MY THOUGHTS ON THE ELECTION! (non gloating I promise)

Oct 18, 2008
I am so proud of the people of our country, after 8 years of Bush/Cheney neo-conservatist political rule they finally got it right and said we had enough of the divisiveness and divided states of america and we want true change not more of the same packaged as change!We put differences aside in the name of getting this country back on track and restoring our name and reputation in the world. The campaign was HIGHLY negative, on both sides but none worse than the McCain/Palin side. Instead of taking the high road Mccain took the low road choosing a campaign marred with BAD Karl Rove, Bush styled fear and smear at any and all least 200 proven factual LIES and misrepresentations of Obama but people saw through that...not till the final couple of weeks before the vote time did McCain try and change direction...not because he had an epiphany about what people truly cared about but because he saw his ship sinking.
The people have spoken and its now time to unite and support Obama in this new journey and here is to him leading us back the right way that we need to be! God Bless America and its people!
I'm glad Bush the Fascist is finally out. He never followed the Constitution. Hopefully in this new Presidency we can see President Obama implement policies based on the foundation of our Constitution.
I can promise you this, you wont see Dems jumping away from Obama in 8 years like the Bush people have. There are so many on here that wont even admit that they voted for Bush twice
I can honestly say I NEVER voted for Bush either time....I voted third party in 2000 cause I didnt like Gore at all and for Kerry in 2004
I can promise you this, you wont see Dems jumping away from Obama in 8 years like the Bush people have. There are so many on here that wont even admit that they voted for Bush twice
I can guarantee you'll see Dems running from Obama if he turns out to be a huge fuckup, that's just how politics works. It's a blood sport.
I voted for Bush twice. When given the choice between Bush, Algore and Lurch, it was pretty easy.
Liberals never ever miss an opportunity to bash Bush and Republicans, then out of the other side of yer snake like mouths talk about unity and all of us coming together ya hear!



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