Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Not to have the Prophet of Islam defamed is a basic "Human Right" that every muslim should be entitled to. :cool:

You dont have the right to redefine human rights.

And you especially dont have the right to empower governments to persecute religious minorities.

You also note that he said it's a basic human right that every MUSLIM should be entitled to.

Entitling *rights* to one group but not to others is in and of itself the antithesis of human rights.
Not to have the Prophet of Islam defamed is a basic "Human Right" that every muslim should be entitled to. :cool:

You dont have the right to redefine human rights.

And you especially dont have the right to empower governments to persecute religious minorities.
That will be up to future courts to decide. :cool:

And why on earth would you want to abdicate that responsibility to a court?

I dont want the government to have power to persecute religious minorities. Not only because it will be used against me, but because it's absolutely wrong. This is not a good policy.
[ame=]#Muhammad - When They Insult Our Prophet (PBUH) - YouTube[/ame]
Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.

Don't blame the video; defend free speech -

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

No one has the right to a world in which he is never despised.
To be defamation it has to be 'true', there is no proof your god exists; so I can't 'defame it'. Good luck trying to put it in into western legal systems, you give us nonbelievers a chance to prove there is no Allah, no God; only science and empirical truth. :tongue:
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.

Film protesters did not kill innocent people. Militant extremists killed innocent people. And there are several Christians in places of power who believe it is God's will that America shit on every country we can get away with it. Don't act holier than thou, it's unbecoming.
Is Obama one of those Christians?
Why are soo many people here against Human Rights?

This was a UN resolution designed to help people and spread peace.

It should be ratified this into our Constitution by adding a "defamation of religion" amendment. :cool:

...or you could grow the hell up and stop acting like spoiled children.
Not to have the Prophet of Islam defamed is a basic "Human Right" that every muslim should be entitled to. :cool:

No, it isn't, you stupid bastard. Throw your little tantrum somewhere else.

Preferably one of the Islamic shitholes. America's NEVER going to become what you want. You'd best go to one of the places that's already fucked up and stop trying to fuck up America.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:


Cartoons, bad books and bad movies get their fleas in a knot? And we should take them seriously?
I think we should put out a new movie every week, with lots of newspaper cartoons about Mohamed the pedophile who invented a religion of death to wage war against his enemies, because then hopefully the muslim world will get so bent out of shape that they'll nuke themselves!

Sunni, with all the muslims frothing at the mouth that we see protesting against free speech, what's the percentage of them that go home and beat the crap out of their wife(ves)? More than 75%?
I have never advocated violence of any kind.

We must work thru the courts in order to change the laws in our favor. :cool:
And when that doesn't happen, are you going to strap on a dynamite vest and go out in a blaze of glory?

Of course not. You're a pussy.

And the courts will never move to strip human rights away from women and non-Muslims. Move to Iran. Now.

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