My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.

Can someone tell me how a guy who isn't responsible enough to drink a beer can buy an AR-15?

You know every other first world country is just scratching there heads at the US. Just to compare EU hasn't had a school mass murder since 2012 (4+ killed, it was 5)... And the last to die in a school shooting was April 2015 and that was one person dead (used a crossbow), so Europe is going for 3 years in a couple of months...
way to insult the bulk of our military with this post. What do you think the age of most personnel going into the service is?
So genius how would you stop it?

Gun free doesn’t

Thorough security measures by professionals with only two main entrances to the school manned by professional security personnel and metal detectors. It should be as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane.

It would be paid for by the gun industry and gun owners as they are the ones causing the problem.

Okay, first of all, it already IS as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane, which is why we now have armed pilots. And as you can see, I for one am all in favor of continuing to follow that model by also having armed teachers/security guards.

Second of all, may I point out that YOU are the one insisting that everyone be kept helpless in the face of evildoers, and every single school shooting in this country has taken place under YOUR point of view, not mine, which makes YOU the one causing the problem. So if you want to point fingers, why don't you start with the idiots like yourself whose pie-in-the-sky daydreams of "gun free zones" have actually killed people? Don't even START trying on that self-righteous blame game while the blood drips off your hands.
I think probably you never enter a school and you never fly because you are completely wrong about how difficult it is to enter a school or get on a plane. The security for entering schools in America is 1) walk in and go to reception where they ask what you want and give you a pass to hang on your blouse/shirt. And that's it. Most schools have no security. And they have multiple entrances, If you don't enter by the main door that goes into the reception area, you just walk in w/o anyone paying any attention. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been teaching for 30 years.

If you don't fly, I guess you don't know the security one goes through. You must first buy a ticket, check in, show ID, and get a boarding pass. Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you go through a security process where your bag, shoes, coat, purse, etc., are removed and put through an xray machine that examines the contents. You walk through a metal detector and if the buzzer goes off, you are patted down, There have been no hijackings or bombs on planes because this search is so thorough. Getting into a school is nothing whatsoever like this.

The fact people like you want teachers to be armed just illustrates your obession with guns, as if everyone on the planet needs to carry in order to survive. The perspective is juvenile.

I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.
Thorough security measures by professionals with only two main entrances to the school manned by professional security personnel and metal detectors. It should be as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane.

It would be paid for by the gun industry and gun owners as they are the ones causing the problem.

Okay, first of all, it already IS as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane, which is why we now have armed pilots. And as you can see, I for one am all in favor of continuing to follow that model by also having armed teachers/security guards.

Second of all, may I point out that YOU are the one insisting that everyone be kept helpless in the face of evildoers, and every single school shooting in this country has taken place under YOUR point of view, not mine, which makes YOU the one causing the problem. So if you want to point fingers, why don't you start with the idiots like yourself whose pie-in-the-sky daydreams of "gun free zones" have actually killed people? Don't even START trying on that self-righteous blame game while the blood drips off your hands.
I think probably you never enter a school and you never fly because you are completely wrong about how difficult it is to enter a school or get on a plane. The security for entering schools in America is 1) walk in and go to reception where they ask what you want and give you a pass to hang on your blouse/shirt. And that's it. Most schools have no security. And they have multiple entrances, If you don't enter by the main door that goes into the reception area, you just walk in w/o anyone paying any attention. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been teaching for 30 years.

If you don't fly, I guess you don't know the security one goes through. You must first buy a ticket, check in, show ID, and get a boarding pass. Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you go through a security process where your bag, shoes, coat, purse, etc., are removed and put through an xray machine that examines the contents. You walk through a metal detector and if the buzzer goes off, you are patted down, There have been no hijackings or bombs on planes because this search is so thorough. Getting into a school is nothing whatsoever like this.

The fact people like you want teachers to be armed just illustrates your obession with guns, as if everyone on the planet needs to carry in order to survive. The perspective is juvenile.

I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.
We should be doing drills in school to prepare teachers and students to deal with this. We prepare for fires. We prepare for tornados. Heck we used to prepare for nuclear strikes. This is just good common sense
Okay, first of all, it already IS as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane, which is why we now have armed pilots. And as you can see, I for one am all in favor of continuing to follow that model by also having armed teachers/security guards.

