My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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Do you like being dishonest because you don't have an legitimate beef with the whites? It that why you misrepresent my position? The word kidnapping comes from the old term kid nabbing. Slavers would take white kids off the streets to work on slave ships. But, in answer to your question, according to Wikipedia:

"Between 50 and 67 percent of white immigrants to the American colonies, from the 1630s and American Revolution, had traveled under indenture.[50] Many women brought to the colonies were poor, some were abandoned or young girls born out of wedlock, others prostitutes or criminals. One ship's captain reportedly described them as a "villainous and demoralized lot". Many were transported against their will and for profit to Virginia and Maryland. The French transported women from the Salpêtrière prison for the homeless, insane and criminal to New Orleans."

So, the honest answer to your question is, yes, people DID sell themselves into slavery for the PROMISE of a better life. There were no guarantees. Once their indentured service was over, they started their lives in this country with little more than the shirts on their backs. What possible difference does it matter when or where whites were held as slaves by non-whites? Your only outrage is in America by a people wherein 97 percent of the population never owned a slave? What kind of B.S. is that?

It appears to me that you are trying to justify the black man's inability to validate himself by ignoring the whole sum of history. Yeah, whites could go to another country, start with nothing and create their own wealth after being held in slavery. Blacks have never done it.
Indentured servants made a voluntary choice. People were basically loaned the price of passage and room and board that was to be paid off by a specified term of labor. The key word here is choice. Slaves were given no choice and their servitude only ended when they died. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think indentured servants were no different than slaves?

And tell me how many White kids were nabbed and forced to work on slave ships? Was it anywhere near the number of slaves those slave ships transported to the states?

The fact that you think being forced against your own free will to work under the whip, to have no rights, no standing, to have your family taken away and sold off never to be sen again is justifiable in any sense tells me you are just plain ignorant of the. realities of slavery
Slavery has been over for a very long time. Past slavery on a distant ancestor does not confer any right to be a violent criminal today.
White people HAVE been slaves.

There is no society in which slavery didn't exist.

North African Muslims enslaved million.....hence the Barbary War.

The only question that is pertinent is, which societies have banned slavery.

Slavery ended America.

"July 2, 1777. In response to abolitionists' calls across the colonies to end slavery, Vermont became the first colony to ban it outright. Not only did Vermont's legislature agree to abolish slavery entirely, it also moved to provide full voting rights for African American males."
Indentured servants made a voluntary choice. People were basically loaned the price of passage and room and board that was to be paid off by a specified term of labor. The key word here is choice. Slaves were given no choice and their servitude only ended when they died. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think indentured servants were no different than slaves?

And tell me how many White kids were nabbed and forced to work on slave ships? Was it anywhere near the number of slaves those slave ships transported to the states?

The fact that you think being forced against your own free will to work under the whip, to have no rights, no standing, to have your family taken away and sold off never to be sen again is justifiable in any sense tells me you are just plain ignorant of the. realities of slavery

WTF, dude? You asked:

"And did those White people volunteer to be slaves because they would have a better life?"

You got an answer based on that question, cabron. How fucking stupid are you? Throughout history whites were slaves BEFORE their discovery and colonization of America. We should just forgive and forget all the years they spent in slavery to the blacks, right? I mean it don't count. The reality is, whites have never needed the blacks in order to create wealth and build a nation. Blacks would choke on their spit if they didn't have whites to come along and swab out their throat.

Most of the blacks are about as stupid as you are. You ask a question and then change the standard, only to pretend I'm stupid. What kind of idiot are you? Or does that come with you having an inherited lack of intelligence? Blacks vote for Democrats because they want to be told where to work, what a living wage is, and what they should or should not eat. Instead of self reliance, blacks VOLUNTARILY vote for bitches like Nancy Pelosi that want them to rely on a government god for their daily bread. Blacks need the government to take the burden of the blacks health care and individual welfare. You support slavery and then bitch about it.
Slavery has been over for a very long time. Past slavery on a distant ancestor does not confer any right to be a violent criminal today.
Who said it did?

And FYI there is still slavery today. Human trafficking is still alive and well and slavery is legal in our prison system as well
WTF, dude? You asked:

"And did those White people volunteer to be slaves because they would have a better life?"

