My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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And traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else.

The problem is this is 2020. Not 1820.

Most ppl have access to guns. You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from blk urban background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

And don't think having a technological edge means a great deal.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.



Even in more recent times. The battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

What happened ? They ran them them out the country and dragged them from behind their trucks.



And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

Everyone has access to guns and weapons now dude.


The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

You won't be able to kill off black people without massive tragedy to your own.

You've seen the hell and upheaveal unarmed black people can do in the USA in two weeks ? Now imagine them fully armed ?

But honestly? White supremacists wont try to kill off black ppl.


What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there's no one you can feel superior to ?

See. Whites may hate blk ppl but at the same time they thrive off black ppl.

Blk ppl are the glue that keeps you white ppl together.

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.

Whites need blk people especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide a sense of self-worth you lack.
There mare many blacks who live in the suburbs that are successful unlike the hood rats that openly reject American society If they reject American society then far be it from me to try to change their lives. Americans have bent over backwards trying to give blacks an advantage to escape the ghetto but sadly theu have not take advantage of it
You think most black people are poor and living in ghettos?
I spent a fair amount of time fighting in Afghanistan and while we had those goat fuckers seriously out-gunned, they still gave a damn good accounting of themselves. So if you live in the United States of 400 million firearms and 3 trillion rounds of ammunition, you probably shouldn't try to use a lame ass excuse like that for why you're losing.

As to us being particularly bloodthirsty, what do you expect me to say? Of course we are..... that's what it took to get here.

BTW, something ya'll might want to keep in mind; when you play identity politics, and take sides based on race, you force everyone else to do the same, whether they want to or not.

And traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else.
Goat fuckers?

Correct me if I'm mistaken but the Afghanistanis were very well armed because the United States via the C.I.A. provided them with their weaponry when they wanted their assistance in the U.S.'s fight against the Russians, right therefore this is not an apt comparison. Neither the black people before they were taken captive in their homelands nor afterwards while being held in captivity with slave patrols ready to chase them down and return them to their "owner" nor the Native Americans used firearms.

As far as your comment "traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else" maybe that would be true if you all could have or would have done it all on your own but you didn't (in spite of what Porter Rockwell believes) and now you can't, at least not without massive repercussions because there is a more level playing field.

List of military equipment used by mujahideen during Soviet–Afghan War - Wikipedia
The folks who almost always said "You ain't from around here...." as the prelude to a group beating and stomping.

You know what? I been shot once, and knifed twice, but I don't see those scars unless I look for them. But every time I look in a mirror, I still see scars I got for being white in the wrong neighborhood about 35 years ago.
I hadn't actually realized that until now.... I guess I just never thought about it.
Well then that's very unfortunate and what happened to you should never have been allowed to have happened, particularly if there were adults nearby who were aware of what was going on and did nothing to intervene.
Our crime rate is lower than yours and the racist teachings you were raised with is why you think as you do. You talk about not trusting blacks but we are the ones who keep getting fucked over by whites and whites like you can't understand how blacks can't trust you. Whites have a 400 year record of criminal behavior and you post this garbage.

You are a coward to be afraid to seriously answer his question(S).
...No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.
But YOU (yes, you personally) always have a ready excuse for every failure in your life. Again, you don't actually think of yourself as a man, do you? You should be ashamed of yourself. You belittle and trivialize important considerations of history and equality by playing with race and pretending it is your own personal Cloak of Irresponsibility. So many courageous men and women over the course of American history have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make us a more perfect union that comes closer to our founding principles, and you tarnish it all by pretending it is just your own personal excuse for anything and everything. You're a disgrace.
And traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else.

The problem is this is 2020. Not 1820.

Most ppl have access to guns. You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from blk urban background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

And don't think having a technological edge means a great deal.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.



Even in more recent times. The battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

What happened ? They ran them them out the country and dragged them from behind their trucks.



And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

Everyone has access to guns and weapons now dude.


The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

You won't be able to kill off black people without massive tragedy to your own.

You've seen the hell and upheaveal unarmed black people can do in the USA in two weeks ? Now imagine them fully armed ?

But honestly? White supremacists wont try to kill off black ppl.


What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there's no one you can feel superior to ?

See. Whites may hate blk ppl but at the same time they thrive off black ppl.

Blk ppl are the glue that keeps you white ppl together.

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.

Whites need blk people especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide a sense of self-worth you lack.
You are truly, deeply, invested in this rich fantasy life of your's, aren't you?

You ever been in a war?
I have.
Goat fuckers?

Correct me if I'm mistaken but the Afghanistanis were very well armed because the United States via the C.I.A. provided them with their weaponry when they wanted their assistance in the U.S.'s fight against the Russians, right therefore this is not an apt comparison. Neither the black people before they were taken captive in their homelands nor afterwards while being held in captivity with slave patrols ready to chase them down and return them to their "owner" nor the Native Americans used firearms.

