Muslims Assault Innocent Jewish Family at NJ Shopping Mall

First of all, I’m not a ”they.” It should be obvious by my name that I am female. The normal, non-crazy pronoun is SHE.

Second, they are screaming about exterminating the Jewish country, and they choose Hitler‘s word to describe it.
That would be Mr. Trump.
No shit Sherlock.
You expected a Jew to throw pork at someone.

Don’t be so angry. No need for unprovoked personal attacks by you. Have a good day. Also, consider changing your avatar to one of the previous ones with a cat and a general uniform.
She's from 'Palestine', but not sure if she's now an America citizen. If not, we need to deport her.
I doubt it----neither she or her pimp spoke with a mid-east accent---nor have I ever heard ANYONE pronounce PALES TINE with
a long " I " She spoke with a bit of an hispanic accent (?) and he---just almost normal. She may be an angry wetback from
some place in South America
I doubt it----neither she or her pimp spoke with a mid-east accent---nor have I ever heard ANYONE pronounce PALES TINE with
a long " I " She spoke with a bit of an hispanic accent (?) and he---just almost normal. She may be an angry wetback from
some place in South America
Maybe she’s one of those illegal DACAs.
Two Muslims assaulted a Jewish family of four when they spotted the 16-year-old wearing a pro-Israel shirt. If these Jew-haters are not citizens, they should be deported TODAY. If they are, they should be made to understand that America welcomed them into this country, and it is not acceptable for them to spew their antisemitism and will be charged with a hate crime.

this happens in Berlin as well ….
this happens in Berlin as well ….
Happens all over Europe. Some Muslim savage pushed an elderly Holocaust survivor off the roof of a building while yelling Alu Akabar (and after torturing her first). This was in France, where the Muslims are pouring in.
Happens all over Europe. Some Muslim savage pushed an elderly Holocaust survivor off the roof of a building while yelling Alu Akabar (and after torturing her first). This was in France, where the Muslims are pouring in.
where in France?
We never should have let muslims into America. Never.

We should have stopped at the basic ones like Christian/Catholics and Jews. Now we have religious factions fighting in our own country, if it isn't stopped we will be like the middle east one day where Jews and Muslims fight it out on American soil.

This will not get better, it will only get worse.
We never should have let muslims into America. Never.

We should have stopped at the basic ones like Christian/Catholics and Jews. Now we have religious factions fighting in our own country, if it isn't stopped we will be like the middle east one day where Jews and Muslims fight it out on American soil.

This will not get better, it will only get worse.
Yup. And yet, the leftists are so determined to let in the “oppressed” Muslims, and caring so little about the antisemitism they bring with them, that they are trying to get as many in here as possible.

When I go to the mall, there are Muslims every where you turn, speaking loudly in Arabic. I just keep my mouth shut and avoid eye contact.
Two Muslims assaulted a Jewish family of four when they spotted the 16-year-old wearing a pro-Israel shirt. If these Jew-haters are not citizens, they should be deported TODAY. If they are, they should be made to understand that America welcomed them into this country, and it is not acceptable for them to spew their antisemitism and will be charged with a hate crime.

The meaning of racist-free-palestine.
I didn't make the claim.

Why would I research it?

Did you actually want to discuss the topic or is playing defense for lisa558 your only goal here?

Are they a friend of yours?

I have had several discussion with Lisa 558 and I assure you; they don't need your help.

Let's move to the topic or drop this line of back and forth please.
citations for the fact that those of your kind chant "final solution"
and "river to sea" and "death to jews" are all over the net and ALSO
part of my personal experience----<<<<THAT'S YOUR CITATION---
and the sky does appear to be blue---often----you need a citation?

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