My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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why dont you guys just block asslips- i did long ago- racist black man is next.
It's called the joy of bitchsmacking a racist idiot. :aargh:
I bet I made him shed a tear this AM.
He used to post fairly solidly, then something changed and he went full retard.
Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
Dude. If you're worried that doesn't count because it's only a little bit racist, please be assured it all adds up to those receiving it. Thank you for your contribution to Racism, it can't exist unless people feed it.
Some of what seems like the most innocent racial incidents can ultimately have huge consequences. In a biography of a black man who was a 3 time loser and a drug addict facing a charge of murder was asked where did it all go wrong in your life. At first he said, "It always been wrong for me but then he said, "I think things really started to go bad when I was about 6 years old at a playground. I was by myself with no one to play with and this white kid started walking over to me. I thought he's gonna ask me play with him and the other kids. Then his Mom called him and they talked and he turned away and joined the other kids. I just stood there and then my Mom came over to me.
I ask her, "Why don't the kids want to play with me?"
She said, "Cause your black",
"What did I do wrong?".
"You didn't do nothing wrong. You was born black and that ain't ever gonna change".
Later he said, "When I started school this white kid came over and said some bad shit to me. I tried to hit him but he beat the shit out me. After that I was determined to get Whitey and I guess I spent the rest of my life doing just that."
I wonder what it that Mom didn't stop her son from playing with this black kid and they got to be friends?

The black boy's mom could have handled that differently too. But she decided it was racism even if it could have been anything else.
She handled it correctly because it was racism. The kids mom called him over then he went to play with the whites kids. The white mother made the decision but you ignore that in standard white racist fashion.
That right there confirms you're an absolute racist moron loon.

Nailed it.
What I know is that every black person I know over the age of 16 has a job.

Paul Essien
Who control [sic] the jobs ?

Business owners, mainly.

Paul Essien
And what race are the business owners?

Every race imaginable.

Ok. So show me black Walmart? A black penguines book ? Simon n schuester? A black apple company? A black Nike company ? A black KFC ? A black Starbucks ?

Show me black owned and run companies that compare to them

Because if what your saying is true that business are owned by "every race imaginable" Then this should be no problem
Denial is a weapon a prick like Unkotare will use to derail a conversation. He's the Oprah is rich so the other 46,999,999 other blacks are rich too type.
Tell your straw man to go get some sleep. You've worn him out, dumbass.
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped ! View attachment 352046

Come on. Be serious. A black man will generally beat a white man in unarmed one on one combat.

Yeah Tyson Fury kicked Wilders ass - Bravo to him. But if anything this undercuts your argument. Bcoz the history of boxing shows that whites generally cant beat blks in a fair fight.

Thats why you have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.

O sure yeah then white supremacists are confident. Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped !

Whites use law and policy.

But this fool wants to talk shit. Tyson Fury won a fight, but would you racists like for us to name all the black hw champs of the modern era? Because I've lived 59 years and blacks have been the champ for more than 45 of those years.

If we want to talk shite, whites have been so scared of us that they wouldn't let us compete in the system for generations. So spare me your bullshit and:

'I'll f--king knock you out' white man screams at woman for parking while black

Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).

The white supremacist control all the jobs.

No, they don’t. You are just terrified of the very notion of personal responsibility, aren’t you?
A JOB???..... WTF??.... A JOB???.... take care of my kids???
I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.
Oh brother... just when you were starting to sound like a real human being...

Look, no one believes you have ever done that, and if you really are 50 years old it's far past time to stop watching Rocky films on an endless loop and grow the hell up.
You know what's bad about getting older? You lose what little patience you ever had for dealing with dysfunctional, trashy, and just plain difficult people.
You should stop wagging your finger in people's faces, shut your dickhole for a minute, and learn some things.

