Muslim beheads shopper in Ikea store in Sweden; look what Ikea is doing in response

So..Allen West made it all up?

I don't know if it's made up or not. I'm waiting to see details of a beheading from a credible source. So far, I've looked at two Swedish newspapers and there is no mention of a beheading. Allen West is a known liar.

Here's one of my favorite lies from West.

Allen West says he has "clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain"


All Pants on Fire statements involving Allen West PunditFact
I'm inclined to believe him over our current POTUS.

Simply because you want other reason.

LOL, the British Unity, the Breitbart of the UK.

British Unity - Nick Griffin's personal "vanity project", described as a "non-membership organisation with around two thousand followers on Facebook."


Britain's far right parties have suffered a "dreadful" year with their supporters drifting towards Ukip, a report from a leading anti-fascist group said today.

The State of Hate report from HOPE not hate (Hnh) said that what appeared to be an increase in the number of far-right groups, like Britain First, British Voice, British Unity and the British Democratic Party, were actually just a symbol of how weak the organisations were as they splintered into ever smaller pieces.

"Our report reveals that, despite otherwise favourable conditions, far-right hate networks are really struggling at the moment," Lowles said. "For that we should all be thankful, though of course we must not rest on our laurels. As we have seen with events in France in recent days, the situation can change very fast."

British National Party Decline Show Far Right Is In A Very Very Bad Way
1. I've found nothing to confirm the beheading.

2. I've found many videos on the violence there from the Muslim dominated areas.

3. If you want a Muslim Nation in your own country then you are the problem. They are mass
immigrating to Europe and are now doing so here. Fleeing the religion of Peace in their own
home countries................the Religion of Peace and a stack of dead bodies.............

4. Novel idea................tell these animals who would rape and murder the people who took them in to
stop fighting girls in Sweden to man up...........go back home..............and take their danged countries back.

According to European Commission statistics, the EU received approximately 626,000 applications for international protection in 2014, the highest number of asylum applicants within the bloc since 1992.

Illegal border crossings most often fall along several major routes spanning the southern and eastern borders of Europe. The central Mediterranean passage, with Italy serving as the main entry point to Europe, is currently the most frequented for migrants and asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Egypt, and Somalia. Deteriorating security in Libya, Central African Republic, and South Sudan are also seen as contributing factors to the migrant influx.

Making a distinction between asylum seekers and economic migrants is not always clear-cut, even though these groups are entitled to different levels of assistance and protection under international law. This gray area is frequently exacerbated by the inconsistent methods with which asylum applications are often processed across the EU's twenty-eight member states.

Wars in the World Map Ongoing Conflicts

Wars in the World List of ongoing Conflicts

(27 Countries and 183 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)
Hot Spots: Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (war against islamic militants of Islamic State branch), Libya (war between government and rebel groups), Mali (clashes between army and rebel groups), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), Somalia (war against al-Shabaab islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups in Darfur), South Sudan (civil war)

(16 Countries and 151 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)
Hot Spots: Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014)
Good Lord! All the diverting and whining from the Koran sniffers.

Muslim Beheads Someone in a Swedish Ikea

Solution? Stop selling knives!

Another otherwise sane culture bows to the insanity of Islam. When are Europeans going to understand the danger the snake in their midst presents? And then the government quickly beefs up security at the asylum housing.

Read more of the idiocy @ Sweden Protecting Muslim Asylum Seekers After One Allegedly Beheads Victim Inside IKEA IKEA responds by stopping knife sales Pamela Geller
I guess I will google how long it takes to behead someone with a kitchen knife. And I ask because I wonder why nobody bothered to help whomever it was that lost their head. The son or the mother? And where were clerks? Or other people attempting to stop this? Ever try to cut a big fat turkey with a knife? Lots of sawing. Lots of bones. Much smaller than a human neck. Unless those Ikea knives are razors.
Knives today are like razors.

Laser cut edges are awesome.

BTW, I have cut off many a deer head with a knife, you just have to know how to slip the blade between the vertebrae.
Hyperbole much?
You know nothing about Sweden or the situation. Zero expertise. Go back and sit in the corner.

