My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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Absolutely amazing that you refuse to accept any responsibility for your own problems and just blame them on the whites. You people are disgusting

I’ve always found it funny how white ppl want to view responsibility as a one-way street

They need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black ppl take responsibility when white criminals have more chance of getting a job than blk ppl who are clean ?

Black folks are taken responsibility all the time self-help all the time.

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation.

But I see very little self responsibility self-help in the white community.

Rarely doyou spend time dealing with your own racism biases and which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

If your dumb ass spent as much time working to have some tangible assets you wouldn't be here, blaming whites for all your failures in life. When my ancestors got tired of King George and tyranny, they got on ships and came here with little more than the shirts on their backs. On the Mayflower, half of the people would die from starvation and sickness in the first year. Yet, the whites kept coming, kept working, kept sacrificing. They didn't need King George's money; they were able to create wealth with their own two hands.

For all the bitching and wailing you do, you seem to forget that 97 percent of the colonists and then Americans never owned a damn slave. Many of them lived in the Appalachians and lived far worse than any of their black contemporaries. Whites worked the land and in coal mines. And when the whites had enough of the government, they rebelled. In the Battle of Blair Mountain, the federal government sent troops in with MB1 bombers to wage war against the citizenry. Whatever you think your people have been through, the whites have had it - and probably worse. The difference is, people like you are leeches, unable to get off your ass and carve out your own piece of the American pie. You're all about figuring out the best way to redistribute the wealth. You're not concerned with creating it.

When whites have retreated to the desolate places just to be left alone, your government has sent in troops to flush them out as they did with Randy Weaver. People like you would choke on your own spit if a white man didn't come along and swab out your throat. If this country is so bad, why don't you pack your rags and go to Africa? Hell, you waste your life claiming that whites owe you a living. Whites in America aren't even responsible for what happened to the blacks for the most part. We were under the control of a government thousands of miles away. Go screw with them for a change. Sue them. Go after the companies and the families that owned the slave ships and made the profit off it. Better still, push yourself away from your computer, get yourself a job and earn some money so that you don't have to come here every day, writing a freaking book wailing about how bad you have it because you're too damn lazy to get a job and become productive - and it's all the white man's fault.
Absolutely amazing that you refuse to accept any responsibility for your own problems and just blame them on the whites. You people are disgusting

I’ve always found it funny how white ppl want to view responsibility as a one-way street

They need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black ppl take responsibility when white criminals have more chance of getting a job than blk ppl who are clean ?

Black folks are taken responsibility all the time self-help all the time.

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation.

But I see very little self responsibility self-help in the white community.

Rarely doyou spend time dealing with your own racism biases and which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats that openly reject American society If they reject American society then far be it from me to try to change their lives. Americans have bent over backwards trying to give blacks an advantage to escape the ghetto but sadly theu have not take advantage of it
Some years ago many cities, including Indianapolis, decided to invest copious $$$ into high crime, poorer areas.

But was that $$$ for black people and black people only ? I want to know if that money was specifically for black people only.

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

This displaced a lot of people, many of them blacks.

Why would blk ppl be displace if you're saying that whites were rolling out the red carpet for black ppl (Something I have never seen, known of or experienced). ?

If you're negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people and to be avoided, then anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people and to welcomed in.

An argument every bit as stupid, but just as logical, given your line of reasoning.
You are determined to fail, and send all your time preparing excuses. I hope you don't call yourself a man.
Absolutely amazing that you refuse to accept any responsibility for your own problems and just blame them on the whites. You people are disgusting

I’ve always found it funny how white ppl want to view responsibility as a one-way street

They need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black ppl take responsibility when white criminals have more chance of getting a job than blk ppl who are clean ?

Black folks are taken responsibility all the time self-help all the time.

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation.

But I see very little self responsibility self-help in the white community.

Rarely doyou spend time dealing with your own racism biases and which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats...

Pull back on that bullshit. There are many successful people in the city as well.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats that openly reject American society If they reject American society
It depends on what you define as successful.

As I said before. Black progress or success is measured in dollars.

