My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

Cults gonna cult!

Trump case.jpg
But that's all desperate cult nonsense, so this can be ignored.

Why not, I mean, the left has been going after trump non stop for almost 8 years, all for political gain. If he is found innocent of all the charges, he should counter sue every one of them, and bring the full weight of the federal and judicial system down on them, like they did to him. States should also get in on it. Make make it a party!

They deserve no less than what they are doing to him.

Try 2020 election steal.

Try that the former 1-term fuckup doesn’t love his bromance Pootin.

But will cheat with a Kim.

Hilarious post fuckup
Yes, the 2020 election steal amounted to nothing. In American history, many election results have been challenged, just that Trump took it to an all new level. As soon as he heard things were 'untoward' with how some of the ballots were being handled, he should have got evidence, no evidence, no case. But Trump just loves to steam roll over everything, Lefties just try based on dreams.

As for post fuck up, it's the Dems that always ran down the impeachment route with evidence based on dreams, and now with their current court case. So if you thought it was a post fuck up, you're back in dream world.
Why not, I mean, the left has been going after trump non stop for almost 8 years, all for political gain. If he is found innocent of all the charges, he should counter sue every one of them, and bring the full weight of the federal and judicial system down on them, like they did to him. States should also get in on it. Make make it a party!

They deserve no less than what they are doing to him.
Because the criminal indictments aganst Trump have merit, and your cult fantasies do not.

That's not something that should have to be explained to a functioning adult.
Yes, the 2020 election steal amounted to nothing. In American history, many election results have been challenged, just that Trump took it to an all new level. As soon as he heard things were 'untoward' with how some of the ballots were being handled, he should have got evidence, no evidence, no case. But Trump just loves to steam roll over everything, Lefties just try based on dreams.

As for post fuck up, it's the Dems that always ran down the impeachment route with evidence based on dreams, and now with their current court case. So if you thought it was a post fuck up, you're back in dream world.
Sure c-man

1. Did the former 1-term fuckup not ask Zalensky for a favor? They to push Rudy on him? Put a hold on critical weapons for the favor?

2. Did he not organize J6 and urge his followers to fight like hell and demand hang mike pence deny election filing?

Sure c-man

1. Did the former 1-term fuckup not ask Zalensky for a favor? They to push Rudy on him? Put a hold on critical weapons for the favor?

2. Did he not organize J6 and urge his followers to fight like hell and demand hang mike pence deny election filing?

They're going to close the community centre, let's fight to keep it open.

To you, does that mean -

1) Write to your MP, get local news involved, do charity events to raise funds, get a signature list of support etc.. make your voice heard

2) Cause violence, looting, destruction, pick up weapons etc..

Someone dying from a disease needs to fight for their life. What does that mean to you? Violence? Guns?

You watch Trump's speech and try to take it in as a mature person. Do you know what symbolic and literal means? I don't think so, that's glaringly obvious.

I'll admit, parking in a handicapped space was a mistake. But this is officer is trying to hang me for it!

Look at that!! That cop wanted to hang me. I think you need to grow the fuck up.
You watch Trump's speech and try to take it in as a mature person. Do you know what symbolic and literal means? I don't think so, that's glaringly obvious.
What embarrassing equivocation.

And you are conplaining to the wrong people. Go whine to the violent insurrectionists, who -- to a man -- said Trump clearly wanted them to do what they were doing. They called his tweets, "Orders".

How did ALL of them manage to get the "wrong message"?

Easy answer. They got the RIGHT message, and you aren't fooling anyone.
Because the criminal indictments aganst Trump have merit, and your cult fantasies do not.

That's not something that should have to be explained to a functioning adult.

That’s arguable. Some would say the indictments are political. Letitia james’ lawsuits are certainly political, because she campaigned on “get trump”. Most the rest of it is political because before he even got his campaign started, members of the left in congress were vowing to impeach him.

All I’m saying is if he beats all these charges, he should sue everyone who went after him. Kinda like dominion sueing for defamation, he should make the same move.

