My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.
Oh brother... just when you were starting to sound like a real human being...

Look, no one believes you have ever done that, and if you really are 50 years old it's far past time to stop watching Rocky films on an endless loop and grow the hell up.
...People who like to talk shit and push buttons deserve to have their asses kicked from time to time. ...
Better think about that one.
I leave people alone. I don't mess with anyone on the street, and if I'm not getting paid to, I won't say shit about whatever shitbags I see, doing whatever dirt they are doing.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

But when the monkeys come to me, I have learned the hard way to answer them with a level of immediate and vicious violence that they are always prepared to dish out, but never seem ready to take.

I get tired of people who have never been in an actual fight in their life, talking all big and bad, and acting like they know the first fucking thing about this shit. There is a huge difference between a case of two guys engaging in agreed upon, mutual combat , and a criminal assault where you sucker-punched a guy when he was looking away and then you and all your running buddies stomped on him.

Violence is not all the same. I know about this subject, and you clearly don't. You are like a guy on WebMD, arguing and condescending to an actual doctor.

Maybe you should think about that one.
I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.
Oh brother... just when you were starting to sound like a real human being...

Look, no one believes you have ever done that, and if you really are 50 years old it's far past time to stop watching Rocky films on an endless loop and grow the hell up.
...People who like to talk shit and push buttons deserve to have their asses kicked from time to time. ...
Better think about that one.
...people who have never been in an actual fight in their life, talking all big and bad, and acting like they know the first fucking thing about this shit. ...
That’s exactly what you sound like, despite what you seem to want to believe.
I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.
Oh brother... just when you were starting to sound like a real human being...

Look, no one believes you have ever done that, and if you really are 50 years old it's far past time to stop watching Rocky films on an endless loop and grow the hell up.
...People who like to talk shit and push buttons deserve to have their asses kicked from time to time. ...
Better think about that one.
...people who have never been in an actual fight in their life, talking all big and bad, and acting like they know the first fucking thing about this shit. ...
That’s exactly what you sound like, despite what you seem to want to believe.
To who? You?

Why would I care about that? You don't know shit.
You're just a little pissant who likes to mock people.
Yes I know about this subject, and you clearly don't. ...

Guess again, champ.
Oh really?
Please enlighten me as to your expertise. (sarcasm)
No. I’m not here to boast or impress some shit-talker like you on the internet. In my long and varied experience, the people who talk the most tend to be all talk.
Yeah, that's what I thought.

And it's a message board....... how else am I going to communicate here?
I can't really show you here, now can I?

You're hiding behind that fact to throw snark bombs at people, like a little smartass.
If white folks are so weak and easily dominated, then how are they keeping you down and oppressed, boy?

You can't have it both ways; either they are too formidable for you to overcome and that's why you need affirmative action and police reform, etc., or they are weak and easily dominated by the superior black race, yadda yadda yadda.....

Which is it?

Black people don't think like white people.

I have no interest in dominating white people, segregating them, posioning there water supply, using them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, economically destroying the areas that whites live, killing white people then saying they're thugs, producing fake stats about how violent whites are or how stupid whites and all that other stuff

Black people have no interest in doing that. Black people could never treat white people, the way white people have treat black ppl. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
If white folks are so weak and easily dominated, then how are they keeping you down and oppressed, boy?

You can't have it both ways; either they are too formidable for you to overcome and that's why you need affirmative action and police reform, etc., or they are weak and easily dominated by the superior black race, yadda yadda yadda.....

Which is it?

Black people don't think like white people.

I have no interest in dominating white people, segregating them, posioning there water supply, using them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, economically destroying the areas that whites live, killing white people then saying they're thugs, producing fake stats about how violent whites are or how stupid whites and all that other stuff

Black people have no interest in doing that. Black people could never treat white people, the way white people have treat black ppl. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

Black people don't think like white people.

Funny how I see any time Blacks gain power, they try and oppress others, including whites.

They seem to "think like white people" a whole bunch.

economically destroying the areas that whites live

Well you can't really do that. The economy is made up of the people. White people that are economically productive, will simply move, and be economically productive to where they move.

If you have people that are economically productive, you can't "economically destroy" their area, because they will just all move to a new area and be economically productive there.

If black people were economically productive, instead of looting and burning stuff, there is nothing white people could do to stop them from being economically productive.
Black people don't think like white people.

Funny how I see any time Blacks gain power, they try and oppress others, including whites.

They seem to "think like white people" a whole bunch.

economically destroying the areas that whites live

Well you can't really do that. The economy is made up of the people. White people that are economically productive, will simply move, and be economically productive to where they move.

If you have people that are economically productive, you can't "economically destroy" their area, because they will just all move to a new area and be economically productive there.

If black people were economically productive, instead of looting and burning stuff, there is nothing white people could do to stop them from being economically productive.

No white person is African.