As far as your comment "traditionally, historically, when white people band together and act only in their own interests, and with a "fuck everybody who ain't us" attitude, that has worked out very very poorly for everyone else" maybe that would be true if you all could have or would have done it all on your own but you didn't (in spite of what Porter Rockwell believes) and now you can't, at least not without massive repercussions because there is a more level playing field.

List of military equipment used by mujahideen during Soviet–Afghan War - Wikipedia
We could go down that rabbit hole and stay there all day if you like, but its just a diversion from the main point, which is that lack of arms ain't a problem in America.
And the first gun control laws were Jim Crow laws, btw, which makes me wonder why so many blacks support Democratic politicians who always support more gun control..... seems weird to me.

Anyway, if the playing field is more level now, then what is the problem?
Is it that you don't want equality, but rather to be on top?
That other poster Paul Essien is at least upfront about his desire to be just as evil and shitty as the long dead slave owners he is still pissed at.
Well then that's very unfortunate and what happened to you should never have been allowed to have happened, particularly if there were adults nearby who were aware of what was going on and did nothing to intervene.
Bad shit happens to everyone lady.

Blacks in America don't have some sort of monopoly on it.
But YOU (yes, you personally) always have a ready excuse for every failure in your life. Again, you don't actually think of yourself as a man, do you? You should be ashamed of yourself. You belittle and trivialize important considerations of history and equality by playing with race and pretending it is your own personal Cloak of Irresponsibility. So many courageous men and women over the course of American history have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make us a more perfect union that comes closer to our founding principles, and you tarnish it all by pretending it is just your own personal excuse for anything and everything. You're a disgrace.
The past n present n future of blk ppl concern me the most n in that history white ppl ( white supremacists) are the main evil
Bad shit happens to everyone lady.

Blacks in America don't have some sort of monopoly on it.
Actually it doesn't happen to everyone. Not everyone is a crime victim, not even the majority of people.

Furthermore what is considered "bad shit" is relative. Getting pulled over because one of your tail lights is out and getting a ticket may be considered "bad shit" by someone who has never had anything bad happen to them versus someone getting pulled over for a tail light that is out and ending up dead.

Yet there are still white men whining and crying about how they are the most discriminated group in America today and want to blame the people whom they have traditionally screwed over for all their ills in life.

Did it ever occur to any of you that even if every single instance of misfortune can not directly be attributed to racism, that because so many can, it's going to be very difficult to get to where we need to go at least until there are NO instances of racism and I'm fairly certain that is not achievable, at least not in my lifetime.

The best we can hope for is mitigation, in my opinion, and that still sucks.
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Actually it doesn't happen to everyone. Not everyone is a crime victim, not even the majority of people.

Furthermore what is considered "bad shit" is relative. Getting pulled over because one of your tail lights is out and getting a ticket may be considered "bad shit" by someone who has never had anything bad happen to them versus someone getting pulled over for a tail light that is out and ending up dead.

Yet there are still white men whining and crying about how they are the most discriminated group in America today and want to blame the people whom they have traditionally screwed over for all their ills in life.

Did it ever occur to any of you that even if every single instance of misfortune can not directly be attributed to racism, that because so many can, it's going to be very difficult to get to where we need to go at least until there are NO instances of racism and I'm fairly certain that is not achievable, at least not in my lifetime.

The best we can hope for is mitigation, in my opinion, and that still sucks.
A case can be made that white men as a group are the most productive and the best behaved demographic in the country and yet they are hated and constantly ridiculed, and sometimes physically attacked.
Yeah, some folks are going to be pissed about that.

I got an idea, let's quit accusing everyone of being racist, how about it?
You think that might do some good?
I do.
Actually it doesn't happen to everyone. Not everyone is a crime victim, not even the majority of people.

Furthermore what is considered "bad shit" is relative. Getting pulled over because one of your tail lights is out and getting a ticket may be considered "bad shit" by someone who has never had anything bad happen to them versus someone getting pulled over for a tail light that is out and ending up dead.

Yet there are still white men whining and crying about how they are the most discriminated group in America today and want to blame the people whom they have traditionally screwed over for all their ills in life.

Did it ever occur to any of you that even if every single instance of misfortune can not directly be attributed to racism, that because so many can, it's going to be very difficult to get to where we need to go at least until there are NO instances of racism and I'm fairly certain that is not achievable, at least not in my lifetime.

The best we can hope for is mitigation, in my opinion, and that still sucks.
And if you wander around planet earth long enough, some "bad shit" will happen to you; no one gets out of here unscathed.
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