We know ALL of this is about one thing. It’s trump hate and an attempt to get him off the ballot and disqualified. That’s all this is about. I really think that none of you on the left actually care about the legality of anything trump may have done. The whole thing is about his running for president.

That's not something that should have to be explained to a functioning adult.

You say that…and yet are a part of a group who have taken their petty politics and aimed them at trump. Also, you made up stories about pee tapes. So, what were you saying about adults again?
I was just thinking today, Trump has been indicted 91 times by Democrats abusing their power for political purposes. Many of those indictments come from Democrats running their campaigns on getting Trump. We have been hearing a lot lately about Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in a massive vote suppression scheme, which have been rejected not only by fellow Democrats but the courts as well. During all of this abuse of power to get Trump, Trump has been steadily climbing in the polls to the point where now most polls show Trump beating Biden by more than the margin of error. My point is, most of these indictments are nothing more than a pile of feces and Trump will win the vast majority of these cases, at which time the country will see Democrat's massive abuse of power to get Trump, propelling Trump to even higher numbers as these indictments, vote suppression schemes, and other abuses of power fall one by one.
Don’t count your chickens. It’s been a losing bet, ever since J6.
That’s arguable. Some would say the indictments are political. Letitia james’ lawsuits are certainly political, because she campaigned on “get trump”. Most the rest of it is political because before he even got his campaign started, members of the left in congress were vowing to impeach him.

All I’m saying is if he beats all these charges, he should sue everyone who went after him. Kinda like dominion sueing for defamation, he should make the same move.

We know ALL of this is about one thing. It’s trump hate and an attempt to get him off the ballot and disqualified. That’s all this is about. I really think that none of you on the left actually care about the legality of anything trump may have done. The whole thing is about his running for president.

You say that…and yet are a part of a group who have taken their petty politics and aimed them at trump. Also, you made up stories about pee tapes. So, what were you saying about adults again?

No it isn't. You have not a shred of evidence. There is nothing to argue.

I said your comment about the criminal indictments have merit as being arguable. Of course I don’t have evidence about your statement of the criminal indictments.

What is arguable that the indictments have merit. They are in court about that now, we will see if they have merit.

My point was, the entire thing is political. Trump has been trump all his life, it wasn’t until he became president that people started going after him, and judging by the allegations, his activities have been going on a long time, but they are just now finding out? I don’t think so.
I said your comment about the criminal indictments have merit as being arguable. Of course I don’t have evidence about your statement of the criminal indictments.

What is arguable that the indictments have merit. They are in court about that now, we will see if they have merit.

My point was, the entire thing is political. Trump has been trump all his life, it wasn’t until he became president that people started going after him, and judging by the allegations, his activities have been going on a long time, but they are just now finding out? I don’t think so.
Most of the crimes Trump did was after becoming president.
But there was civil litigation prior to Trump becoming president. First the "trump university" scam, and before that he had stiffed a golfer out of an award. Its actually hard to find, since most of the Trump litigation is Trump suing others and mostly losing.
I said your comment about the criminal indictments have merit as being arguable. Of course I don’t have evidence about your statement of the criminal indictments.

What is arguable that the indictments have merit. They are in court about that now, we will see if they have merit.

My point was, the entire thing is political. Trump has been trump all his life, it wasn’t until he became president that people started going after him, and judging by the allegations, his activities have been going on a long time, but they are just now finding out? I don’t think so.
1. The Letitia James indictment is total bullshit. Banks do due diligence before they approve any loans. Trump can estimate his property values as he wishes.

2. The Fani Willis indictment is also bullshit. Trump can challenge election results like everyone else does, such as Stacy Abrams.

3. The Smith indictment for Trump's J6 involvement is bullshit. The FBI already said there was no sedition or incitement.

4. The Smith indictment for mishandling classified documents is the most dangerous for Trump. AG Barr and Jonathan Turley said that Trump is vulnerable, but then so would Biden be, but isn't??? Selective prosecution. I remember when Sandy Berger stole classified docs in his undies and socks, and his "punishment" was losing his security clearance.

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