My own dayum OP ED about politics

I'm a conservative who normally votes libertarian. I'm not a die hard libertarian because there's too many fake libertarians. And there's too many whacko libertarian supporters. Plus I don't have a "group mentality."

But let's get something straight. One reason people like Tulsi Gabbard are interesting (to say the least), along with people like Ron Paul and Justin Amash, is they're not scared to call out their own party, plus the other party when they need to be called out.

As it seems, the Republicans and democrats have been running this country for over 160 years now. Both sides have had their majorities. Both sides could've done some good for this country. And my "good," I don't mean these penny anti tax reductions. Spending decreases on one thing (while increasing something else 10 fold) I'm talking about actual good things. Like 50% tax reductions across the board. Spending decreases on things like foreign policy, bailouts, the MIC, and probably 1000 other things that could be cut. You know, things that actually have some bite. Ron Paul's 2012 budget proposal would've cut $1 trillion is NOW spending. Not 10 years, not 5 years. But not. And it didn't touch one dime of social security.

But when people who don't subscribe to the left or right's BS, they're deemed _________________< You fill in the blank with your own childishly irrelevant insult. And with people like me, who calls out both sides, we get attacked by both sides. I swear, both sides could be arguing about something (stupid) and get called out on it. Then suddenly the two sides are best friends and starts attacking the one that called them both out.

The point is. the R & D's like arguing so much, they don't even care about what they're arguing for/against. 90% of the R & D's who are arguing, didn't have a clue about Soleimani, until the news broke that he's been assassinated. Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was. When in reality, they didn't even know who he was.

Stupid stupid stupid. It reminds me of Gary Johnson "Aleppo" moment. The next week, Aleppo was the most searched word in the USA. But that didn't stop the left and right from bashing him about it.

You folks need a little Aloha spirit. Or a big Aloha kick in the butts to remind you that all this fighting between R & D voters, is only going to get us another president who's just as stupid as this one is, and the last, and the last and so forth and so on.

LET'S DANCE!!!!!!!!

The problem with libertarians is it’s easy to be cynical and take potshots at everyone else, when most of your ideas will never be tested because they lack any sort of pragmatism whatsoever and equate to fantasy. There are no countries in the world practicing libertarianism, for its just a radical ideology, supported by tiny fractions.
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Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was.

Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.

Actually, he was a great guy - for Iran.

Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia
"Great guy" wasn't an exact quote. Oh wait, I get it. You got the point of the OP ED. And you probably agreed with some of it. But your left/right leaning ideology won't let you admit it. So you pick out a word or two to argue about.

Does that pretty much sum it up?
You're butt hurt now that your straw man has been called out so you're pretending you didn't make one.

Does that pretty much sum it up?

Nope. Still just a diversion - a transparent attempt to derail the thread. It's tempting to say you just don't get the point of the OP. But I suspect you do get it, and just don't want to hear about it - because it exposes your own cowardice and hypocrisy.
Democrats are calling that asshole a
“Beloved Public Official”

Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was.

Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.
Maybe "yurs truly" thinks he judged the political conflict on the basis of his alleged purist "libertarian' viewpoint but he is just another hypocrite fake who doesn't realize that he is being manipulated by the left wing mainstream propaganda. Ho-hum

It's funny, I didn't have a clue which way you'd tilt until the very end of your post. I've seen the same post verbatim with "left" replaced with "right". Go figure.
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We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.
Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween

Libs hand out that word like candy at Halloween

Actually everyone does. Why did you feel the need to say it twice?
Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.

Yep, if we were at war with them. In reality they wanted to get Iran back as a customer for weapons and a supplier of oil. SOP.
I hope not even the most America-hating democrats would be that stupid

they may think dark thoughts like that but I doubt if they would say so publically

Psst, talking Reagan Whitehouse there.

You're welcome.

Reagan was as bad as Trump. Nothing conservative about either of the two. How Reagan got deemed the "Great Conservative" is beyond me. he should've been called the Great liberal.
If reagan was not a conservative then why did liberals hate him so much?

he may not have lived up to your strict standards for a conservative, but then who does?
Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was.

Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.

"Great guy" wasn't an exact quote. Oh wait, I get it. You got the point of the OP ED. And you probably agreed with some of it. But your left/right leaning ideology won't let you admit it. So you pick out a word or two to argue about.

Does that pretty much sum it up?

You just won USMB.
Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was.

Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.

Actually, he was a great guy - for Iran.

Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia

And yet not one far left cult member to come in and tell this cult member they are wrong!
I'm a conservative who normally votes libertarian. I'm not a die hard libertarian because there's too many fake libertarians. And there's too many whacko libertarian supporters. Plus I don't have a "group mentality."

But let's get something straight. One reason people like Tulsi Gabbard are interesting (to say the least), along with people like Ron Paul and Justin Amash, is they're not scared to call out their own party, plus the other party when they need to be called out.