Well if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home and I use what's in your home to build my empire and then I try to prove to you that the reason I took over your home is because you are inferior to black people and whites should be thankful because whites nothing anyway.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
If white folks are so weak and easily dominated, then how are they keeping you down and oppressed, boy?

You can't have it both ways; either they are too formidable for you to overcome and that's why you need affirmative action and police reform, etc., or they are weak and easily dominated by the superior black race, yadda yadda yadda.....

Which is it?

Black people don't think like white people.

I have no interest in dominating white people, segregating them, posioning there water supply, using them as guinea pigs in black hospitals, economically destroying the areas that whites live, killing white people then saying they're thugs, producing fake stats about how violent whites are or how stupid whites and all that other stuff

Black people have no interest in doing that. Black people could never treat white people, the way white people have treat black ppl. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
Of course, everyone knows that the less white you are, the more ethically and morally superior you are, right? (sarcasm)


And people here are calling me a racist?

Fuck all ya'll.
Black people don't think like white people.

Funny how I see any time Blacks gain power, they try and oppress others, including whites.

They seem to "think like white people" a whole bunch.

economically destroying the areas that whites live

Well you can't really do that. The economy is made up of the people. White people that are economically productive, will simply move, and be economically productive to where they move.

If you have people that are economically productive, you can't "economically destroy" their area, because they will just all move to a new area and be economically productive there.

If black people were economically productive, instead of looting and burning stuff, there is nothing white people could do to stop them from being economically productive.

No white person is African.

Well if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home and I use what's in your home to build my empire and then I try to prove to you that the reason I took over your home is because you are inferior to black people and whites should be thankful because whites nothing anyway.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.

So... I'm born in Africa, and so were my parents, and their parents. They worked hard and earned their property. I worked hard, and earned my property.

Then some ignorant person claims falsely, that someone somewhere, came into their home, robbed them, raped everyone, and then used that home to build an empire....

and that justifies you in taking my stuff, and murdering people?

So... you have to make up crap to defend your position? This is why black people die all the time, and no one cares. You are evil, and you defend evil... and then evil happens to you.

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

What you are sowing, is coming back on your head.
Black people don't think like white people.

Funny how I see any time Blacks gain power, they try and oppress others, including whites.

They seem to "think like white people" a whole bunch.

economically destroying the areas that whites live

Well you can't really do that. The economy is made up of the people. White people that are economically productive, will simply move, and be economically productive to where they move.

If you have people that are economically productive, you can't "economically destroy" their area, because they will just all move to a new area and be economically productive there.

If black people were economically productive, instead of looting and burning stuff, there is nothing white people could do to stop them from being economically productive.

No white person is African.

Well if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home and I use what's in your home to build my empire and then I try to prove to you that the reason I took over your home is because you are inferior to black people and whites should be thankful because whites nothing anyway.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.

Peter Grant was born in Africa. So was Kim DuToit.

Why were they not African, before immigrating here?
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped ! View attachment 352046

Come on. Be serious. A black man will generally beat a white man in unarmed one on one combat.

Yeah Tyson Fury kicked Wilders ass - Bravo to him. But if anything this undercuts your argument. Bcoz the history of boxing shows that whites generally cant beat blks in a fair fight.

Thats why you have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.

O sure yeah then white supremacists are confident. Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.
bwwaaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaa ! i grew up in a majority black town ...and i can tell you blacks on average are ignorant cowards that attack in mobs ! you see most black boys were not taught how to behave like a man because their mothers are whores that spread their legs to every black punk that came by ...and said punks definitely dont hang around to be a real father to the bastards they impregnated the harlot with ! and as for one on one ive beaten the dog shit out of several of those same bastards ! CDC: Nearly 50% of Black Women Ages 14 to 49 Have Genital Herpes
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped ! View attachment 352046

Come on. Be serious. A black man will generally beat a white man in unarmed one on one combat.

Yeah Tyson Fury kicked Wilders ass - Bravo to him. But if anything this undercuts your argument. Bcoz the history of boxing shows that whites generally cant beat blks in a fair fight.

Thats why you have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.

O sure yeah then white supremacists are confident. Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.
bwwaaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaa ! i grew up in a majority black town ...and i can tell you blacks on average are ignorant cowards that attack in mobs ! you see most black boys were not taught how to behave like a man because their mothers are whores that spread their legs to every black punk that came by ...and said punks definitely dont hang around to be a real father to the bastards they impregnated the harlot with ! and as for one on one ive beaten the dog shit out of several of those same bastards ! CDC: Nearly 50% of Black Women Ages 14 to 49 Have Genital Herpes
Lack of present father figures is a damn tragedy in that community, it's no wonder things are that fucked up.
And that may not be their fault, but it is sure as hell their problem..... and it is on them to fix it. We will be happy to help, but no one can do it for them.
Black people don't think like white people.

Funny how I see any time Blacks gain power, they try and oppress others, including whites.

