My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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Can you be a bit more specific?
People from Spain. Maybe you've heard of them? The Conquistadors brought along quite a few. The Native Americans also obtained significant numbers of them via the fur trade in North America, and really increased the number from the Dutch, who produced a great many of them.
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Barrack Obama, I give you Ray Nagin, I give you Marion Berry...shall I list more? These are black people who had the power and money to help black people - but they did not. Two of the three went to jail for corruption, drug use and theft.

Exactly. The key word is "Given" of course they didn't help blk people.

President Obama was “given” a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually meant he had NO POWER AT ALL. No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

dumb dumb blacks in africa sold slaves. first slaveowner was black. EVERY race was used as slaves in every country. cry me a river you race baiter. Was it whitey who made millions of black men put their penis in another black womans vagina and leave her, with no job or education?
The reality is, they lived better. No, slavery wasn't easy. But, if we're going to play the game that it should be a determining factor hundreds of years down the road, then blacks are claiming to be the Egyptians. Since they held Israelites in bondage, give them their freaking reparations checks already and let them apply it toward the people they held in slavery.
Really? If they lived better then why weren't there White people volunteering to be auctioned off in the slave markets?
Like I said there kiddo... my first wife was Mexican. So my two kids are half-Latino/half-white.
There skin is also darker than whites, but not quite as dark as full blooded Mexican. Her family lives in Aguascalientes, deep enough into Mexico there is not near as much mixing with whites as border Mexicans.
Anyway... there was never a time where either of my kids or even my wife was mistreated in any way. Not once.
So that is why I don't believe you.
Black/White is slowly disappearing being replaced by brown. Currently 15% of all marriages in the US are mixed marriages. At the increasing rate of mixed marriages, by the end of the century, a person that is purely black or white will be an oddity. Will there still be racism?
Black/White is slowly disappearing to replaced by brown. Currently 15% of all marriages in the US mixed marriages. At rate mixed marriages are increasing, by the end of the century, a person that is purely black or white will be oddity. Will there still racism?
Like I said, racism, once a living breathing beast within our society, is now a bed ridden old man paralyzed the waist down kept alive by the race pimps.
You will never understand what it's liked to have your worth judged by the color of your skin.
Wow! You are one ignorant, stupid, bigoted, egocentric, racist idiot.

Could you tell the forum what color person never gets judged by the color of their skin, and explain the reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
Wow! You are one ignorant, stupid, bigoted, egocentric, racist idiot.

Could you tell the forum what color person never gets judged by the color of their skin, and explain the reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?

Fuck Off

I was talking about my personal experiences.

You don't know shit about it.
Fuck Off

I was talking about my personal experiences.

You don't know shit about it.
And you don't know shit about anyone else's personal experiences either, prick. So how the fuck would you know if they know what it feels like to be judged by the color of their skin?
And you don't know shit about anyone else's personal experiences either, prick. So how the fuck would you know if they know what it feels like to be judged by the color of their skin?
I could tell by his responses to me ass face.

But you take one line out of context from an entire conversation so you lose all context.

So once again Fuck off
And you don't know shit about anyone else's personal experiences either, prick. So how the fuck would you know if they know what it feels like to be judged by the color of their skin?

Unless you live under a rock, you've been judged by the color of your skin. Some friends remarked just the other day they have seen Hispanics working at Japanese and Chinese restaurants, but never went to one where a white was employed. Whites have felt the sting of reverse discrimination, racial quotas, racial hiring schemes, and even affirmative action. Whites are called racists every time they disagree with blacks. Whites do not have the luxury of seeking a Right to self determination. The woe is me crap coming from the blacks is sickening.
White people HAVE been slaves.

In this country?

And did those White people volunteer to be slaves because they would have a better life? That is your position right, that slaves had a better life than plain old free poor people.
In this country?

And did those White people volunteer to be slaves because they would have a better life? That is your position right, that slaves had a better life than plain old free poor people.

Do you like being dishonest because you don't have an legitimate beef with the whites? It that why you misrepresent my position? The word kidnapping comes from the old term kid nabbing. Slavers would take white kids off the streets to work on slave ships. But, in answer to your question, according to Wikipedia:

"Between 50 and 67 percent of white immigrants to the American colonies, from the 1630s and American Revolution, had traveled under indenture.[50] Many women brought to the colonies were poor, some were abandoned or young girls born out of wedlock, others prostitutes or criminals. One ship's captain reportedly described them as a "villainous and demoralized lot". Many were transported against their will and for profit to Virginia and Maryland. The French transported women from the Salpêtrière prison for the homeless, insane and criminal to New Orleans."

So, the honest answer to your question is, yes, people DID sell themselves into slavery for the PROMISE of a better life. There were no guarantees. Once their indentured service was over, they started their lives in this country with little more than the shirts on their backs. What possible difference does it matter when or where whites were held as slaves by non-whites? Your only outrage is in America by a people wherein 97 percent of the population never owned a slave? What kind of B.S. is that?

It appears to me that you are trying to justify the black man's inability to validate himself by ignoring the whole sum of history. Yeah, whites could go to another country, start with nothing and create their own wealth after being held in slavery. Blacks have never done it.
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