As it seems, the Republicans and democrats have been running this country for over 160 years now. Both sides have had their majorities. Both sides could've done some good for this country. And my "good," I don't mean these penny anti tax reductions. Spending decreases on one thing (while increasing something else 10 fold) I'm talking about actual good things. Like 50% tax reductions across the board. Spending decreases on things like foreign policy, bailouts, the MIC, and probably 1000 other things that could be cut. You know, things that actually have some bite. Ron Paul's 2012 budget proposal would've cut $1 trillion is NOW spending. Not 10 years, not 5 years. But not. And it didn't touch one dime of social security.

But when people who don't subscribe to the left or right's BS, they're deemed _________________< You fill in the blank with your own childishly irrelevant insult. And with people like me, who calls out both sides, we get attacked by both sides. I swear, both sides could be arguing about something (stupid) and get called out on it. Then suddenly the two sides are best friends and starts attacking the one that called them both out.

The point is. the R & D's like arguing so much, they don't even care about what they're arguing for/against. 90% of the R & D's who are arguing, didn't have a clue about Soleimani, until the news broke that he's been assassinated. Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was. When in reality, they didn't even know who he was.

Stupid stupid stupid. It reminds me of Gary Johnson "Aleppo" moment. The next week, Aleppo was the most searched word in the USA. But that didn't stop the left and right from bashing him about it.

You folks need a little Aloha spirit. Or a big Aloha kick in the butts to remind you that all this fighting between R & D voters, is only going to get us another president who's just as stupid as this one is, and the last, and the last and so forth and so on.

LET'S DANCE!!!!!!!!

Not just the right or left man, there is a rabid center to. And they are annoying as the other two sides.
Who exactly said that he was a great guy? Must have missed that. I've heard a lot of Americans talk about the consequences of the targeted assassination of such a high level Iranian official. A lot of Trumpublicans want to blame Obama...of course, that's par for their course. But no one is calling him a great guy.
He was no higher ranking than Admiral Yamamato of the Japanese navy in WWII

1943 we were at war with Japan. What is wrong with you people?
We have been at war with iran since 1979

Interesting war theory you have there. So the Raygun administration was actually traitors for secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran beginning in 1981? Sneaky bastards!

That actually would be treason.
Seeing as it was un-Constitutional as well, yes, definitely.
Reagan was as bad as Trump. Nothing conservative about either of the two. How Reagan got deemed the "Great Conservative" is beyond me. he should've been called the Great liberal.
If reagan was not a conservative then why did liberals hate him so much?

he may not have lived up to your strict standards for a conservative, but then who does?[/QUOTE]

My strict libertarian standard? I suppose you're right. Because I don't think that a tax decrease followed by spending increases is conservative. Especially when spending, under Reagan went above $1 trillion. Reagan was THE first to spend more than $1 trillion.
And then he gave us the 17 debt ceiling increases and 4 tax increases.

I'm not sure if the amnesty he gave to like 6 million illegals could be considered conservative or not. I'm a conservative and have a silly notion that "all men are created equal." So then I suppose that act was pretty conservative. More "morally correct" than conservative, IMO.
But selling arms to foreign countries and spending this country into the initial realms of the oblivion was definitely not conservative.
I'm a conservative who normally votes libertarian. I'm not a die hard libertarian because there's too many fake libertarians. And there's too many whacko libertarian supporters. Plus I don't have a "group mentality."

But let's get something straight. One reason people like Tulsi Gabbard are interesting (to say the least), along with people like Ron Paul and Justin Amash, is they're not scared to call out their own party, plus the other party when they need to be called out.

As it seems, the Republicans and democrats have been running this country for over 160 years now. Both sides have had their majorities. Both sides could've done some good for this country. And my "good," I don't mean these penny anti tax reductions. Spending decreases on one thing (while increasing something else 10 fold) I'm talking about actual good things. Like 50% tax reductions across the board. Spending decreases on things like foreign policy, bailouts, the MIC, and probably 1000 other things that could be cut. You know, things that actually have some bite. Ron Paul's 2012 budget proposal would've cut $1 trillion is NOW spending. Not 10 years, not 5 years. But not. And it didn't touch one dime of social security.

But when people who don't subscribe to the left or right's BS, they're deemed _________________< You fill in the blank with your own childishly irrelevant insult. And with people like me, who calls out both sides, we get attacked by both sides. I swear, both sides could be arguing about something (stupid) and get called out on it. Then suddenly the two sides are best friends and starts attacking the one that called them both out.

The point is. the R & D's like arguing so much, they don't even care about what they're arguing for/against. 90% of the R & D's who are arguing, didn't have a clue about Soleimani, until the news broke that he's been assassinated. Suddenly, the stupid left started screaming how great the guy was. And the stupid right started screaming how bad the guy was. When in reality, they didn't even know who he was.

Stupid stupid stupid. It reminds me of Gary Johnson "Aleppo" moment. The next week, Aleppo was the most searched word in the USA. But that didn't stop the left and right from bashing him about it.

