My guess is that Trump and his criminal crew can be charged now

What do you think about the announcement that James made last night? Did she need to do that? Is there some strategic value, such as making targets nervous?
For the public in numbers to understand the guilt so the court can't easily make a decision on their political lean. It won't squeeze it through when so many are watching and so many care and expect justice.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its the democrats who are in a panic, not the GOP, we are cool as a cucumber, your walls are closing in on yourselves, and you are the reason they're closing.
2. Your last breath as a party nears, no one can save you now.
3. You've over played your hand on Trump, and its because of this your total collapse is at hand.
4. Nobody really cares, and no one will shed a tear when your party dies.
5. As you reach to the sky and cry out to God, god will turn his back on you too.
6. Just lay there and die already.

Here's how it's going to go down traitor. With the 8 to 1 decision from the Roberts court, and 3 appointed justices by Trump, the documents are going to find sedition, and that Trump and his minions were the architects.

In New York, they've already released some of the hair on fire information about Trumps over inflated assets of hundreds of millions of dollars, and how he has been fleecing the IRS over his taxes. Can you believe that Trump declared one of his apartments at $296 million dollars, and the most expensive apartment in the world is just shy of $200 million. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: We are just beginning to go over the crime world of Donald the con man Trump. Stay tuned.
Here's how it's going to go down traitor. With the 8 to 1 decision from the Roberts court, and 3 appointed justices by Trump, the documents are going to find sedition, and that Trump and his minions were the architects.

In New York, they've already released some of the hair on fire information about Trumps over inflated assets of hundreds of millions of dollars, and how he has been fleecing the IRS over his taxes. Can you believe that Trump declared one of his apartments at $296 million dollars, and the most expensive apartment in the world is just shy of $200 million. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: We are just beginning to go over the crime world of Donald the con man Trump. Stay tuned.
Sorry bout that,

1. It will be a huge nothingburger.
2. More flinging of Democrats BS.
3. Don't you losers ever get tired of losing?

Somewhere Trump is laughing at you clowns on the left. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, that's the key point that needs to be understood. It's the very definition of how fascism can evolve out of a democracy.

But America can buy some time through the fact that the R party will most likely need the leadership of the country to accomplish it's fascist agenda.

America's system puts the president in charge of the military!

Fascism is accomplished by even elected leaders taking away the people's right to choose at the ballot box. If Trump can ever regain the presidency, there willl be no way of taking him down or taking down his chosen candidate to follow him.That's a carbon copy of what is being attempted now by the Republican party. Even though it's being done in a different way from how other fascist leaders consolidated power.

The Dem party must not continue to be so timid on telling the American people just how Trump is looking forward to permanent power of the presidency. Albeit, it's not too late yet.
Agreed, they are literally the the biggest threat and enemy of democracy and this country.They aren't the noble opposition, nor are they just a apposing opinion, they are the needed tools that every dictator in history has put together to support their dictatorship. They are this countrys biggest enemy by far , there is nothing even close to the threat they encompass . We haven't seen a threat like this since the civil war. If you are a patriot , you better take a militant position on this hate group or it will happen. They well give up our democracy to force in Trump or a Trumpet as a dictator to stay in power. They will kill to do this.
Build back broke is dead.
The Election Theft bill is dead.
Abolishing the filibuster is dead.


Fuck Joe Brandon. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and your parasitic ilk are completely fucked, and I suspect your reflexive insect instincts are sensing the impending boot coming down and squashing the juice out of your body parts. Enjoy.
The DOJ is slowly working its way up the Trump ladder.

Let us know when it gets to the first rung, bunghole.

The very few close to Trump that have been charged with anything at all later all got released and their records expunged of the bogus charges.
Speaker Pelosi's husband is being investigated for insider trading and fraud and Biden's son is up to his ears in criminal behavior, Fauci invested in the lab that allegedly released covid and dabbled in frankenstein experiments on monkeys but lefties still behave like losers and fantasize about the former president. I guess TDS is really a mental illness.

Don't forget their love of killing babies and chopping up the parts for tissue experiments.
I believe what they are doing is waiting till it can reflect on the 2022 election as much as possible. I don't know if it can compensate for the Right wing states taking away the votes of Democrats but it will be dam close. It's usually a automatic that the party out of office gains seats in the midterm elections but this will blunt that to a degree.
“We have him right where we want him this time.” - Episode 3,611

The DOJ is slowly working its way up the Trump ladder.
Whether that lands Trump himself in hot water, remains to be seen.
Six months ago, I would have said there was almost no possibility Trump
would ever have to face any repercussions for his so sure. :)

While they are at it they should be working their way up the Bidung ladder. Lots to see there.

Oh wait. I forgot. Bidung is a Dem and therefore untouchable. Never Mind.
While they are at it they should be working their way up the Bidung ladder. Lots to see there.

Oh wait. I forgot. Bidung is a Dem and therefore untouchable. Never Mind.
Sure. If you'd like to make shit up, go for it. Gonna be a short ladder though.
Now Trump's on the other hand?...that ladder could go on forever. :)

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