My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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A great-great grandmother of mine came over from Ireland as an indentured servant.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.
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Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And you don't know shit about anyone else's personal experiences either, prick. So how the fuck would you know if they know what it feels like to be judged by the color of their skin?

Unless you live under a rock, you've been judged by the color of your skin. Some friends remarked just the other day they have seen Hispanics working at Japanese and Chinese restaurants, but never went to one where a white was employed. Whites have felt the sting of reverse discrimination, racial quotas, racial hiring schemes, and even affirmative action. Whites are called racists every time they disagree with blacks. Whites do not have the luxury of seeking a Right to self determination. The woe is me crap coming from the blacks is sickening.
I thought those jobs were beneath a lot of you.
Stereotype much?
Nope, the service industries have traditionally been filled by people of color particularly in the south because they were lowing paying jobs.

I went to college in the south and the maids, waiters, bellhops, etc. were pretty much all black. I actually worked as a maid for a while
But is that because it's "beneath" whites?
I think that's a presumption on your part.
You should watch Hidden Figures if you ever get the chance. Maybe you'll get where I'm coming from.
In the 40's and 50's, I was just a kid and lived in the deep south in a small city. We had a black gardener, and until I was 6 years old, I had black nanny. We always had a maid. Employment options other than manual labor and service were almost non-existent. Sending black kids to college was pretty hard to justify unless you were wealthy. Unless the kid became a doctor or lawyer, about the only jobs available other than manual labor or service jobs was teaching and the pay for black teachers was only a bit higher than field hands. Black teachers made about 1/2 of what white teachers made which wasn't much.
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Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
This is hardly a fairy tale.



Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
Why do you believe I do that?

When have you ever seen me do anything of the kind?

The sum total of your experience with me is watching me interact with a few lying, manipulative, bullshit artists..... how the fuck does that equate to me defaulting to a negative perspective on blacks?
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
So are more than half my uncles and most of my cousins.
So what?
But that ain't the bullshit movie though, is it?
This is hardly a fairy tale.

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I actually DO know the difference between "documented history" and propaganda..... it's why I don't waste my time or money on crap like that movie.

I'm currently reading Empire of The Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne....
. I'm not going to confuse that with Dances with Wolves.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.

Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make, cabron. You just didn't like the answer because it was honest. You want to make life look like only the blacks know suffering, slavery, and pain. Well, surprise, you don't have a monopoly on it. What makes you racist is you want whites to be held accountable because it was slavery after all... What about the black POS that sold your ancestors into slavery (presupposing you can trace your lineage back to slavery - which is probably not likely)????
And you don't know shit about anyone else's personal experiences either, prick. So how the fuck would you know if they know what it feels like to be judged by the color of their skin?

Unless you live under a rock, you've been judged by the color of your skin. Some friends remarked just the other day they have seen Hispanics working at Japanese and Chinese restaurants, but never went to one where a white was employed. Whites have felt the sting of reverse discrimination, racial quotas, racial hiring schemes, and even affirmative action. Whites are called racists every time they disagree with blacks. Whites do not have the luxury of seeking a Right to self determination. The woe is me crap coming from the blacks is sickening.
I thought those jobs were beneath a lot of you.
Stereotype much?
Nope, the service industries have traditionally been filled by people of color particularly in the south because they were lowing paying jobs.

I went to college in the south and the maids, waiters, bellhops, etc. were pretty much all black. I actually worked as a maid for a while
But is that because it's "beneath" whites?
I think that's a presumption on your part.
You should watch Hidden Figures if you ever get the chance. Maybe you'll get where I'm coming from.
In the 40's and 50's, I was just a kid and lived in the deep south in a small city. We had a black gardener, and until I was 6 years old, I had black nanny. We always had a maid. Employment options other than manual labor and service were almost non-existent. Sending black kids to college was pretty hard to justify unless you were wealthy. Unless the kid became a doctor or lawyer, about the only jobs available other than manual labor or service jobs was teaching and the pay for black teachers was only a bit higher than field hands. Black teachers made about 1/2 of what white teachers made which wasn't much.

Is there a point to that?
You've been proven wrong. Your race is no better than any other race that was held in slavery without adding in the inconsequential indentured servitude. Cabron, you were given the answer to the question you asked on that one. Deal with it.

I never said anything of the sort. In fact you'll see in most of my posts I never mention race because the color of a person's skin is completely irrelevant to me. But you can't say the same about yourself can you?

And no Fuckstick you are wrong

Slaves and indentured servants are not the same thing they never have been. One is the ownership of people as chattel the other is an agreed upon exchange of services.

