My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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You've been proven wrong. Your race is no better than any other race that was held in slavery without adding in the inconsequential indentured servitude. Cabron, you were given the answer to the question you asked on that one. Deal with it.

I never said anything of the sort. In fact you'll see in most of my posts I never mention race because the color of a person's skin is completely irrelevant to me. But you can't say the same about yourself can you?

And no Fuckstick you are wrong

Slaves and indentured servants are not the same thing they never have been. One is the ownership of people as chattel the other is an agreed upon exchange of services.

Slaves never agreed to be someone else's property

You were quoted the official definition of the word slave. If you are that stupid, cabron, then you are stupid. Whether or not an indentured servant is a slave (and they are)
is IRRELEVANT except that you asked if someone ever sold themselves into slavery. You just want that woe is me mantra to work for you, making us think that others never suffered. You make indentured servitude sound like it was Easy Street. Here are some FACTS for you:

"Each INDENTURED SERVANT would have their fare across the Atlantic paid in full by their master. A contract was written that stipulated the length of service — typically five years. The servant would be supplied room and board while working in the master's fields. Upon completion of the contract, the servant would receive "freedom dues," a pre-arranged termination bonus. This might include land, money, a gun, clothes or food. On the surface it seemed like a terrific way for the luckless English poor to make their way to prosperity in a new land. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case.

Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts.

You want to know who had a longer lifespan between black slaves and indentured servants? Do you want to know who got the worse treatment? You've already marginalized white slavery throughout history and by trying to ignore it, you've proven one thing: If you ain't a racist, there ain't a cow in the whole state of Texas.
Indentured service is NOT slavery because it is a contractual agreement.

WHat contracts did slaves enter into with the people who bought them?

So no one has ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery.

And FYI i never specified Black or White Slavery.

Because as I said skin color is irrelevant.

I'm sorry that the United Nations General Assembly disagrees with your definition. I promise to let them know you object. I really will do it for you today. Meanwhile, I have to accept their definition, even if it means pissing you off. IF I get a reply, I will let you know.

Sir, you asked me a question. I gave you an honest and accurate answer to the question asked. People voluntarily sold themselves into a practice known as indentured servitude and the United Nations General Assembly outlawed the practice calling it slavery. All your name calling, filibustering, and bullshit cannot change the facts. White, black, green or yellow, it is what it is.

Fuck the UN. That has nothing to do with the ACTUAL definition of the term.

And no you gave me an INACCURATE answer because indentured service was not slavery it was a labor and compensation contract freely entered into by 2 parties.

If you can't realize that when there is a choice slavery does not exist
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.

It's not my definition Fuckstick.

It's the Merriam Webster definition. The UN does not publish a sanctioned dictionary.

In early American history, indenture was a form of labor contract. Beginning during the colonial period, employers in the largely agricultural economy faced a labor shortage. They addressed it in two ways: by buying slaves and by hiring indentured servants. The former were Africans who were brought to the colonies against their will to serve for life; the latter were generally Europeans from England and Germany who had entered multiyear employment contracts. From the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century, approximately half of the 350,000 European immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

My experience is pretty much exactly the same. Guess where I am from? B Town! What up, Cutter!

I would only add that the liberal policies that are destroying large urban cities are starting to show the same results in our lil college town, too.

Homelessness is getting out of control, adding to crime and impacting business downtown. I used to work as a bartender downtown and it has gotten so much worse down there in the past ten years, I don't want to even go down there ever.

In my small quiet neighborhood where I bought my house on the west side of town (that was always pretty peaceful) there was a shooting at the section 8 apartments at the top of my street few weeks back.

This neighborhood where I bought my house had always been super quiet and a nice place to live for families, but then (in the past few years) the ghetto element has begun to creep in and it's starting to have a negative impact.

Loud bumping from cars with no consideration for their neighbors, fighting, and most likely drug activity occurring on a daily basis. And Michelle Obama has the nerve to talk about "white flight" like it something white folks are guilty of causing.

Lastly, I lived in Indy when I was little going to Pleasant Run Elementary. My sister and I being part of the handful of white kids on the bus...I know what it's like to experience racism. It's not a one way street.
You've been proven wrong. Your race is no better than any other race that was held in slavery without adding in the inconsequential indentured servitude. Cabron, you were given the answer to the question you asked on that one. Deal with it.

