Nancy Pelosi reveals her NASTY 100-day plan for 2019

All talk, no bite. None of that will happen. None of it will get past the Senate. It is not unlike the Repubs voting to do away with ObamaCare all those years they held the House but knew the Senate would not go along.

Kabuki Theater.

This is what the American people voted for. If the Senate blocks it, then come 2020, the Dems will have all the Houses, including the White House. This Republican Party is done. The people are done with them.
ooooooo - another "the other side is dead and done" post. why? cause they don't agree with you.

i'm agosh with surprise.

people and parties get voted in and out all the time based off how things are going *today*. we simply don't think nor plan long term as the people running the country need to be good for "today" and as our mood changes, parties will change and take and give back power.

nothing is "DONE' in such a final notion. just idiots think this way and actually get angry when wrong.

go "grrr" a few times now.
Same standard should apply to registering to vote.
i mean, nothing to hide...

like i said earlier; equal micro-management of the rights. you can't pick and choose which constitutional right to destroy and which to leave alone.
No rights are being destroyed
Laws are being enforced

Do you want criminals and crazies to buy guns?

They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?
Hey dimwit..universal background checks is enormously popular among the American people and rightfully so

If so, then where is the credible effort to amend the Constitution to allow it?

As long a the Second Amendment stands, such a law would be blatantly unconstitutional. The only legitimate way for such a law to be enacted would be to first amend the Constitution to overturn the Second Amendment. If there was really anything close to the level of public support for such a law, then the effort to so amend the Constitution would be well underway, if not already completed.

There is no such effort, because nobody who is in a position to initiate the process believes that there is anywhere close to enough public support to give such an effort any plausible chance of success. Which puts the lie to any claim that there is so much public support for any policies that would require such an amendment.
biggest issue is people want to put a band aide on the problem. hang a picture over a hole in the wall and call the problem fixed.

we've become a violent country in the last decade and this is what we need to understand and fix. the tools in which we express or violence will simply change, that's all. we need to stop trying to fix other people and work on fixing ourselves.
Clearly, the answer is many more guns.
Hey dimwit..universal background checks is enormously popular among the American people and rightfully so

If so, then where is the credible effort to amend the Constitution to allow it?

As long a the Second Amendment stands, such a law would be blatantly unconstitutional. The only legitimate way for such a law to be enacted would be to first amend the Constitution to overturn the Second Amendment. If there was really anything close to the level of public support for such a law, then the effort to so amend the Constitution would be well underway, if not already completed.

There is no such effort, because nobody who is in a position to initiate the process believes that there is anywhere close to enough public support to give such an effort any plausible chance of success. Which puts the lie to any claim that there is so much public support for any policies that would require such an amendment.
biggest issue is people want to put a band aide on the problem. hang a picture over a hole in the wall and call the problem fixed.

we've become a violent country in the last decade and this is what we need to understand and fix. the tools in which we express or violence will simply change, that's all. we need to stop trying to fix other people and work on fixing ourselves.
Clearly, the answer is many more guns.
did i say that? no i don't believe i did.

i really wish people would stop telling me how i feel then expecting me to take up their points as if i my own.
i mean, nothing to hide...

like i said earlier; equal micro-management of the rights. you can't pick and choose which constitutional right to destroy and which to leave alone.
No rights are being destroyed
Laws are being enforced

Do you want criminals and crazies to buy guns?

They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

Those of us on the right realize Democrats are born liars and sleaze. This is just the first step of many to disarm America. Therefore, Republicans should come to one of two agreements with the Democrats:

Republicans will sign on to universal background checks with the exception the law will become null and void if we have another mass shooting. Or......

The Republicans will sign on to the bill if Democrats make a Contract with America this is the last and final anti-gun legalization they will ever create or pass.

Watch how fast they back down on this idiotic legalization. Because those of us not brainwashed understand that Democrats know fully well this background check won't stop one mass shooting, one murder, one suicide no matter what they tell the sheep.
Hey dimwit..universal background checks is enormously popular among the American people and rightfully so

If so, then where is the credible effort to amend the Constitution to allow it?

As long a the Second Amendment stands, such a law would be blatantly unconstitutional. The only legitimate way for such a law to be enacted would be to first amend the Constitution to overturn the Second Amendment. If there was really anything close to the level of public support for such a law, then the effort to so amend the Constitution would be well underway, if not already completed.

