My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Okay, I think you did that on purpose.....

How am I supposed to stay on topic with you throwing out inflammatory shit like that to deflect? ;)

Jimi was damn good, but Slow Hand is way better, IMO.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Awww... oh how cute.
You were teased and judged as a kid....awww.... poor thing.
No one else here was ever teased as a kid for something.... you really do deserve a gold star


Fuck off

And I didn't say teased.

You will never understand what it's liked to have your worth judged by the color of your skin.

I was fortunate enough to have people from 2 different races judge my worth by my skin color and it has given me what is an uncommon perspective.

But an inflexible thinker like you wouldn't get it anyways.
"I don't know what it is like to be judged by color of skin..."
Of course I do. Being judged by color of skin is no different that many other things people judge you for.
And if yuo expect me to believe you were racially profiled for being 1/4 something.... I don't

Where did I say profiled ?

I said judged. Judged by adults in my community, judged by my peers.

Too Black to be white and too white to be Black

You don't get it because you haven't experienced it.
Like I said there kiddo... my first wife was Mexican. So my two kids are half-Latino/half-white.
There skin is also darker than whites, but not quite as dark as full blooded Mexican. Her family lives in Aguascalientes, deep enough into Mexico there is not near as much mixing with whites as border Mexicans.
Anyway... there was never a time where either of my kids or even my wife was mistreated in any way. Not once.
So that is why I don't believe you.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Okay, I think you did that on purpose.....

How am I supposed to stay on topic with you throwing out inflammatory shit like that to deflect? ;)

Jimi was damn good, but Slow Hand is way better, IMO.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Awww... oh how cute.
You were teased and judged as a kid....awww.... poor thing.
No one else here was ever teased as a kid for something.... you really do deserve a gold star


Fuck off

And I didn't say teased.

You will never understand what it's liked to have your worth judged by the color of your skin.

I was fortunate enough to have people from 2 different races judge my worth by my skin color and it has given me what is an uncommon perspective.

But an inflexible thinker like you wouldn't get it anyways.
"I don't know what it is like to be judged by color of skin..."
Of course I do. Being judged by color of skin is no different that many other things people judge you for.
And if yuo expect me to believe you were racially profiled for being 1/4 something.... I don't

Where did I say profiled ?

I said judged. Judged by adults in my community, judged by my peers.

Too Black to be white and too white to be Black

You don't get it because you haven't experienced it.
Like I said there kiddo... my first wife was Mexican. So my two kids are half-Latino/half-white.
There skin is also darker than whites, but not quite as dark as full blooded Mexican. Her family lives in Aguascalientes, deep enough into Mexico there is not near as much mixing with whites as border Mexicans.
Anyway... there was never a time where either of my kids or even my wife was mistreated in any way. Not once.
So that is why I don't believe you.

So you think your experiences apply to every other person in the world

Get over yourself.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Frankly, so what?
I been married to a black woman for over 30 years, and it doesn't really change shit.
People do judge people by their skin color, just like they judge others on all aspects of their appearance; that ain't going to change.

It's a hard-wired survival trait.

It's not a survival trait.

There is no instinct that "hard wires" people into thinking a person with a different skin color is a threat to their survival.

That is taught.

It's time we teach people that skin color doesn't matter with the same vigor that people have been taught to believe it does.

Men are wired to be extremely suspicious of anyone who is not their tribe. You ever see the movie Apocalypto? What happened to the protagonist's village was a very common occurrence throughout all of human history, everywhere in the world. It still is in many places.
Seeing strangers, people who don't look, sound, or act as you and yours do, showing up in your area, is going to be a red flag, and you're going to keep an eye on those folks.
Because the men who didn't react like that, were all butchered and their women and children were taken as slaves. Survival of the fittest, guy.

You can teach people to get over that, but not if you deny it is a real thing.

A fictional movie.

And yes when we were nomadic tribes xenophobia was rampant but is not a hard wired instinct.

Humans do not have instincts in the way animals do.