I never said anything of the sort. In fact you'll see in most of my posts I never mention race because the color of a person's skin is completely irrelevant to me. But you can't say the same about yourself can you?

And no Fuckstick you are wrong

Slaves and indentured servants are not the same thing they never have been. One is the ownership of people as chattel the other is an agreed upon exchange of services.

Slaves never agreed to be someone else's property

You were quoted the official definition of the word slave. If you are that stupid, cabron, then you are stupid. Whether or not an indentured servant is a slave (and they are)
is IRRELEVANT except that you asked if someone ever sold themselves into slavery. You just want that woe is me mantra to work for you, making us think that others never suffered. You make indentured servitude sound like it was Easy Street. Here are some FACTS for you:

"Each INDENTURED SERVANT would have their fare across the Atlantic paid in full by their master. A contract was written that stipulated the length of service — typically five years. The servant would be supplied room and board while working in the master's fields. Upon completion of the contract, the servant would receive "freedom dues," a pre-arranged termination bonus. This might include land, money, a gun, clothes or food. On the surface it seemed like a terrific way for the luckless English poor to make their way to prosperity in a new land. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case.

Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts.

You want to know who had a longer lifespan between black slaves and indentured servants? Do you want to know who got the worse treatment? You've already marginalized white slavery throughout history and by trying to ignore it, you've proven one thing: If you ain't a racist, there ain't a cow in the whole state of Texas.
Indentured service is NOT slavery because it is a contractual agreement.

WHat contracts did slaves enter into with the people who bought them?

So no one has ever voluntarily sold themselves into slavery.

And FYI i never specified Black or White Slavery.

Because as I said skin color is irrelevant.

I'm sorry that the United Nations General Assembly disagrees with your definition. I promise to let them know you object. I really will do it for you today. Meanwhile, I have to accept their definition, even if it means pissing you off. IF I get a reply, I will let you know.

Sir, you asked me a question. I gave you an honest and accurate answer to the question asked. People voluntarily sold themselves into a practice known as indentured servitude and the United Nations General Assembly outlawed the practice calling it slavery. All your name calling, filibustering, and bullshit cannot change the facts. White, black, green or yellow, it is what it is.

Fuck the UN. That has nothing to do with the ACTUAL definition of the term.

And no you gave me an INACCURATE answer because indentured service was not slavery it was a labor and compensation contract freely entered into by 2 parties.

If you can't realize that when there is a choice slavery does not exist

You got an honest and accurate answer. You can't enforce mandates by the UN based on a layman's interpretation of the word. Sorry, but you are factually WRONG.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.

It's not my definition Fuckstick.

It's the Merriam Webster definition. The UN does not publish a sanctioned dictionary.

In early American history, indenture was a form of labor contract. Beginning during the colonial period, employers in the largely agricultural economy faced a labor shortage. They addressed it in two ways: by buying slaves and by hiring indentured servants. The former were Africans who were brought to the colonies against their will to serve for life; the latter were generally Europeans from England and Germany who had entered multiyear employment contracts. From the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century, approximately half of the 350,000 European immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants

I'm sure you're amused by your own research, but you failed to make a point. Let's cut the shit and face the facts. You think there was something special about black slavery. Otherwise, it would not have come up. You're vested in selling a false narrative that black slavery was somehow more heinous than slavery against whites... which is a real thing. You're butt hurt, but the fight is over and you LOST. You asked if anyone had ever sold themselves into slavery. You got an honest and accurate answer, cabron.

Pull your head out of your ass. We both know that a person cannot sell themselves into slavery as you want to define it. The fact is, people sold themselves into slavery, albeit temporary, because that situation promised to be better than the one they were in. Indentured servants got treated worse than slaves and had a shorter life span as a result. The rest of what you want to argue over is semantics that do not change the conversation.

Insofar as "American" slavery, it wasn't much of a thing. You should know that by now. The federal government outlawed the importation of slaves at the ratification of the United States Constitution. The practice of slavery was a STATE issue, under STATE jurisdiction and Vermont outlawed slavery in 1777; Pennsylvania outlawed the practice in 1780. So, before the Constitution was ratified, the importation of slaves was outlawed and half the states had already outlawed the practice. Get a grip, cabron. Black people do not hold a monopoly on suffering and slavery was not a white thing. Whites were held as slaves way before blacks were. And the blacks that were here: They had already been captured. Slavery versus being tortured to death by the their fellow black brethren (maybe turned into African soup).... This shit is a no brainer, cabron.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.

