48 hours of distribution. The information materials must include a conspicuous statement that additional information is on file with the Department of Justice.

Any person who willfully violates any provisions of this Act or any regulations thereunder, or in any registration statement or supplement thereto or in any other documents filed with or furnished to the Attorney General under the provisions of this Act willfully makes a false statement of a material fact or willfully omits any material fact required to be stated therein or willfully omits a material fact or a copy of a material document necessary to make the statements therein and the copies of documents furnished therewith not misleading, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five years. For some offenses the punishment shall be a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.

Yet, Podesta Group just gets away with everyone involved with the Clinton’s seem to.

Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.
Last edited:
It IS illegal not to register.
How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

Retroactively they file, after Trump becomes president, for the years 2012-2014. Very convenient, very odd, they were not held accountable, as well.

FARA - Enforcement
An agent must register within ten days of agreeing to become an agent and before performing any activities for the foreign principal. No person shall act as an agent of a foreign principal unless he/she has filed with the Attorney General a true and complete registration statement and supplements. Unless he/she is exempt from registration under the provisions of this Act.

Registration under the Act is accomplished by the filing of an initial statement together with the required exhibits and the filing of a supplemental statement at intervals of 6 months for the duration of the principal-agent relationship requiring registration. No document required to be filed under the Act shall be deemed to have been filed unless it is accompanied by the applicable fee.

An agent must file with the Department of Justice any informational materials distributed on the behalf of the foreign principal to two or more persons in the United States within 48 hours of distribution. The information materials must include a conspicuous statement that additional information is on file with the Department of Justice.

Any person who willfully violates any provisions of this Act or any regulations thereunder, or in any registration statement or supplement thereto or in any other documents filed with or furnished to the Attorney General under the provisions of this Act willfully makes a false statement of a material fact or willfully omits any material fact required to be stated therein or willfully omits a material fact or a copy of a material document necessary to make the statements therein and the copies of documents furnished therewith not misleading, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five years. For some offenses the punishment shall be a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.

Yet, Podesta Group just gets away with everyone involved with the Clinton’s seem to.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.

'Retroactively'. That's 'after the fact', as in operating as an illegal un-registered foreign agent ... until one is caught and is allowed to go back and change the paperwork to cover one's ass.

Clapper was allowed to do something similar. He perjured himself before Congress, lying about how Obama had NOT illegally spied on Americans. The evidence of the truth came out a short time later. Instead of being charged with Felony Perjury, Clapper was allowed to appear before Congress again and 'amend' his testimony to avoid jail time.

(Like that would ever happen to any of us - our asses would be in jail right now.)
Opinion | A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

RYAN: Thank you… We’ve heard you’re going to be announcing your foreign policy team shortly… Any you can share with us?

TRUMP: Well, I hadn’t thought of doing it, but if you want I can give you some of the names… Walid Phares, who you probably know, PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives caucus, and counter-terrorism expert; Carter Page, PhD; George Papadopoulos, he’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
How is it possible that you can write but can't read?

what out of the 12 indictments concerned russia?

Here's an idea. READ THE LINK!

Also, see here: Bombshell: Collusion Between Defendant Papadopoulos And Russia

the greek dude never worked for the campaign

He most certainly did, you deluded idiot!
how about no I'm not reading your link. cause it isn't anything. the greek was a volunteer, didn't work for the campaign. It's a stupid argument that isn't going anywhere. you all are like ewwwwww, but in reality it's a flop. and the manafort thing is just more flopping. a big fking nothing burger. And oh BTW, the greek lied, his fault. not sure how that's on anyone accept him. I know you all will try and find a spin. ain't happening though. they should shut this thing down and let's get america going. why are you against that?
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.

That's an excellent analysis, thanks. I suspect that Papa George (writing Papadopoulos takes too much time so that's how i shall refer to him henceforth) was probably wired during his last few months with the campaign.

He (and Mueller's team) did an amazing job keeping it on the down-low. Gonna be some great material forthcoming with phone calls and such! :)
nothing burger bubba. big fat fking nothing burger. a waste of good food.
Opinion | A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

RYAN: Thank you… We’ve heard you’re going to be announcing your foreign policy team shortly… Any you can share with us?

TRUMP: Well, I hadn’t thought of doing it, but if you want I can give you some of the names… Walid Phares, who you probably know, PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives caucus, and counter-terrorism expert; Carter Page, PhD; George Papadopoulos, he’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy
George Papadopoulos, he’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy

never paid.
If the Russians suck this bad at it then we have nothing to worry about. These people are both stupid and pathetic.

Underestimate the power of the internet at your peril, I guess. Thing is, all they had to do was sway about 3% of the electorate in three states to swing the election for Trump.
how did they do that?
Example #3,765 of you not following the news.

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