Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.

By the time we're done, this baby will make Watergate look like nursery school.
Only if you don’t care enough to research it from ALL sides way back.
Actually, no I’m not. Having researched this area since 2012, it is obvious what transpired when and with whom. And it wasn’t Trump, and I did not vote for him.
Trump team indictments? Manafort has been charged with crimes from his time working with Podesta, not with Trump.

Are you scared and trying to obfuscate or lying?
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
He didn't work with Podesta, he hired them. And his crimes include the time he worked for Trump. I'm not worried, you are.
The one thing this isn't is - obvious. It's a fucking mess.
Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

For whatever the reason he's dedicated, I'll give him that. Now if he was only effective but that's impossible when all you post amounts to Nah, Nah, Nah, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
or russia russia russia and all you get is tax evasion and money laundering. Huh?
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.
agreed, and that step is heading at podesta. oops, what happened to russia russia? funny. keep spinning sis.
So what if it does? Why would that be a problem for me like it is for the Trump folks that they Grand Jury is coming after them? Do you think I care who goes down for their criminal activities?
where is the grand jury mention Trump? I'm still waiting ghoul.
You’re right, and not in the way you hope, if neutrality is truly involved.
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.

By the time we're done, this baby will make Watergate look like nursery school.
So far, in legal terms. The longest journey begins with a single step. We took down Nixon for a third-rate burglary and there is obviously way more than that this time.

By the time we're done, this baby will make Watergate look like nursery school.
with the podesta brothers in jail and perhaps hitlery. I agree.
I have no reason to lie
You have EVERY reason to lie. There is still no evidence against Trump while all the existing evidence exposes the crimes committed by the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Obama....

I have no reason to lie
You have EVERY reason to lie. There is still no evidence against Trump while all the existing evidence exposes the crimes committed by the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Obama....


easyt65 ^ ^ ^ :trolls:

I don't think I need any others.

Of course you do, because you're a Russian propagandist.

From USA Today, yesterday:

As many as 126 million people — or one-third the U.S. population — may have seen material posted by a Russian troll farm under fake Facebook identities between 2015 and 2017, according to planned testimony by Facebook's general counsel obtained by USA TODAY.
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
What crimes did Mueller commit? Indicting the Orange Julius' men?:bye1:
So you're going to play 'dumb' (if that is an act) despite this being discussed at great lengths on this board?!

Fine. Evidence was released last week showing FBI Director Mueller and his FBI were fully aware of the Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and buying politicians (like Hillary) and officials in 2009 as they tried to corner the uranium market through the purchase of Uranium One. Mueller also had evidence that the KGB bank Tony Podesta was working for was behind the funding of the Russians' effort.

The evidence shows not only did Mueller know, but US AG Holder and President Obama knew...and they hid the evidence and did not say anything to the US committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. Holder and Hillary both were on that committee and neither one said anything. Holder did not tell the committee about the Russian crimes, and Hillary did not confess to having been paid millions by the KGB Bank through THE Russian leader of the team responsible for purchasing the US Uranium.

Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid this information until the Uranium One sale went through.
I don't think I need any others.

Of course you do, because you're a Russian propagandist.

From USA Today, yesterday:

As many as 126 million people — or one-third the U.S. population — may have seen material posted by a Russian troll farm under fake Facebook identities between 2015 and 2017, according to planned testimony by Facebook's general counsel obtained by USA TODAY.

I don't think I need any others.

Of course you do, because you're a Russian propagandist.

From USA Today, yesterday:

As many as 126 million people — or one-third the U.S. population — may have seen material posted by a Russian troll farm under fake Facebook identities between 2015 and 2017, according to planned testimony by Facebook's general counsel obtained by USA TODAY.
bobbing for apples when none are in the barrel. LOL
Always interesting to see the imaginary dupe planet in all its Glory...
What is 'interesting' is the bullshit posts you make that have no evidence, no links, no facts - just insults, snyde remarks, and partisan opinion.... You know, like this one.

I'm actually trying to keep a running total of how many useless, time-wasting posts you can make in a row. :p
I have no reason to lie
You have EVERY reason to lie. There is still no evidence against Trump while all the existing evidence exposes the crimes committed by the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Obama....


easyt65 ^ ^ ^ :trolls:

Hey Doc, can't you treat yourself for your projectile BS and your fear of / allergy to facts. I figure you must be allergic to them (facts) because every time you see any you have a bad reaction and avoid them at all costs. :p
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
nothing related to russia hmmm seems weird eh?
What crimes did Mueller commit? Indicting the Orange Julius' men?:bye1:
So you're going to play 'dumb' (if that is an act) despite this being discussed at great lengths on this board?!

Fine. Evidence was released last week showing FBI Director Mueller and his FBI were fully aware of the Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and buying politicians (like Hillary) and officials in 2009 as they tried to corner the uranium market through the purchase of Uranium One. Mueller also had evidence that the KGB bank Tony Podesta was working for was behind the funding of the Russians' effort.

The evidence shows not only did Mueller know, but US AG Holder and President Obama knew...and they hid the evidence and did not say anything to the US committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. Holder and Hillary both were on that committee and neither one said anything. Holder did not tell the committee about the Russian crimes, and Hillary did not confess to having been paid millions by the KGB Bank through THE Russian leader of the team responsible for purchasing the US Uranium.

Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid this information until the Uranium One sale went through.
Total fiction.

At no point were any of those people suspected of wrongdoing by the FBI, liar.

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