My guess is that Trump and his criminal crew can be charged now

And what are you contributing?

Anyone that disagree with any of your notions is wasting bandwidth in your mind, so what is the point conversing with individuals like you?

MSNBC had the smoking gun on Trump a few years back about him being owned by the Russians until they discovered they were being trolled, so Trump slithered out of it and let me tell you the fact is Trump will never spend a damn day in Prison and will most likely win in 2024 and it is because of those like you!

Also there is no way the Democratic Party will retain the House and will most likely lose the Senate by one or two seats in this upcoming election, so understand your side is digging it own grave and all the right has to do is let you guys do it…

Trump is like Hillary and neither will see a day in Orange, well at least in a Orange jump suit but I will wager this and after the November Election if the GOP does not retake the House I will leave for one month but if the GOP takes the House, Senate and Trump is not arrested then you must fully acknowledge your are just another clown, so do you want to make this bet?
Goofy comment. I throw people out when all they got is they don't like me, they think I'm dumb, Who in the hell care what they think of me. , If thats it without adding anything else they are gone,. as it should be in all cases like that.
I believe what they are doing is waiting till it can reflect on the 2022 election as much as possible. I don't know if it can compensate for the Right wing states taking away the votes of Democrats but it will be dam close. It's usually a automatic that the party out of office gains seats in the midterm elections but this will blunt that to a degree.
They can be charged now. They have enough evidence on all fronts. Not just the January 6th attack, but election crimes, and Trumps civil and criminal liability is ready to be processed.
They can be charged now. They have enough evidence on all fronts. Not just the January 6th attack, but election crimes, and Trumps civil and criminal liability is ready to be processed.
Yup .wait till we are closer to 2022.
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They can be charged now. They have enough evidence on all fronts. Not just the January 6th attack, but election crimes, and Trumps civil and criminal liability is ready to be processed.
I trust Garland not to over-reach, but I'm not so sure about NY. Any actual charges would need to be air tight, especially considering the fact that any jury trial will include some cult members in the jury box.
Da Fuq?

No one's vote has been taken from them. No one's vote WILL be taken from them.

Misinformation and outright lies.
It was very close last time, and only because the Right got caught;
Goofy comment. I throw people out when all they got is they don't like me, they think I'm dumb, Who in the hell care what they think of me. , If thats it without adding anything else they are gone,. as it should be in all cases like that.
Toss me out then and fuck off…

Trump ain’t going to Prison, the GOP will retake the House and most likely the Senate, and those like you will scream “ racism “…
The right has realized that they no longer can exist in a democracy , so selling out our country and forcing in a dictator is their direction of choice, they will do it by any means possible and that includes taking votes away from democrats and murder.They are the biggest threat to this country and we have had no threat like this since the civil war.
We in the rest of the world know very well that is true.
Here is a possibility , real conservatives in the party bail from the hate group the right calls a party , they have a position that is acceptable to the good people in this country, in fact their voice is as important as the progressive voice is in this country but that has nothing at all to do with the hate group they are forced to be in now. They start a conservative party by moving over from the hate party and they have a future, That group can survive in a democracy this hate group can't. as long as the hate group needs a criminal like Trump to hold their ground they are toast.
The crazies such as Gaitz, Marjorie, and the others of their ilk are the Albatross around America's neck. But how can they be eliminated when the people who chose them are just as crazy?
The crazies such as Gaitz, Marjorie, and the others of their ilk are the Albatross around America's neck. But how can they be eliminated when the people who chose them are just as crazy?
And that's the big question.

I've said it a thousand times: This isn't about Trump. It never was. It never is.

This is about a society that is so decayed that such a person could get within fifty fucking miles of the White House. This is the kind of person who enters the scene when a society is badly damaged. The world has seen this before.
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I trust Garland not to over-reach, but I'm not so sure about NY. Any actual charges would need to be air tight, especially considering the fact that any jury trial will include some cult members in the jury box.
Um, I don't think so. Latisha James certainly has the forensic evidence on the Trump family, especially when it comes to some of the financial stuff. But maybe not a slam dunk on all of it. But just enough to put a lot of heat on those pocket books.

I suspect the jury, as the charges, will be pretty secure. They'll know those jurors backwards and forward.

But you are right about one thing. The Trump cult. It's huge, and a big concern. I'm hoping in the years to come, as the Tea Party, it will begin to lose oxygen.
Um, I don't think so. Latisha James certainly has the forensic evidence on the Trump family, especially when it comes to some of the financial stuff. But maybe not a slam dunk on all of it. But just enough to put a lot of heat on those pocket books.

I suspect the jury, as the charges, will be pretty secure. They'll know those jurors backwards and forward.

But you are right about one thing. The Trump cult. It's huge, and a big concern. I'm hoping in the years to come, as the Tea Party, it will begin to lose oxygen.
What do you think about the announcement that James made last night? Did she need to do that? Is there some strategic value, such as making targets nervous?
This is the kind of person who enters the scene when a society is badly damaged. The world has seen this before.
Yes, that's the key point that needs to be understood. It's the very definition of how fascism can evolve out of a democracy.

But America can buy some time through the fact that the R party will most likely need the leadership of the country to accomplish it's fascist agenda.

America's system puts the president in charge of the military!

Fascism is accomplished by even elected leaders taking away the people's right to choose at the ballot box. If Trump can ever regain the presidency, there willl be no way of taking him down or taking down his chosen candidate to follow him.That's a carbon copy of what is being attempted now by the Republican party. Even though it's being done in a different way from how other fascist leaders consolidated power.

The Dem party must not continue to be so timid on telling the American people just how Trump is looking forward to permanent power of the presidency. Albeit, it's not too late yet.
I don't understand why there's not more talk about the subject in the article below.

It looks like many senior GOP leaders, in 5 battleground states, are facing some serious prison time. When that happens, the GOP political machines in those states are kaput.

Symbolism and humor are concepts to deep for shallow minds.
Yep, it's all over now for Trump and his gastapo. In other news big foot is RACIST!
Yes, that's the key point that needs to be understood. It's the very definition of how fascism can evolve out of a democracy.

But America can buy some time through the fact that the R party will most likely need the leadership of the country to accomplish it's fascist agenda.

America's system puts the president in charge of the military!

Fascism is accomplished by even elected leaders taking away the people's right to choose at the ballot box. If Trump can ever regain the presidency, there willl be no way of taking him down or taking down his chosen candidate to follow him.That's a carbon copy of what is being attempted now by the Republican party. Even though it's being done in a different way from how other fascist leaders consolidated power.

The Dem party must not continue to be so timid on telling the American people just how Trump is looking forward to permanent power of the presidency. Albeit, it's not too late yet.
We're teetering. Oddly enough, it could end up being the Supreme Court that saves our asses, as the cult keeps trying to go too far.

It's weird, living in historic times.

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