People who like to talk shit and push buttons deserve to have their asses kicked from time to time. It is a paradigm shift in their universe when someone they believed never could or would touch them, makes them bleed.
I realize it's not a very nice trait of mine, but the truth is, I like being the one to shatter that particular illusion.
Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
Dude. If you're worried that doesn't count because it's only a little bit racist, please be assured it all adds up to those receiving it. Thank you for your contribution to Racism, it can't exist unless people feed it.
Some of what seems like the most innocent racial incidents can ultimately have huge consequences. In a biography of a black man who was a 3 time loser and a drug addict facing a charge of murder was asked where did it all go wrong in your life. At first he said, "It always been wrong for me but then he said, "I think things really started to go bad when I was about 6 years old at a playground. I was by myself with no one to play with and this white kid started walking over to me. I thought he's gonna ask me play with him and the other kids. Then his Mom called him and they talked and he turned away and joined the other kids. I just stood there and then my Mom came over to me.
I ask her, "Why don't the kids want to play with me?"
She said, "Cause your black",
"What did I do wrong?".
"You didn't do nothing wrong. You was born black and that ain't ever gonna change".
Later he said, "When I started school this white kid came over and said some bad shit to me. I tried to hit him but he beat the shit out me. After that I was determined to get Whitey and I guess I spent the rest of my life doing just that."
I wonder what it that Mom didn't stop her son from playing with this black kid and they got to be friends?
I was always the only white kid in the neighborhoods where I grew up. Not everyone was mean to me but I got rat-packed and gang-stomped enough times to know that racism was not a white only thing. It wasn't just kids either, I had teachers in school that hated me and had it in for me and it took years for me to realize why.
And I learned that hispanic neighborhoods were better than black ones; still not really safe for me, but safer.
I would hate to walk around with the giant boulder you carry around of your shoulders.

Say the person who says

I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

But then you also say this.

The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either. Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollar

But when it came down it. The above didn't matter bcoz (in your own words) you made sure when your kids went to uni they were living in places that were as white as possible.

You have never been attacked by a black person
You have never been evicted by a black person
You have never had a black person deny your child the college of her choice.
You never had a black person deny me a bank loan.

Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in my life has had a Caucasian face attached to it.

Tell me when I'm lying ?

So, um, why is it exactly that you're afraid of black people?

Trust me you're kids saw more drugs, more sex and more debauchery in those uni dorms than they will ever see in any inner city you can take me to

There are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks. if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.[


You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.

A ton of racial assumptions there but then I'm pretty sure you'll insist that you're not a white supremacist because a person like you who has never lived in the inner city is an expert on it. Right ?


When I think of the black inner city I think of the black mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

I think of the black kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

I think of the black elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own.

I think of the blk ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

So what black inner city are you talking about ?

Fact is - Black people really don't fk with whites and ain't itching for a chance to harm whites as much as whites think.

For one black men know that we will be severely punished for targeting whites, especially white females.

And you know what ? YEAH I'M GONNA SAY IT !!

When you say this

I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

This is more sexual in nature than criminal.

The idea of young black males bumping into your white daughter on a daily basis scared the hell out of you


And you couldn't allow that to happen.
I did not want my children in the apartments where a lot of blacks live...wait for it... they are crime ridden. Cops are there constantly. Every damn day on the news if there is a murder, a shooting.... guess where it is well over 90% of the time - in one of those complexes!! Over and over and over.
Also my kids didn't live in quads or unidorms. Oh hell no. I wasn't paying an absurd $7000 - $8000 a year for them to live in a tiny bedroom with a shared living area in party central. Nope. Not that either.
They got a real apartment. Cheaper since it was year round and soooo much safer and away from bad influences.
Now they are 25 and 30 years old.
Where my daughter lives there are several black people living there. It is a nice area, houses are well kept... I have no fear for her living around those black people because they are like everyone else there. They have jobs, they have families, they are perfectly well adjusted people.
I did what I did to keep my kids as safe as possible. Any parent not doing the same is not a good parent.
So in your mind, there is no such thing as an affluent black neighborhood or community? No black areas that are more affluent than some white areas?

And you have a very condescending attitude when it comes to black people and our lives and how we live them as if our life goal should be to measure up to some standard that you all have set for us.
You know what? I have watched my entire life and I have seen, over and over, low income blacks try to bully people. They get loud and obnoxious at the drop of a hat, and quite frankly, a lot of other cultures simply despise that behavior, and want them to stfu and quit making a trashy spectacle of themselves. It's fucking embarrassing.
When they get confronted for this behavior, they double down, raise the volume and get aggressive, including assaulting people. Oh yeah, and they accuse everyone confronting them for their shitty behavior of being racist, because it simply isn't possible to object to their behavior, it's gotta be about the color of their skin. (eyeroll)
I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.

