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Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

Admittedly, I'm a little rusty on the topic as of late, but, where in the phone call did trump ask them to dig up dirt? Also, where in phone call did trump say he was going to hold up funding until they dig up dirt on biden?

I think people are taking events from different timelines and scrunching them all together to form a narrative, and doing a lot of assuming in order to float this whole idea.

What I read in the transcript is that trump was asking a favor in regards to the server and crowdstrike, and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for.

I dont recall anywhere in that transcript trump saying they would withold funds until that was taken care of, and I dont recall trump asking for dirt.

I'm not saying its not possible, it certainly is. However, dems have been after trump since day one.....literally, so you have to understand when repubs question motives and information from the left.

What I've seen is, dems have a lot of accusations, and stretched assumptions, but as of yet, there hasnt been any actual evidence of trump committing....any crime. Sure, you can point to something and say "see, there's a crime...", but if you're being truthful, most likely it's a narrative you're repeating from the MSM, because it's what they want you to believe, but nothing has actually been proven. So far, it's all assumption and speculation.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.

Nope. The chief of staff already admitted that the funding was pulled to get the Ukraine to open those corruption investigations.

So much for 'impossible'.
No, he said that they withold funds in matters of foreign policy all the time. What Mulvaney was responding to was in regards to the crowdstrike server issue, not burisma and biden.
And then we have Trump's phone call with Zelensky where he asks the Ukrainian president to look into the DNC server AND Biden.
Yes, you have a transcript where trump asks ukraine to look into the server, and look into why the prosecutor was fired. Then you have mulvaney saying that funding is commonly held up during matters of foreign policy, and possibly (I say possibly because during the press room exchange, there were more than one train of thought going on at the time) funds were held up because of the server, because trump believes it is tied into the russia collusion investigation that he had just gone through, and he had heard Ukraine was involved.

What trump didnt say is that he needed help with his campaign by having ukraine send him information (dirt) on the bidens.
Admittedly, I'm a little rusty on the topic as of late, but, where in the phone call did trump ask them to dig up dirt? Also, where in phone call did trump say he was going to hold up funding until they dig up dirt on biden?

I think people are taking events from different timelines and scrunching them all together to form a narrative, and doing a lot of assuming in order to float this whole idea.

What I read in the transcript is that trump was asking a favor in regards to the server and crowdstrike, and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for.

I dont recall anywhere in that transcript trump saying they would withold funds until that was taken care of, and I dont recall trump asking for dirt.

I'm not saying its not possible, it certainly is. However, dems have been after trump since day one.....literally, so you have to understand when repubs question motives and information from the left.

What I've seen is, dems have a lot of accusations, and stretched assumptions, but as of yet, there hasnt been any actual evidence of trump committing....any crime. Sure, you can point to something and say "see, there's a crime...", but if you're being truthful, most likely it's a narrative you're repeating from the MSM, because it's what they want you to believe, but nothing has actually been proven. So far, it's all assumption and speculation.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.
"Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself."

There was no reason other than for himself to solicit a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of Trump's.
Sure, but he even says " a lot of people want to know". Could this not also suggest that, perhaps, there was information floating around that there was nefarious reasons for that prosecutor being fired, none of which having to do with trump trying to get dirt on biden?

I'm not saying the allegation is wrong, as it very well could be, but if you are going to try to remove a president, you need some really good proof of his motives and actions. It shouldn't be done by assumptions.
There was no reason to investigate Biden other than to find dirt on him. Remember, Trump already believes Biden is guilty of something over the ouster of Shokin. Who benefits more than Trump if he can obtain proof to back his beliefs?

And if Trump is holding back that $400 billion from Ukraine due in part to corruption there, why is he asking their president to investigate old matters of purported corruption that if happened at all, happened years ago? Wouldn't you expect Trump would implore him to clean up ongoing corruption, not old cases which no longer impact Ukraine?
Mulvaney never said the funds were withheld to dig up dirt on a political opponent. He was referencing the crowdstrike server issue, not biden and burisma.
The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.” ~ Donald J. Trump

(emphasis mine)

He did say that, sure, but it is an assumption to say that he was asking for dirt on the bidens to help his campaign. Trump asked to find out why the prosecutor had been fired. Remember, 1.8 billion sent to ukraine had disappeared, which was funneled through a bank that was owned by a man who also happened to be a partner in the burisma corporation.

Now, also note that trump was asking about the server, because trump had just got done with a 2 year investigation, and he believes ukraine was involved and that one of their businessmen was in possession of a server, possibly one that has the information he needs to finally prove he wasnt involved.
What trump didnt say is that he needed help with his campaign by having ukraine send him information (dirt) on the bidens.

Well, it is true that he did not use those exact words, he did basically say that.

When he asked them to report directly to his personal lawyer, who has no role or position in the US government, it became about helping him personally.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.

Nope. The chief of staff already admitted that the funding was pulled to get the Ukraine to open those corruption investigations.

