My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

Helps with the MAGA voters who support Felons

Real Americans serve in their nation's military. Real Americans don't whine and piss themself over someone who hasn't held office in over three years. Real Americans don't destroy and loot their cities every time something don't go their way. Real Americans know genocide is a good thing.
Lawsuits are going to have to be the avenue. In order to do anything to them, the courts will have to get involved. The doj won’t touch it, congress won’t touch it, it’s going to have to be private lawsuits. Though…there is this. The left has weaponize the courts, doj, and state legal systems so that the government, and it’s unlimited source of taxpayer funding are able to go after a former president and a current private citizen, so maybe using the government agencies is warranted…?
But that's all desperate cult nonsense, so this can be ignored.
I was just thinking today, Trump has been indicted 91 times by Democrats abusing their power for political purposes.
Trump has been indicted only four times, not 91.

Many of those indictments come from Democrats running their campaigns on getting Trump. We have been hearing a lot lately about Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in a massive vote suppression scheme, which have been rejected not only by fellow Democrats but the courts as well. During all of this abuse of power to get Trump, Trump has been steadily climbing in the polls to the point where now most polls show Trump beating Biden by more than the margin of error. My point is, most of these indictments are nothing more than a pile of feces and Trump will win the vast majority of these cases, at which time the country will see Democrat's massive abuse of power to get Trump, propelling Trump to even higher numbers as these indictments, vote suppression schemes, and other abuses of power fall one by one.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Here's one of Trump's lawyers on the phone with Crooked Donald:

I was just thinking today, Trump has been indicted 91 times by Democrats abusing their power for political purposes. Many of those indictments come from Democrats running their campaigns on getting Trump. We have been hearing a lot lately about Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in a massive vote suppression scheme, which have been rejected not only by fellow Democrats but the courts as well. During all of this abuse of power to get Trump, Trump has been steadily climbing in the polls to the point where now most polls show Trump beating Biden by more than the margin of error. My point is, most of these indictments are nothing more than a pile of feces and Trump will win the vast majority of these cases, at which time the country will see Democrat's massive abuse of power to get Trump, propelling Trump to even higher numbers as these indictments, vote suppression schemes, and other abuses of power fall one by one.
He has been indicted by grand juries that have found cause for them.

Damn boi, you one stupid motherfucker.
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Thousands of pages of records is evidence
Trumps stupid statements are evidence
Testimony of Trump staff is evidence
They're not aware of any evidence because they have aggressively avoided reading the indictments.

And even if they DID read the indictments they'd deny all the evidence. As if they would know.
They're not aware of any evidence because they have aggressively avoided reading the indictments.

And even if they DID read the indictments they'd deny all the evidence. As if they would know.
The simple fact is, in the minds of Trump's deluded followers, The Donald is infallible. Literally.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Trump called the scourge a hoax. And so we have the Tru Bleevers actually denying Covid was a pandemic and claiming it was all some sort of WEF/D33P STAIT/Bill Gates plot to inject us with death juice/tracking devices.

To this day.

I don't know why, but their entire belief system is so fragile that they cannot mentally survive if Trump is wrong about ANYTHING.

Or guilty of anything.

A true cult with an infallible leader.
They don't read the indictments and have NO freaking clue about what evidence may be forthcoming.

They don't realize that a VAST majority of the evidence and testimony will be from TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE and a line of Republicans.

They have NO idea what Trump does with his day, or what he has done as they went about their lives.

But they're able to say, with great confidence, that all the charges are false. Absolutely false. Because HE SAYS SO.

This is a cult.
Yep. Magaturds would prefer to be mushrooms when it comes to the facts. Fuck 'em.

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