My own dayum OP ED about politics

Calling out their own kind!? I do all the time I say why aren’t we opening fire of invaders ? Why do we still have Muslims here trump!? We call him out all the time and all these things take time.. I believe over time as democrats get crushed republicans will implement things we really need

If that was even true, there'd be very few Trump supporters. He would've lost a bunch of them when he funded planned parenthood, HIS FIRST YEAR. And even less when he reauthorized FISA 702. And when he shoved the bump stock ban down our throats, he wouldn't have had enough to fight for him in the senate impeachment trial.
And let's not get into this this latest $1.4 trillion spending bill, that fund border walls in other countries. Or how he and Pelosi eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years (so we might see just how much Trump's really spending)

Funny, a Trump supporting calling Trump out on anything is about as rare as Halley's comet.
Fallacies... cool
We need to stop pretending that Libertarians are somehow moderate. Well, first they need to put together a sober party.

Who the hell said Libertarians were moderate? WTF is "moderate" anyways? Less extreme? Less radical than the current crop of socialist on the left, and fascist on the right?

Libertarians believe in a firm adherence to the COTUS. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Not taxing the hell out of the people for going to work. And not becoming a police state to the point that police have the authority to exerciser a "no knock raid" on someone for a simple drug possession charge. To not be spied on, without a warrant by our own government. To have the right to carry as much cash as you want, without having it confiscated by the cops. Especially when there's no charges filed.
You know, that whole liberty thing, that America was founded on.

That's not moderate. It's fucking American, dude.
I do not accept your assertion that the left started screaming how great the guy was. It made your whole post seem disingenuous since there is no evidence that anyone on the left did that.

Ok, then don't. If you can't get the point, then you just can't get it.
We need to stop pretending that Libertarians are somehow moderate. Well, first they need to put together a sober party.

Who the hell said Libertarians were moderate? WTF is "moderate" anyways? Less extreme? Less radical than the current crop of socialist on the left, and fascist on the right?

The guy you quoted from post #27 mentions middle of the road. I'm just making the point that libertarians are right of center to various degrees....usually.

Libertarians believe in a firm adherence to the COTUS.

Everyone claims that. I find Libertarians believe in the Constitution the same way religious zealots believe in the bible.

Fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Are they really? I mean I hear that a lot, too much and it's usually a cop out like compassionate conservative. I find safety nets to be socially and economically liberal.

Not taxing the hell out of the people for going to work.

Right. You don't want social security or medicare either. You'd prefer to let the health industry crush and bankrupt people. Libertarians appear to think that's the morally superior position. It's an extremist view. It's also a reason why Libertarians just aren't allowed to lead a country...any country. That's assuming you're that type of libertarian because god knows you get more than one of you in a room to debate what a true libertarian is.

And not becoming a police state to the point that police have the authority to exerciser a "no knock raid" on someone for a simple drug possession charge.

Eh, I've seen liberals and conservatives fall on the same side of this issue.

To not be spied on, without a warrant by our own government. To have the right to carry as much cash as you want, without having it confiscated by the cops. Especially when there's no charges filed.
You know, that whole liberty thing, that America was founded on.

Many if not most liberals and conservatives would agree. Nobody likes to be spied on. The differences are at the fringe, right? Is it OK to spy on mosques? That sort of thing.

That's not moderate. It's fucking American, dude.

It is America and having more than one idea floating around about what is American is kind of American too. Right?
Until the Libertarian party starts running electable candidates in Congressional and Senate races, makes inroads into state legislatures, starts a real grassroots campaign in more localized elections, putting their policy views square into the public's eyes and quits running drooling idiots like Gary Johnson, we will for the time being stuck with a two party system.
For now they are just known as another pot legalization party.

I didn't care for Gary Johnson. But who friggin cares? Seriously, It's not like God himself could break through the hurdles the R & D's have lined up or anyone in a third party. Except at the local levels. But even those races have their own ridiculous hurdles. Why do you think the LP has to spend soooo much money on court cases, just to get on the ballots. Why is it impossible for even an LP state senate candidate to get on the debate stage with the R & D candidate. And most of the time, they're not even televised.
There's LP candidates running for offices all over this country. From school board members to the POTUS. Some, I'll admit, are just stupid. But so are the Trump's and Pelosi's.