:lol: At least I don't form my opinion on hate sites like barenakedislam.
That symbolizes it right there. You just have a naive opinion. As far as facts on the situation of islamic immigration in Europe, you have nothing, and have no interest to learn. You are a very ignorant person.

Not at all. I just try to base it on facts not blogs and hate sites.

Allen B West is a hate site?
Shit, any black conservative is a HATER.

Get with the program.
Any violent killing is sick, but beheading is beyond that...its almost incomprehensible.

Why IKEA...that whole store is a peaceful experience.
... even if the furniture isn't made to last =)

Hey, the horse in your avatar may end up in an Ikea meatball.

Wonderful folks.
Yea see, no problem here, the immigrant just murdered them, no biggie. Isn't the vibrancy just grand. How could Sweden ever get along without the enrichment from Eritrean culture? :lol:

That's the sheeple for you!

It's a waste of time to discuss anything with them! Thick as brick they are!:dunno:

Total zombies.

Did you ever find proof of a beheading? Just curious.

It is not a beheading if a bit of vein, artery or skin is intact and holding the head on, barely.

That makes it just a kind and gentle run of the mill stabbing.

Nothing to see here, move on.
So..Allen West made it all up?

I don't know if it's made up or not. I'm waiting to see details of a beheading from a credible source. So far, I've looked at two Swedish newspapers and there is no mention of a beheading. Allen West is a known liar.

Here's one of my favorite lies from West.

Allen West says he has "clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain"


All Pants on Fire statements involving Allen West PunditFact
I'm inclined to believe him over our current POTUS.
I'd believe Charlie Manson over our POTUS.
So..Allen West made it all up?

I don't know if it's made up or not. I'm waiting to see details of a beheading from a credible source. So far, I've looked at two Swedish newspapers and there is no mention of a beheading. Allen West is a known liar.

Here's one of my favorite lies from West.

Allen West says he has "clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain"


All Pants on Fire statements involving Allen West PunditFact
I'm inclined to believe him over our current POTUS.
I'd believe Charlie Manson over our POTUS.
So that's your problem
Good Lord! All the diverting and whining from the Koran sniffers.

Muslim Beheads Someone in a Swedish Ikea

Solution? Stop selling knives!

Another otherwise sane culture bows to the insanity of Islam. When are Europeans going to understand the danger the snake in their midst presents? And then the government quickly beefs up security at the asylum housing.

Read more of the idiocy @ Sweden Protecting Muslim Asylum Seekers After One Allegedly Beheads Victim Inside IKEA IKEA responds by stopping knife sales Pamela Geller

You wouldn't know non biased news if it slapped you in the face.
So..Allen West made it all up?

I don't know if it's made up or not. I'm waiting to see details of a beheading from a credible source. So far, I've looked at two Swedish newspapers and there is no mention of a beheading. Allen West is a known liar.

Here's one of my favorite lies from West.

Allen West says he has "clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain"


All Pants on Fire statements involving Allen West PunditFact
I'm inclined to believe him over our current POTUS.
I'd believe Charlie Manson over our POTUS.

That's because you're a nutcase.
Any violent killing is sick, but beheading is beyond that...its almost incomprehensible.

Why IKEA...that whole store is a peaceful experience.
... even if the furniture isn't made to last =)

Hey, the horse in your avatar may end up in an Ikea meatball.

Wonderful folks.

No doubt a Republican.

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin overturned a 50-year state ban on slaughtering horses Friday, ignoring two-thirds of Oklahoma citizens, who oppose slaughtering horses according to a state-wide poll. Nationwide polls show that 80% of Americans are strongly opposed to slaughtering horses.

Over Public Outcry Governor Signs Horse Slaughter Bill
Sweden as we knew it is finished and buried.
One murder spree by a mentally deranged man and the entire country is doomed? ..... :cool:

I gotta agree. It does sound a tad melodramatic.
This thread or the incident?

Predicting the downfall of a country based upon a single event involving an act of one person. I thought that was clear but obviously I was wrong. My bad.
If you fail to read through all the stories concerning the violence take over by those saying "peace, peace" I agree with your self admittance of being "bad".
Muslim violence in Sweden

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