Second of all, may I point out that YOU are the one insisting that everyone be kept helpless in the face of evildoers, and every single school shooting in this country has taken place under YOUR point of view, not mine, which makes YOU the one causing the problem. So if you want to point fingers, why don't you start with the idiots like yourself whose pie-in-the-sky daydreams of "gun free zones" have actually killed people? Don't even START trying on that self-righteous blame game while the blood drips off your hands.
I think probably you never enter a school and you never fly because you are completely wrong about how difficult it is to enter a school or get on a plane. The security for entering schools in America is 1) walk in and go to reception where they ask what you want and give you a pass to hang on your blouse/shirt. And that's it. Most schools have no security. And they have multiple entrances, If you don't enter by the main door that goes into the reception area, you just walk in w/o anyone paying any attention. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been teaching for 30 years.

If you don't fly, I guess you don't know the security one goes through. You must first buy a ticket, check in, show ID, and get a boarding pass. Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you go through a security process where your bag, shoes, coat, purse, etc., are removed and put through an xray machine that examines the contents. You walk through a metal detector and if the buzzer goes off, you are patted down, There have been no hijackings or bombs on planes because this search is so thorough. Getting into a school is nothing whatsoever like this.

The fact people like you want teachers to be armed just illustrates your obession with guns, as if everyone on the planet needs to carry in order to survive. The perspective is juvenile.

I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.

There are certain types of weapons ( or look alikes) the average person doesnt really need. ( except in Alaska) Thats just my FUCKING opinion.
People shown to be unstable or threatening should never have them. PERIOD!!

How will this end? We'll hunker down and hope it never happens again.
99.9 percent of all shooting fatalities in the US are shootings by black kids in our big cities with the strictest gun control laws there are.
I think probably you never enter a school and you never fly because you are completely wrong about how difficult it is to enter a school or get on a plane. The security for entering schools in America is 1) walk in and go to reception where they ask what you want and give you a pass to hang on your blouse/shirt. And that's it. Most schools have no security. And they have multiple entrances, If you don't enter by the main door that goes into the reception area, you just walk in w/o anyone paying any attention. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been teaching for 30 years.

If you don't fly, I guess you don't know the security one goes through. You must first buy a ticket, check in, show ID, and get a boarding pass. Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you go through a security process where your bag, shoes, coat, purse, etc., are removed and put through an xray machine that examines the contents. You walk through a metal detector and if the buzzer goes off, you are patted down, There have been no hijackings or bombs on planes because this search is so thorough. Getting into a school is nothing whatsoever like this.

The fact people like you want teachers to be armed just illustrates your obession with guns, as if everyone on the planet needs to carry in order to survive. The perspective is juvenile.

I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.

There are certain types of weapons ( or look alikes) the average person doesnt really need. ( except in Alaska) Thats just my FUCKING opinion.
People shown to be unstable or threatening should never have them. PERIOD!!

How will this end? We'll hunker down and hope it never happens again.

There are bunch of things that I know for a certain fact people don't need. Even food many people could have a whole bunch less of.

Yet, because this country was founded on freedom my opinion matters jackshit.

If you want to live in some authoritarian hell-hole, you are free to leave. It seems like the traffic is a one way street from there to here though, I wonder why that is...
Thorough security measures by professionals with only two main entrances to the school manned by professional security personnel and metal detectors. It should be as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane.

It would be paid for by the gun industry and gun owners as they are the ones causing the problem.

Okay, first of all, it already IS as difficult to get into a school as it is to get on an airplane, which is why we now have armed pilots. And as you can see, I for one am all in favor of continuing to follow that model by also having armed teachers/security guards.

Second of all, may I point out that YOU are the one insisting that everyone be kept helpless in the face of evildoers, and every single school shooting in this country has taken place under YOUR point of view, not mine, which makes YOU the one causing the problem. So if you want to point fingers, why don't you start with the idiots like yourself whose pie-in-the-sky daydreams of "gun free zones" have actually killed people? Don't even START trying on that self-righteous blame game while the blood drips off your hands.
I think probably you never enter a school and you never fly because you are completely wrong about how difficult it is to enter a school or get on a plane. The security for entering schools in America is 1) walk in and go to reception where they ask what you want and give you a pass to hang on your blouse/shirt. And that's it. Most schools have no security. And they have multiple entrances, If you don't enter by the main door that goes into the reception area, you just walk in w/o anyone paying any attention. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been teaching for 30 years.