So much for 'impossible'.
No, he said that they withold funds in matters of foreign policy all the time. What Mulvaney was responding to was in regards to the crowdstrike server issue, not burisma and biden.
And then we have Trump's phone call with Zelensky where he asks the Ukrainian president to look into the DNC server AND Biden.
Yes, you have a transcript where trump asks ukraine to look into the server, and look into why the prosecutor was fired. Then you have mulvaney saying that funding is commonly held up during matters of foreign policy, and possibly (I say possibly because during the press room exchange, there were more than one train of thought going on at the time) funds were held up because of the server, because trump believes it is tied into the russia collusion investigation that he had just gone through, and he had heard Ukraine was involved.

What trump didnt say is that he needed help with his campaign by having ukraine send him information (dirt) on the bidens.
"Then you have mulvaney saying that funding is commonly held up during matters of foreign policy"

Let's not forget, Mulvaney also said they held up that money over the DNC server. And we know from Trump's phone call with Zelensky, he also asked for Biden to be investigated, not just the DNC server. And we know from Giuliani's interview on CNN, Giuliani was asking Ukraine about the Bidens, not just the DNC server.

You can't separate interest in the DNC server from the interest in the Bidens as there's evidence both were being sought. Making Mulvaney's admission that they held up the funding over the DNC server extremely incriminating. And the White House knows this too -- that's why Mulvaney had to make a second appearance to say he didn't say what he said earlier.

Face it... yesterday was not a good day for the Trump administration.

But look at the bright side... the IG's report on the Manafort and Page FISA warrants is due out today. I have no doubt the Trump administration, encircled by rightwing media, will be screaming about its contents as loud as possible to drown out any noise over Mulvaney.
Mulvaney never said the funds were withheld to dig up dirt on a political opponent. He was referencing the crowdstrike server issue, not biden and burisma.
The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.” ~ Donald J. Trump

(emphasis mine)

He did say that, sure, but it is an assumption to say that he was asking for dirt on the bidens to help his campaign. Trump asked to find out why the prosecutor had been fired. Remember, 1.8 billion sent to ukraine had disappeared, which was funneled through a bank that was owned by a man who also happened to be a partner in the burisma corporation.

Now, also note that trump was asking about the server, because trump had just got done with a 2 year investigation, and he believes ukraine was involved and that one of their businessmen was in possession of a server, possibly one that has the information he needs to finally prove he wasnt involved.
Trump was already investigated and cleared by Mueller over involvement with the Russian hacking. So why would he be looking for more evidence to clear his already cleared name on that matter?

And it's not an assumption to say Trump was looking for dirt on Biden given Trump already believes Biden is guilty and he just needs proof. Kind of like years ago when Trump sent a team of investigators down to Hawaii to find proof of his belief that Obama wasn't born there. And if he can obtain proof of criminality on Biden from Zelensky, that takes Biden out of the race they're both running in, so clearly that would be of benefit to Trump's campaign.
He didn't admit it. He said using funds as leverage is something Presidents do all the times so get over it.
I agree with him. I don't find the quid pro quo a problem at all when used to benefit America. The problem comes when you use the money to benefit your self.
What happened in 2016 by the Obama administration, Hillary and the DNC - NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED THOROUGHLY.

While you’re laughing, you might want you to get used to saying “President Pence”.

You think Trump is a hard ass? I don't think you really want to see a Pence Presidency.

It will be a lame duck Presidency. The Republican Party won’t let Pence run for President.

I’d bet real money that a deal will be cut to let Pence serve out Trump’s term, but because of his participation in the Ukraine mess, not run for re-election.

This will keep Pence from being impeached with Trump, Barr, Pompeo and Guliani. And it will keep a Republican in the White House.

Make no mistake. This shit show of a Presidency is over. The Republican Party should NEVER have allowed a conman and a criminal such as Trump to run. They’ve gotten exactly what they deserve in enabling this clown and letting it happen.
If I were you I would not watch tonight‘s rally unless you have a box of Kleenex to cry with Lol..

I don't waste time watching Trump lie to his devout followers. The baseball playoffs are on, and the Grand Prix of Figure Skating is starting this weekend. Oh, yeah, and this being Canada, I'm helping my friends and neighbours in harvesting our pot plants for winter.
Good thing you didn’t watch lol you would have lost your mind again
“Let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election,” Mulvaney said. “The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server.”

Evidently 'TDS' prohibits snowflakes from being able to comprehend simple, straight-forward statements like this.

Mulvaney walks back comments tying Ukraine aid to 2016 probe
“Let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election,” Mulvaney said. “The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server.”

Evidently 'TDS' prohibits snowflakes from being able to comprehend simple, straight-forward statements like this.

Mulvaney walks back comments tying Ukraine aid to 2016 probe

so, should we believe the first thing he said about it or the latter thing he said after all hell broke loose?
Last edited:
“There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server. There was never any connection between the funds and the Ukrainians doing anything with the server - this was made explicitly obvious by the fact that the aid money was delivered without any action on the part of the Ukrainians regarding the server
- Mick Mulvaney

I personally enjoyed how Mulvaney had to teach Democrats how Diplomacy / Foreign Policy works...

