Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
Fat Tony is getting all of his documents that implicate Mueller ready. He's saying, come on brother, you do any such thing and I have here, waving papers feverishly, with your name on it. Are you ready to fall with me?

Wouldn't that be a f*ing slap to the face of 'JUSTICE'.

'Fat Tony', again, was working for the KGB Bank - chief financier for the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One...that leads to Hillary's campaign manager...that leads to Bill and Hillary.

Watch Mueller next give John Podesta & Bill and Hillary immunity next.

This definitely looks like Mueller's primary objective in this witch hunt now it to protect the REAL Collusion Criminals...
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
which ones are those?
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
It's got free car washes for life at Car Wash One, and two front row seats to the Nemo on Ice. Happy now?
I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Of course you do, troll. You have been defending Hillary, Comey, and Obama's criminal ass for a long, long time, ignoring existing evidence while claiming Trump is guilty based on ZERO evidence. You have your head so far up Hillary's ass that when she eats a sandwich YOU are the one who has to swallow for the two of you.

I just pointed out all the UNDENIABLE evidence, and all your sorry ass can do is to attack 'the messenger'. Go away, troll.

The Real criminals have been exposed by REAL evidence. Come back when you and Mueller have any.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
It's got free car washes for life at Car Wash One, and two front row seats to the Nemo on Ice. Happy now?
it still doesn't have trump. so I don't fking care. it has fat tony and his brother.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
which ones are those?
Which ones? Why are you posting if you aren't reading the news. Google Manafort, former Trump campaign manager turns himself in and pleads not guilt to 12 Grand Jury charges including ______
I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Of course you do, troll. You have been defending Hillary, Comey, and Obama's criminal ass for a long, long time, ignoring existing evidence while claiming Trump is guilty based on ZERO evidence. You have your head so far up Hillary's ass that when she eats a sandwich YOU are the one who has to swallow for the two of you.

I just pointed out all the UNDENIABLE evidence, and all your sorry ass can do is to attack 'the messenger'. Go away, troll.

The Real criminals have been exposed by REAL evidence. Come back when you and Mueller have any.
I just want to know why they wish to bury their heads up hitlery's ass.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
It's got free car washes for life at Car Wash One, and two front row seats to the Nemo on Ice. Happy now?
it still doesn't have trump. so I don't fking care. it has fat tony and his brother.
Being both a blind and a stupid partisan doesn't help the Cheeto from Hell. He has more than enough of those on his staff already.
Keep digging, you are still far from a connection. The firm Anthony Podesta (no reference to any mob type nickname) Podesta worked disclosed all foreign lobbying. Now about the UNregistered agents, Trump officials Manafort and Gates......:rolleyes:
why did Anthony resign? oops
'Fat Tony' is a little nervous. At this moment he isn't sure which side Muller is on because this was not part of their plan.

He doesn't know Mueller is improvising, signaling he is investigating the Podesta, Clinton, Holder, Obama, Mueller collaboration only to declare he found nothing and that it should not be investigated by anyone else in the future.

'Fat Tony' doesn't know ... yet ... Mueller and his Super Team is trying to clean up their mess. :p
When the Clinton-team indictments come out please let us know. Until then we have the Trump-team indictments to deal with and the White House is as nervous as a long-tailed cat on a Titanic of rocking chairs. Let's deal with what is, not what might be. The Cheeto from Hell is in trouble, boys.

Screaming Hillary, Hillary, Hillary isn't going to change that.
which ones are those?
Which ones? Why are you posting if you aren't reading the news. Google Manafort, former Trump campaign manager turns himself in and pleads not guilt to 12 Grand Jury charges including ______
which have nothing to do with Trump, so I want you to show me the ones that implicate Trump. go!
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment

I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
It's got free car washes for life at Car Wash One, and two front row seats to the Nemo on Ice. Happy now?
it still doesn't have trump. so I don't fking care. it has fat tony and his brother.
Being both a blind and a stupid partisan doesn't help the Cheeto from Hell. He has more than enough of those on his staff already.
still waiting on those indictments that implicate trump. got any?
Which ones? Why are you posting if you aren't reading the news. Google Manafort, former Trump campaign manager turns himself in and pleads not guilt to 12 Grand Jury charges including ______
Of course he plead 'Not Guilty'...because he isn't guilty of most of those charges. The charges against Manafort are Tax Evasion charges stemming back to 2006 - NOTHING in regards to Trump or the Trump Collusion LIE!

The real Russian Collusion has been exposed - with evidence, evidence snowflakes continue to ignore while declaring Trump's guilt without having any evidence to back up their lies.

Why go after 'Fat Tony' when 2 have already been indicted? The real Question is why isn't the independent counsel indicting those who have evidence in hand against them instead of continuing the fishing trip against Trump?
'Fat Tony' Leads To John Podesta, Hillary's Campaign manager.
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary.
Note the date when the OP's account was created - 2015. This is important because that was right during the time Russia was ramping up its propaganda efforts to sow discontent among the American people by playing to their emotions with ridiculous rhetoric. So when it comes down to it, chances are the OP is a Russian troll account that is trying to get Americans to turn on one another to undermine the fabric of our democracy. They created millions of these fake accounts on Twitter and's a sustained Russian propaganda campaign the OP is either a part of, or is an unwitting accomplice.
I don't see anyone defending "Fat Tony". I see you sucking Trump ass here every day.

Why didn't we care when the Canadians controlled 20% of our Uranium? Those evil socialists from the North!
I just want to know what the US got out of the deal. Do you know? I mean I know what the Clinton's got. 95,500,000 dollars.
It's got free car washes for life at Car Wash One, and two front row seats to the Nemo on Ice. Happy now?
it still doesn't have trump. so I don't fking care. it has fat tony and his brother.
Being both a blind and a stupid partisan doesn't help the Cheeto from Hell. He has more than enough of those on his staff already.
still waiting on those indictments that implicate trump. got any?
We are up to his former campaign manager and a foreign policy adviser. When it gets much closer we'll have to say Bless You when the Cheeto from Hell sneezes. Patience my little partisan. These things take time. They worked on Nixon for more than two years but he went down in flames once his rats ratted him out.
Note the date when the OP's account was created - 2015. This is important because that was right during the time Russia was ramping up its propaganda efforts to sow discontent among the American people by playing to their emotions with ridiculous rhetoric. So when it comes down to it, chances are the OP is a Russian troll account that is trying to get Americans to turn on one another to undermine the fabric of our democracy. They created millions of these fake accounts on Twitter and's a sustained Russian propaganda campaign the OP is either a part of, or is an unwitting accomplice.
It can't be the Russians. These people couldn't fall out of bed if they tried.
Being both a blind and a stupid partisan doesn't help the Cheeto from Hell. He has more than enough of those on his staff already.
Do you EVER back up your bullshit and lies with actual fact and / or links, or is this standard for you? All evidence supports the latter.

This thread has presented UNDENIABLE evidence against 'Fat Tony' and John Podesta, against Bill and Hillary Clinton.

You have proved you have no evidence to support your BS and lies.
Mueller has proven he has no evidence to support his BS and Lies
There is evidence against the criminals on the Left.

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