If you don't fly, I guess you don't know the security one goes through. You must first buy a ticket, check in, show ID, and get a boarding pass. Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you go through a security process where your bag, shoes, coat, purse, etc., are removed and put through an xray machine that examines the contents. You walk through a metal detector and if the buzzer goes off, you are patted down, There have been no hijackings or bombs on planes because this search is so thorough. Getting into a school is nothing whatsoever like this.

The fact people like you want teachers to be armed just illustrates your obession with guns, as if everyone on the planet needs to carry in order to survive. The perspective is juvenile.

I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.
it's always ok for the left to stereo type people and profile people. just don't do it to them or you're a bigot.
I can see why you fear people having guns, if they use them as carelessly and as little training as you use your brain.

As it happens, I have a school-age child (although admittedly, I don't allow him to attend public schools, because of the harmful policies of leftists like you), school-age grandchildren, and school-age grand-nieces and -nephews. So I actually spend a lot of time around schools.

The major difference that airport security has and schools don't is the very thing you're screeching against: armed security.

Everyone on the planet doesn't need to carry to survive. But someone other than criminals does, as the continuing spree killings demonstrate.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.

There are certain types of weapons ( or look alikes) the average person doesnt really need. ( except in Alaska) Thats just my FUCKING opinion.
People shown to be unstable or threatening should never have them. PERIOD!!

How will this end? We'll hunker down and hope it never happens again.

There are bunch of things that I know for a certain fact people don't need. Even food many people could have a whole bunch less of.

Yet, because this country was founded on freedom my opinion matters jackshit.

If you want to live in some authoritarian hell-hole, you are free to leave. It seems like the traffic is a one way street from there to here though, I wonder why that is...

Get a grip. I dont want to live in some authoritarian hell hole. Yes its a one way street here, people know they can get away with anything.

Arming teachers just isnt a smart idea. Locks inside doors and things of that nature are. Some of the changes you all want could be an authoritarian disaster too.
People who have proven they cant be responsible behind the wheel cant get a drivers licence. Deluded, potentially dangerous people shouldnt be able to buy powerful weapons.
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.

Can someone tell me how a guy who isn't responsible enough to drink a beer can buy an AR-15?

You know every other first world country is just scratching there heads at the US. Just to compare EU hasn't had a school mass murder since 2012 (4+ killed, it was 5)... And the last to die in a school shooting was April 2015 and that was one person dead (used a crossbow), so Europe is going for 3 years in a couple of months...
way to insult the bulk of our military with this post. What do you think the age of most personnel going into the service is?
These lefties don't think an 18 year old is competent to own a gun, yet they think we should all listen to a bunch of high school kids spewing shit about gun control.

You can't make this stuff up.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.

There are certain types of weapons ( or look alikes) the average person doesnt really need. ( except in Alaska) Thats just my FUCKING opinion.
People shown to be unstable or threatening should never have them. PERIOD!!

How will this end? We'll hunker down and hope it never happens again.

There are bunch of things that I know for a certain fact people don't need. Even food many people could have a whole bunch less of.

Yet, because this country was founded on freedom my opinion matters jackshit.

If you want to live in some authoritarian hell-hole, you are free to leave. It seems like the traffic is a one way street from there to here though, I wonder why that is...

Get a grip. I dont want to live in some authoritarian hell hole. Yes its a one way street here, people know they can get away with anything.

Arming teachers just isnt a smart idea. Locks inside doors and things of that nature are. Some of the changes you all want could be an authoritarian disaster too.
People who have proven they cant be responsible behind the wheel cant get a drivers licence. Deluded, potentially dangerous people shouldnt be able to buy powerful weapons.
Armed Guard's Presence Ended Arapahoe School Shooting in 80 Seconds | Breitbart
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.

Can someone tell me how a guy who isn't responsible enough to drink a beer can buy an AR-15?

You know every other first world country is just scratching there heads at the US. Just to compare EU hasn't had a school mass murder since 2012 (4+ killed, it was 5)... And the last to die in a school shooting was April 2015 and that was one person dead (used a crossbow), so Europe is going for 3 years in a couple of months...
way to insult the bulk of our military with this post. What do you think the age of most personnel going into the service is?
These lefties don't think an 18 year old is competent to own a gun, yet they think we should all listen to a bunch of high school kids spewing shit about gun control.

