My State Rates #12 For Most Illegal Aliens, How About Your State?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I included a couple more links that may be of interest to my fellow USMB board members. I believe that the cost to American state taxpayers to house these millions of illegals does NOT include federal taxes, but on this issue I am not sure.

Az is number 9 with 450 thousand illegals. My state population is only 7 million so do the math. The poor people and veterans of Arizona are being squeezed out of resources and onto the street.
Virginia is #10....No surprise there, if you toss a dead cat in my AO you either hit a church, bank, or a illegal. ;)
Az is number 9 with 450 thousand illegals. My state population is only 7 million so do the math. The poor people and veterans of Arizona are being squeezed out of resources and onto the street.
MM; I am so sorry to hear about our Arizonians being so over run with so many illegals. Seven million population like U Arizonians are taking it in the shorts big time, and I thought us folks in the Socialist Republic of Washington State had it tough regarding the co$t of $upporting our illegals. I took a cruise on Google maps of the southern border of Texas, Arizona & New Mexico & was shocked to see that New Mexico/Arizona had areas where there was no border fence @ all. Guess it doesn't matter if the illegals can just walk through the check points @ will. The statist left will never stop short of their pipe dream of one world without borders, which if that happened would bring forth the end of the human race. Wow, low income AMERICANS & even VETERANS out of resources & forced out onto the streets like what a freakin' travesty of justice.

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