Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

The muzz want to do here what they have done in England. Get elected to office and sell off the white children like livestock.

cat lover------muzzie does not = "not white"-----not only have you fallen for racist shit-----you have now JOINED the Islamic bid for SPECIAL PRIVILEGED STATUS as a "race minority" .-------linda loves you
So much for the bullshit meme "Dose mooslims hate fags more than I do!" :lol:
While that may apply to this western muslim, it certainly doesnt seem to apply to many ME muslims. Considering so many support horrible actions over there.
She's a republican worst nightmare!! A minority woman of a different religion in Congress? Run and hide under your bed! It's the war on Christianity, feminism, and racial equality all at once!
We already had that and more with Obama, the shittiest president in US history.
Seriously, is she really a bigger threat to gays then radical christians?

You dipshits should stop making assumptions and look at her record instead.

ok----you got her record?
She doesnt have a political record. But she sure loves "social justice" :eek:

roudy is here-----he has some experience with
Islamic "social justice"
Some are a little to low on the IQ hart to realize what the word " INFILTRATED " means and how it done.

Some are. a. little to low on the information list and don't understand what Destroy American from within" .

And for brain dead idiots who can't think outside of the box . THIS WOMAN IS NOT HTE ONLY MUSLIM WHO HAS WON A POLITICAL POSITION DUMB ASSES> lol


The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan For America – Court Document

ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council's Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned dozens and dozens of organizations across the globe, including the terrorist organizations al Qaeda, Hamas, and numerous Muslim organizations in America. To learn more about this visit:
So much for the bullshit meme "Dose mooslims hate fags more than I do!" :lol:
While that may apply to this western muslim, it certainly doesnt seem to apply to many ME muslims. Considering so many support horrible actions over there.
I've been to the Middle East. The picture painted by ignorant bigoted fucks in the US about middle eastern Muslims is total horseshit.
Seriously, is she really a bigger threat to gays then radical christians?

You dipshits should stop making assumptions and look at her record instead.

ok----you got her record?
I posted a link to her web site, with a quote of her priorities concerning gays. I also linked to the endorsement by Georgia Equality.

ASSumptions were made by the parroting rubes, carefully constructed in their heads by their bigoted overlords.
So much for the bullshit meme "Dose mooslims hate fags more than I do!" :lol:
While that may apply to this western muslim, it certainly doesnt seem to apply to many ME muslims. Considering so many support horrible actions over there.
I've been to the Middle East. The picture painted by ignorant bigoted fucks in the US about middle eastern Muslims is total horseshit.

what "picture" is that? I am related to a few hundred people whose communities, and families LIVED in the middle east for thousands of years
Most of the victims of "Muslim extremist terrorism" are...MUSLIMS.


yes----true------Most of the people who once lived in
middle east lands invaded by muslims-----are no longer there. -------upon whom else can muslims now exert their glorious religion?
Most of the victims of "Muslim extremist terrorism" are...MUSLIMS.


yes----true------Most of the people who once lived in
middle east lands invaded by muslims-----are no longer there. -------upon whom else can muslims now exert their glorious religion?
The terrorists are no more "exerting" Islam onto their victims than the KKK was exerting Christianity on their victims.

"middle east lands invaded by muslims". You mean like North America invaded by Christians?
Most of the victims of "Muslim extremist terrorism" are...MUSLIMS.


yes----true------Most of the people who once lived in
middle east lands invaded by muslims-----are no longer there. -------upon whom else can muslims now exert their glorious religion?
The terrorists are no more "exerting" Islam onto their victims than the KKK was exerting Christianity on their victims.

try again------"the terrorists" are playing out that which is the ETHOS of islam since its inception----read the Koran---talk candidly to some muslims if you can manage to win their trust, ---
go to a mosque in which the KHUTBAH JUMAAT is delivered in English------(not really all that instructive now that mosques are bugged)
So much for the bullshit meme "Dose mooslims hate fags more than I do!" :lol:
While that may apply to this western muslim, it certainly doesnt seem to apply to many ME muslims. Considering so many support horrible actions over there.
I've been to the Middle East. The picture painted by ignorant bigoted fucks in the US about middle eastern Muslims is total horseshit.
I have read statistics and such.
I have been to alabama and never seen incest but i know its there.. I seriously doubt they were stamps on their forehead stating what they believe in.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....
Only proves that Democrats will vote for any child rapist or pervert that comes along
You have any evidence at all she's a child rapist or pervert?
Obviously my point went over your little pinhead.