If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Americans have bent over backwards trying to give blacks an advantage to escape the ghetto
Well if what you're saying is true that white people were so deeply saddened by racism that they decided to do something about it and put and end to it then we would not have the problems we have today.

If haven't noticed America has been burning down over the past few weeks. But you carry sticking your head in the sand.
...As I said before. Black progress or success is measured in dollars.
You're not "black people," you are one person. If you measure your worth as a human being by dollars, you are an empty shell and a failure in the most important sense.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats that openly reject American society If they reject American society
It depends on what you define as successful.

As I said before. Black progress or success is measured in dollars.

If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Americans have bent over backwards trying to give blacks an advantage to escape the ghetto
Well if what you're saying is true that white people were so deeply saddened by racism that they decided to do something about it and put and end to it then we would not have the problems we have today.

If haven't noticed America has been burning down over the past few weeks. But you carry sticking your head in the sand.
No I have noticed that American Cities are being torched by blacks, Stores Looted by blacks supposedly all in the name of a criminal who was killed by police. What pisses me ff more than the rioting and looting done by these people is that the government is not doing a damn thing about it. Instead of coming down hard on the rioters they are forcing a Kwanzaa like holiday on the American People
Absolutely amazing that you refuse to accept any responsibility for your own problems and just blame them on the whites. You people are disgusting

I’ve always found it funny how white ppl want to view responsibility as a one-way street

They need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black ppl take responsibility when white criminals have more chance of getting a job than blk ppl who are clean ?

Black folks are taken responsibility all the time self-help all the time.

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation.

But I see very little self responsibility self-help in the white community.

Rarely doyou spend time dealing with your own racism biases and which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

Let's talk honestly. The white people in this country are some sorry mother fuckers. Parents don't want to properly rear their children, so with the help of the school system, local governments, mental health officials, and Big Pharma, they start their kids off with drugs like Adderall and or Ritalin for imaginary disorders like ADD / ADHD (which is really poor diet, exercise, studying habits, chaos in the home, etc.) Those kids are taught that Nirvana is in pills. So they graduate to opioids and they become on again / off again users of SSRIs. They get into illegal drugs and that becomes their lifestyle. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we are the drug capital of the world.

The white kids in my neighborhood play video games, smoke weed, sit on their asses, and there are as worthless as tits on a boar hog. When offered a job, they laugh. Mommy will let them live at home, rent free and Uncle Scam will provide a debit card so that they can eat. The entrepreneurial, but lazy ass white will go to the food bank and get his food, then use his debit card to buy someone elses groceries and they give him 70 cents on the dollar in cash. That allows the white kids to buy their drugs.

As someone who hires people for gigs - people who are genuinely locked out of the job market, the only people that show up are two guys in a pick-up truck wanting to tell you they are "contractors" and expecting to be paid the big bucks. The other guys are Hispanics, willing to work, but lacking the ability to do acceptable work. In the real world, most companies farm out their hiring process to agencies. Those agencies administer drug tests, look for criminal records, driving records, and evaluate a person's educational and work accomplishments. Generally, the policy of most corporations is that the hiring manager will never know a person's race before considering them.

Regardless of your color, employers summarily reject anyone with a conviction of violence... misdemeanor or felony, it is irrelevant. My wife has a son that has been turned down by every fast food joint, retail store, restaurant, and landscape company within ten miles of his house over an 8 year old felony conviction. His crime? He was in an argument with his wife and said while having a diabetic meltdown "I will fucking kill you" - that did it. They never actually sent him to prison. He couldn't find a job so every once in a while, they threw him in jail for a couple of weeks for not paying a fine or showing up at the probation office, but wrote the whole conviction off (it's still on his records) in four years. He is unemployable. Most of the white guys I know under 40 are unemployable. It's their own fault.

