My guess is that Trump and his criminal crew can be charged now

What do you think about the announcement that James made last night? Did she need to do that? Is there some strategic value, such as making targets nervous?
We'll, seeing that I have a tendency to be more aggressive by nature, I think it was bold, clear, decisive, and the right thing to do. Why? Because the clock is ticking. Time is not on our side. Falling back to a defensive position is not a luxury we can afford.

We are dealing with a callus group of people, who will do any and everything to stall this investigation and run out the clock. After all, they're criminals. I say go for the juggler now, not later. We have enough to make their lives miserable with what we have. And what is the justice? If nothing else, but to make their lives miserable.

And speaking of justice, what happened with holding Trump accountable for the very crime Michael Cohen went to prison for, that Trump was in charge of? I would go after that, yesterday.

At some point, falling back becomes ridiculous and weak. Go with it. The SOB is not above the law, and he's guilty as sin.
We'll, seeing that I have a tendency to be more aggressive by nature, I think it was bold, clear, decisive, and the right thing to do. Why? Because the clock is ticking. Time is not on our side. Falling back to a defensive position is not a luxury we can afford.

We are dealing with a callus group of people, who will do any and everything to stall this investigation and run out the clock. After all, they're criminals. I say go for the juggler now, not later. We have enough to make their lives miserable with what we have. And what is the justice? If nothing else, but to make their lives miserable.

And speaking of justice, what happened with holding Trump accountable for the very crime Michael Cohen went to prison for, that Trump was in charge of? I would go after that, yesterday.

At some point, falling back becomes ridiculous and weak. Go with it. The SOB is not above the law, and he's guilty as sin.
The NY case is cut and dried. The GA case is cut and dried. The insurrection information is looking fairly clear, with only clarity at the very top needed.

But I learned a long time ago not to make predictions, assumptions. I'm not going to be holding my breath on any of this.
We're teetering. Oddly enough, it could end up being the Supreme Court that saves our asses, as the cult keeps trying to go too far.

It's weird, living in historic times.
Yes, possibly the Scotus.
But I would suggest that it mostly hinges on the political climate going forward and into the critical time. In other words, if the political climate had returned to normal, there's little doubt that Trump would have been either arrested and jailed for life, or he would have faced the same fate as any other failed leader of a revolution.

And if the political climate is in Trump's favour, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and other authorities will be too afraid to move against Trump.

Even the US military has been infiltrated to some extent, but that could quickly turn to Trump gaining control of the military prematurely before an election.

I can imagine the absolute worst for Merrick Garland if he moves on Trump before he's secured by the country's support!
At some point, falling back becomes ridiculous and weak. Go with it. The SOB is not above the law, and he's guilty as sin.
Sadly, he is above the law and that should be as plain as day to everyone. He hasn't been arrested! If he was arrested and thrown in jail for his crimes, his supporters would quickly turn to allout action on his behalf.

Absorb that reality, regardless of how sad and painful it must be for many Americans.

Nobody wants to see military action being taken to stop Trump's faithful. It would result in thousands dead on both sides, even though it would eventually end with the government prevailing.
We'll, seeing that I have a tendency to be more aggressive by nature, I think it was bold, clear, decisive, and the right thing to do. Why? Because the clock is ticking. Time is not on our side. Falling back to a defensive position is not a luxury we can afford.

We are dealing with a callus group of people, who will do any and everything to stall this investigation and run out the clock. After all, they're criminals. I say go for the juggler now, not later. We have enough to make their lives miserable with what we have. And what is the justice? If nothing else, but to make their lives miserable.

And speaking of justice, what happened with holding Trump accountable for the very crime Michael Cohen went to prison for, that Trump was in charge of? I would go after that, yesterday.

At some point, falling back becomes ridiculous and weak. Go with it. The SOB is not above the law, and he's guilty as sin.
And that's the main problem with the old, out of step Democratic party leadership. Most of the old farts still don't get they are in a war. They believe that truth and ideas will win the day.
When nothing of the sort will happen. They don't understand they need to fight as if their political futures depend on it....the young ones understand this..but keep getting pushed out of the way.
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No lies , so since the court now in hate party states courts can now turn over a election without having to give a reason, and since they can take voting places out of at areas heavily populated mostly by democrats which they ahe already done. What you say is the lie not what I'm saying.
You are just promoting misinformation and lies at a crazy pace.

The courts are not in any party, any election since the beginning of the nation can be overturned when its proven to be fraudulent (or why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to lie about it?)

Voting places are determined by population, not political party dip shit. NO PERSON WILL LOSE THE RIGHT TO VOTE IF THEY HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO VOTE.

No votes have been stolen, no votes have been denied. No votes WILL be stolen and NO Votes will be denied if you have a right to vote.

But you cannot wait until the counting is over to cast a vote and expect it to count.
The NY case is cut and dried. The GA case is cut and dried. The insurrection information is looking fairly clear, with only clarity at the very top needed.

But I learned a long time ago not to make predictions, assumptions. I'm not going to be holding my breath on any of this.
I see your point, believe me. I really do. But remember one thing, the GOP fractured this country way before Trump, "BUY DESIGN." Trump's just been the vehicle to take them over the top today, with such a wide swath of scandalous adventures, we can hardly keep up with. And the reasons the GOP took us to this bad place are many. But we won't get into that, because I think most of us are smart enough to paint that picture for ourselves.

What we have to deal with is the "now." And the "now" is accountability for all these crimes. We have to hit them ten times harder and faster than they are hitting us, and we need to do it fast.

