Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

If you take down Tony, fine. Right now it is three Trump folks in the net, and one of them is helping the FBI get others. That makes the White House very nervous.
If you take down 'Fat Tony' you take down John Podesta...and you take down Bill Clinton...and you take down Hillary Clinton...and you take down Eric holder...and you take down Barak Obama...and you take down Debbie Wasserman-Schultz...and you take down Mueller....who is NOT going to let that happen.
Take them all down, if they are dirty, like the Trump folks. Clear now?
Manafort, former campaign manager of Trump. FBI informant, former Foreign Policy advisor for Trump. Spin won't help you little partisan.
Like your lies won't help YOU.

Manafort's indictment is for TAX FRAUD extending back to 2006 - NOTHING to do with Trump or your Russian Collusion LIE.

The one who lead guilty is an unpaid volunteer who happened to wear a wire for Mueller and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. He is an obvious 'plant'. IMO, he has not even been indicted with an intent to charge with a crime. IMO the announcement that he is working with Mueller is a lie intended to 'make others nervous' and come forward to give Muller (and you) what he (you) does not have - EVIDENCE. It's a piss-poor ploy that won't work because the entire Trump collusion story is a lie.
Trump team indictments? Manafort has been charged with crimes from his time working with Podesta, not with Trump.

Are you scared and trying to obfuscate or lying?
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
He didn't work with Podesta, he hired them. And his crimes include the time he worked for Trump. I'm not worried, you are.
how you figure when he worked with trump? when did he work for trump do you know? LOL, this is fun, you are one stupid fk that is for sure.
Manafort, former campaign manager of Trump. FBI informant, former Foreign Policy advisor for Trump. Spin won't help you little partisan.
again, what implicates trump ghoul? I've been waiting, you said none of it. so what does it have to do with his time with trump? you won't answer, why? what FBI informant that was a foreign policy advisor? you're messed up, and your story is wrong. but hey keep posting it. you're lost. manafort worked for trump in 2016 for two months. the indictments are for 2006 to 2014. so, you need to go to school to learn how to read a calendar.
Take them all down, if they are dirty, like the Trump folks. Clear now?
It is clear there is evidence proving the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama are dirty and that libs / snowflakes / Mueller has NOTHING on Trump.
dude, the twitter and facebook shit was found to be after the election. ooops. you should do a better job of research.

No, it really wasn't. In fact, in the final weeks of the campaign, Russians created hundreds of thousands of fake accounts like yours to spread bullshit and propaganda.

So this post of yours is just another example of the Russian Active Measures at work. You lie and lie and lie and repeat the lies in the hopes people will just give up because of fatigue. It's how propagandists work.
'Fat Tony', as evidence proves, was already working for the KGB Bank - the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One AND the ones funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollars per speech gigs. He was also working for the Russian Spy agency...

...and so far snowflakes have had no problem with that or the evidence that proves this to be true. (So much for their BS claim about being worried about Russian interference and crimes).
If you take down Tony, fine. Right now it is three Trump folks in the net, and one of them is helping the FBI get others. That makes the White House very nervous.
who is that? still doubling down on your lie I see.
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
dude, the twitter and facebook shit was found to be after the election. ooops. you should do a better job of research.

No, it really wasn't. In fact, in the final weeks of the campaign, Russians created hundreds of thousands of fake accounts like yours to spread bullshit and propaganda.

So this post of yours is just another example of the Russian Active Measures at work. You lie and lie and lie and repeat the lies in the hopes people will just give up because of fatigue. It's how propagandists work.
well you can post that evidence then.
'Fat Tony', as evidence proves, was already working for the KGB Bank - the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One AND the ones funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollars per speech gigs. He was also working for the Russian Spy agency...

...and so far snowflakes have had no problem with that or the evidence that proves this to be true. (So much for their BS claim about being worried about Russian interference and crimes).
If you take down Tony, fine. Right now it is three Trump folks in the net, and one of them is helping the FBI get others. That makes the White House very nervous.
who is that? still doubling down on your lie I see.
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

Keep up with your ridiculous conspiracy theories, by the time Mueller is done with Trump, Hillary Clinton is going to look like a Saint.

Republicans have two options
1 Remove Trump from office asap or
2 Burn the entire party down in 2018, 2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless email talk it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.
Take them all down, if they are dirty, like the Trump folks. Clear now?
It is clear there is evidence proving the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama are dirty and that libs / snowflakes / Mueller has NOTHING on Trump.
Even if true, it changes nothing. The Grand Jury is indicting Trump folks not Clinton-Obama folks. Deal with what is not what might be or might never be.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

Keep up with your ridiculous conspiracy theories, by the time Mueller is done with Trump, Hillary Clinton is going to look like a Saint.