And the familiar ceases to be a threat.

Every single person in this country is familiar with people of different skin tones.

There is no threat to survival from people who look different
Yeah, I think you got that wrong.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Frankly, so what?
I been married to a black woman for over 30 years, and it doesn't really change shit.
People do judge people by their skin color, just like they judge others on all aspects of their appearance; that ain't going to change.

It's a hard-wired survival trait.

It's not a survival trait.

There is no instinct that "hard wires" people into thinking a person with a different skin color is a threat to their survival.

That is taught.

It's time we teach people that skin color doesn't matter with the same vigor that people have been taught to believe it does.

Men are wired to be extremely suspicious of anyone who is not their tribe. You ever see the movie Apocalypto? What happened to the protagonist's village was a very common occurrence throughout all of human history, everywhere in the world. It still is in many places.
Seeing strangers, people who don't look, sound, or act as you and yours do, showing up in your area, is going to be a red flag, and you're going to keep an eye on those folks.
Because the men who didn't react like that, were all butchered and their women and children were taken as slaves. Survival of the fittest, guy.

You can teach people to get over that, but not if you deny it is a real thing.

A fictional movie.

And yes when we were nomadic tribes xenophobia was rampant but is not a hard wired instinct.

Humans do not have instincts in the way animals do.

And the familiar ceases to be a threat.

Every single person in this country is familiar with people of different skin tones.

There is no threat to survival from people who look different
Yeah, I think you got that wrong.
And I think you got that wrong.
and south africa is now a shithole since blacks took over
Well if it's a shit-hole then why are whites in South Africa fighting to stay in a shit-hole ?

Let's be clear.

How the land in S.Africa was taken ?


I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

Then they imposed laws like this

View attachment 352365

And because the above white people live like this in S.Africa

View attachment 352361

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Questions ?

"But....erm..... blacks in South Africa are too stupid to know how to farm so well.....erm...just like leave the land with us "

Yeah only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science

Bitch plz

This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC.





And there are many more like here

View attachment 352367
View attachment 352368
View attachment 352369

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be all right.

Because growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

As long as white supremacist leave black people alone black people will be just fine

If South Africa sets the precedent of reversing lands occupied by white supremacist colonialists this will very well create an avalanche that will sweep the continent. In Southern Africa, since freedom, little or no land reform of any great significance has taken place, and the same in BOTSWANA, ZAMBIA, and NAMIBIA.

White people understand very well that white supremacy benefits them wherever they are located on this planet. That's why they are so enraged whenever this system that benefits them is challenged by anyone.

Whites in SA can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses

Black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

name one country just one that blacks control that isnt a shithole ..and as far as blacks taking over here
Just a few

Luanda, Angola


Nairobi, Kenya




Wallis Bay, Namibia


Accra, Ghana


Rwanda - Kigali


Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania


Lagos - Nigeria

Avenue of baobabs, Madagascar


Rock Restaurant, Zanzibar


Zomba Plateau, Malawi

That wasn't me, wtf?
From a true understanding, there are differences in train of thought in Africa. And south Africa. Black Africans live for today. White Africans live for tomorrow. Saving for bad times is of a biblical way.
and south africa is now a shithole since blacks took over
Well if it's a shit-hole then why are whites in South Africa fighting to stay in a shit-hole ?

Let's be clear.

How the land in S.Africa was taken ?


I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

Then they imposed laws like this

View attachment 352365

And because the above white people live like this in S.Africa

View attachment 352361

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Questions ?

"But....erm..... blacks in South Africa are too stupid to know how to farm so well.....erm...just like leave the land with us "

Yeah only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science

Bitch plz

This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC.





And there are many more like here

View attachment 352367
View attachment 352368
View attachment 352369

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be all right.

Because growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

As long as white supremacist leave black people alone black people will be just fine

If South Africa sets the precedent of reversing lands occupied by white supremacist colonialists this will very well create an avalanche that will sweep the continent. In Southern Africa, since freedom, little or no land reform of any great significance has taken place, and the same in BOTSWANA, ZAMBIA, and NAMIBIA.