It's not my definition Fuckstick.

It's the Merriam Webster definition. The UN does not publish a sanctioned dictionary.

In early American history, indenture was a form of labor contract. Beginning during the colonial period, employers in the largely agricultural economy faced a labor shortage. They addressed it in two ways: by buying slaves and by hiring indentured servants. The former were Africans who were brought to the colonies against their will to serve for life; the latter were generally Europeans from England and Germany who had entered multiyear employment contracts. From the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century, approximately half of the 350,000 European immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants

I'm sure you're amused by your own research, but you failed to make a point. Let's cut the shit and face the facts. You think there was something special about black slavery. Otherwise, it would not have come up. You're vested in selling a false narrative that black slavery was somehow more heinous than slavery against whites... which is a real thing. You're butt hurt, but the fight is over and you LOST. You asked if anyone had ever sold themselves into slavery. You got an honest and accurate answer, cabron.

Pull your head out of your ass. We both know that a person cannot sell themselves into slavery as you want to define it. The fact is, people sold themselves into slavery, albeit temporary, because that situation promised to be better than the one they were in. Indentured servants got treated worse than slaves and had a shorter life span as a result. The rest of what you want to argue over is semantics that do not change the conversation.

Insofar as "American" slavery, it wasn't much of a thing. You should know that by now. The federal government outlawed the importation of slaves at the ratification of the United States Constitution. The practice of slavery was a STATE issue, under STATE jurisdiction and Vermont outlawed slavery in 1777; Pennsylvania outlawed the practice in 1780. So, before the Constitution was ratified, the importation of slaves was outlawed and half the states had already outlawed the practice. Get a grip, cabron. Black people do not hold a monopoly on suffering and slavery was not a white thing. Whites were held as slaves way before blacks were. And the blacks that were here: They had already been captured. Slavery versus being tortured to death by the their fellow black brethren (maybe turned into African soup).... This shit is a no brainer, cabron.

Not for nothin' but you really seem to think that saying "cabron" over and over (and over) is a super-cool put-down, but it's not. Not having the effect you seem to want at all. Nothing to do with your semantic purse-fight with the other guy, just FYI.
...This is why so many negative threads are started about you....
View attachment 354046
I don’t want you to like me. Most people I don’t like here I would still smile and shake their hands if I met them in person. I would spit on or smack your face. Or at minimum put my middle finger on your nose and push with extreme force and you would turn red but not dare react.

You would react the same way you do here. Either you don’t respond or you tattle. Lil bitch
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.

It's not my definition Fuckstick.

It's the Merriam Webster definition. The UN does not publish a sanctioned dictionary.

In early American history, indenture was a form of labor contract. Beginning during the colonial period, employers in the largely agricultural economy faced a labor shortage. They addressed it in two ways: by buying slaves and by hiring indentured servants. The former were Africans who were brought to the colonies against their will to serve for life; the latter were generally Europeans from England and Germany who had entered multiyear employment contracts. From the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century, approximately half of the 350,000 European immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants

I'm sure you're amused by your own research, but you failed to make a point. Let's cut the shit and face the facts. You think there was something special about black slavery. Otherwise, it would not have come up. You're vested in selling a false narrative that black slavery was somehow more heinous than slavery against whites... which is a real thing. You're butt hurt, but the fight is over and you LOST. You asked if anyone had ever sold themselves into slavery. You got an honest and accurate answer, cabron.

Pull your head out of your ass. We both know that a person cannot sell themselves into slavery as you want to define it. The fact is, people sold themselves into slavery, albeit temporary, because that situation promised to be better than the one they were in. Indentured servants got treated worse than slaves and had a shorter life span as a result. The rest of what you want to argue over is semantics that do not change the conversation.

Insofar as "American" slavery, it wasn't much of a thing. You should know that by now. The federal government outlawed the importation of slaves at the ratification of the United States Constitution. The practice of slavery was a STATE issue, under STATE jurisdiction and Vermont outlawed slavery in 1777; Pennsylvania outlawed the practice in 1780. So, before the Constitution was ratified, the importation of slaves was outlawed and half the states had already outlawed the practice. Get a grip, cabron. Black people do not hold a monopoly on suffering and slavery was not a white thing. Whites were held as slaves way before blacks were. And the blacks that were here: They had already been captured. Slavery versus being tortured to death by the their fellow black brethren (maybe turned into African soup).... This shit is a no brainer, cabron.