In Canada, we have ever fool from every fringe party from the Rhinoscerous Party to some right wing nazi party on our debate stage. In comparison, the Libertarians sound almost sane. But having them was a HUGE waste of time as NONE of the parties in question received enough votes to make it worthwhile.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I read the OP and whew that mfer has issues.
  2. See you are either a Republican or a commie bastard!
  3. There is no middle road now.
  4. Dems burnt that to hell.
  5. If the OP can't see it he's a fucking fool.
  6. Now thats telling the truth.
  7. Don't like it you had better learn something idiot!
  8. There is no sequel, learn or lose while learning.
  1. I read the OP and whew that mfer has issues.
  2. See you are either a Republican or a commie bastard!
  3. There is no middle road now.
  4. Dems burnt that to hell.
  5. If the OP can't see it he's a fucking fool.
  6. Now thats telling the truth.
  7. Don't like it you had better learn something idiot!
  8. There is no sequel, learn or lose while learning.
Sir James- you're an idiot of the highest caliber.
Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was.

Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.
He was no higher ranking than Admiral Yamamato of the Japanese navy in WWII

1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

That's not true, but you know that.
I suppose it would be more accurate to sat that iran has been at war with the US since we have not always responded in kind

there have been many iran sponsored attacks on the US but only trump has decided to respond with more than just talk
Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.
He was no higher ranking than Admiral Yamamato of the Japanese navy in WWII

1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.
Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween
He was no higher ranking than Admiral Yamamato of the Japanese navy in WWII

1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.
Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween

Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween
A Texan once quipped that the only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead skunks

sitting on the fence or voting for third party losers accomplishes nothing

Oh yeah, because voting republican and/or democrat is working out soooooo well for the country, right?

Its the only hope we have

trump could have gone third party and gotten nowhere

but he engaged the republican dragon and proved it wasnt unbeatable after all
1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.
Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween

Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween

Actually everyone does. Why did you feel the need to say it twice?
He was no higher ranking than Admiral Yamamato of the Japanese navy in WWII

1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.

Yep, if we were at war with them. In reality they wanted to get Iran back as a customer for weapons and a supplier of oil. SOP.
I hope not even the most America-hating democrats would be that stupid

they may think dark thoughts like that but I doubt if they would say so publically
A Texan once quipped that the only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead skunks

sitting on the fence or voting for third party losers accomplishes nothing

You're right. Your losers have clearly done a much better job
I think the best way to change the republican party for the better is to get into the game instead of sitting it out
1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.

Yep, if we were at war with them. In reality they wanted to get Iran back as a customer for weapons and a supplier of oil. SOP.
I hope not even the most America-hating democrats would be that stupid

they may think dark thoughts like that but I doubt if they would say so publically

Psst, talking Reagan Whitehouse there.

You're welcome.
The guy you quoted from post #27 mentions middle of the road. I'm just making the point that libertarians are right of center to various degrees....usually.

I know the R & D uses the left and right paradigm thingy. It makes things easier for the simply minded. I personally don't care for it, because it misrepresents way too much. This is much more accurate.

Everyone claims that. I find Libertarians believe in the Constitution the same way religious zealots believe in the bible.

Difference being, the Constitution can be proven. Where as the bible and the quran, who knows how true it is? No one really does. But we do know who the wrote it, who voted on it, who ratified it. We know all the amendments that were put in it and who voted for those.
We also know that US has strayed from it, 1,000 miles. What we don't know is, what would happen if the government were to go back to abiding by it. We know what we're going to get with another 100 years of R & D control.
Everyone's always hoping for change. Well, why the hell not change who we're voting for?

Are they really? I mean I hear that a lot, too much and it's usually a cop out like compassionate conservative. I find safety nets to be socially and economically liberal.

Yes, they really are. At least the real libertarians are. There are some who have drifted in from the republican party, who brought the GOP's BS with them. (as in what happened to the Tea Party of 07 & 08) And there's some die hard liberal/socialist who snuck in too. (See the OW movement)

Right. You don't want social security or medicare either. You'd prefer to let the health industry crush and bankrupt people. Libertarians appear to think that's the morally superior position. It's an extremist view. It's also a reason why Libertarians just aren't allowed to lead a country...any country. That's assuming you're that type of libertarian because god knows you get more than one of you in a room to debate what a true libertarian is.