They seem to "think like white people" a whole bunch.

economically destroying the areas that whites live

Well you can't really do that. The economy is made up of the people. White people that are economically productive, will simply move, and be economically productive to where they move.

If you have people that are economically productive, you can't "economically destroy" their area, because they will just all move to a new area and be economically productive there.

If black people were economically productive, instead of looting and burning stuff, there is nothing white people could do to stop them from being economically productive.

No white person is African.

Well if I come into your home and rob and rape everyone in your home and I use what's in your home to build my empire and then I try to prove to you that the reason I took over your home is because you are inferior to black people and whites should be thankful because whites nothing anyway.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.

That 5th grade education didn't serve you well :D
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped ! View attachment 352046

Come on. Be serious. A black man will generally beat a white man in unarmed one on one combat.

Yeah Tyson Fury kicked Wilders ass - Bravo to him. But if anything this undercuts your argument. Bcoz the history of boxing shows that whites generally cant beat blks in a fair fight.

Thats why you have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.

O sure yeah then white supremacists are confident. Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.
bwwaaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaa ! i grew up in a majority black town ...and i can tell you blacks on average are ignorant cowards that attack in mobs ! you see most black boys were not taught how to behave like a man because their mothers are whores that spread their legs to every black punk that came by ...and said punks definitely dont hang around to be a real father to the bastards they impregnated the harlot with ! and as for one on one ive beaten the dog shit out of several of those same bastards ! CDC: Nearly 50% of Black Women Ages 14 to 49 Have Genital Herpes
Lack of present father figures is a damn tragedy in that community, it's no wonder things are that fucked up.
And that may not be their fault, but it is sure as hell their problem..... and it is on them to fix it. We will be happy to help, but no one can do it for them.
I 100% believe by now blacks would be as assimilated as all other races/nationalities in America had it not been for the crushing liberal social engineering of the 1950s - 1980s that turned so much of their population into government dependents. As well as jam packed them in like sardines on purpose carefully away from white neighborhoods and even more important white schools.
It is only through decades of victimization and constantly told nothing is your fault that we see people like the poster Paul Essien. He has no idea he plays the victim. No idea that what he writes is practically dictionary-perfect examples of a person with victim mentality.
They are fucking doomed until they can somehow wake up and realize for Democrats it is Black Votes Matter.
All the Democrats want is to keep them dependent on their handouts and promises of special treatment, and convince them that conservatives and Republicans - they are the racist!!!
Sad thing is #walkaway was gaining ground. After realizing Obama didn't do shit for them... all reset now.
So... I'm born in Africa, and so were my parents, and their parents. They worked hard and earned their property. I worked hard, and earned my property.

No white man is African.

Black South Africans and Zimbaweans will own the land. That's the first instance. Then they will control the economy.

So whites have to come to blacks for jobs and blacks are in a position to punish or reward them. Then you control the media to give a true picture black ppl's image.

Then you control the criminal justice system so you can destroy white South Africans or Zims in any uprising. Then you control their health. You make sure that you control the hospitals. So you control their lives. Then you control the education system and make sure black children don't get brainwashed into white supremacy B.S.

It's about breaking white South Africans and white Zimbabweans spirit.

This is not going to happen over night. But that is the end goal and that will sweep the rest of black world and set an example.
So... I'm born in Africa, and so were my parents, and their parents. They worked hard and earned their property. I worked hard, and earned my property.

No white man is African.

Black South Africans and Zimbaweans will own the land. That's the first instance. Then they will control the economy.

So whites have to come to blacks for jobs and blacks are in a position to punish or reward them. Then you control the media to give a true picture black ppl's image.

Then you control the criminal justice system so you can destroy white South Africans or Zims in any uprising. Then you control their health. You make sure that you control the hospitals. So you control their lives. Then you control the education system and make sure black children don't get brainwashed into white supremacy B.S.

It's about breaking white South Africans and white Zimbabweans spirit.

This is not going to happen over night. But that is the end goal and that will sweep the rest of black world and set an example.
You are a black supremacist.
You are wanting to do to other races, specifically whites, what you are accusing them of doing to you and yours.

So how are you superior?
So... I'm born in Africa, and so were my parents, and their parents. They worked hard and earned their property. I worked hard, and earned my property.

No white man is African.

Black South Africans and Zimbaweans will own the land. That's the first instance. Then they will control the economy.

So whites have to come to blacks for jobs and blacks are in a position to punish or reward them. Then you control the media to give a true picture black ppl's image.

Then you control the criminal justice system so you can destroy white South Africans or Zims in any uprising. Then you control their health. You make sure that you control the hospitals. So you control their lives. Then you control the education system and make sure black children don't get brainwashed into white supremacy B.S.

It's about breaking white South Africans and white Zimbabweans spirit.

This is not going to happen over night. But that is the end goal and that will sweep the rest of black world and set an example.
You're not about equality, you're just trying to take advantage.

Go fuck yourself.
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