My hope is, that Garland isn't going to pussy foot around too long with these voter suppression bills, because this screams "steal the election at all costs" by the GOP, at any means necessary. These folks aren't concerned over legalities, voting integrity, honesty, or hiding their transgressions. I've said this hundreds of times before. They want the power and control. And they'll do anything to get it. They are acting like desperate criminals themselves, because they know the demographics only get worse for them.

The GOP's end game is something similar to Apartheid, I am 100% convinced about that, if not worse.

And the only thing standing in the way of that end game, is our vote. And to muddy up the waters legally for them, by way of prosecuting all these election and sedition crimes.

Let's get busy.
I see your point, believe me. I really do. But remember one thing, the GOP fractured this country way before Trump, "BUY DESIGN." Trump's just been the vehicle to take them over the top today, with such a wide swath of scandalous adventures, we can hardly keep up with. And the reasons the GOP took us to this bad place are many. But we won't get into that, because I think most of us are smart enough to paint that picture for ourselves.

What we have to deal with is the "now." And the "now" is accountability for all these crimes. We have to hit them ten times harder and faster than they are hitting us, and we need to do it fast.

My hope is, that Garland isn't going to pussy foot around too long with these voter suppression bills, because this screams "steal the election at all costs" by the GOP, at any means necessary. These folks aren't concerned over legalities, voting integrity, honesty, or hiding their transgressions. I've said this hundreds of times before. They want the power and control. And they'll do anything to get it. They are acting like desperate criminals themselves, because they know the demographics only get worse for them.

The GOP's end game is something similar to Apartheid, I am 100% convinced about that, if not worse.

And the only thing standing in the way of that end game, is our vote. And to muddy up the waters legally for them, by way of prosecuting all these election and sedition crimes.

Let's get busy.
There are hopeful signs. The news that just broke, that the Supes won't block Trump's records for Jan 6. That state (Ohio?) Supreme Court that threw out a comically biased redistricting map. And most of all, the committee will be shut down, assuming the GOP wins in Nov, but that won't stop Garland and the DOJ.

Yeah, here's hoping.
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The NY case is cut and dried. The GA case is cut and dried. The insurrection information is looking fairly clear, with only clarity at the very top needed.

But I learned a long time ago not to make predictions, assumptions. I'm not going to be holding my breath on any of this.

Your little hate cult is getting smaller every day. Tell us how you can't get Covid if you're vaccinated.

And that's the main problem with the old, out of step Democratic party leadership. Most of the old farts still don't get they are in a war. They believe that truth and ideas will win the day.
When nothing of the sort will happen. They don't understand they need to fight as if their political futures depend on it....the young ones understand this..but keep getting pushed out of the way.
You are absolutely right. They don't think it's as bad as it really is. But it is.

The GOP as we speak, are desperate. And they are acting like desperate criminals. Which by the way, they are. But not just by their actions have they proven desperate.
Their new laws reflect not just a criminal desperate, by way of election and sedition crimes, they fundamentally want to solidify white rule. Which is why they have left themselves wide open for scrutiny. Have you noticed how silent GOP leaders are today? Think about why? They no longer have a narrative that speaks for "we the people." I'm not sure they ever have. When the Left speaks of them as Authoritarians, do you see them pushing back? I don't. They are handing us the clues on a silver platter, and all but telling us with their silence, what their end game really is.

But, as you say, the old Democratic party has been blind sided. I don't think they really believe it, or choose to ignore. Either way, this country and the Left, have their work cut out.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its the democrats who are in a panic, not the GOP, we are cool as a cucumber, your walls are closing in on yourselves, and you are the reason they're closing.
2. Your last breath as a party nears, no one can save you now.
3. You've over played your hand on Trump, and its because of this your total collapse is at hand.
4. Nobody really cares, and no one will shed a tear when your party dies.
5. As you reach to the sky and cry out to God, god will turn his back on you too.
6. Just lay there and die already.

I believe what they are doing is waiting till it can reflect on the 2022 election as much as possible. I don't know if it can compensate for the Right wing states taking away the votes of Democrats but it will be dam close. It's usually a automatic that the party out of office gains seats in the midterm elections but this will blunt that to a degree.
GOD, please let the revolution begin. Amen
There are hopeful signs. The news that just broke, that the Supes won't block Trump's records for Jan 6. That state (Ohio?) Supreme Court that threw out a comically biased redistricting map. And most of all, the committee will be shut down, assuming the GOP wins in Nov, but that won't stop Garland and the DOJ.

Yeah, here's hoping.
It was an 8 to1 decision from a Trump court, with the idiot Thomas having the only 1 vote not to release the documents. LOL!
GOD, please let the revolution begin. Amen
Why? To hide all the cob webs of deceit, treason, dishonesty, criminality, and the like? Wow, using God in the name of everything bad. Now that's some fucked up shit right there.
I trust Garland not to over-reach, but I'm not so sure about NY. Any actual charges would need to be air tight, especially considering the fact that any jury trial will include some cult members in the jury box.
I think New York will be a slam dunk , it;s just numbers telling the story and it is hard to make them lie. His only defense has been a attempt to not give up the information and he has lost that battle. , The information says enough to bring him down in both the civil prosecution and criminal prosecution.
We in the rest of the world know very well that is true.

The crazies such as Gaitz, Marjorie, and the others of their ilk are the Albatross around America's neck. But how can they be eliminated when the people who chose them are just as crazy?
Criminally. Jan6

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