I've heard all that blacks have to say about dealing with white institutions, but for most of my life blacks have had the advantage of organizations like the NAACP, CORE (if it still exists), the SPLC, etc., etc. protecting their interests. Whites have never had that. Blacks have had the advantage of affirmative action, reverse discrimination, racial quotas in the workplace and racial hiring schemes. Let's face the facts. White businessmen are scared shitless to deny a black man a job for fear of being sued for discrimination. They dare not fire a black guy. Hell, employers will make it hard on a whole company by reducing the number of sick days or the leniency of a tardiness policy because one black guy can't show up on time rather than deal with that one troublesome employee.

Both sides like to play the blame game. Both sides are jealous of what they think the other gets or how the other is treated. A black and white cop team once put me in handcuffs, hung me so that my tip toes barely touched the floor, put a 2 inch telephone book over my rib cage, and beat the living Hell out of me with a billy stick once. The charges were dropped at my initial hearing and those two guys got away with beating an innocent guy - who was white. Another time, I took pictures of local police working off duty jobs and blocking the emergency exit doors at a theater where they worked. The law is they cannot do that unless they are answering an official call AND their blue lights must be flashing. The chairman of the county commission turned my pictures over to the sheriff and he wrote me a letter admonishing me to "mind your own fucking business." That was followed up by a harassment campaign that resulted in three years of me defending myself in court over totally bogus charges. I'm the wrong guy to try and convince that blacks get treated any differently than whites.

Blacks believe the swill they sell so they develop an attitude. If you don't get what you want, it's always the white guy's fault. Brain dead whites buy the bullshit. A few days ago a white cop is charged with murder after a black suspect resisted arrest, grabs a taser gun and shoots at the arresting officer. The taser gun was a "deadly weapon" until it was a black guy that took one and shot at an armed cop. Funny how the law works so that if I shoot at someone with a taser gun, it's a deadly weapon, but not if a black guy shoots at a cop. I wonder what the outcome would have been if that black dude shot the cop with the taser gun, took the cop's Glock and killed someone. The whole policy was written in a place where blacks outnumber whites on the city council by a margin greater than 2 to 1. AND, they have a black Mayor. It's their job to come up with training programs and policies on force, but they are not being held accountable. Only the white lady who carried out their policies and training protocols is being held accountable.

Blacks commit more violent crimes per capita than any other race; they don't want to be held accountable; they don't want to be self reliant or independent. They only want to find a way to distribute the wealth and resources, starting with the whites who are no better off than the blacks. Your're here instead of looking for a job. So I end my rant with the admonition that you need to hold yourself accountable and quit depending on someone else to give you a job because private employers don't really owe you the job. Clean up your culture. Ask yourself objectively why an employer would reject you as a potential candidate for a given job. It's not always about the color of your skin.
No I have noticed that American Cities are being torched by blacks, Stores Looted by blacks supposedly all in the name of a criminal who was killed by police.
Power is not taken politely.

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence and destruction. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

So burn it all down as far I'm concerned. I don't give a sh*t about insured buildings.

Plus most of looters and arsonists are white are anyway.

Black people are the engine for freedom and justice. We are the only who trying to set this record straight and if you haven't noticed as far as Australia to UK, to New Zealand, to Sweden, to France to Germany EVERYONE is following out lead.

You are just some no mark boy talking crap on the internet. Meanwhile we're affecting the world. Nike, Apple, MicroSoft, Coco-Cola spend millions trying to influence people.

A fee blk ppl from minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a few weeks

What pisses me ff more than the rioting and looting done by these people is that the government is not doing a damn thing about it. Instead of coming down hard on the rioters they are forcing a Kwanzaa like holiday on the American People

What can the USA government do to black ppl that they have not done already ? What should they do ? Send in the army ? The tanks ? The military ? Is that supposed to scare us ? Fk outta here.

We'll fight you till hell freezes over and then we'll fight you on that fkin ice.
Our crime rate is lower than yours and the racist teachings you were raised with is why you think as you do. You talk about not trusting blacks but we are the ones who keep getting fucked over by whites and whites like you can't understand how blacks can't trust you. Whites have a 400 year record of criminal behavior and you post this garbage.
You're a liar as well as a racist.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats that openly reject American society If they reject American society
It depends on what you define as successful.