“Let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election,” Mulvaney said. “The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server.”

Evidently 'TDS' prohibits snowflakes from being able to comprehend simple, straight-forward statements like this.

Mulvaney walks back comments tying Ukraine aid to 2016 probe

so, should be believe the first thing he said about it or the latter thing he said after all hell broke loose?
It was parody just like shift
so, should be believe the first thing he said about it or the latter thing he said after all hell broke loose?

“Did [Trump] also mention to me in the past that the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that. But that was it. That’s why we held up the money,” Mulvaney told reporters at the earlier afternoon briefing. Mulvaney insisted the only reason security aid was held up was because the administration was reviewing whether other nations were contributing enough and out of concerns over corruption."

President Obama may not have hesitated to give terrorists, Drug Cartels, and nations who wished us harm / who acted against us money and other items of significant value (such as uranium to Russia and ransom money to Iran for US hostages) but President Trump hesitated in order to assess Ukraine's possible corruption and supposed assistance to the Democrats who wished (and did) alter the 2016 election.

Mulvaney clearly admits this...before making it clear that the aid was not held up in an attempt to extort Ukraine into doing anything about the server or investigating the Bidens. Once again, as Mulvaney pointed out, the fact that the Ukraine President was not aware before and never made aware during his call with the President that aid had been delayed proves there was no such pressure put on the PM during the call. As he points out, again, the aid was delivered without the Ukraine ever doing anything regarding either.

Extortion is carried out by withholding something / pressuring someone into doing what you want. In this case no such pressure was applied - according to the Ukraine PM, the Ukraine Prosecutor, Ambassador Volker, and even Mulvaney and the fact that the aid was delivered without Ukraine doing anything...thus the accusation Democrats and snowflakes like you continue to make - in the Ukraine PM's words - 'Never Happened'.

By delivering the aid as promised without Ukraine having to do anything, if this was intended 'extortion', they sucked at it, completely doing it all wrong.

In exchange for teaching Democrats how diplomacy and Foreign Policy works, perhaps the experts - Democrats - can give the GOP lessons on how 'Extortion' works... :p
"Mulvaney denied, however, that investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden were factored into considerations about releasing military aid to Ukraine."


Hey fucking idiot, just because Trump's lackey said something DOES NOT MEAN IT'S TRUE.

Bidens were SPECIFICALLY brought up on the call as a recieprocating opportunity for Ukraine for generous American aid.

Yeah.....with Trump in that phone call mentioning the Bidens 3 times and Crowdstrike only once.....and Mulveney explicitly admitting that the funding to the Ukraine was held up to get them to conduct corruption investigations.

And the Ukraine completely and utterly getting that message:

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

There were only two cases mentioned in the call: Crowdstrike once. And the Bidens 3 times.

We have explicit admission by Trump officials of the quid quo pro.

Man you guys can spin.

Here is what Trump said about Crowdstrike and the "server" and the origins of the Mueller investigation:

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

This was all stated first. President Zelenskyy then had a lengthy reply on how the steps they were taking to curb corruption. Later on Trump said the following:

Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that.

Then, as almost a side note, Trump said the following:

The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Notice the difference. Yes, he did mention Biden's name 3 times and Crowdstrike only once, but that has nothing to do with the actual content, just the structure of the sentence. He was clearly adamant about the overall corruption in Ukraine and the Mueller probe. Biden's name came up because if you are talking about corruption, it is kind of hard to ignore with his son working for the company that the former prosecutor said he was investigating.
All you are saying is that Trump places more importance on exonerating Russia than in persecuting Biden.

that doesn’t help your case. There was an obvious quid pro quo ( not that one was needed- asking for political help from a foreign actor is illegal on its face) . The text messages prove it and Mulvaney admitted it
Withholding military aid to get an investigation on your political opponent is not going to go well with independent voters...

The Impeachment numbers are going to go up dramatically....

The investigation was into a Ukrainian utility company.

Thanks for playing.

What has the utility company done, allegedly, that has Trump so hot and bothered?
All you are saying is that Trump places more importance on exonerating Russia than in persecuting Biden.
Thank you for the outstanding example of how butt-hurt, Trump-hating, TDS-suffering snowflakes are not capable of hearing / reading and comprehending simple statements but are instead conditioned to spin everything into a 'Trump anti-American conspiracy'.

The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.
What has the utility company done, allegedly, that has Trump so hot and bothered?
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the owner of the Energy Company has a history of working with Putin, that he and the company stood to gain a LOT by Putin invading and annexing Crimea - thereby solidifying its choke hold on Europe's energy dependence ... and the coincidental fact that this notorious Ukrainian criminal and his corrupt energy company went out of their way to hire an average lawyer who had been kicked out of the US military for drug use and knew nothing about the energy business but who was the VP's son - the new Obama Front Man for Ukraine - to be a BOARD MEMBER - not an EMPLOYEE - making at least $50,000 per MONTH...right before the US refused to allow the sale of weapons for Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and before Russia invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea...maybe....



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