My guess is that Trump and his criminal crew can be charged now

Da Fuq?

No one's vote has been taken from them. No one's vote WILL be taken from them.

Misinformation and outright lies.
No lies , so since the court now in hate party states courts can now turn over a election without having to give a reason, and since they can take voting places out of at areas heavily populated mostly by democrats which they ahe already done. What you say is the lie not what I'm saying.
Then why all the voter suppression laws? Each state has its own voter ID requirements. Each state has its own ballot-signature matching verification. It's one of the reasons the system functions so well. And has..for decades...right up until the time the great savior lost his bid for re-election. :)

Do you mean right up until the pandemic voting rules and universal mail-in balloting being allowed? Yeah, right up until that. There is no way that would introduce any fraud into the system. :rolleyes:
Do you mean right up until the pandemic voting rules and universal mail-in balloting being allowed? Yeah, right up until that. There is no way that would introduce any fraud into the system. :rolleyes:
By state legislatures. Agreed upon ahead of time. And you can thank Republican lawmakers in these states for stringing the vote counting process out. No mail in votes could be counted prior to election day.
Sorry, mail in voting has been used successfully and without incident for decades by states and the military. You seemed to have no objection to it...until your savior lost. Why is that? :)
The evidence against them screams guilty.

Investigators from both the Department of Justice and the House Jan. 6 committee appear to be edging closer to former President Donald Trump and his immediate family for their roles in the events leading up to that day’s violent assault on the Capitol.
In a federal court filing Tuesday, lawyer Bilal Essayli said prosecutors asked his client, Jan. 6 defendant Brandon Straka, about his connections to Trump personally.

What do you think he answered? What does his phone say? Says he at least knew Eric Trump the day of the riots.

There's so much damning evidence. Is it desperate to tell you about it all?

CNN and ABC have both reported that the committee has also subpoenaed the phone records of Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of eldest son Donald Trump Jr. He, Guilfoyle and Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, also spoke at the Jan. 6 rally, as did Giuliani.
The former president capped off that event with a 72-minute speech in which he repeated his false claims that the election had been riddled with fraud and that he had actually won, and then urged the tens of thousands in attendance to march on the Capitol to pressure lawmakers and his own vice president to install Trump for a second term. “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he told them.

So doesn't matter. We have Trump on tape riling people up to go riot.

But I'm sure Team Trump was coordinating with people at the riot. That's what their phone records will show. Wait and see.

investigators are looking for a link to Trump personally, and appears to back up a pledge by Attorney General Merrick Garland to pursue the investigation wherever it may go.

Trump asked his followers to come to Washington that day and told the thousands who showed up that they should march to the Capitol to intimidate Mike Pence into doing what Trump wanted. “When you catch somebody in a fraud, you’re allowed to go by very different rules,” Trump said.

Having a mob presence at the Capitol was key to two possible scenarios Trump and his allies were pushing: One, pressuring Congress and Pence into declaring Trump the winner notwithstanding the actual election results, or, two, delaying the certification vote long enough for GOP lawmakers in states won by Biden to send their own slate of Trump electors.
The mob of supporters stormed the building and chanted “Hang Mike Pence” when the vice president did not do Trump’s bidding. The riot left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer, and four other officers took their own lives in the following weeks and months.
Though the House impeached Trump for inciting the attack, all but seven Senate Republicans, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, chose not to convict him ― thereby letting Trump continue his political career even as he is the subject of several investigations.
I think there will be a big Dem loss on both the congress fronts in 22. Too bad for the Dems and their corruption but there's a change of course for America that's going to come out of that. The Repubs will be sitting pretty and will be in the long-awaited position of not needing Trump anymore. Politics can then revert back to sanity.
The right has realized that they no longer can exist in a democracy , so selling out our country and forcing in a dictator is their direction of choice, they will do it by any means possible and that includes taking votes away from democrats and murder.They are the biggest threat to this country and we have had no threat like this since the civil war.
Here is a possibility , real conservatives in the party bail from the hate group the right calls a party , they have a position that is acceptable to the good people in this country, in fact their voice is as important as the progressive voice is in this country but that has nothing at all to do with the hate group they are forced to be in now. They start a conservative party by moving over from the hate party and they have a future, That group can survive in a democracy this hate group can't. as long as the hate group needs a criminal like Trump to hold their ground they are toast.
The right has realized that they no longer can exist in a democracy , so selling out our country and forcing in a dictator is their direction of choice, they will do it by any means possible and that includes taking votes away from democrats and murder.They are the biggest threat to this country and we have had no threat like this since the civil war.
Here is a possibility , real conservatives in the party bail from the hate group the right calls a party , they have a position that is acceptable to the good people in this country, in fact their voice is as important as the progressive voice is in this country but that has nothing at all to do with the hate group they are forced to be in now. They start a conservative party by moving over from the hate party and they have a future, That group can survive in a democracy this hate group can't. as long as the hate group needs a criminal like Trump to hold their ground they are toast.