As I said before. Black progress or success is measured in dollars.

If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Americans have bent over backwards trying to give blacks an advantage to escape the ghetto
Well if what you're saying is true that white people were so deeply saddened by racism that they decided to do something about it and put and end to it then we would not have the problems we have today.

If haven't noticed America has been burning down over the past few weeks. But you carry sticking your head in the sand.

Zimbabwe - and if you disagree, then you'd be admitting that whites are superior to the blacks.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

If your dumb ass spent as much time working to have some tangible assets you wouldn't be here, blaming whites for all your failures in life. When my ancestors got tired of King George and tyranny, they got on ships and came here with little more than the shirts on their backs. On the Mayflower, half of the people would die from starvation and sickness in the first year. Yet, the whites kept coming, kept working, kept sacrificing. They didn't need King George's money; they were able to create wealth with their own two hands.

For all the bitching and wailing you do, you seem to forget that 97 percent of the colonists and then Americans never owned a damn slave. Many of them lived in the Appalachians and lived far worse than any of their black contemporaries. Whites worked the land and in coal mines. And when the whites had enough of the government, they rebelled. In the Battle of Blair Mountain, the federal government sent troops in with MB1 bombers to wage war against the citizenry. Whatever you think your people have been through, the whites have had it - and probably worse. The difference is, people like you are leeches, unable to get off your ass and carve out your own piece of the American pie. You're all about figuring out the best way to redistribute the wealth. You're not concerned with creating it.

When whites have retreated to the desolate places just to be left alone, your government has sent in troops to flush them out as they did with Randy Weaver. People like you would choke on your own spit if a white man didn't come along and swab out your throat. If this country is so bad, why don't you pack your rags and go to Africa? Hell, you waste your life claiming that whites owe you a living. Whites in America aren't even responsible for what happened to the blacks for the most part. We were under the control of a government thousands of miles away. Go screw with them for a change. Sue them. Go after the companies and the families that owned the slave ships and made the profit off it. Better still, push yourself away from your computer, get yourself a job and earn some money so that you don't have to come here every day, writing a freaking book wailing about how bad you have it because you're too damn lazy to get a job and become productive - and it's all the white man's fault.
There is a difference between working of your own free will and working under the whip.

There is a difference of having a family and raising your children and having your wife and/or children taken from you to be sold to the highest bidder.

Ignoring this and saying slaves had it better than some other poor White people of the same era is not only ignorant but also dishonest.

Seems that white conservatives have the problem with black people seeing them as who they are.

Let me tell you people something, the little bit of shit you have taken from blacks doesn't come close to what we take in one day from white people.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

You're a loser, white boy. The cause of our problems are people like you. A president commissioned a study 53 years ago and 52 years ago that study concluded:

“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

That was the opinion of whites which was made after an exhaustive study. It is not the ranting of some faggot from strormfront. Your opinion of blacks is fake news. Our opinion of whites is based on a system created by whites that purposefully excluded us for nearly 350 years which included these things:

“1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs. “

No one black did that to you but every black person in this forum has experienced one or more of these thing, some of them consistently. So if blacks didn't like you, its probably because you exhibit number 7.

If your dumb ass spent as much time working to have some tangible assets you wouldn't be here, blaming whites for all your failures in life. When my ancestors got tired of King George and tyranny, they got on ships and came here with little more than the shirts on their backs. On the Mayflower, half of the people would die from starvation and sickness in the first year. Yet, the whites kept coming, kept working, kept sacrificing. They didn't need King George's money; they were able to create wealth with their own two hands.

For all the bitching and wailing you do, you seem to forget that 97 percent of the colonists and then Americans never owned a damn slave. Many of them lived in the Appalachians and lived far worse than any of their black contemporaries. Whites worked the land and in coal mines. And when the whites had enough of the government, they rebelled. In the Battle of Blair Mountain, the federal government sent troops in with MB1 bombers to wage war against the citizenry. Whatever you think your people have been through, the whites have had it - and probably worse. The difference is, people like you are leeches, unable to get off your ass and carve out your own piece of the American pie. You're all about figuring out the best way to redistribute the wealth. You're not concerned with creating it.

