Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed

Sorry, but that "study" does not prove its assertion. There is clearly a legit bias in the news media in terms of story selection and placement, opinion shows, and editorialized programming.

Are you really this dense?
On what issues? Social issues? Bfd.

On fiscal matters the media is owned and controlled by 7 corporations.

The media has been taken over. 1997 media deregulation act. Look it up.
I think that you meant to say the repeal of the the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.

Nope, that's a separate event. He's referring to TelCom 96. And that wasn't the only corporate giveaway. They tried to turn the knife further a few years later and the public outcry was so unanimous -- groups as diverse as the ACLU and the NRA united in opposition -- that they backed down.

That was around the same time as Michael Powell's infamous "Mercedes Divide" quip. Powell, the appointed Chair of the FCC and living proof that talent skips a generation, answered a query about the "digital divide" (the haves and have-nots of the internets) by commenting he was concerned with the 'Mercedes Divide' -- "I'd like to have one, and I can't afford it".
i guess the OP didn't see the study that 93% of media vote lib....

I guess you didn't see that "how they vote" is irrelevant. Nice link too.

So 93% voting left is irrelevant to bias? So you say that with Fox too, right? Sure they vote Republican, but that's not bias...

Voting is not reporting. In either case. I don't know or care how Fox personnel vote. It's irrelevant.

In a related story ---- Duh.
You almost gotta laugh at the one sided argument by low information lefties. Sure republicans appear on mainstream left leaning media but you will never see a democrat appear on a Fox news show although they have a standing invite. Democrats pat themselves on the back for appearing on smarmy shows like the "View" and get softball questions but republicans have to have a set of culyones to face those angry shrews. CBS even tried treason when they produced forged documents to undermine a presidential election and now Hollywood is trying an end run around the history books with a fake drama about the incident. Two reporters from the Washington Post used an undisclosed informant that they kept secret for forty freaking years to undermine a republican over a 3rd rate burglary. Try that today against a democrat and you would never get away with it. Why do lefties continue to whine about Fox when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, PBS and CNN? They short answer is that they want it all.
Sorry, but that "study" does not prove its assertion. There is clearly a legit bias in the news media in terms of story selection and placement, opinion shows, and editorialized programming.

Are you really this dense?
On what issues? Social issues? Bfd.

On fiscal matters the media is owned and controlled by 7 corporations.

The media has been taken over. 1997 media deregulation act. Look it up.
I think that you meant to say the repeal of the the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.

Nope, that's a separate event. He's referring to TelCom 96. And that wasn't the only corporate giveaway. They tried to turn the knife further a few years later and the public outcry was so unanimous -- groups as diverse as the ACLU and the NRA united in opposition -- that they backed down.

That was around the same time as Michael Powell's infamous "Mercedes Divide" quip. Powell, the appointed Chair of the FCC and living proof that talent skips a generation, answered a query about the "digital divide" (the haves and have-nots of the internets) by commenting he was concerned with the 'Mercedes Divide' -- "I'd like to have one, and I can't afford it".
Progressives don't forget history but Republicans sure do. Hell I even forgot about Lil Powell. He picked on Howard Stern. Got him off public radio, the jerk.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
That's about the best you can ever expect from a Republican when it comes to admitting fault. If they were at fault, so were the Democrats. Everyone has to "share" the blame.

Republicans have never fucked up in the history of America. Got it.
Democrats were pushing for military action against Iraq long before Bush was president. We've been over this many times.

Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed As Study Finds Conservatives Dominate Sunday Shows

The Times tried to explain away the distribution as slightly lopsided, but that was just excuse making for a pattern of systemic corporate media conservative bias. Tim Russert is considered the gold standard among Sunday morning hosts, but during his time at Meet The Press, Republican guests outnumbered Democratic guests by a 2-1 margin.

Doesn't matter, study after study shows there is no "liberal bias" -- in fact on fiscal policy and foreign policy it's the opposite. But the Fox Newsies will still cling what their masters tell them.
Clearly unable to distinguish fact from opinion.
This thread is a failure, like all of Hazlnuts.
left-wing idiot says: "study after study................."

these are the same left-wing morons that want to cry about "confirmation bias" and in the next minute they are citing some "study" that started out with the conclusion and worked backward to "prove" it.

talk about anti-science!!

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed As Study Finds Conservatives Dominate Sunday Shows

The Times tried to explain away the distribution as slightly lopsided, but that was just excuse making for a pattern of systemic corporate media conservative bias. Tim Russert is considered the gold standard among Sunday morning hosts, but during his time at Meet The Press, Republican guests outnumbered Democratic guests by a 2-1 margin.

Doesn't matter, study after study shows there is no "liberal bias" -- in fact on fiscal policy and foreign policy it's the opposite. But the Fox Newsies will still cling what their masters tell them.

'The media' are interested in only one thing: profits, and couldn't care less about 'liberal' or 'conservative.'

