Muslim “Refugee” Admits: My Main Goal Is to “Islamize” Europeans

I am starting to think humanity would be far better off if we just outright banned religion. The world would be more logical and peaceful.
And atheism as well. It's responsible for more deaths.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

I remember reading how Christian "Missionaries" were lined up ready to flood in when we invaded Iraq.

Bible Belt missionaries set out on a 'war for souls' in Iraq

American Christian missionaries have declared a "war for souls" in Iraq, telling supporters that the formal end of the US-led occupation next June will close an historic "window of opportunity".

Organising in secrecy, and emphasising their humanitarian aid work, Christian groups are pouring into the country, which is 97 per cent Muslim, bearing Arabic Bibles, videos and religious tracts designed to "save" Muslims from their "false" religion.

Really, Coyote, there are times when I really roll my eyes when you respond. You were very, very silent when the thread was about Christian persecution in the Muslim Middle East. However, the minute there is a thread with one of the "refugees" saying he wants to Islamize Europe, you are right there with Christian missionaries in Iraq. Granted it was wrong for missionaries to run over there Meanwhile, here in the Western world, emigrants are very, very lucky that all rellgions are able to practice their beliefs and build their own houses of worship. However, I have never heard of other groups coming to live in the Western world now say they want to "Buddhaize" or "Hinduize" their new countries. Are the Catholics coming from south of our border saying they want everyone to follow Catholicism? They are just happy to be here and really could care less how other people worship. Maybe you are looking forward for the U.S. to be Islamized.

No, I'm just silent on most of *your* threads Sally. I'm trying to figure out what you just said. Are you saying you fine with religious proselytizing or you are not fine with religious proselytizing?

Don't get your knickers in a knot, this is just a conversation.

Of course this is just a conversation so may I say your reading comprehension must be bad? Where in the world did you get that I might possibly think proselytizing was OK? What I was trying to get across (and I am sure most of the readers were able to pick it up) is that different groups of people are emigrating from other countries into the Western world and they do not attempt to get you to accept their religion. There are thousands and thousands of Chinese who have emigrated into my area; and whenever there are articles about them, you don't see religion mentioned. The main thing is that they are just happy that they could emigrate into the Western world. You don't think those Iranian Muslims who fled those religious nuts are worried about the religion of others. The Muslim man in the article had other purposes than being happy that a Western country would take him in (and of course there could be many more like him). Could it be that you agree with him? Maybe on your time off you go around your neighborhood and hand out Korans. One never knows around here.

With regard to my posts, I can see why the one about the persecution of Christians in the Muslim Middle East is not your cup of tea. However, when I make a small comment to an article I posted about a Muslim man saying he wants to Islamize Europe, there you are dragging in missionaries in Iraq which really have nothing to do with these refugees going into Western societies these days. If the missionaries in Iraq bothered you so much (and I said I wasn't for this), then why don't you start a new thread and tell us your feelings. Nobody is stopping you here.

Two lengthy paragraphs (and I appreciate the effort you put into it) but - you still did not answer the question: Are you saying you fine with religious proselytizing or you are not fine with religious proselytizing?
Are you sure that Dearborn MI actually does have Sharia councils? They have a Catholic mayor.

As far as my "silence" in the ME forum, I actually have a life and only read the threads that look interesting to me. Most of the ME threads don't appeal because it's a bunch of fear mongering by the conservatives here who are spewing bullshit. Read some of the slop posted by Edward Biamonte sometime.

You mean you missed it that one of the cities in Michigan has a Muslim mayor. Strange that I have a life too and only get on this forum usually once a day, and many times not even at all. However, I am able to give news of what is happening in the Middle East. Yessiree, tell those relatives of the people in the Middle East, both Muslims and Christians, that the bodies lying in blood in the roads are just the result of fear mongering.

Which city is that? Provide a name so that I can look up for myself to see if Sharia law has taken over.

Oh this is going to be good :lol:
The Muslim man in the article had other purposes than being happy that a Western country would take him in (and of course there could be many more like him).

Listening to the video, his voice and his words - he sounds like a Christian Missionary - with the fervor to teach, to proselytize something he believes wonderful and that teaching people about his religion is his purpose. Nothing about violence etc etc. Now...there is nothing showing what he was asked, and there is no context to the conversation or what was said on the other side to lead up to it so much is missing.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.
I certainly hope that the refugees coming in now don't have the same thinking as this man and are willing to assimilate the same as other immigrants did in the past. Nowadays we have huge amounts of immigrants from Asian countries, and they are glad to be here and do not want to change anyone.

