Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

If you take down Tony, fine. Right now it is three Trump folks in the net, and one of them is helping the FBI get others. That makes the White House very nervous.
who is that? still doubling down on your lie I see.
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
No one can help one so blind (paid to be?) as you. You can't win screaming Clinton when it's Trump people helping the FBI and going before the judge. Give it up, it isn't working.
Take them all down, if they are dirty, like the Trump folks. Clear now?
It is clear there is evidence proving the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama are dirty and that libs / snowflakes / Mueller has NOTHING on Trump.
Even if true, it changes nothing. The Grand Jury is indicting Trump folks not Clinton-Obama folks. Deal with what is not what might be or might never be.
no the grand jury indicted Paul Manafort and his business partner that worked for the podesta group and trump. the indictment implicates the podesta brothers. And now I want you to say how this affects trump at all and you have bumkis. sweetie get some ammo to fire with.
who is that? still doubling down on your lie I see.
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
No one can help one so blind (paid to be?) as you. You can't win screaming Clinton when it's Trump people helping the FBI and going before the judge. Give it up, it isn't working.
you lost the battle cause you have no ammo. still firing blanks.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.
and who did he do it for? trump or podesta?
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
No one can help one so blind (paid to be?) as you. You can't win screaming Clinton when it's Trump people helping the FBI and going before the judge. Give it up, it isn't working.
you lost the battle cause you have no ammo. still firing blanks.
I have a Grand Jury indicting Trump's former campaign manager. What you got?
I think thou doth protest too much.

And this is right from the Russian Active Measure playbook; minimize the thing that most severely undermines you so you can continue spouting divisive drivel. I know you're not an American. That much is obvious. The tactics you employ are straight outta the Kremlin's Active Measure playbook, even down to the half-assed quotes and false sources.

What you say is true - the Russians did target snowflakes / liberals because they - like Gruber - knew most snowflakes are stupid, easily offended and thus easily manipulated.You have proven you will swallow any bullshit and run down the street carrying pitch forks and torches without having any evidence to back up the bullshit you are spouting.

Your propaganda efforts managed to sway just enough people to tip the election to Trump in 3 key states. It's no coincidence that you and your troll friends increased your propaganda in Michigan and Wisconsin in the days leading up to the election. All you've done on this thread and others, is employ the Russian Active Measures so you can divide the country in order to lower our standing in the world. So far, it's been a successful campaign. It was Conservatives who were the ones fooled by Russians into voting for Trump because of the lies and innuendo you Russian trolls spread about Hillary. It was an act of war.

That continues today, as seen in your continuous spewing of unsubstantiated crap in the face of ACTUAL evidence that proves it is the Left who engaged in criminal acts and collusion.

Collusion is already apparent. Trump even admitted as such when he asked Russia to hack and get Hillary's e-mails. The question of collusion is already settled...the extent to which that collusion happened is what the focus is now, and chances are that focus with wrap up the GOP, several Conservative media figures, and even Fox News if it's proven that they had a hand in disseminating Russian propaganda....which it looks like they did and continue to do.

Russians even funded Liberal extremists - much like Hillary did - to incite racial hatred, discord, and violence:While Hillary was funding liberal geoups to provide thugs who would physically attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies (attacking the Americans whose President she wanted to be :p )....

And you were a part of that too. But the most effective Active Measure was spreading lies on social media. That's how they got Trump elected...they bombarded Americans with bullshit and enough of them took the bait.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
No one can help one so blind (paid to be?) as you. You can't win screaming Clinton when it's Trump people helping the FBI and going before the judge. Give it up, it isn't working.
you lost the battle cause you have no ammo. still firing blanks.
I have a Grand Jury indicting Trump's former campaign manager. What you got?
about his dealings with the podesta group, which may or may not be legal. good for you you got it now.
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.
I think thou doth protest too much.

And this is right from the Russian Active Measure playbook; minimize the thing that most severely undermines you so you can continue spouting divisive drivel. I know you're not an American. That much is obvious. The tactics you employ are straight outta the Kremlin's Active Measure playbook, even down to the half-assed quotes and false sources.