No libertarian I know what's to just end those programs overnight, without something as good or better to replace them.
But it's a HUGE misconception that libertarians just want to end programs that help people who can't help themselves, all of a sudden like. It's the end result. That's true enough. But there's a lot of things that need to happen first. One of the most important would be getting the USD value under control.
One thing that folks don't understand about libertarians and their plans, is that there are so many things that have been confused about so many other things. And that there's not one individual idea can solve even one problem.
The USD value touched everything it touches. And it's something libertarians focus a lot on.

Eh, I've seen liberals and conservatives fall on the same side of this issue.

So after 160 years of R & D control, why does the problem continue to get worse? Because R & D's only seem to care about it. But when you get right down to it, they don't do anything. "What you do means a whole lot more than anything you've got to say." Lip service, during election time, is about all we get. In fact, with every congressional session, every presidential term, it get worse.

Many if not most liberals and conservatives would agree. Nobody likes to be spied on. The differences are at the fringe, right? Is it OK to spy on mosques? That sort of thing.

I don't think it's wrong for the US government to spy on Americans. Just get a dayum warrant to do it. FISA 702, passed by both R & D's allows the government to spy on Americans without a warrant. Trump complained about FISA 702 being used on him during the campaign. But reauthorized it after becoming president.

It is America and having more than one idea floating around about what is American is kind of American too. Right?

Absolutely right. Problem is, the R & D only claim to have better ideas. But they never get any good idea's to the forefront. They can come up with a good idea, like "audit the fed." But by the time it comes to fruition, it's watered down to the point that it's meaningless.
The ACA sounded like a good idea. Turns out it was nothing more than a bailout for the health insurance industry. Bombing Iraq. Tax reductions with spending increases. SS is a good one. Until they started taxing it. Borrowing from the fed, for emergency spending would be a good idea. But borrowing trillions just to keep the economy going, not so much.
And both parties are guilty of all the above and a 1,000 more things.
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.

Yep, if we were at war with them. In reality they wanted to get Iran back as a customer for weapons and a supplier of oil. SOP.
I hope not even the most America-hating democrats would be that stupid

they may think dark thoughts like that but I doubt if they would say so publically

Psst, talking Reagan Whitehouse there.

You're welcome.

Reagan was as bad as Trump. Nothing conservative about either of the two. How Reagan got deemed the "Great Conservative" is beyond me. he should've been called the Great liberal.
Maybe "yurs truly" thinks he judged the political conflict on the basis of his alleged purist "libertarian' viewpoint but he is just another hypocrite fake who doesn't realize that he is being manipulated by the left wing mainstream propaganda. Ho-hum
I'm a conservative who normally votes libertarian. I'm not a die hard libertarian because there's too many fake libertarians. And there's too many whacko libertarian supporters. Plus I don't have a "group mentality."

But let's get something straight. One reason people like Tulsi Gabbard are interesting (to say the least), along with people like Ron Paul and Justin Amash, is they're not scared to call out their own party, plus the other party when they need to be called out.

As it seems, the Republicans and democrats have been running this country for over 160 years now. Both sides have had their majorities. Both sides could've done some good for this country. And my "good," I don't mean these penny anti tax reductions. Spending decreases on one thing (while increasing something else 10 fold) I'm talking about actual good things. Like 50% tax reductions across the board. Spending decreases on things like foreign policy, bailouts, the MIC, and probably 1000 other things that could be cut. You know, things that actually have some bite. Ron Paul's 2012 budget proposal would've cut $1 trillion is NOW spending. Not 10 years, not 5 years. But not. And it didn't touch one dime of social security.

But when people who don't subscribe to the left or right's BS, they're deemed _________________< You fill in the blank with your own childishly irrelevant insult. And with people like me, who calls out both sides, we get attacked by both sides. I swear, both sides could be arguing about something (stupid) and get called out on it. Then suddenly the two sides are best friends and starts attacking the one that called them both out.

The point is. the R & D's like arguing so much, they don't even care about what they're arguing for/against. 90% of the R & D's who are arguing, didn't have a clue about Soleimani, until the news broke that he's been assassinated. Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was. When in reality, they didn't even know who he was.

Stupid stupid stupid. It reminds me of Gary Johnson "Aleppo" moment. The next week, Aleppo was the most searched word in the USA. But that didn't stop the left and right from bashing him about it.

You folks need a little Aloha spirit. Or a big Aloha kick in the butts to remind you that all this fighting between R & D voters, is only going to get us another president who's just as stupid as this one is, and the last, and the last and so forth and so on.

LET'S DANCE!!!!!!!!


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