My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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In order to be holders of capital you have to earn it.

lol. The whole system of white supremacy is about unearned benefits.

Whites could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
Whites qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
Whites could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were Whites

I could be here all day if I listed out all the things white people didn't earn but got. The whole system of racism, the system of white supremacy is all about unearned privileges

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

They don't earn it. They just get because they are white.

But you let a black business do that and all of sudden it's "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.
Barrack Obama, I give you Ray Nagin, I give you Marion Berry...shall I list more? These are black people who had the power and money to help black people - but they did not. Two of the three went to jail for corruption, drug use and theft.

Exactly. The key word is "Given" of course they didn't help blk people.

President Obama was “given” a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually meant he had NO POWER AT ALL. No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power
...As I said before. Black progress or success is measured in dollars.
You're not "black people," you are one person. If you measure your worth as a human being by dollars, you are an empty shell and a failure in the most important sense.
Hold up...... Let me make a call and see what I can get for his organs before we decide he is worthless.
No I have noticed that American Cities are being torched by blacks, Stores Looted by blacks supposedly all in the name of a criminal who was killed by police.
Power is not taken politely.

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence and destruction. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

So burn it all down as far I'm concerned. I don't give a sh*t about insured buildings.

Plus most of looters and arsonists are white are anyway.

Black people are the engine for freedom and justice. We are the only who trying to set this record straight and if you haven't noticed as far as Australia to UK, to New Zealand, to Sweden, to France to Germany EVERYONE is following out lead.

You are just some no mark boy talking crap on the internet. Meanwhile we're affecting the world. Nike, Apple, MicroSoft, Coco-Cola spend millions trying to influence people.

A fee blk ppl from minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a few weeks

What pisses me ff more than the rioting and looting done by these people is that the government is not doing a damn thing about it. Instead of coming down hard on the rioters they are forcing a Kwanzaa like holiday on the American People

What can the USA government do to black ppl that they have not done already ? What should they do ? Send in the army ? The tanks ? The military ? Is that supposed to scare us ? Fk outta here.

We'll fight you till hell freezes over and then we'll fight you on that fkin ice.
Well, they could stop feeding the poor ones.
The easiest way to get rid of people you don't like is to starve them out; create a famine. The Sudan, the Kulaks, etc., history is full of examples. But Americans with wealth (aka: taxpayers) are not only not starving poor blacks, they are actively paying to feed them through things like SNAP, and EBT.

Every race on the planet was subjugated by another at one time or another..... difference is, they all got the fuck over it and got on with making their way in the world.

So what is your fucking problem, son?
Don't know what is supposed to mean.

It's means what white people are Africans. So if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home, and use what in your home to build my empire. And I say I'm doing this bcoz blk ppl are superior to whites.

Then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Since you want to look at it that way, America is not the home of the blacks. The whites took this land by Right of Conquest which was internationally understood as being legal. Our government was for whites and if not for the illegally ratified 14th Amendment (which officially made both blacks and whites slaves) you would not even be in this country. You're still a slave and if might is right, then I get from you if the whites defeat you in a war, then this political B.S. is over. Is that right?
Barrack Obama, I give you Ray Nagin, I give you Marion Berry...shall I list more? These are black people who had the power and money to help black people - but they did not. Two of the three went to jail for corruption, drug use and theft.

Exactly. The key word is "Given" of course they didn't help blk people.

President Obama was “given” a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually meant he had NO POWER AT ALL. No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power
Ok Dude, we're done. You are either being obtuse and trolling, or you just want to stay a victim so you can bitch about it.
Either way. There is no help for you in any way. Have fun living your life bitter and full of jealousy and hate.
I am sure you can find some leftist self loathing privileged white people to grovel for you.
No I have noticed that American Cities are being torched by blacks, Stores Looted by blacks supposedly all in the name of a criminal who was killed by police.
Power is not taken politely.

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence and destruction. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

So burn it all down as far I'm concerned. I don't give a sh*t about insured buildings.

Plus most of looters and arsonists are white are anyway.

Black people are the engine for freedom and justice. We are the only who trying to set this record straight and if you haven't noticed as far as Australia to UK, to New Zealand, to Sweden, to France to Germany EVERYONE is following out lead.

You are just some no mark boy talking crap on the internet. Meanwhile we're affecting the world. Nike, Apple, MicroSoft, Coco-Cola spend millions trying to influence people.

A fee blk ppl from minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a few weeks

What pisses me ff more than the rioting and looting done by these people is that the government is not doing a damn thing about it. Instead of coming down hard on the rioters they are forcing a Kwanzaa like holiday on the American People

What can the USA government do to black ppl that they have not done already ? What should they do ? Send in the army ? The tanks ? The military ? Is that supposed to scare us ? Fk outta here.

We'll fight you till hell freezes over and then we'll fight you on that fkin ice.
Be careful what you wish for. It's fortunate for you that you are nothing but another empty big mouth on the internet.
If white folks are so weak and easily dominated, then how are they keeping you down and oppressed, boy?

You can't have it both ways; either they are too formidable for you to overcome and that's why you need affirmative action and police reform, etc., or they are weak and easily dominated by the superior black race, yadda yadda yadda.....

Which is it?
Those aren't the only two options. Superior weaponry determines who prevails in an enocunter.

Being particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pretty much cinches the outcome as evidenced by the near decimation of the native American population and the oppression and subjugation of the black race.
Those aren't the only two options. Superior weaponry determines who prevails in an enocunter.

Being particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pretty much cinches the outcome as evidenced by the near decimation of the native American population and the oppression and subjugation of the black race.
That’s not what led to those outcomes.
When you project your experiences with just a few people with a certain skin color onto all other people who happen to have a similar skin color , what do you call it if not racism?