Monday, 21 December 2015
Muslim “Refugee” Admits: My Main Goal Is to “Islamize” Europeans
Written by Selwyn Duke

We’ve been told they’re fleeing war. But some Muslim migrants entering Europe are apparently bringing war — a war for the hearts and minds of Westerners. And one Syrian migrant has admitted as much, telling an Arabic television station (see video below) that he wasn’t driven to the Old World mainly by fear of death or Da’esh (ISIS), but by a desire to Islamize Europeans.

Reports InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson:

“My main goal for leaving Syria is to lead people to the acceptance of Islam,” states the man as he jabs his finger in the air.

The individual says that he is willing to “sell” his country and even his own parents in order to reach “paradise” by converting Europeans to Islam who in turn will then “Islamize others.”

“I swear by Allah I only came here for this one goal…. I have observed that they are curious and willing to get to know Islam through us,” he adds

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Selwyn duke is a moron.... who doesn't think there was apartheid in south Africa.

he's a wacko...

Okay, let’s not mince words: Selwyn Duke is a weapons-grade moron. What else is there to say? This is the same guy who, just a few months ago, talked about the “supposedly racist” apartheid regime in South Africa and its “so-called crimes” against black people. He also thinks states should secede over gay rights. The lesson, as always: There is no limit to how stupid, irrational or bigoted you can be while still being taken seriously by the right wing. - See more at: Selwyn Duke is An Idiot
I certainly hope that the refugees coming in now don't have the same thinking as this man and are willing to assimilate the same as other immigrants did in the past. Nowadays we have huge amounts of immigrants from Asian countries, and they are glad to be here and do not want to change anyone.

Monday, 21 December 2015
Muslim “Refugee” Admits: My Main Goal Is to “Islamize” Europeans
Written by Selwyn Duke

We’ve been told they’re fleeing war. But some Muslim migrants entering Europe are apparently bringing war — a war for the hearts and minds of Westerners. And one Syrian migrant has admitted as much, telling an Arabic television station (see video below) that he wasn’t driven to the Old World mainly by fear of death or Da’esh (ISIS), but by a desire to Islamize Europeans.

Reports InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson:

“My main goal for leaving Syria is to lead people to the acceptance of Islam,” states the man as he jabs his finger in the air.

The individual says that he is willing to “sell” his country and even his own parents in order to reach “paradise” by converting Europeans to Islam who in turn will then “Islamize others.”

“I swear by Allah I only came here for this one goal…. I have observed that they are curious and willing to get to know Islam through us,” he adds

Continue reading at:


Selwyn duke is a moron.... who doesn't think there was apartheid in south Africa.

he's a wacko...

Okay, let’s not mince words: Selwyn Duke is a weapons-grade moron. What else is there to say? This is the same guy who, just a few months ago, talked about the “supposedly racist” apartheid regime in South Africa and its “so-called crimes” against black people. He also thinks states should secede over gay rights. The lesson, as always: There is no limit to how stupid, irrational or bigoted you can be while still being taken seriously by the right wing. - See more at: Selwyn Duke is An Idiot

oh yeah... .and his only "expertise" is that he was a tennis pro and writes for the rabid alan keys' internet rag.

damn, do you even think about who you quote?
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.

Very few do if you look at the overall numbers.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.

Let's see the data showing that.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.

Very few do if you look at the overall numbers.

Try moving out of your comfort zone and living in a European nation, then you will change your mind about islam and the muslims. Just don't go out on a Friday afternoon in any area that has a mosque, you might not make it back home.
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.

Let's see the data showing that.

Look at the recent reports from France, Belgium and Germany that have been posted on USMB
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.

Let's see the data showing that.

Look at the recent reports from France, Belgium and Germany that have been posted on USMB

I'm looking for actual data from reputable sources - surely you can provide that indicating "majority" claims?
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.

Very few do if you look at the overall numbers.

Doesn't matter much if your loved ones are among the dead
Hey, Christian missionaries go to other countries with the goal of converting those people to believing in Jesus and becoming saved Christians.

Oh're scared of Muslims. Sorry. Forgot.

They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.

Very few do if you look at the overall numbers.

Doesn't matter much if your loved ones are among the dead

Nothing matters much if your loved ones are among the dead. Just wondering why that only seems to apply when it comes to Muslim violence?
They don't go armed with semi automatics and machete's to mass murder those who stand against them like the muslims are doing in Europe and the M.E.

Neither do most Muslims.

but many do and that's the problem.

Very few do if you look at the overall numbers.

Doesn't matter much if your loved ones are among the dead

Nothing matters much if your loved ones are among the dead. Just wondering why that only seems to apply when it comes to Muslim violence?

It doesn't. It applies to all violence. This thread just happens to be about Muslim violence and the terror they insist on inflicting on non Muslims. Do propose that we ignore those who wish to convert or kill non muslims ?

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