When whites have retreated to the desolate places just to be left alone, your government has sent in troops to flush them out as they did with Randy Weaver. People like you would choke on your own spit if a white man didn't come along and swab out your throat. If this country is so bad, why don't you pack your rags and go to Africa? Hell, you waste your life claiming that whites owe you a living. Whites in America aren't even responsible for what happened to the blacks for the most part. We were under the control of a government thousands of miles away. Go screw with them for a change. Sue them. Go after the companies and the families that owned the slave ships and made the profit off it. Better still, push yourself away from your computer, get yourself a job and earn some money so that you don't have to come here every day, writing a freaking book wailing about how bad you have it because you're too damn lazy to get a job and become productive - and it's all the white man's fault.
There is a difference between working of your own free will and working under the whip.

There is a difference of having a family and raising your children and having your wife and/or children taken from you to be sold to the highest bidder.

Ignoring this and saying slaves had it better than some other poor White people of the same era is not only ignorant but also dishonest.

The reality is, they lived better. No, slavery wasn't easy. But, if we're going to play the game that it should be a determining factor hundreds of years down the road, then blacks are claiming to be the Egyptians. Since they held Israelites in bondage, give them their freaking reparations checks already and let them apply it toward the people they held in slavery.
Porter Rockwell
Let's talk honestly.


Porter Rockwell
The white people in this country are some sorry mother fuckers.

But they live under a system of white supremacy which benefits them and there is not one sorry mother fuckin white person you can find who would swap places with me.

Porter Rockwell
Parents don't want to properly rear their children, so with the help of the school system, local governments, mental health officials, and Big Pharma, they start their kids off with drugs like Adderall and or Ritalin for imaginary disorders like ADD / ADHD (which is really poor diet, exercise, studying habits, chaos in the home, etc.) those kids are taught that Nirvana is in pills.

They're white. They don't have to have a good diet or exercise. Whites know they can screw up and still now the system is not gonna come down as hard on them as it does other

You can read it from white people's own mouths on quora. How white privilege has helped them out.

Porter Rockwell
Those kids are taught that Nirvana is in pills. So they graduate to opioids and they become on again / off again users of SSRIs. They get into illegal drugs and that becomes their lifestyle. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we are the drug capital of the world. The white kids in my neighborhood play video games, smoke weed, sit on their asses, and there are as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

But they are white.

I know most drug users are white. I know most of the drugs are in suburban areas.

I know meth and heroin (drugs that black people rarely use or sell) 85% of the users and sellers are white.Yet more black people r in jaill.

I know all over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this





So they have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles they discard on the ground.

I know in Waco which has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. White changed possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

You see when it’s a white problem's a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


So you can talk forever about drug use in the white community but whites know they have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

In fact they go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white junkies when we steady getting killed.

Porter Rockwell
When offered a job, they laugh.

I know they laugh because they're white and they know another job will come round the corner.

I'm pretty sure you know that white criminals have a better chance of getting job than black ppl that are clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this

Porter Rockwell
Mommy will let them live at home, rent free and Uncle Scam will provide a debit card so that they can eat. The entrepreneurial, but lazy ass white will go to the food bank and get his food, then use his debit card to buy someone elses groceries and they give him 70 cents on the dollar in cash. That allows the white kids to buy their drugs.

You're just describing all the goodies and treats that come with a white person living in a system of white supremacy. I know this.

Porter Rockwell
That allows the white kids to buy their drugs.

And most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black. That is where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.

Porter Rockwell
As someone who hires people for gigs - people who are genuinely locked out of the job market, the only people that show up are two guys in a pick-up truck wanting to tell you they are "contractors" and expecting to be paid the big bucks.


So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM.

He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. Thats how white wealth is built. Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

Imagine solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.
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Porter Rockwell
Let's talk honestly.


Porter Rockwell
The white people in this country are some sorry mother fuckers.

But they live under a system of white supremacy which benefits them and there is not one sorry mother fuckin white person you can find who would swap places with me.