The 'liberal media' myth is a contrivance of the right, the consequence of news organizations relating facts and the truth that conflict with failed conservative dogma.

Needless to say conservatives will continue to attempt to keep the myth alive, perceiving it as an article of religious faith, by propagating the lie that 'the media' are 'liberal.'
So, I guess you will be denying that there is a clear conservative bend to FOX then.

I wait your interesting response...
Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed As Study Finds Conservatives Dominate Sunday Shows

The Times tried to explain away the distribution as slightly lopsided, but that was just excuse making for a pattern of systemic corporate media conservative bias. Tim Russert is considered the gold standard among Sunday morning hosts, but during his time at Meet The Press, Republican guests outnumbered Democratic guests by a 2-1 margin.

Doesn't matter, study after study shows there is no "liberal bias" -- in fact on fiscal policy and foreign policy it's the opposite. But the Fox Newsies will still cling what their masters tell them.

'The media' are interested in only one thing: profits, and couldn't care less about 'liberal' or 'conservative.'

The 'liberal media' myth is a contrivance of the right, the consequence of news organizations relating facts and the truth that conflict with failed conservative dogma.

Needless to say conservatives will continue to attempt to keep the myth alive, perceiving it as an article of religious faith, by propagating the lie that 'the media' are 'liberal.'
So, I guess you will be denying that there is a clear conservative bend to FOX then.

I wait your interesting response...

OF COURSE there is; just less of an ideological bend then the other stations have to the left.
i can easily back that up but........................................

i wait your interesting response
Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed As Study Finds Conservatives Dominate Sunday Shows

The Times tried to explain away the distribution as slightly lopsided, but that was just excuse making for a pattern of systemic corporate media conservative bias. Tim Russert is considered the gold standard among Sunday morning hosts, but during his time at Meet The Press, Republican guests outnumbered Democratic guests by a 2-1 margin.

Doesn't matter, study after study shows there is no "liberal bias" -- in fact on fiscal policy and foreign policy it's the opposite. But the Fox Newsies will still cling what their masters tell them.
LOL now that's some funny shit right there. Anyone that watches any network with an objective mind can see the bias. But unlike OP you must not be a hack.
see how your rabid left-wing lemmings have polarized America????

Progressives ALWAYS OVEREACH!!
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
Hardly a peep out of the liberal media about dennist hastert. Compare him to Jerry sandusky. Jerry's a monster that should never go free for what he did but not nearly the same reaction for a powerful Republican. Liberal media my ass.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
Hardly a peep out of the liberal media about dennist hastert. Compare him to Jerry sandusky. Jerry's a monster that should never go free for what he did but not nearly the same reaction for a powerful Republican. Liberal media my ass.
Hardly a peep? Its being reported all over. But Hastert has been out of public life for 10 years or more. Sandusky was still employed.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
Hardly a peep out of the liberal media about dennist hastert. Compare him to Jerry sandusky. Jerry's a monster that should never go free for what he did but not nearly the same reaction for a powerful Republican. Liberal media my ass.
Hardly a peep? Its being reported all over. But Hastert has been out of public life for 10 years or more. Sandusky was still employed.
Hardly a peep. And you're right. People probably knew when he stepped down. But not a peep. But Clinton affairs were fair game. You're such sheep.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
Hardly a peep out of the liberal media about dennist hastert. Compare him to Jerry sandusky. Jerry's a monster that should never go free for what he did but not nearly the same reaction for a powerful Republican. Liberal media my ass.
Hardly a peep? Its being reported all over. But Hastert has been out of public life for 10 years or more. Sandusky was still employed.
Hardly a peep. And you're right. People probably knew when he stepped down. But not a peep. But Clinton affairs were fair game. You're such sheep.
Its beign reported all over Google and Yahoo.
Clinton was president of the united states. Hardly the same as a washed up speaker of the house who has been out of office over 10 years.
How did bush get away with lying us into Iraq if the media is liberal?
Because Bush wasn't lying, and the Democrats were saying the same thing he was. Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you would have remembered that.
Hardly a peep out of the liberal media about dennist hastert. Compare him to Jerry sandusky. Jerry's a monster that should never go free for what he did but not nearly the same reaction for a powerful Republican. Liberal media my ass.
Hardly a peep? Its being reported all over. But Hastert has been out of public life for 10 years or more. Sandusky was still employed.
Hardly a peep. And you're right. People probably knew when he stepped down. But not a peep. But Clinton affairs were fair game. You're such sheep.
Its beign reported all over Google and Yahoo.
Clinton was president of the united states. Hardly the same as a washed up speaker of the house who has been out of office over 10 years.
If he were a democrat it'd be a lot different. But we'll never know. We don't have a newt, vetter, Foley, Craig or hastert. Notice it was all these scumbag who went after Clinton? Makes us like the Clinton's.

If you hate them this much they got to be good.

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