White people understand very well that white supremacy benefits them wherever they are located on this planet. That's why they are so enraged whenever this system that benefits them is challenged by anyone.

Whites in SA can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses

Black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

name one country just one that blacks control that isnt a shithole ..and as far as blacks taking over here
Just a few

Luanda, Angola


Nairobi, Kenya




Wallis Bay, Namibia


Accra, Ghana


Rwanda - Kigali


Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania


Lagos - Nigeria

Avenue of baobabs, Madagascar


Rock Restaurant, Zanzibar


Zomba Plateau, Malawi

That wasn't me, wtf?
From a true understanding, there are differences in train of thought in Africa. And south Africa. Black Africans live for today. White Africans live for tomorrow. Saving for bad times is of a biblical way.
I still want to know how that post got attributed to me in the quotes?
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Okay, I think you did that on purpose.....

How am I supposed to stay on topic with you throwing out inflammatory shit like that to deflect? ;)

Jimi was damn good, but Slow Hand is way better, IMO.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Awww... oh how cute.
You were teased and judged as a kid....awww.... poor thing.
No one else here was ever teased as a kid for something.... you really do deserve a gold star


Fuck off

And I didn't say teased.

You will never understand what it's liked to have your worth judged by the color of your skin.

I was fortunate enough to have people from 2 different races judge my worth by my skin color and it has given me what is an uncommon perspective.

But an inflexible thinker like you wouldn't get it anyways.
"I don't know what it is like to be judged by color of skin..."
Of course I do. Being judged by color of skin is no different that many other things people judge you for.
And if yuo expect me to believe you were racially profiled for being 1/4 something.... I don't

Where did I say profiled ?

I said judged. Judged by adults in my community, judged by my peers.

Too Black to be white and too white to be Black

You don't get it because you haven't experienced it.
Like I said there kiddo... my first wife was Mexican. So my two kids are half-Latino/half-white.
There skin is also darker than whites, but not quite as dark as full blooded Mexican. Her family lives in Aguascalientes, deep enough into Mexico there is not near as much mixing with whites as border Mexicans.
Anyway... there was never a time where either of my kids or even my wife was mistreated in any way. Not once.
So that is why I don't believe you.

So you think your experiences apply to every other person in the world

Get over yourself.
Liberals today, especially millennials, desperately want to be a victim of something. Very strange,
The crux of what I see in this thread, is pretty much what I expected.
The usual scene of race pimps who desperately want to tell whites how racist they are, and then there are liberals.
Liberals simply cannot fathom a white person judging black people for who they are instead of paying homage and holding them blameless for everything they do.
In truth, the left patronize blacks. They think of them as children in constant need of their assistance. Lower standards for them and pat them on the head while giving them gold stars for simply showing up. It is the left who see blacks as inferior. It is so obvious how is it even possible blacks don't see it??
Black votes matter.
Liberals simply cannot fathom a white person judging black people for who they are instead of paying homage and holding them blameless for everything they do.

You don't judge black ppl for they are, that's why you write stuff like

When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

That's making a mass generalisation of black people you don't know.

I mean, if you can’t see the irony embedded in your remarks – After all, to deny that you have no racism to black people, and then to cut loose with a racist generalization about those same people is the epitome of self-contradiction – then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.

the left patronize blacks. They think of them as children in constant need of their assistance. Lower standards for them and pat them on the head while giving them gold stars for simply showing up. It is the left who see blacks as inferior. It is so obvious how is it even possible blacks don't see it??

You get white supremacist on the left and right. The only difference is that the white supremacist on the right would shoot down a boat load of black people to drown them. The white supremacists on the right would give the black ppl on the boat a cushion to make the drowning easier.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

If you have to ask if you're a racist you most definitely are.
Do you realize just how absolutely MORONIC and HOLLOW hearing one of you RACE PIMPS call someone racist is now? No, you don't. You're too STUPID. You're too full of HATE and you think calling someone a RAAAYYYYYYCCIIIISSST still has some sort of impact.