You can't make this stuff up.

"We refuse to lock up the criminals and nuts we've told how best to shoot your unprotected kids until you give us your guns!"
99.9 percent of all shooting fatalities in the US are shootings by black kids in our big cities with the strictest gun control laws there are.

wrong again. Most people are killed by members of their own race, usually family members.

.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.

Can someone tell me how a guy who isn't responsible enough to drink a beer can buy an AR-15?

You know every other first world country is just scratching there heads at the US. Just to compare EU hasn't had a school mass murder since 2012 (4+ killed, it was 5)... And the last to die in a school shooting was April 2015 and that was one person dead (used a crossbow), so Europe is going for 3 years in a couple of months...
way to insult the bulk of our military with this post. What do you think the age of most personnel going into the service is?
These lefties don't think an 18 year old is competent to own a gun, yet they think we should all listen to a bunch of high school kids spewing shit about gun control.

You can't make this stuff up.
I just want to know if their parents let them run their households? I mean, what is the difference? no experience in historical data and the actual gun and its use in killings, and what actually kills more people in homicides, knives, I mean, shit you're right, can't make it up.
The people who are afraid, who live in fear, are the people who need guns at their side day and night. People such as yourself. There is absolutely no rational reason for a private citizen to need an automatic or semi-automatic military style assault weapon. None. The only reason you people have them is because you are psychopaths. Frightened, sick psychos.

Its the frightened sick psychopaths who brag about it, but Its not fair for responsible owners to stereotype them like that..
Places like Switzerland don't have these problems and guns are ingrained into their culture. The US ignores the loons & always cries after the tragedy.
Im so glad those teens are standing up for this and I agree no private citizen needs any kind of military assault rifle.

Who in the fuck is suggesting miltary assault rifles? When has that even been the topic of debate?

If this were any more of a straw man, it would be dancing down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and Toto.

There are certain types of weapons ( or look alikes) the average person doesnt really need. ( except in Alaska) Thats just my FUCKING opinion.
People shown to be unstable or threatening should never have them. PERIOD!!

How will this end? We'll hunker down and hope it never happens again.

There are bunch of things that I know for a certain fact people don't need. Even food many people could have a whole bunch less of.

Yet, because this country was founded on freedom my opinion matters jackshit.

If you want to live in some authoritarian hell-hole, you are free to leave. It seems like the traffic is a one way street from there to here though, I wonder why that is...

Get a grip. I dont want to live in some authoritarian hell hole. Yes its a one way street here, people know they can get away with anything.

Arming teachers just isnt a smart idea. Locks inside doors and things of that nature are. Some of the changes you all want could be an authoritarian disaster too.
People who have proven they cant be responsible behind the wheel cant get a drivers licence. Deluded, potentially dangerous people shouldnt be able to buy powerful weapons.

WHY is arming teachers not a smart idea? You don't honestly think we're going to just accept your blank assertion at face value, do you? And why is scurrying from fortress to fortress in terror a smarter idea than simply defending ourselves? WHICH changes we want would be an authoritarian disaster? Why?

Who in the hell is suggesting that dangerous people SHOULD be able to buy powerful weapons? You're making all these arguments against positions no one's taking.
WHY is arming teachers not a smart idea? You don't honestly think we're going to just accept your blank assertion at face value, do you? And why is scurrying from fortress to fortress in terror a smarter idea than simply defending ourselves? WHICH changes we want would be an authoritarian disaster? Why?

Who in the hell is suggesting that dangerous people SHOULD be able to buy powerful weapons? You're making all these arguments against positions no one's taking.

Teaching is a profession where 50% of new teachers quit after 3 years because it is so stressful.

And you want to give them guns because the worst thing in the world to you is the government making a judgement call on whether or not you need a gun.
Some mass assassins don't always deploy assault rifles to execute people. The gunman in the 2007 Virginia Tech slaughter used semi-automatic handguns.
Military style semi automatic rifles and handguns should be effectively banned in order to lower the rate of public massacres and the rate of firearm homicides. By effectively banned I mean rigorous requirements must be met to possess either of the classes.

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