What you say is true - the Russians did target snowflakes / liberals because they - like Gruber - knew most snowflakes are stupid, easily offended and thus easily manipulated.You have proven you will swallow any bullshit and run down the street carrying pitch forks and torches without having any evidence to back up the bullshit you are spouting.

Your propaganda efforts managed to sway just enough people to tip the election to Trump in 3 key states. It's no coincidence that you and your troll friends increased your propaganda in Michigan and Wisconsin in the days leading up to the election. All you've done on this thread and others, is employ the Russian Active Measures so you can divide the country in order to lower our standing in the world. So far, it's been a successful campaign. It was Conservatives who were the ones fooled by Russians into voting for Trump because of the lies and innuendo you Russian trolls spread about Hillary. It was an act of war.

That continues today, as seen in your continuous spewing of unsubstantiated crap in the face of ACTUAL evidence that proves it is the Left who engaged in criminal acts and collusion.

Collusion is already apparent. Trump even admitted as such when he asked Russia to hack and get Hillary's e-mails. The question of collusion is already settled...the extent to which that collusion happened is what the focus is now, and chances are that focus with wrap up the GOP, several Conservative media figures, and even Fox News if it's proven that they had a hand in disseminating Russian propaganda....which it looks like they did and continue to do.

Russians even funded Liberal extremists - much like Hillary did - to incite racial hatred, discord, and violence:While Hillary was funding liberal geoups to provide thugs who would physically attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies (attacking the Americans whose President she wanted to be :p )....

And you were a part of that too. But the most effective Active Measure was spreading lies on social media. That's how they got Trump elected...they bombarded Americans with bullshit and enough of them took the bait.
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.
agreed, and that step is heading at podesta. oops, what happened to russia russia? funny. keep spinning sis.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
No one can help one so blind (paid to be?) as you. You can't win screaming Clinton when it's Trump people helping the FBI and going before the judge. Give it up, it isn't working.
you lost the battle cause you have no ammo. still firing blanks.
I have a Grand Jury indicting Trump's former campaign manager. What you got?
about his dealings with the podesta group, which may or may not be legal. good for you you got it now.
The Podesta group wasn't in court yesterday pleading not guilty, but the guy who hired them was, and he worked for Trump.
give me the numbered post, I'm happy to go read.

It's the very post you responded to, #166. So you don't read what people give you, obviously, because why would a Russian propagandist do that? It's not your job to read things, it's your job to spread bullshit.
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.

Laundering money, AND of course failing to disclose you are foreign agent as well as conspiring against the United States of America.

Crooked Paul is quite prolific - Trump sure knows how to pick 'em!
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.
agreed, and that step is heading at podesta. oops, what happened to russia russia? funny. keep spinning sis.
So what if it does? Why would that be a problem for me like it is for the Trump folks that they Grand Jury is coming after them? Do you think I care who goes down for their criminal activities?
give me the numbered post, I'm happy to go read.

It's the very post you responded to, #166. So you don't read what people give you, obviously, because why would a Russian propagandist do that? It's not your job to read things, it's your job to spread bullshit.
well one link has this in it:

"Facebook previously has acknowledged that about one quarter of the 3,000 Russian-bought ads were targeted to specific geographic locations, without detailing the locations. The company said of the ads that were geographically targeted "more ran in 2015 than 2016." In all, Facebook estimates the entire Russian effort was seen by 10 million people."

2015, well fk, trump had not won the primary yet.

I don't think I need any others.
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.

Laundering money, AND of course failing to disclose you are foreign agent as well as conspiring against the United States of America.

Crooked Paul is quite prolific - Trump sure knows how to pick 'em!
Yeah, he's as a good a judge of character as he is of a deal.
Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.
agreed, and that step is heading at podesta. oops, what happened to russia russia? funny. keep spinning sis.
So what if it does? Why would that be a problem for me like it is for the Trump folks that they Grand Jury is coming after them? Do you think I care who goes down for their criminal activities?
well the question is what is it you're after, are you just after trump or justice?

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