My biggest fear

another big fear? Its January 22nd{ish} day 2 or 3 of President Hillary, she gets a 3am call that N.Korea have sent a few nukes our way, and in a deep sleep, coma-like,,she responds,,,,,"Call President Kennedy" let him deal with it.
As long as it isn't mince meat pie....

You should be fine,they use the finer cuts of long pork for mince meat.
Well damn, that's what humans are is long pig.......The sweet meat is in the rump....

I'm a loin man myself. At least with regular pork.
Your just being piggy with all the jobs old man...

Okay you lost me there...
Just little play on words and the OP, and to mention a line from Stan Freiberg's production of the History of America, where General Cornwallis is told by George Washington after losing the war, that England still has the rest of the world and mustn't be piggy.......
I get those letters asking my opinion from the Republican Party which I'm a member of. I've always concluded all they are truly interested in is the bottom part that has the solicitation for a donation. Letters are then always deposited in the recycling bin.
Hillarys Biggest Fear: somehow, someone manages to get a tiny camera in her hotel room{like with that hot white reporter},,he gets Hillary coming out of the shower,,naked! and lets just say she doesnt have a vagina. Hmm,,,guess we were all right about her.

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