Well I got news for ya skippy, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK WHO YOU CALL RACIST ANYMORE. You and your kind have WORN THAT WORD OUT by untold multiple factors. Now you just sound STUPID.

I like WHITE BREAD and WHITE MILK... so... I'M A RACIST... :lol:
Now youre being a drama queen. He asked a question I gave him an answer. Youre a racist. If you dont like that then too bad. Not much you can do about it.
He asked a rhetorical question and your own racism wouldn't let you let it it pass, you had to call him a name, even though there is no evidence here that he is a racist.
There is a lot of evidence on this board that you are, though, and it's all your own doing.
He should have said he was asking a rhetorical question. Its not my job to help him write his OP.
If you can't keep your racism and hatred under control, you should think about limiting your interactions with other people, at least until you're fit to be around others.
The rest of us don't deserve to have to put up with folks that can't act right.
I didnt ask you what you deserve. I will determine that. If you dont like it avoid reading my comments. I heard there was an ignore button you can utilize.
And there is a keyboard you don't have to type racist bullshit with, too.
The difference is that I am not whining about what someone is typing. If you perceive what I am typing as racist thats really none of my business. You would have more credibility if you felt the same way about the inbred racists that are on this very thread. So basically...go suck a dick.
Sure you are, you are running around calling people names and deflecting from the topic. I've only been here a few weeks and I already know that if you're posting, then you're whining about how everyone is racist..... (smh)

The fact is, you are the most racist poster I've seen here so far, although you sure ain't alone in it.

Basically.... go eat a whole bag fulla dicks.
Calling someone a racist isnt whining. Its just putting them in their correct category. You cant link to single comment I have ever made where I am whining about someone being racist. So basically....well I cant say that.

You do find a racist in every post that isn't about multiculturalism and left wing talking points. You need to come to grips with what you are: You are a racist.

Like it or not, there are differences that are beyond skin deep when we discuss race. There are differences in histories, experiences, and expectations. Our cultures are not the same. There is an element in the black community that blames their failures on whites. Over 97 percent of the Americans living during the slavery era never owned a slave, yet blacks want all whites to be held accountable for what the rich do. Ironically, that old money from slave days is the same money being used by the super rich to control blacks and keep them in a divisive war with the whites.

Some blacks wail and cry about segregation, but if a city council (the Atlanta City Council used to be one) is all black, those black racists are cool with it. They are okay with black colleges like Morehouse. They have Bounce tv that caters to blacks and its motto is "Television done our way." They have Black History Month, Black Music Month; there are scores of magazines that have catered to the black community: Jet, Black Stars, Ebony, etc., etc. They have every advantage in the world. We have a police shooting in Atlanta and it's a predominantly black city council (more than 2 blacks to every 1 city councilman) backed by a black Mayor, but it's the white peoples fault that the training of police ends in shootings by the police and rights being trampled on. WTH? There is NO accountability on the part of the black leadership.

For blacks to scream racism in America is a freaking joke... a sick joke, but a joke nonetheless. Flame away.
Because in the mind of the blacks, it can never be their fault.
When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

That's making a mass generalisation of black people you don't know.
It is not a generalization. It's like saying to someone avoid the viper pits in the desert. Is that a sweeping generalization?
No. It is what it is.
Some years ago many cities, including Indianapolis, decided to invest copious $$$ into high crime, poorer areas. This displaced a lot of people, many of them blacks. So cities passed legislation that required some large apartment complexes to house section 8 tenants. Now because many of the complexes are owned by the same companies, they would pack in section 8 housing into lower performing complexes scattered across the city. So in these complexes, you will have 3-4 buildings that are fine...but watch out for the section 8 complex because it is going to be noisy, the people will be out all hours of the night and expect cops pulling up on a weekly basis...oh and throw in a few shootings to go along with it. I can't help the FACT that most of them will be black. It's just true. There is no denying it. So I made sure the kids didn't end up being close to one of those complexes. Any decent parent will 100% do the same.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Okay, I think you did that on purpose.....

