Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

Why? What makes that retarded woman worth that much?
She has turned a $174,000 a year position into $184 million

Makes her a better business person than Trump
Really? And what business would that be? Please tell me what product she makes that you can't live without.

Pelosi releases her taxes......Trump won't
So the business that she is in that makes you wait in line to buy her awesome product is her tax returns?

Releasing your tax returns is a product the left will pay for to the tune of 125 million.

Pelosi shows her finances

Our President hides his

Then change the law, are you that helpless, just write your Congressman and cry a lot you could get the law changed.
Why? What makes that retarded woman worth that much?
She has turned a $174,000 a year position into $184 million

Makes her a better business person than Trump
Really? And what business would that be? Please tell me what product she makes that you can't live without.

Pelosi releases her taxes......Trump won't
So the business that she is in that makes you wait in line to buy her awesome product is her tax returns?

Releasing your tax returns is a product the left will pay for to the tune of 125 million.

Pelosi shows her finances

Our President hides his

Really?? Because she shows her taxes is the reason you want to give for why her net worth is so high. You really are slimy.
Why? What makes that retarded woman worth that much?
She has turned a $174,000 a year position into $184 million

Makes her a better business person than Trump
Really? And what business would that be? Please tell me what product she makes that you can't live without.

Pelosi releases her taxes......Trump won't
So the business that she is in that makes you wait in line to buy her awesome product is her tax returns?

Releasing your tax returns is a product the left will pay for to the tune of 125 million.

Pelosi shows her finances

Our President hides his
So what? I can go to a Trump resort and get exactly what I pay for. Can I do that with any Pelosi business or do I need to be a political insider for that?
Can anyone here tell me what Pelosi has done that they would be willing to send her a single dollar for? I'll take anything you can come up with. One single thing you think you would send her a dollar for. All you have to come up with is about 125 million reasons so should take no time at all.
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth
BET she showed her taxes not like the con man Drumph

Neither are obligated to show their taxes and it isn't anyone's business but theirs.
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
She has turned a $174,000 a year position into $184 million

Makes her a better business person than Trump
Really? And what business would that be? Please tell me what product she makes that you can't live without.

Pelosi releases her taxes......Trump won't
So the business that she is in that makes you wait in line to buy her awesome product is her tax returns?

Releasing your tax returns is a product the left will pay for to the tune of 125 million.

Pelosi shows her finances

Our President hides his

Then change the law, are you that helpless, just write your Congressman and cry a lot you could get the law changed.
I imagine Republicans will change the law the first time a Democrat refuses to show his taxes
I'm not sure what to make of Pelosi's net worth. Is $185 million good or bad? If I think it makes her bad should I think highly of Maxine Waters based on her being in the hole by $15,000? ( )

I don't care for either one's politics.
it's not the politics all congress persons are shielded from insider trading laws and that makes them all able to become multi-millionaires while only getting paid 175K a year

If we did the shit they did we'd all be sharing a cell in a federal prison
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth
BET she showed her taxes not like the con man Drumph

Neither are obligated to show their taxes and it isn't anyone's business but theirs.
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
BET she showed her taxes not like the con man Drumph

Neither are obligated to show their taxes and it isn't anyone's business but theirs.
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
Neither are obligated to show their taxes and it isn't anyone's business but theirs.
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
typical repub I have mine ,,,FU
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
typical repub I have mine ,,,FU

Not a republican

but hey you're free to pay extra in taxes why don't you?
There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
typical repub I have mine ,,,FU

Not a republican

but hey you're free to pay extra in taxes why don't you?
I don't have a team of CPA's looking at every angle to try to avoid what I owe You really believe trump is honest and is afraid to show his returns ?? sad very sad
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
typical repub I have mine ,,,FU

Not a republican

but hey you're free to pay extra in taxes why don't you?
I don't have a team of CPA's looking at every angle to try to avoid what I owe You really believe trump is honest and is afraid to show his returns ?? sad very sad
Isn't the bigger issue the fact a team of CPA's is necessary to navigate the tax code?
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc
Given Trumps global entanglements, it amazes me that Republicans have no interest in his potential conflicts of interest
Trumps proposed tax plan seems customer tailored to improve his and his children's finances......why would anyone be interested?
if it lets me keep more of my own money why wouldn't I be interested?
typical repub I have mine ,,,FU

Not a republican

but hey you're free to pay extra in taxes why don't you?
I don't have a team of CPA's looking at every angle to try to avoid what I owe You really believe trump is honest and is afraid to show his returns ?? sad very sad
but you don't pay more than you have to do you?

why not?
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth
BET she showed her taxes not like the con man Drumph

Neither are obligated to show their taxes and it isn't anyone's business but theirs.
IT IS the peoples business to find out whose ass they will kiss ,,if they will be making millions while president Trump is a con man that bears scrutiny Why have all presidents done so all the way back to nixon a tax cheater?

There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc

It amazes me that if this was such a crisis they would have made it a requirement years ago. You can ask all those questions of any politician, the taxes may or may not help.

I am not this way with just Trump, but of any candidate running for candidate. If it isn't required then change the law. Have you written your Congressmen about changing the law?

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