You folks need a little Aloha spirit. Or a big Aloha kick in the butts to remind you that all this fighting between R & D voters, is only going to get us another president who's just as stupid as this one is, and the last, and the last and so forth and so on.

LET'S DANCE!!!!!!!!

“Too many whacko libertarian supporters”

Reagan was as bad as Trump. Nothing conservative about either of the two. How Reagan got deemed the "Great Conservative" is beyond me. he should've been called the Great liberal.
If reagan was not a conservative then why did liberals hate him so much?

he may not have lived up to your strict standards for a conservative, but then who does?

My strict libertarian standard? I suppose you're right. Because I don't think that a tax decrease followed by spending increases is conservative. Especially when spending, under Reagan went above $1 trillion. Reagan was THE first to spend more than $1 trillion.
And then he gave us the 17 debt ceiling increases and 4 tax increases.

I'm not sure if the amnesty he gave to like 6 million illegals could be considered conservative or not. I'm a conservative and have a silly notion that "all men are created equal." So then I suppose that act was pretty conservative. More "morally correct" than conservative, IMO.
But selling arms to foreign countries and spending this country into the initial realms of the oblivion was definitely not conservative.[/QUOTE]

You are entitled to your opinion

Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative
Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative
The root of conservative is to conserve- to keep- in political speak that is status quo- fooled you, fooled you, I got pig iron, I got iron, I got all pig iron- most people don't know what conservative means- most people are fools for lying politicians lip service rhetoric- the founders were liberals- conservatives preferred the Kings rule- go figure. Today's Party elite don't give a rats ass as long as they remain in power- Democrats hated Reagan because he was a former Democrat turned Republican- Democrats ain't liberal- neither Party is- both are simple against the other side, ostensibly- inside the beltway, outside the spotlight they give each other congratulatory hand jobs with either hand-
You are entitled to your opinion

Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative

People accept silly stuff all the time. You know like when you repeat a lie enough time, enough people will believe it. Reagan talked conservatism very well. He was very articulate about it. But his actions were very liberal.

It could be that I've got conservatism all wrong. And that a republican is automatically a conservative. Which means we need a new word for those that actually abide by the constitution, cut spending and support people's civil liberties by adhering to the bill of rights. People that believe the government(s) should only tax what they need to run a government that strictly adheres to the COTUS.
Maybe the only party that supports those things now a days are libertarians.
Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative
The root of conservative is to conserve- to keep- in political speak that is status quo- fooled you, fooled you, I got pig iron, I got iron, I got all pig iron- most people don't know what conservative means- most people are fools for lying politicians lip service rhetoric- the founders were liberals- conservatives preferred the Kings rule- go figure. Today's Party elite don't give a rats ass as long as they remain in power- Democrats hated Reagan because he was a former Democrat turned Republican- Democrats ain't liberal- neither Party is- both are simple against the other side, ostensibly- inside the beltway, outside the spotlight they give each other congratulatory hand jobs with either hand-
I dont know what I would have been in 1776

but in my time I am a conservative
You are entitled to your opinion

Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative

People accept silly stuff all the time. You know like when you repeat a lie enough time, enough people will believe it. Reagan talked conservatism very well. He was very articulate about it. But his actions were very liberal.

It could be that I've got conservatism all wrong. And that a republican is automatically a conservative. Which means we need a new word for those that actually abide by the constitution, cut spending and support people's civil liberties by adhering to the bill of rights. People that believe the government(s) should only tax what they need to run a government that strictly adheres to the COTUS.
Maybe the only party that supports those things now a days are libertarians.
Many republicans in washington and in state houses join the republican party because they want to avoid having to find a regular job and could not get elected as a democrat

i cant help that

but the republican base is conservative and could use the help from conservatives like you
You are entitled to your opinion

Most people who are conservative accept reagan as a conservative

People accept silly stuff all the time. You know like when you repeat a lie enough time, enough people will believe it. Reagan talked conservatism very well. He was very articulate about it. But his actions were very liberal.

It could be that I've got conservatism all wrong. And that a republican is automatically a conservative. Which means we need a new word for those that actually abide by the constitution, cut spending and support people's civil liberties by adhering to the bill of rights. People that believe the government(s) should only tax what they need to run a government that strictly adheres to the COTUS.
Maybe the only party that supports those things now a days are libertarians.
Many republicans in washington and in state houses join the republican party because they want to avoid having to find a regular job and could not get elected as a democrat

i cant help that

but the republican base is conservative and could use the help from conservatives like you

Ron Paul tried for a couple of decades to bring conservatism back to the congress. Justin Amash was ran out of the republican party because he was actually conservative. Hell, Boehner kicked him off the budget committee for trying to balance the budget. So then there's that.
There's a couple of others that I'd still consider real conservatives. Rand Paul (for the most part) and Thomas Massie.

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