There is no such effort, because nobody who is in a position to initiate the process believes that there is anywhere close to enough public support to give such an effort any plausible chance of success. Which puts the lie to any claim that there is so much public support for any policies that would require such an amendment.
biggest issue is people want to put a band aide on the problem. hang a picture over a hole in the wall and call the problem fixed.

we've become a violent country in the last decade and this is what we need to understand and fix. the tools in which we express or violence will simply change, that's all. we need to stop trying to fix other people and work on fixing ourselves.

Actually until Ferguson, we've become a less violent country the last decade. It's just that the sensationalism by the media makes it look the exact opposite. So what we've been doing the last decade (more guns, every state have a CCW program, more laws in favor of the victim instead of the criminal) seems to be working just fine.
No rights are being destroyed
Laws are being enforced

Do you want criminals and crazies to buy guns?

They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

Those of us on the right realize Democrats are born liars and sleaze. This is just the first step of many to disarm America. Therefore, Republicans should come to one of two agreements with the Democrats:

Republicans will sign on to universal background checks with the exception the law will become null and void if we have another mass shooting. Or......

The Republicans will sign on to the bill if Democrats make a Contract with America this is the last and final anti-gun legalization they will ever create or pass.

Watch how fast they back down on this idiotic legalization. Because those of us not brainwashed understand that Democrats know fully well this background check won't stop one mass shooting, one murder, one suicide no matter what they tell the sheep.

Thanks Rushbo. We really appreciate your insight (that's sarcasm in case you couldn't figure it out)
They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

Those of us on the right realize Democrats are born liars and sleaze. This is just the first step of many to disarm America. Therefore, Republicans should come to one of two agreements with the Democrats:

Republicans will sign on to universal background checks with the exception the law will become null and void if we have another mass shooting. Or......

The Republicans will sign on to the bill if Democrats make a Contract with America this is the last and final anti-gun legalization they will ever create or pass.

Watch how fast they back down on this idiotic legalization. Because those of us not brainwashed understand that Democrats know fully well this background check won't stop one mass shooting, one murder, one suicide no matter what they tell the sheep.

Thanks Rushbo. We really appreciate your insight (that's sarcasm in case you couldn't figure it out)
lord dude. were you a dick in a previous life also?
i mean, nothing to hide...

like i said earlier; equal micro-management of the rights. you can't pick and choose which constitutional right to destroy and which to leave alone.
No rights are being destroyed
Laws are being enforced

Do you want criminals and crazies to buy guns?

They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

I've bought guns privately with bill of sale. There is no need to make a private sale of private property illegal. I have no objection to background checks when manufacturers and retaliers are selling arms. The check is already there in the form 4473.
No rights are being destroyed
Laws are being enforced

Do you want criminals and crazies to buy guns?

They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

I've bought guns privately with bill of sale. There is no need to make a private sale of private property illegal. I have no objection to background checks when manufacturers and retaliers are selling arms. The check is already there in the form 4473.
WHichyou did NOT fill out for those private sales

A Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473, is a form promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States Department of Justice that is filled out when a person purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (such as a gun shop).[1]
They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

I've bought guns privately with bill of sale. There is no need to make a private sale of private property illegal. I have no objection to background checks when manufacturers and retaliers are selling arms. The check is already there in the form 4473.
WHichyou did NOT fill out for those private sales

A Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473, is a form promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States Department of Justice that is filled out when a person purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (such as a gun shop).[1]

Doesn't matter. I have a bill of sale. Only a moron would do a private sell without a bill of sale. If I don't perform due diligence and proceed to sell a gun without performing my own check, transfer, bill of sale, I am liable if that person commits a crime with that gun. Exactly the same with a retailer. Im not surprised that you cant comprehend that.
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They usually obtain guns illegally. Law abiding citizens don't mind a background check. One is already in place.
Good to hear

So you have no problem with background checks on all sales

We already have background checks on sales, 4473, FFLs, trusts. No, I dont have a problem.
So you have no objection to background checks on all sales including private sales?

Those of us on the right realize Democrats are born liars and sleaze. This is just the first step of many to disarm America. Therefore, Republicans should come to one of two agreements with the Democrats:

Republicans will sign on to universal background checks with the exception the law will become null and void if we have another mass shooting. Or......

The Republicans will sign on to the bill if Democrats make a Contract with America this is the last and final anti-gun legalization they will ever create or pass.

Watch how fast they back down on this idiotic legalization. Because those of us not brainwashed understand that Democrats know fully well this background check won't stop one mass shooting, one murder, one suicide no matter what they tell the sheep.

Thanks Rushbo. We really appreciate your insight (that's sarcasm in case you couldn't figure it out)

And we appreciate your knowledge and superior intellect (that's sarcasm in case you couldn't figure it out).


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