Fucked and and found out.
I've worked with guys with your background, including disabled veterans, almost all of them white, yet not a single one of them are anywhere near as schizo as you describe although one of them who I actually let one come and work for me, I suspected of suffering from a brain injury. He washed out in the few months due to a serious lack of integrity in addition to apparently having issues with having a female boss. The fact that I'm black as well probably didn't do anything to ease his anxieties and seemed to only fuel his indignation.

I only know of two professions that allow individuals to assault others - LEOs and bail recovery agents. So what do MOAB instructors teach?
Management Of Aggressive Behavior

Like I said, I use up all my compassion, understanding, and restraint at work 5 nights a week; I got nothing left when I'm off the clock. Get loud and in my face then and the best thing that's going to happen to you is I'll feed you an entire can of pepper spray.

You know why cops sometimes shoot people when it doesn't seem the least bit necessary or appropriate? Because they don't know what else to do.
Police Departments are refusing to hire big, meathead, former football players and guys who lift weights and do MMA as a hobby because they are afraid of the liability involved in having someone with that appearance using physical force on someone, on camera; it just looks bad to most people.
But it is much easier to take a strong, highly aggressive person and teach them restraint, than it is to take a timid person and teach them to escalate force past a level they are personally comfortable with.
So these timid guys and gals are getting hired as cops, and when they start getting overwhelmed by a situation they are not confident they can control, they default to opening fire. A meathead's default is kicking your ass, not shooting you; which sounds better to you?
You want less questionable shootings? You need to invest in some bruiser cops and give them a shit-ton more training, IMO.

Violence dynamics is a very complicated subject, and very few people have even a basic understanding of it, and are in fact, resistant as hell to even learning more about it, because it makes them uncomfortable.
Look how uncomfortable Unkotare gets when I even mention it.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.
A is no racist. That sorry diversion is dead. Talking about white racism is not racist, it's truth. You tell the same old white racist story complete with the compliant black who agrees with you. If that's happening to you twice a week, you are the problem.
No, he's very racist and so are you.
Wrong. There is nothing racist about speaking the truth about white racism. You lose the argument when you try gaslighting.
What argument?
You and he are both racists and that's it.

That's not up for debate, it's a fact.
Wait what?!? You have declared IM2 and Asclepias as racist? After that racist OP you penned in which you claimed that there are two groups of black people - those from/in the inner city and those not. And then you proceeded to disparage those from the inner city as being "bad" blacks, yet you think you're not a racist?

I'd pit their intelligence against yours any day of the week and twice on Sundays. In fact I think we should invite you to the Bull Ring this weekend along with a few others. You, Porter Rockwell and Templar Kormac to debate IM2, Asclepias and me on the state of racial relations in the United States, including the history that brought us here.

I can't speak for them or schedule their time for them but I'm game. I should be available tomorrow unless we get any emergency calls.
I'm not the original poster for this thread.

Maybe you should unfuck yourself before throwing down any challenges lady.
Maybe you should man up and enter the ring.
So I can argue with some racists who won't let themselves see anything other than what they wish to see?
Yeah, that sounds like a really productive use of my time, (sarcasm).
I would hate to walk around with the giant boulder you carry around of your shoulders.

Say the person who says

I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

But then you also say this.

The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either. Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollar

But when it came down it. The above didn't matter bcoz (in your own words) you made sure when your kids went to uni they were living in places that were as white as possible.

You have never been attacked by a black person
You have never been evicted by a black person
You have never had a black person deny your child the college of her choice.
You never had a black person deny me a bank loan.

Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in my life has had a Caucasian face attached to it.

Tell me when I'm lying ?

So, um, why is it exactly that you're afraid of black people?

Trust me you're kids saw more drugs, more sex and more debauchery in those uni dorms than they will ever see in any inner city you can take me to

There are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks. if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.[


You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.

A ton of racial assumptions there but then I'm pretty sure you'll insist that you're not a white supremacist because a person like you who has never lived in the inner city is an expert on it. Right ?


When I think of the black inner city I think of the black mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

I think of the black kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

I think of the black elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own.

I think of the blk ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

So what black inner city are you talking about ?

Fact is - Black people really don't fk with whites and ain't itching for a chance to harm whites as much as whites think.

For one black men know that we will be severely punished for targeting whites, especially white females.

And you know what ? YEAH I'M GONNA SAY IT !!

When you say this

I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.

This is more sexual in nature than criminal.