Republicans have two options
1 Remove Trump from office asap or
2 Burn the entire party down in 2018, 2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless email talk it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.
Trump and this shit-storm have already made the swap almost inevitable now. At a %38 approval rating and falling, with the lawyers on speed-dial, it's happy days if you're a democrat.
Actually, no I’m not. Having researched this area since 2012, it is obvious what transpired when and with whom. And it wasn’t Trump, and I did not vote for him.
Trump team indictments? Manafort has been charged with crimes from his time working with Podesta, not with Trump.

Are you scared and trying to obfuscate or lying?
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
He didn't work with Podesta, he hired them. And his crimes include the time he worked for Trump. I'm not worried, you are.
No, it really wasn't. In fact, in the final weeks of the campaign, Russians created hundreds of thousands of fake accounts like yours to spread bullshit and propaganda.
I think thou doth protest too much.

What you say is true - the Russians did target snowflakes / liberals because they - like Gruber - knew most snowflakes are stupid, easily offended and thus easily manipulated.

You have proven you will swallow any bullshit and run down the street carrying pitch forks and torches without having any evidence to back up the bullshit you are spouting.

That continues today, as seen in your (snowflakes in general, not you specifically) continuous spewing of unsubstantiated crap in the face of ACTUAL evidence that proves it is the Left who engaged in criminal acts and collusion.

Russians even funded Liberal extremists - much like Hillary did - to incite racial hatred, discord, and violence:

While Hillary was funding liberal groups to provide thugs who would physically attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies (attacking the Americans whose President she wanted to be :p )....

....the Russians were funding groups like the Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to go out and incite racial violence - such as Ferguson and Baltimore.

(Seriously, you snowflakes never stopped to consider who was bussing those violent thugs in and who was paying them to be there? Bwuhahaha....)
Actually, no I’m not. Having researched this area since 2012, it is obvious what transpired when and with whom. And it wasn’t Trump, and I did not vote for him.
Trump team indictments? Manafort has been charged with crimes from his time working with Podesta, not with Trump.

Are you scared and trying to obfuscate or lying?
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
He didn't work with Podesta, he hired them. And his crimes include the time he worked for Trump. I'm not worried, you are.
The one thing this isn't is - obvious. It's a fucking mess.
well you can post that evidence then.

I did that already. In my previous post, there were three separate links to the Russian attempts at subverting democracy. You obviously knew they were in there, but chose to not open them. The reason is obvious; what benefit is there for a Russian troll to read links about the work the Russian troll is doing? None.
'Fat Tony', as evidence proves, was already working for the KGB Bank - the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One AND the ones funding Bill Clinton's half a million dollars per speech gigs. He was also working for the Russian Spy agency...

...and so far snowflakes have had no problem with that or the evidence that proves this to be true. (So much for their BS claim about being worried about Russian interference and crimes).
If you take down Tony, fine. Right now it is three Trump folks in the net, and one of them is helping the FBI get others. That makes the White House very nervous.
who is that? still doubling down on your lie I see.
I have no reason to lie but you do eh? Trying desperately, and ineffectively I might add, to protect Trump.
so still nothing that implicates trump. post it genius let's see your evidence to validate your post. why won't you do that? are you stuck in a lie and can't get out? like that chicken bone I referred to earlier.
No one has said Trump has been implicated yet, just people close to him. How many times must that be said to satisfy you? Wait for the investigation to be completed. It might be a year or two.
I keep asking who that is close to him? no one I know of. I asked you for the names and what their implications are. you still come back with bumkis. really sweetie you're desperate. I see that, as can everyone else. you lost the battle cause you have no ammo
well you can post that evidence then.

I did that already. In my previous post, there were three separate links to the Russian attempts at subverting democracy. You obviously knew they were in there, but chose to not open them. The reason is obvious; what benefit is there for a Russian troll to read links about the work the Russian troll is doing? None.
give me the numbered post, I'm happy to go read.
Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.

Exactly - Easy is one of the more desperate.

I suspect him to be a Russian troll, perhaps bot of some sort getting paid quarter each for his awesome conspiracy theory deflections from reality.

Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
Lobbying on behalf of Ukraine is not illegal.

Laundering money is.

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