How am I supposed to stay on topic with you throwing out inflammatory shit like that to deflect? ;)

Jimi was damn good, but Slow Hand is way better, IMO.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Do you correct black people when they say "white people"?

No, right?

I didn't correct anyone here.

I don't correct anyone anywhere.

I do what I do and that is to never specify the skin color of a person because skin color is irrelevant.

I don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black guitarist of all time I simply say Jimi was the greatest guitarist of all time.

Just like i don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest white guitar player but rather I say he was the second best guitar player of all time.

What does skin color matter?

If people really want to end racism then people will not label another person by the color of his skin.
Oh... the whole "I don't see color" routine?
Good lord...
"See how awesome I am people??... I am helping fight racism by not calling black people black"... I deserve a GOLD STAR!!"

Look Fuckstick.

My mother was a light skinned biracial woman. She lived her entire life with people telling her she was too black to be white and too white to be black.

I got that very same shit from my peers in the city where I grew up.

I decided not to judge people by their skin color because I was judged by both blacks and whites.
Awww... oh how cute.
You were teased and judged as a kid....awww.... poor thing.
No one else here was ever teased as a kid for something.... you really do deserve a gold star


Fuck off

And I didn't say teased.

You will never understand what it's liked to have your worth judged by the color of your skin.

I was fortunate enough to have people from 2 different races judge my worth by my skin color and it has given me what is an uncommon perspective.

But an inflexible thinker like you wouldn't get it anyways.
"I don't know what it is like to be judged by color of skin..."
Of course I do. Being judged by color of skin is no different that many other things people judge you for.
And if yuo expect me to believe you were racially profiled for being 1/4 something.... I don't

Where did I say profiled ?

I said judged. Judged by adults in my community, judged by my peers.

Too Black to be white and too white to be Black

You don't get it because you haven't experienced it.
Like I said there kiddo... my first wife was Mexican. So my two kids are half-Latino/half-white.
There skin is also darker than whites, but not quite as dark as full blooded Mexican. Her family lives in Aguascalientes, deep enough into Mexico there is not near as much mixing with whites as border Mexicans.
Anyway... there was never a time where either of my kids or even my wife was mistreated in any way. Not once.
So that is why I don't believe you.

So you think your experiences apply to every other person in the world

Get over yourself.
Liberals today, especially millennials, desperately want to be a victim of something. Very strange,
So am I a liberal or a millennial?

Answer : Neither.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

Seems like you white boys all own one.
Some years ago many cities, including Indianapolis, decided to invest copious $$$ into high crime, poorer areas.

But was that $$$ for black people and black people only ? I want to know if that money was specifically for black people only.

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

This displaced a lot of people, many of them blacks.

Why would blk ppl be displace if you're saying that whites were rolling out the red carpet for black ppl (Something I have never seen, known of or experienced). ?

If you're negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people and to be avoided, then anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people and to welcomed in.

An argument every bit as stupid, but just as logical, given your line of reasoning.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

Seems like you white boys all own one.

You are a delusional, sniveling little bitch.
Some years ago many cities, including Indianapolis, decided to invest copious $$$ into high crime, poorer areas.

But was that $$$ for black people and black people only ? I want to know if that money was specifically for black people only.

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

This displaced a lot of people, many of them blacks.

Why would blk ppl be displace if you're saying that whites were rolling out the red carpet for black ppl (Something I have never seen, known of or experienced). ?

If you're negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people and to be avoided, then anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people and to welcomed in.

An argument every bit as stupid, but just as logical, given your line of reasoning.
And you are a hypocrite.
Absolutely amazing that you refuse to accept any responsibility for your own problems and just blame them on the whites. You people are disgusting
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