I sincerely hope that our country is not too far gone to save it from the pure ignorance of today's Democrats. Maybe the indoctrination has set in and it is too late. I know our enemies are absolutely thrilled to see where Democrats are taking our country.
There are no voter suppression laws anywhere on the books. It is a lie and deliberate misinformation to call voter integrity a voter suppression l

So why in the hell is the hate party taking away the votes of democrats if it is a voter integrity issue. .Especially after the fairest election in the history of this country. You are a hoot. a walking talking Joke.
I sincerely hope that our country is not too far gone to save it from the pure ignorance of today's Democrats. Maybe the indoctrination has set in and it is too late. I know our enemies are absolutely thrilled to see where Democrats are taking our country.
Ya you bet , Your God and leader is literally the most hated man in the world. His followers are the laughing stock of the world.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Trumps not the only problem facing the libturds. *wait for it!*
2. TDS detector just went off again. lol!

I believe what they are doing is waiting till it can reflect on the 2022 election as much as possible. I don't know if it can compensate for the Right wing states taking away the votes of Democrats but it will be dam close. It's usually a automatic that the party out of office gains seats in the midterm elections but this will blunt that to a degree.

^^^Look at the nutjob conspiracy theorist, everyone!
Democrats should pay at the polls

Demorcats are making us pay in the pocket book

Democrats are making us pay at the gas station

Democrats are making us pay at the supermarkets

is there really a place in this world for the democrats when they cause so much damage to life
Speaker Pelosi's husband is being investigated for insider trading and fraud and Biden's son is up to his ears in criminal behavior, Fauci invested in the lab that allegedly released covid and dabbled in frankenstein experiments on monkeys but lefties still behave like losers and fantasize about the former president. I guess TDS is really a mental illness.
If you try to high jack my thread, you are gone. say go ahead
The pandemic was used as an excuse to summarily change rules in 2020. IF the legislature had done them, then no harm, no foul. Often, it was an AG or a commission or some other bureaucrat or judge. The Constitution clearly leaves state elections to state LEGISLATURES. That's why new rules were put in place. NO ONE is being kept from voting.
Wrong state elections for federal house and senate can be controled by the fed. you have no clue buddy.
Marvin just left the group, people who don't contribute anything at all should be put on ignore.
And what are you contributing?

Anyone that disagree with any of your notions is wasting bandwidth in your mind, so what is the point conversing with individuals like you?

MSNBC had the smoking gun on Trump a few years back about him being owned by the Russians until they discovered they were being trolled, so Trump slithered out of it and let me tell you the fact is Trump will never spend a damn day in Prison and will most likely win in 2024 and it is because of those like you!

Also there is no way the Democratic Party will retain the House and will most likely lose the Senate by one or two seats in this upcoming election, so understand your side is digging it own grave and all the right has to do is let you guys do it…

Trump is like Hillary and neither will see a day in Orange, well at least in a Orange jump suit but I will wager this and after the November Election if the GOP does not retake the House I will leave for one month but if the GOP takes the House, Senate and Trump is not arrested then you must fully acknowledge your are just another clown, so do you want to make this bet?

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