My fellow Iowans have it right!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Being an ex-Iowan I've complained about how Iowans have an inferiority complex hence they voted in their caucuses in 2008 for Obama as they had to "stand" literally for Obama and being afraid of countless microphones, news hacks ready to stomp all over the ignorant dumb farmers, Iowans were afraid of being racists... voted for the worst President.
They’re Trump-strong in rural Iowa — and not changing their minds
They’re Trump-strong in rural Iowa — and not changing their minds

Here is an excerpt from the article that substantiates my opinion and literally millions of people that have come to the conclusion the biased MSM is full of crap when it comes to President Trump!
  • Trump began by saying we are a nation of believers and that “together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer.” Democrats want prayer out of the public sphere.
  • Trump called the Las Vegas shooting a “horrific mass murder” and an “act of pure evil.” Democrats blame the guns and want to take yours away.
  • Trump honored the heroes of Las Vegas, including the police officers and other first responders. Democrats elevate thugs and view our protectors in blue with disdain.
  • Trump quotes scripture. Democrats ridicule those who do.
  • Trump stresses unity. Democrats divide American society into victims and oppressors.
  • Trump says, “We love our country.” Obama went on an international apology tour.
  • Trump says, “We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life.” Democrats murder babies.
  • Trump says, “We believe in strong families.” Democratic policies pull them apart.Trump says, “We are proud of our history.” Democrats tear down monuments.
  • Trump says, “We respect our great American flag.” Democrats take a knee.
These are all points that millions of us "deplorables" agree with Trump on and recognize the biased MSM and their ignorant followers detest.

Jesus must have been a democrat he also said that prayer in public wasn't right and that it is a personal matter and should be done in a non-public place alone..
Jesus must have been a democrat he also said that prayer in public wasn't right and that it is a personal matter and should be done in a non-public place alone..
No actually Jesus was decrying pompous self-inflated people that prayed ostentatiously to show how pious they were.
Get your story straight by going to the source which I'm sure is totally forbidden by your Satantic/witch craft teachings.
The fact is Jesus NEVER said don't pray in public. You made that up! Jesus said "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites,"

Matthew 6:5-15New International Version (NIV)
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him

The point is still valid democrats and people like you are all show and no dough. You talk the talk but never walk the walk!
That's the point of these statements:
  • Trump began by saying we are a nation of believers and that “together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer.” Democrats want prayer out of the public sphere.
  • Trump called the Las Vegas shooting a “horrific mass murder” and an “act of pure evil.” Democrats blame the guns and want to take yours away.
  • Trump honored the heroes of Las Vegas, including the police officers and other first responders. Democrats elevate thugs and view our protectors in blue with disdain.
  • Trump quotes scripture. Democrats ridicule those who do.
  • Trump stresses unity. Democrats divide American society into victims and oppressors.
  • Trump says, “We love our country.” Obama went on an international apology tour.
  • Trump says, “We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life.” Democrats murder babies.
  • Trump says, “We believe in strong families.” Democratic policies pull them apart.Trump says, “We are proud of our history.” Democrats tear down monuments.
  • Trump says, “We respect our great American flag.” Democrats take a knee.
These are all points that millions of us "deplorables" agree with Trump on and recognize the biased MSM and their ignorant followers detest.

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