Slaves never agreed to be someone else's property

You were quoted the official definition of the word slave. If you are that stupid, cabron, then you are stupid. Whether or not an indentured servant is a slave (and they are)
is IRRELEVANT except that you asked if someone ever sold themselves into slavery. You just want that woe is me mantra to work for you, making us think that others never suffered. You make indentured servitude sound like it was Easy Street. Here are some FACTS for you:

"Each INDENTURED SERVANT would have their fare across the Atlantic paid in full by their master. A contract was written that stipulated the length of service — typically five years. The servant would be supplied room and board while working in the master's fields. Upon completion of the contract, the servant would receive "freedom dues," a pre-arranged termination bonus. This might include land, money, a gun, clothes or food. On the surface it seemed like a terrific way for the luckless English poor to make their way to prosperity in a new land. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case.

Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts.

You want to know who had a longer lifespan between black slaves and indentured servants? Do you want to know who got the worse treatment? You've already marginalized white slavery throughout history and by trying to ignore it, you've proven one thing: If you ain't a racist, there ain't a cow in the whole state of Texas.
Indentured service is NOT slavery because it is a contractual agreement.

WHat contracts did slaves enter into with the people who bought them?

So no one has ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery.

And FYI i never specified Black or White Slavery.

Because as I said skin color is irrelevant.
Yes, you tell people who you vote for when you invoke the talking points of Democratic Socialists with your every post.

You assume and that makes you an idiot.

I assume nothing and you're long on calling people names, but short on intestinal fortitude. Do you know what PM is for?
How many times have you called me cabron?

And you assume that I vote democrat. I don't

And guess what Fuckstick, I don't vote for republicans either
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance
You've been proven wrong. Your race is no better than any other race that was held in slavery without adding in the inconsequential indentured servitude. Cabron, you were given the answer to the question you asked on that one. Deal with it.

I never said anything of the sort. In fact you'll see in most of my posts I never mention race because the color of a person's skin is completely irrelevant to me. But you can't say the same about yourself can you?

And no Fuckstick you are wrong

Slaves and indentured servants are not the same thing they never have been. One is the ownership of people as chattel the other is an agreed upon exchange of services.

Slaves never agreed to be someone else's property

You were quoted the official definition of the word slave. If you are that stupid, cabron, then you are stupid. Whether or not an indentured servant is a slave (and they are)
is IRRELEVANT except that you asked if someone ever sold themselves into slavery. You just want that woe is me mantra to work for you, making us think that others never suffered. You make indentured servitude sound like it was Easy Street. Here are some FACTS for you:

"Each INDENTURED SERVANT would have their fare across the Atlantic paid in full by their master. A contract was written that stipulated the length of service — typically five years. The servant would be supplied room and board while working in the master's fields. Upon completion of the contract, the servant would receive "freedom dues," a pre-arranged termination bonus. This might include land, money, a gun, clothes or food. On the surface it seemed like a terrific way for the luckless English poor to make their way to prosperity in a new land. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case.

Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts.

You want to know who had a longer lifespan between black slaves and indentured servants? Do you want to know who got the worse treatment? You've already marginalized white slavery throughout history and by trying to ignore it, you've proven one thing: If you ain't a racist, there ain't a cow in the whole state of Texas.
Indentured service is NOT slavery because it is a contractual agreement.

WHat contracts did slaves enter into with the people who bought them?

So no one has ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery.

And FYI i never specified Black or White Slavery.

Because as I said skin color is irrelevant.

I'm sorry that the United Nations General Assembly disagrees with your definition. I promise to let them know you object. I really will do it for you today. Meanwhile, I have to accept their definition, even if it means pissing you off. IF I get a reply, I will let you know.

Sir, you asked me a question. I gave you an honest and accurate answer to the question asked. People voluntarily sold themselves into a practice known as indentured servitude and the United Nations General Assembly outlawed the practice calling it slavery. All your name calling, filibustering, and bullshit cannot change the facts. White, black, green or yellow, it is what it is.
Yes, you tell people who you vote for when you invoke the talking points of Democratic Socialists with your every post.

You assume and that makes you an idiot.

I assume nothing and you're long on calling people names, but short on intestinal fortitude. Do you know what PM is for?
How many times have you called me cabron?

And you assume that I vote democrat. I don't

And guess what Fuckstick, I don't vote for republicans either

Cabron, you call me names you would never call me to my face. That is why my PM is empty here. I'm presuming nothing. Just waiting to see how long it takes you to figure out what an idiot YOU are.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.
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