Nanny from hell.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.
Sorry. Forgot to add the link.

Short story is....couple hires crone to be a nanny and help around the house in exchange for free room and board. Crone decides she doesn't want to work any more so they fire her. She refuses to move. Now both parties have lawyers and crone is still there. Crone has a history of suing people, too. 20 cases and more were found.
AND...couple are idiots because they TOLD her to move. All they had to do was give her a 30 day notice. DUH.
There are two sides to the story. I don't know - maybe the family did treat her poorly and she is giving them a taste of their own medicine. Who hires a nanny off Craigslist, anyway?
Sorry. Forgot to add the link.

Short story is....couple hires crone to be a nanny and help around the house in exchange for free room and board. Crone decides she doesn't want to work any more so they fire her. She refuses to move. Now both parties have lawyers and crone is still there. Crone has a history of suing people, too. 20 cases and more were found.

I didn't read that bit about her suing before. If the couple want her to leave, kick her out. Screw the law.
Exactly. If it was me, I would have taken her by the seat of her pants and ran her out of the house, then tossed her crap after her.

In all the years I have been in property management AND renting rooms, I have had ONE person try that crap of "make me". All I said was "do you REALLY wanna play this game? Really? Think hard because if you and your shit is not gone by blah blah o'clock on such a such day, I will remove you myself and fuck the law". I also gave them a 30 notice. So why this tard couple didn't give her a written 30 day notice boggles my mind.
I think they are going to have to take it to court and the court will realize how the 'nanny' is taking advantage of the law and make her vacate the premises.

The lesson here is to not be a cheapskate when it comes to hiring someone to take care of your kids; also, people need to do a background check on anyone they hire to be a nanny and/or housekeeper. No one should invite someone to live in their home unless they have first done a thorough background check on that person. Hopefully, these parents will have learned their lesson, albeit the hard way.
Anyway..the thing is...the couple are idiots and the crone is a bitch, but the ones paying for all this drama are the kids. They are scared to death the old bat is going to hurt them. So why the crone does not leave is not surprising...this is what she does. She finds a weak spot, then sues. Then moves on to the next schmuck.
big yawn...nannies and shit? i mean

no Gracie no...this is too much! even for you!
So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.
I'd shag her.
kissy poo LOL :lol:

nite nite angel of Grace!

sleep well!
So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.

Responsible people take care of their own kids. I would not be in that situation.

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