Porter Rockwell
Parents don't want to properly rear their children, so with the help of the school system, local governments, mental health officials, and Big Pharma, they start their kids off with drugs like Adderall and or Ritalin for imaginary disorders like ADD / ADHD (which is really poor diet, exercise, studying habits, chaos in the home, etc.) those kids are taught that Nirvana is in pills.

They're white. They don't have to have a good diet or exercise. Whites know they can screw up and still now the system is not gonna come down as hard on them as it does other

You can read it from white people's own mouths on quora. How white privilege has helped them out.

Porter Rockwell
Those kids are taught that Nirvana is in pills. So they graduate to opioids and they become on again / off again users of SSRIs. They get into illegal drugs and that becomes their lifestyle. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we are the drug capital of the world. The white kids in my neighborhood play video games, smoke weed, sit on their asses, and there are as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

But they are white.

I know most drug users are white. I know most of the drugs are in suburban areas.

I know meth and heroin (drugs that black people rarely use or sell) 85% of the users and sellers are white.Yet more black people r in jaill.

I know all over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this





So they have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles they discard on the ground.

I know in Waco which has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. White changed possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

You see when it’s a white problem's a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


So you can talk forever about drug use in the white community but whites know they have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

In fact they go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white junkies when we steady getting killed.

Porter Rockwell
When offered a job, they laugh.

I know they laugh because they're white and they know another job will come round the corner.

I'm pretty sure you know that white criminals have a better chance of getting job than black ppl that are clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this

Porter Rockwell
Mommy will let them live at home, rent free and Uncle Scam will provide a debit card so that they can eat. The entrepreneurial, but lazy ass white will go to the food bank and get his food, then use his debit card to buy someone elses groceries and they give him 70 cents on the dollar in cash. That allows the white kids to buy their drugs.

You're just describing all the goodies and treats that come with a white person living in a system of white supremacy. I know this.

Porter Rockwell
That allows the white kids to buy their drugs.

And most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black. That is where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.

Porter Rockwell
As someone who hires people for gigs - people who are genuinely locked out of the job market, the only people that show up are two guys in a pick-up truck wanting to tell you they are "contractors" and expecting to be paid the big bucks.


So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM.

He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. Thats how white wealth is built. Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

Imagine solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.
Fucking cry me a river.... again all you are asking for is more government control and aid.... If you can;t do it on your own you can;t do it.
Don't know what is supposed to mean.

It's means what white people are Africans. So if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home, and use what in your home to build my empire. And I say I'm doing this bcoz blk ppl are superior to whites.

Then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.
Some years ago many cities, including Indianapolis, decided to invest copious $$$ into high crime, poorer areas.

But was that $$$ for black people and black people only ? I want to know if that money was specifically for black people only.

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we're moving in the right direction. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

This displaced a lot of people, many of them blacks.

Why would blk ppl be displace if you're saying that whites were rolling out the red carpet for black ppl (Something I have never seen, known of or experienced). ?

If you're negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people and to be avoided, then anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people and to welcomed in.

An argument every bit as stupid, but just as logical, given your line of reasoning.
In order to be holders of capital you have to earn it.
Here is a novel concept for you... everything you have ever had in your life, have now, and will ever have came to you as a result of someones productive output. Hopefully your own.
In other words, someone had to go to work, do a job and earn the $$ that gave you whatever you have.
Hopefully YOU earned it.
If you think a city is going to give free money (that other people had to go to work to generate) to a group of black people, and magically they will act like angels and do what is right for the race - you have a GREAT deal to learn about human nature. Cause that ain't gonna happen. I give you Barrack Obama, I give you Ray Nagin, I give you Marion Berry...shall I list more? These are black people who had the power and money to help black people - but they did not. Two of the three went to jail for corruption, drug use and theft.
ANd the $$$ Indianapolis spent on poor areas... was it for blacks? Hell no. Of course not, name a city that did that. There is none. The Democrats NEED you to stay down so they can keep patronizing you and giving you trinkets so you keep voting for them.
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