There are assholes out there of all skin colors.
Not only that, but some white racists, knowing the history of the racial disparity and oppression in the U.S. like to use that knowledge to salt the wounds. That's what all of the fake ignorance and mocking about why black have not been able to achieve what other racial or ethnic groups have, knowing full well that people of African descent were hobbled by laws and policies that made their subjugation and oppression lawful.

We know this, and we know when they are willfully ignoring these facts and/or pretending to not know this is the case.

"....Freedom is the right to share, share fully and equally, in American society–to vote, to hold a job, to enter a public place, to go to school. It is the right to be treated in every part of our national life as a person equal in dignity and promise to all others.

But freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.

You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, “you are free to compete with all the others,” and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.

Thus it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates".

Lyndon Johnson, Howard University Commencement Address (1965)
Management Of Aggressive Behavior

Like I said, I use up all my compassion, understanding, and restraint at work 5 nights a week; I got nothing left when I'm off the clock. Get loud and in my face then and the best thing that's going to happen to you is I'll feed you an entire can of pepper spray.

You know why cops sometimes shoot people when it doesn't seem the least bit necessary or appropriate? Because they don't know what else to do.
Police Departments are refusing to hire big, meathead, former football players and guys who lift weights and do MMA as a hobby because they are afraid of the liability involved in having someone with that appearance using physical force on someone, on camera; it just looks bad to most people.
But it is much easier to take a strong, highly aggressive person and teach them restraint, than it is to take a timid person and teach them to escalate force past a level they are personally comfortable with.
So these timid guys and gals are getting hired as cops, and when they start getting overwhelmed by a situation they are not confident they can control, they default to opening fire. A meathead's default is kicking your ass, not shooting you; which sounds better to you?
You want less questionable shootings? You need to invest in some bruiser cops and give them a shit-ton more training, IMO.

Violence dynamics is a very complicated subject, and very few people have even a basic understanding of it, and are in fact, resistant as hell to even learning more about it, because it makes them uncomfortable.
Look how uncomfortable Unkotare gets when I even mention it.
So are you Mark?
Those aren't the only two options. Superior weaponry determines who prevails in an enocunter.

Being particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pretty much cinches the outcome as evidenced by the near decimation of the native American population and the oppression and subjugation of the black race.
I spent a fair amount of time fighting in Afghanistan and while we had those goat fuckers seriously out-gunned, they still gave a damn good accounting of themselves. So if you live in the United States of 400 million firearms and 3 trillion rounds of ammunition, you probably shouldn't try to use a lame ass excuse like that for why you're losing.

As to us being particularly bloodthirsty, what do you expect me to say? Of course we are..... that's what it took to get here.

BTW, something ya'll might want to keep in mind; when you play identity politics, and take sides based on race, you force everyone else to do the same, whether they want to or not.

And traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else.
Those aren't the only two options. Superior weaponry determines who prevails in an enocunter.

Being particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pretty much cinches the outcome as evidenced by the near decimation of the native American population and the oppression and subjugation of the black race.
Speaking of Native Americans, read Empire of The Summer Moon, by S.C. Gywnne; good info there about fighting the Commanches and what all went on there.
Ok Dude, we're done.

White supremacists start running when you challenge their racist theories. Your points of view sound good when you are around your white family and friends. They sound good when no-one is there is to counter them

You are either being obtuse and trolling.

Accuse someone of trolling is trolling.

or you just want to stay a victim so you can bitch about it.

This is the Unkotare tactic. Make the argument personal.

To tell my son that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I’m ill-suiting him for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires.

If he or any black person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They're gonna overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racist unjust treatment can steel themselves against it.

And how come you don’t accuse whites in here of victimization ? They're always talking about how they are victims taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victim-hood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count

Have fun living your life bitter and full of jealousy and hate.

I don't hate white people in the same way that I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just their nature.

I am sure you can find some leftist self loathing privileged white people to grovel for you.

Every white and non black person on this planet is anti black to some degree.

The word “racism” is everywhere. The right term is “anti-blackness.”

And all white and non black ppl will have soaked up various elements of racist thinking about blk pp
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That’s not what led to those outcomes.
"I don't know what it is like to be judged by color of skin..."
Of course I do. Being judged by color of skin is no different that many other things people judge you for.
And if yuo expect me to believe you were racially profiled for being 1/4 something.... I don't
According to America law, all he needs is to have 1 drop
The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms).

Men are wired to be extremely suspicious of anyone who is not their tribe. You ever see the movie Apocalypto? What happened to the protagonist's village was a very common occurrence throughout all of human history, everywhere in the world. It still is in many places.
Seeing strangers, people who don't look, sound, or act as you and yours do, showing up in your area, is going to be a red flag, and you're going to keep an eye on those folks.
Because the men who didn't react like that, were all butchered and their women and children were taken as slaves. Survival of the fittest, guy.

You can teach people to get over that, but not if you deny it is a real thing.
Who trained you to be that way? The U.S. military or the MOAB training?
Who trained you to be that way? The U.S. military or the MOAB training?
The folks who almost always said "You ain't from around here...." as the prelude to a group beating and stomping.

You know what? I been shot once, and knifed twice, but I don't see those scars unless I look for them. But every time I look in a mirror, I still see scars I got for being white in the wrong neighborhood about 35 years ago.
I hadn't actually realized that until now.... I guess I just never thought about it.
Of course, everyone knows that the less white you are, the more ethically and morally superior you are, right? (sarcasm)


And people here are calling me a racist?

Fuck all ya'll.
Well let's come at it from the other end then. Why do you believe that you not a racist?
Children are very trusting and accepting.

You are just busting your ass to disagree with anything I say.
Young children are, like toddler age. That changes as they grow older, presumably as they observe the things that their parents fear, dispise or denegrate.
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