The idea of young black males bumping into your white daughter on a daily basis scared the hell out of you


And you couldn't allow that to happen.
I did not want my children in the apartments where a lot of blacks live...wait for it... they are crime ridden. Cops are there constantly. Every damn day on the news if there is a murder, a shooting.... guess where it is well over 90% of the time - in one of those complexes!! Over and over and over.
Also my kids didn't live in quads or unidorms. Oh hell no. I wasn't paying an absurd $7000 - $8000 a year for them to live in a tiny bedroom with a shared living area in party central. Nope. Not that either.
They got a real apartment. Cheaper since it was year round and soooo much safer and away from bad influences.
Now they are 25 and 30 years old.
Where my daughter lives there are several black people living there. It is a nice area, houses are well kept... I have no fear for her living around those black people because they are like everyone else there. They have jobs, they have families, they are perfectly well adjusted people.
I did what I did to keep my kids as safe as possible. Any parent not doing the same is not a good parent.
So in your mind, there is no such thing as an affluent black neighborhood or community? No black areas that are more affluent than some white areas?

And you have a very condescending attitude when it comes to black people and our lives and how we live them as if our life goal should be to measure up to some standard that you all have set for us.
You know what? I have watched my entire life and I have seen, over and over, low income blacks try to bully people. They get loud and obnoxious at the drop of a hat, and quite frankly, a lot of other cultures simply despise that behavior, and want them to stfu and quit making a trashy spectacle of themselves. It's fucking embarrassing.
When they get confronted for this behavior, they double down, raise the volume and get aggressive, including assaulting people. Oh yeah, and they accuse everyone confronting them for their shitty behavior of being racist, because it simply isn't possible to object to their behavior, it's gotta be about the color of their skin. (eyeroll)
I have enjoyed the looks of utter shock on their faces when I hit them square in their shit-talking mouths, and even more the fear in their eyes when I slammed them to the ground and mounted them, and began dropping bombs onto their terrified faces.
Because there is something deeply satisfying about beating the living hell out of some asshole, pissing on his unconscious form, and walking away.

Fucked and and found out.
You haven't watched shit white boy. You tell the same story the rest of the racists do. "I was undefeated whipping black folks." Son, when I was younger, I used to body slam shit talking white racists on the concrete. And your 50 year old 90 percent disabled ass wouldn't stand a chance. So shut up with the rambo talk. Quite frankly, a lot of other cultures simply despise that behavior, and want people like you to stfu and quit making a trashy spectacle of yourself. It's fucking embarrassing..
Oh, I took plenty of beatings, always by groups, and with no one stepping in to stop it even when there were parents or teachers present. Watching the white kid get stomped was perfectly fine with them.
When you have 3 or more to 1 odds, and yet you still need to sucker punch your victim from his blind side (and victim is the appropriate word because these aren't "fights", they are instances of criminal assault), then you ain't brave, and you are not worthy of any respect.... at all.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Our crime rate is lower than yours and the racist teachings you were raised with is why you think as you do. You talk about not trusting blacks but we are the ones who keep getting fucked over by whites and whites like you can't understand how blacks can't trust you. Whites have a 400 year record of criminal behavior and you post this garbage.
Lying again. Blacks commit most of the crime.
every black on white assault video i have seen has been carried out by a mob of cowards attacking white person ! the only time blacks attack whites one on one is when they attack the elderly or the handicapped ! View attachment 352046

Come on. Be serious. A black man will generally beat a white man in unarmed one on one combat.

Yeah Tyson Fury kicked Wilders ass - Bravo to him. But if anything this undercuts your argument. Bcoz the history of boxing shows that whites generally cant beat blks in a fair fight.

Thats why you have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.

O sure yeah then white supremacists are confident. Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.
If white folks are so weak and easily dominated, then how are they keeping you down and oppressed, boy?

You can't have it both ways; either they are too formidable for you to overcome and that's why you need affirmative action and police reform, etc., or they are weak and easily dominated by the superior black race, yadda yadda yadda.....

Which is it?
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Are you stupid or something? How the hell would you know I am talking about black people by just saying people?
Virtue signal much?
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
When you have to say "Black people" and not just "people" you are a racist
Are you stupid or something? How the hell would you know I am talking about black people by just saying people?
Virtue signal much?

That's the fucking point Shitforbrains.

The color of a person's skin is irrelevant.
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