Nah, your point is that you're an idiot. I got it. But thanks for the admission that you have no evidence of Yaqoob being either a child rapist or a pervert.
You say you got it but you still show you didn't.

You see, you fuckwits will vote for Jack The Ripper if he/she is the right sex, religion, or race.
Common-sense isn't even a consideration to you mouth breathers.
Who they are is much more important than their qualifications.
You'll vote for a perverted child rapist if he checks the right blocks, which is:

  • Grabbing guns
  • Destroying fossil fuel sources
  • Likes Attacking Christians
  • Cusses out Trump/Bush/Sarah Palin or Republicans in general
  • Supports Raising taxes
  • Hates white males
  • Loves Gays, Blacks, and Women wearing men's clothing
  • Believes Islam is a peaceful religion
  • Thinks Planned-Parenthood deserves government funding
  • Thinks a fetus is a lump of useless flesh but MS-13 members are not worthless oxygen-thiefs
Most of the victims of "Muslim extremist terrorism" are...MUSLIMS.


yes----true------Most of the people who once lived in
middle east lands invaded by muslims-----are no longer there. -------upon whom else can muslims now exert their glorious religion?
The terrorists are no more "exerting" Islam onto their victims than the KKK was exerting Christianity on their victims.

try again------"the terrorists" are playing out that which is the ETHOS of islam since its inception----read the Koran---talk candidly to some muslims if you can manage to win their trust, ---
go to a mosque in which the KHUTBAH JUMAAT is delivered in English------(not really all that instructive now that mosques are bugged)
I have no doubt you have not done any of those things.
So much for the bullshit meme "Dose mooslims hate fags more than I do!" :lol:
While that may apply to this western muslim, it certainly doesnt seem to apply to many ME muslims. Considering so many support horrible actions over there.
I've been to the Middle East. The picture painted by ignorant bigoted fucks in the US about middle eastern Muslims is total horseshit.
You're fulla shit. Even the most moderate "modernized" of Muslim countries will have one form or another of Islamic Shariah law that it's people follow and is in its civil code, which means persecution of gays is officially sanctioned by Muslim governments.

Everything you need to know about being gay in Muslim countries

At another level, though, it’s no joking matter. In Iran today, lavat (sodomy) is a capital offence and people are frequently executed for it. In Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen and Mauritania, sodomy is also punishable by death – though no executions have been reported for at least a decade.

Among other Arab countries, the penalty in Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia and Syria is imprisonment – up to 10 years in the case of Bahrain. In those that have no specific law against homosexuality, gay people may still be prosecuted under other laws. In Egypt, for example, an old law against “debauchery” is often used.

These laws have a catastrophic effect on the lives of people who are unlucky enough to get caught but, despite occasional crackdowns, the authorities don’t, on the whole, actively seek out gay people to arrest them. Statistics are scarce but the number of arrests is undoubtedly lower than it was during the British wave of homophobia in the 1950s. In England in 1952, there were 670 prosecutions for sodomy, 3,087 for attempted sodomy or indecent assault, and 1,686 for gross indecency.

The problem with such laws, even if not vigorously enforced, is that they signal official disapproval of homosexuality and, coupled with the fulminations of religious scholars, legitimise discrimination by individuals at an everyday level and may also provide an excuse for action by vigilantes. Years before Isis began throwing allegedly gay men off the top of buildings, other groups in Iraq were attacking “un-manly” men – sometimes killing them slowly by injecting glue into the anus.

Arrests in the Arab countries often involve groups of men at parties (sometimes described as gay “weddings”) and occasionally at hammams (bathhouses). Individuals or couples accused of having unlawful sex may be arrested for a variety of reasons, including some which initially are unrelated to homosexuality. There are also reported cases where people suspected of being gay have been arrested by police seeking to elicit bribes or turn the suspects into informers. For those caught, the effect on their lives is catastrophic but the law is not much of a deterrent and for those who are discreet about their sexuality the risk of arrest is small.

In 2007, under pressure from Islamist members of parliament, Kuwait amended its penal code so that anyone “imitating the opposite sex in any way” could face up to a year in jail and/or a fine of 1,000 dinars ($3,500). Within a couple of weeks at least 14 people were thrown into prison for the new offence.

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