Not for nothin' but you really seem to think that saying "cabron" over and over (and over) is a super-cool put-down, but it's not. Not having the effect you seem to want at all. Nothing to do with your semantic purse-fight with the other guy, just FYI.
Says who? I love it cabron
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia


WHat part about the definition of indentured servant do you not understand.

If it was slavery the definition would say it was slavery

Definition of INDENTURED servant
indentured servant
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Definition of indentured servant

: a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance

I worked in the legal field. Layman definitions don't mean squat to me. In this instance the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISAGREES WITH YOUR DEFINITION.

Gillipollas, you should sue your brains for non-support.

It's not my definition Fuckstick.

It's the Merriam Webster definition. The UN does not publish a sanctioned dictionary.

In early American history, indenture was a form of labor contract. Beginning during the colonial period, employers in the largely agricultural economy faced a labor shortage. They addressed it in two ways: by buying slaves and by hiring indentured servants. The former were Africans who were brought to the colonies against their will to serve for life; the latter were generally Europeans from England and Germany who had entered multiyear employment contracts. From the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century, approximately half of the 350,000 European immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants

I'm sure you're amused by your own research, but you failed to make a point. Let's cut the shit and face the facts. You think there was something special about black slavery. Otherwise, it would not have come up. You're vested in selling a false narrative that black slavery was somehow more heinous than slavery against whites... which is a real thing. You're butt hurt, but the fight is over and you LOST. You asked if anyone had ever sold themselves into slavery. You got an honest and accurate answer, cabron.

Pull your head out of your ass. We both know that a person cannot sell themselves into slavery as you want to define it. The fact is, people sold themselves into slavery, albeit temporary, because that situation promised to be better than the one they were in. Indentured servants got treated worse than slaves and had a shorter life span as a result. The rest of what you want to argue over is semantics that do not change the conversation.

Insofar as "American" slavery, it wasn't much of a thing. You should know that by now. The federal government outlawed the importation of slaves at the ratification of the United States Constitution. The practice of slavery was a STATE issue, under STATE jurisdiction and Vermont outlawed slavery in 1777; Pennsylvania outlawed the practice in 1780. So, before the Constitution was ratified, the importation of slaves was outlawed and half the states had already outlawed the practice. Get a grip, cabron. Black people do not hold a monopoly on suffering and slavery was not a white thing. Whites were held as slaves way before blacks were. And the blacks that were here: They had already been captured. Slavery versus being tortured to death by the their fellow black brethren (maybe turned into African soup).... This shit is a no brainer, cabron.

Not for nothin' but you really seem to think that saying "cabron" over and over (and over) is a super-cool put-down, but it's not. Not having the effect you seem to want at all. Nothing to do with your semantic purse-fight with the other guy, just FYI.

You are entitled to your opinion, but it looks to me like you want to stick your head up the cabron's ass so as to save him from a false presumption. He's not smart enough to figure things out. I got an idea. Why don't you mind your own damn business?
...I would spit on or smack your face. Or at minimum put my middle finger on your nose and push ...
Not more than once, bitch. Don't fool yourself too much with the juvenile fantasies you cook up during your endless hours of loneliness.
...I would spit on or smack your face. Or at minimum put my middle finger on your nose and push ...
Not more than once, bitch. Don't fool yourself too much with the juvenile fantasies you cook up during your endless hours of loneliness.

You like starting shit with people, don't you?
He’s got nothing better to do he’s a public school teacher who would be working a summer job if it weren’t for corona.

Mostly because he needs the money but also because he’s not happy personally. His personal life sucks
...I would spit on or smack your face. Or at minimum put my middle finger on your nose and push ...
Not more than once, bitch. Don't fool yourself too much with the juvenile fantasies you cook up during your endless hours of loneliness.

You like starting shit with people, don't you?
I was trying to help you out. Bobobrainless is just a throwing dummy. Casual entertainment.
I used to practice with Steve Fraser Olympic gold medalist so I doubt a lightweight like you would toss me around. What weight class were you 130?
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