Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Note the date of the 44Chan post.

Manafort, "OK Mueller, I'll talk. Have you ever seen Podesta's 2 terabyte kiddie porn collection?"
Note the date of the 44Chan post.

I'll believe that Mueller is an Honorable MAN when he proves it to me. He populated his staff with an army of Ex Clinton Sharks and donors.
So until he proves to me he is unbiased and willing to go after The Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS (Both PROVEN CASES of RUSSIAN COLLUSION), his name is Mudd.

His Indictment already shows the president wasn't involved in any collusion, and this is what Mueller is supposed to investigate....instead, he is looking at FARA violations and a volunteer who gave an FBI Agent the wrong date for an event.
Podesta resigned yesterday...
Yes, learning Mueller was looking at his 'intimate' connections to the KGB Bank, Russian Spy Agency, the Kremlin, and Vladimir Putin, 'Fat Tony' resigned....

Now if you have nothing to hide and there is nothing to worry about, who resigns? Hmmm...
Mueller will most likely not go near the Podestas since it would implicate his ownself. That's why it's called a conflict of interest eh?
Wow! Some really interesting connections here! Many of us already suspected that Hillary was involved in some deep level corruption though. It's as obvious as the nose on her face now though!
Mueller will most likely not go near the Podestas since it would implicate his ownself. That's why it's called a conflict of interest eh?
My guess is that signaling that he and his team are investigating Podesta is a ploy.

He will eventually declare he investigated Podesta, found 'nothing', and state there is no need for anyone else to investigate Podesta.

In essence, he tries to clean up the Podesta's, the Clinton's, Obama's, and his own mess...
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
Of course, snowflakes will continue to avoid this thread because of how extremely factual, proven, and to the point this thread is. They will instead continue to create whiny, false Trump-Bashing threads, attempting to push this thread out of sight, trying to bury the truth.
All of THAT is what this entire Mueller charade and Trump Witch Hunt boils down to.

Libs and snowflakes keep saying they care about Russian intervention in the US, about criminal Russian activity in this country, and about Americans colluding with foreigners / Russians ... while they completely and insanely ignore the existing evidence of evidence against Democrats, continuing to attack Trump and chase the non-existent 'Trump Collusion' evidence to support their lies / false claims.

Doing so proves they could care less about Russians, protecting America, etc - they are still driven by butt-hurt and HATRED over Hillary's loss. That's what this is all about.
the libturds don't give a shit about the russia influence. It is now very obvious. any breathing person can now see the true implications.
Mueller will most likely not go near the Podestas since it would implicate his ownself. That's why it's called a conflict of interest eh?
My guess is that signaling that he and his team are investigating Podesta is a ploy.

He will eventually declare he investigated Podesta, found 'nothing', and state there is no need for anyone else to investigate Podesta.

In essence, he tries to clean up the Podesta's, the Clinton's, Obama's, and his own mess...
Which is one of the first things I claimed about Mueller. That he is there to carry on Comey's work, keeping The Clintons and Obama clean and sweeping their crimes under the rug.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops

Yesterday, said the attention was hurting the company. Maybe he will be part of Manafort's syndicate, but why not focus on the Guilty and indicted Trump men NOW?
All of THAT is what this entire Mueller charade and Trump Witch Hunt boils down to.

Libs and snowflakes keep saying they care about Russian intervention in the US, about criminal Russian activity in this country, and about Americans colluding with foreigners / Russians ... while they completely and insanely ignore the existing evidence of evidence against Democrats, continuing to attack Trump and chase the non-existent 'Trump Collusion' evidence to support their lies / false claims.

Doing so proves they could care less about Russians, protecting America, etc - they are still driven by butt-hurt and HATRED over Hillary's loss. That's what this is all about.
the libturds don't give a shit about the russia influence. It is now very obvious. any breathing person can now see the true implications.


It's because it never happened.

It was a lie every bit as much as the Fake Russian Dossier was a lie that THE DNC, Clinton and OBAMA paid for to have created and then used as a FAKE TOOL, to lobby FISA to Wiretap The Trump Administration from here to eternity.

if Russia "hacked my server" in the middle of a Presidential Campaign, and you had actual EVIDENCE that could actually change the outcome of an election, then why not let someone look at THE DNC SERVER.

They refused to let anyone look at it, despite theirs claims that is was of the gravest importance and a matter of National Security.

I've never believed a word coming out of THE DNC since that day, or from Clinton or Obama, because I KNEW THEY WERE LIARS and everyone associated with them are LIARS.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
All of THAT is what this entire Mueller charade and Trump Witch Hunt boils down to.

Libs and snowflakes keep saying they care about Russian intervention in the US, about criminal Russian activity in this country, and about Americans colluding with foreigners / Russians ... while they completely and insanely ignore the existing evidence of evidence against Democrats, continuing to attack Trump and chase the non-existent 'Trump Collusion' evidence to support their lies / false claims.

Doing so proves they could care less about Russians, protecting America, etc - they are still driven by butt-hurt and HATRED over Hillary's loss. That's what this is all about.
the libturds don't give a shit about the russia influence. It is now very obvious. any breathing person can now see the true implications.


It's because it never happened.
yes, you and I know this. fk everyone knows it, but to a libturd facts are not important when the truck is barrelling ahead at 100 miles an hour toward its target. The truck just ran out of gas though.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops

Yesterday, said the attention was hurting the company. Maybe he will be part of Manafort's syndicate, but why not focus on the Guilty and indicted Trump men NOW?
Exactly what are you talking about?

Sorry Clown, but the investigation has nothing to do at all with The Trump Administration.
It does however have a hell of a lot to do with The Podestas and Clintons.

That's what you Clowns demanded Mueller investigate, and he like the 7 other investigations before this COULDN'T FIND HIS OWN DICK.
Maybe he will be part of Manafort's syndicate, but why not focus on the Guilty and indicted Trump men NOW?

Part of 'MANAFORT'S syndicate'?

Manafort worked FOR 'Fat Tony' and John's Podesta Group.

'Fat Tony' worked FOR the KGB Bank, the primary financier of the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One. Fat Tony also worked for the Russian Spy Agency. (You can't get more Collusion than that.)

'Fat Tony' - and his brother, as pointed out, connects to Bill and Hillary, who were also getting paid by the KGB bank.

The 2 indicted by Mueller were indicted for Tax Fraud dating back to 2006 - nothing to do with the Trump Russian Collusion lie. Only 'Fat Tony' has a direct link to 'Russian Collusion'...which also leads to the Clintons, Holder, Obama, and Mueller himself.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.

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