You got an answer based on that question, cabron. How fucking stupid are you? Throughout history whites were slaves BEFORE their discovery and colonization of America. We should just forgive and forget all the years they spent in slavery to the blacks, right? I mean it don't count. The reality is, whites have never needed the blacks in order to create wealth and build a nation. Blacks would choke on their spit if they didn't have whites to come along and swab out their throat.

Most of the blacks are about as stupid as you are. You ask a question and then change the standard, only to pretend I'm stupid. What kind of idiot are you? Or does that come with you having an inherited lack of intelligence? Blacks vote for Democrats because they want to be told where to work, what a living wage is, and what they should or should not eat. Instead of self reliance, blacks VOLUNTARILY vote for bitches like Nancy Pelosi that want them to rely on a government god for their daily bread. Blacks need the government to take the burden of the blacks health care and individual welfare. You support slavery and then bitch about it.
No you tried to say an indentured servant was no different than a slave.

That is incorrect.
No you tried to say an indentured servant was no different than a slave.

That is incorrect.

You're a lying mother fucker. But, an indentured servant IS a slave, cabron. You asked if whites had ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery in order to have a better life. The answer is yes.
Indentured servants made a voluntary choice. People were basically loaned the price of passage and room and board that was to be paid off by a specified term of labor. The key word here is choice. Slaves were given no choice and their servitude only ended when they died. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think indentured servants were no different than slaves?

And tell me how many White kids were nabbed and forced to work on slave ships? Was it anywhere near the number of slaves those slave ships transported to the states?

The fact that you think being forced against your own free will to work under the whip, to have no rights, no standing, to have your family taken away and sold off never to be sen again is justifiable in any sense tells me you are just plain ignorant of the. realities of slavery

So, let's get this straight: If slavery against whites by blacks happened before the colonists came to America, it is justifiable AND if more blacks were taken into slavery in the U.S. than whites, then the outrage of slavery is no outrage at all because the victims were whites?

In the U.S. slave owners tried to buy families in lots so as to keep the family unit intact. Hey, cabron, did anybody tell you that the whites did not start the institution of slavery?
You're a lying mother fucker. But, an indentured servant IS a slave, cabron. You asked if whites had ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery in order to have a better life. The answer is yes.

You need to learn about the shit you argue .

Indentured servitude differed from chattel slavery because indentured servants are people who were willing to work to get transportation, land, clothes, food, or shelter instead of money

It's the presence of CHOICE that is the difference between indentured servants and slaves
Who said it did?

And FYI there is still slavery today. Human trafficking is still alive and well and slavery is legal in our prison system as well
And that entitles black criminals to do what. Since the slavery is practiced by blacks.
You're a lying mother fucker. But, an indentured servant IS a slave, cabron. You asked if whites had ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery in order to have a better life. The answer is yes.
Yea, for a certain amount of time. Not for the rest of their lives.

Its like you being a free intern for 6 months. Technically a slave but only for 6 months.

No white ever sold himself into permanent slavery

You need to learn about the shit you argue .

Indentured servitude differed from chattel slavery because indentured servants are people who were willing to work to get transportation, land, clothes, food, or shelter instead of money

It's the presence of CHOICE that is the difference between indentured servants and slaves

Cabron, YOU asked if white people had ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery for a better life. The rest of your B.S. has NOTHING to do with what I said. Are you really that much of a mindless idiot?
So, let's get this straight: If slavery against whites by blacks happened before the colonists came to America, it is justifiable AND if more blacks were taken into slavery in the U.S. than whites, then the outrage of slavery is no outrage at all because the victims were whites?

In the U.S. slave owners tried to buy families in lots so as to keep the family unit intact. Hey, cabron, did anybody tell you that the whites did not start the institution of slavery?
I never said slavery was ever justified did I?

You don't even know what slavery is because you think it's exactly the same as choosing to be an indentured servant.
Cabron, YOU asked if white people had ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery for a better life. The rest of your B.S. has NOTHING to do with what I said. Are you really that much of a mindless idiot?


Indentured servitude is not slavery.

It is a contract entered into freely by 2 parties where a person instead of working for a salary works for a predetermined set of benefits like transportation to a foreign country and room an board and that term of service has a predetermined end date.

Slaves do not enter freely into a contract, have no predetermined set of duties or a specified period of service. They were property to be bought and sold. And their forced service only ended when they died.

My god how fucking stupid are you?
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