My explanation why the rich should NOT be taxed more


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Let me start out by saying that my personal income, after business expenses was never more than $5,000 a year. I am NOT rich, but I am VERY conservative (that is how I survive)... And as far as democrats who want to tax the rich more to help out all you poor people, I have two words - Clippers Owner. (you figure it out if you haven't already)

WHY AM I AGAINST TAXING RICH MORE - in short, because it is a SCAM, a clever, crooked scam: There are rich people who earned what they have and then there are rich people whose career is hypocrisy and deception, they are usually involved with politics and IT IS NOT LARGER TAXATION that will eliminate this problem, it is our turning away from their political circus on the MSM and understanding the real problem that can fix it, and taxing "the rich more" is like if someone steals your car and then allows you to ride it from time to time and you demand to be able to ride it more often - it's LOW and it will get you NOWHERE. INTERNATIONAL BANKERS OWN YOUR COUNTRY, they STOLE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE TAXING US ALL, DO NOT BLAME THE RICH YOU DO NOT SEE THEM.

Logical arguments welcome.
So why are you against it again? Saying its a scam doesnt make it one
Then it is up to you to explain how some people make 1000 times more than the average worker, I explain about cutting taxes here:

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So why are you against it again? Saying its a scam doesnt make it one
Then it is up to you to explain how some people make 1000 times more than the average worker, I explain about cutting taxes here:


No its up to you to have an OP that makes sense. Why are you against taxing the rich more?

Just saying its a scam doesnt mean it is. Call it apple pie if you want but it doesnt mean you're going to put a scoop of vanilla on it
Let me start out by saying that my personal income, after business expenses was never more than $5,000 a year. I am NOT rich, but I am VERY conservative (that is how I survive)... And as far as democrats who want to tax the rich more to help out all you poor people, I have two words - Clippers Owner. (you figure it out if you haven't already)

WHY AM I AGAINST TAXING RICH MORE - in short, because it is a SCAM, a clever, crooked scam: There are rich people who earned what they have and then there are rich people whose career is hypocrisy and deception, they are usually involved with politics and IT IS NOT LARGER TAXATION that will eliminate this problem, it is our turning away from their political circus on the MSM and understanding the real problem that can fix it, and taxing "the rich more" is like if someone steals your car and then allows you to ride it from time to time and you demand to be able to ride it more often - it's LOW and it will get you NOWHERE. INTERNATIONAL BANKERS OWN YOUR COUNTRY, they STOLE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE TAXING US ALL, DO NOT BLAME THE RICH YOU DO NOT SEE THEM.

Logical arguments welcome.
You need to learn how the rich got rich, and how they stay that way? It's not what you think.
The rich made it off the backs of the poor.......the oppressed, victimized, proletariat masses need to arise !

The rich should not be taxed more because if we do it will hurt their feelings and they will leave us. Once they leave all those jobs and prosperity that they trickle down to us will disappear
Why we can't tax the rich....we need to go after the red dot

All you mosquitos are missing my point, let me say it again: if you would not be enslaved by them, then you would not need to tax them in the first place, maybe put them on welfare out of compassion but not tax them... And when you keep talking about taxing them more you are only screwing yourselves because you keep playing their game that they set up for you to play and in reality you are NOT taxing them, you are only taxing YOUR OWN WEALTH and getting nowhere.
All you mosquitos are missing my point, let me say it again: if you would not be enslaved by them, then you would not need to tax them in the first place, maybe put them on welfare out of compassion but not tax them... And when you keep talking about taxing them more you are only screwing yourselves because you keep playing their game that they set up for you to play and in reality you are NOT taxing them, you are only taxing YOUR OWN WEALTH and getting nowhere.
Clear as mud, like your "thinking", and I use the term loosely, very loosely.
All you mosquitos are missing my point, let me say it again: if you would not be enslaved by them, then you would not need to tax them in the first place, maybe put them on welfare out of compassion but not tax them... And when you keep talking about taxing them more you are only screwing yourselves because you keep playing their game that they set up for you to play and in reality you are NOT taxing them, you are only taxing YOUR OWN WEALTH and getting nowhere.

Can anyone decipher what he's saying?

Give the 1% welfare "out of compassion"?
The rich not only don't mind paying taxes. They don't mind paying high taxes. Make them too high and the rich start to resent it. They start investing their money elsewhere, they stop expanding, hiring. They start pulling back. Toyota leaves California and dumps 5,000 of the newly unemployed on the system.

I would like to see the rich just leave the US. Like Eduardo Savarin, take their millions elsewhere.
The only people who need to to be taxed more are offshore international bankers. Another step in the right direction would be the nationalize the banks and the Federal Reserve.

Taxing the so called rich(those business owners making a couple million) is a way to distract from the billionaires many times over who finance both parties and keep their money off shore. It is a way to galvanize faux populism on the part of the lower classes and focus their anger on a scapegoat while those who created the diversion attain more power unbeknownst to the masses.
Yeah because the only reason people stay in America is the taxes. Fuck family, Fuck friends, Fuck America right?

Thats stupid...Rich people are here for a reason. The reason is...America. They arent doing US a favor by being here. They like it here
Yeah because the only reason people stay in America is the taxes. Fuck family, Fuck friends, Fuck America right?

Thats stupid...Rich people are here for a reason. The reason is...America. They arent doing US a favor by being here. They like it here
Many of them would do us all a favor if they left.
I'll add another reason. What "Taxing The Rich" really means is taxing middle and upper middle class people who take care of themselves and ask for little from the government in return other than to be LEFT ALONE.

The true rich already have their wealth.
Billionaires are why so many womanly indignant, progressive illiterates lives are so miserable. Got it....

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